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This is a comprehensive collection of useful links, guides, builds, resources, tools etc. for Diablo 2 and Diablo 2 Resurrected. It also serves as a summary of the most insightful posts/topics here on the forum that we think are of value to any Diablo 2 player. If you want a link added to the list, please just reply to this topic with your suggestion and it'll get added.
D2R Patch Notes
2.7 update patch notes

2.7 Patch Notes - Minor update before Ladder S4
2.6 Patch Notes - New runewords and Set upgrade recipes
All Changes in Diablo 2 Resurrected - Update 12/16: Patch 2.4 - New Runewords + Skill & Mercenary Balancing!
Original 2.4 Patch Notes in full - (Published 21st January 2022)
Updated 2.4 Patch Notes Changes - (Published 3rd February 2022)
Patch 2.4 Now Live - Patch 2.4 notes (published fourteenth April 2022).
Patch 2.4.3. Coming Soon - Patch 2.4.3. notes (Live June 29)
Top 10 D2io Guides
Top 10 D2io Topics
1. Dropped My Grief, Stolen. My farewell to online Bnet - by Bryght
2. NEW Patch 2.4 Dev interview summary - by Teebling (admin)
3. Create your own unique items! - by Krythic
4. Project: Free Rush - Sign-up to get or give Free Rushes Normal through Hell!
5. i farmed 2 fucking week for this shit looking enigma - by hugo544264
6. 10 Scams in Diablo 2 Resurrected & how to avoid them - by MrLlamaSC
7. How Many El Runes to Zod Maths - by Banjo
8. Project 500 Cow Runs - by Pasadei
9. Useless Diablo 2 Trivia - by SuperIllu
10. The Perfect Amount of FCR? - by BillyMaysed
Top Diablo 2 External Resources
More D2io Guides by members

Trade Value Guide - Runes, Torches, Bases, Keys, Charms, Jewels, Unique, Set & Magic Items
Rune Worth - Rune price guide by Morphin.
Torch Sales - Beginner guide for torch sales by Sober2085.
Sales Tips for Trading on D2io - by Hoost07


Price Check Lists - Price checking lists.
Top 50 most sold items - A toplist compiled after six months of trading
Top 50 most liquid items - A toplist compiled after six months of trading


DiabloDex - Trading website / app for Diablo 2 Resurrected.
Item Info
Rare Rings Guide for Ladder - by Warth3ory
Paladin Shield automods - Paladin Shield automods reference table by Krythic.
Sorceress Orb automods - Sorceress Orb automods reference table by Krythic.
Crafted Items & Recipes - Table index of all crafted quality items and their recipes, organised by type - by Teebling
Zax's Item Finding Guide
Affixes - List of all item affixes that can spawn in Diablo II.
Affix Database - Huge database of all affixes on items with ability to sort for specific ones.
Treasure Classes - All item types in the game organized into treasure classes.
Sockets - Everything you need to know about socketed items.
A Guide to the Basic Terms of Item Generation - An explanation and definition of how items are 'generated' when they drop by Khegan.
Crafting Handbook - The perfect guide for crafting.
Imbue Guide - A guide to imbuing items.
Item Appearance
Armor Appearance - Diablo 2 Resurrected armor appearance guide. (Old Version Here)
Sorceress's Appearance - The Sorceress's new appearance in all armors.
Barbarian's Appearance - The Barbarian's new appearance in all armors.
Amazon's Appearance - The Amazon's new appearance in all armors.
Assassin's Appearance - The Assassin's new appearance in all armors.
Paladin's Appearance - The Paladin's new appearance in all armors.
Necromancer's Appearance - The Necromancer's new appearance in all armors.
Druid's Appearance - The Druid's new appearance in all armors.
Shopping & Gambling
Claw shopping guide - Guide to efficiently shop vendor claws in Diablo 2 by BMAY.
Shopping guide - Complete overview guide to shopping in Diablo 2 by Hastmannen.
Gambling guide - Complete overview guide to gambling in Diablo 2 by Hastmannen.
Character builds

Tier Lists - Build tier lists.
Beginner's Guide - Beginner's guide to character build selection.
Strategy guides - Strategy guides for character builds and game situations.
Build guides - Strategies, builds, and guides.
Build Efficiency 101 - Build efficiency guide.


Paladin Information Compendium & Calculators - A comprehensive spreadsheet for Paladins by Ladeuxiemedimension
The Sheriff Uber Smiter - No Life Tap Uber Smiter build by HungryColquhoun.
The Hot-headed Principal - Holy Fire auto-Holy Bolt Zealot solo self-found build by HungryColquhoun.
Budget Smiter - Paulious91's budget Smiter guide.


Untwinked Hardcore Fury Druid - Untwinked hardcore fury druid guide.
Summon Druid - 2.4 Summon Druid Guide by tmGrunty.
Magic Find Druid - Magic find druid guide by Zax.


Gold Find / Magic Find Barbarian - A guide to gold find / magic find Barbarian by Hastmannen.
MF Concentrate Barbarian - Guide to playing a Magic Find Concentrate Barbarian by LuckyAce.
Throwing With the Elements - Guide to an Elemental Throw Barbarian by LuckyAce.
Whirlwind Barbarian - In depth Whirlwind Barbarian guide.
Frenzy Barbarian - The 100% game-clearing Frenzy barbarian.
Tyson Gold find Barbarian - HK21's gold find Barbarian guide.
The Gavel Demon: Reimagining Goldfind Barbarians - Exokek's gold find Barbarian guide.


Riftsin Guide: A Thousand Points of Fight - Riftsin assassin guide.
Whirlwind Blade Sin - PvM Whirlwind Blade Sin Guide.
Tiger Tail Assassin - Martial Arts Tiger Tail Assassin guide.
Phoenix Sin - Martial Arts Phoenix Sin guide.
Blade Fury - Blade Fury Sin (Blade Sin) guide.


Guide to defensive Javazon cowing - A counter-leech strategy for bnet cow games


Blizzballer Sorceress - Blizzballer reference sheet by JBL.
Softcore Meteor-Orb Sorceress - Softcore Meteor-Orb sorceress guide.
Hardcore Frozen Orb - Hardcore Frozen Orb blind-teleporting magic find sorceress guide.
Hardcore Magic Find Sorceress - Magic find Sorceress guide suitable for Hardcore.

D2R Modding Tutorial - By Darbon


D2R Modding - Modding resource center with guides, info, releases and more.
The Phrozen Keep - Diablo 2 mod making central.
Nexusmods - Platform for people around the world to share their mods and tools.
Moddb - The world's oldest video game modification community.



Rare item Calculator - by coolshoeshine
Jewelery Price Checker - Calculate the value of rings and amulets.
Affix Calculator - Item Affix Calculator.
Weapon Upgrade Calculator - Calculate weapon upgrade damage.
Armour Upgrade Calculator - Calculate armour upgrade defense.
Shopping Calculator - Calculations for vendor item shopping.


Defense Calculator - Calculate the defense of any ingame armor.
Blocking Calculator - Peterpaulruben's blocking calculator.
Faster Run/Walk - Peterpaulruben's Faster Run/Walk calculator.
Weapon Damage - Peterpaulruben's Weapon Damage calculator.
Attack Rating - Peterpaulruben's attack rating calculator.
Experience Calculator - Calculate the experience you gain in any possible scenario.
MF calculator - Mork's magic find calculator.


Skill Calculator - Wowheads skill calculator.
Skill Calculator - Icy Veins skill calculator.
Skill Calculator - Character Skill, Stat and Gear Planner.


New in 2023 - Super Unique Drop Calculator - by Th3ory and Shadow, allows for proper TC to be determined.
Drop Calculator - Blizzhackers drop calculator.
Drop Calculator - Rainingchain's drop calculator.
Drop Calculator - Silospen's drop calculator.
Drop Calculator - Drop calculator by Tub.
Drop Calculator - Maxroll's drop calculator.

Attack Speed

Trap Laying Speed - Assassin trap laying speed calculator (D2R).
Attack Speed Calculator - TitanSeal's Hacked Version attack speed calculator.
Attack Speed Calculator - Calculate attack speed needed to reach breakpoints.
Attack Speed Calculator - Attack speed calculator by Warren1001.
Attack Speed Calculator - TitanSeal's attack speed calculator.
Wereform IAS Calculator - Calculate Increased Attack Speed for Wereform.
IAS Calculator - D2Anya's attack speed calculator.


Kick Damage Calculator - Assassin's Kick Damage Calculator.
Damage Calculator - Kerygma's comprehensive damage quotient.


Runeword Calculator - Calculate which runewords you can make.
Runeword Calculator - PureDiablo's runeword calculator.
Runeword & Gem Calculator - Jeremy's runeword & gem calculator.
Runeword Calculator & Filter - Runeword calculator/search/filter tool by acien.


Rune Calculator - Calculate how many runes required to upgrade to your target.
Rune Value Calculator - Mork's Rune value calculator.

Hireling & Minions

Necro Pet Calculator - Calculate necromancer skeleton stats.
Hireling Calculator - Calculate hireling stats.
Druid Pet Calculator - Calculate druid pet stats.


Diablo 2 Calculators - Planetdiablo's Diablo 2 calculators.

Skill planner - D2planner's open-source skill planner.
Portal - BetweenWalls open-source character planner.
D2planner - Maxroll's character planner.

Paladin - Griswold's Set Smiterdin - Last WR Uber Speed Run - Budget Uber Smiterdin - Hi-Benefit/Cost Uber smiterdin - Classic Hammerdin

Assassin - Classic Riftsin - Natalya's Set Trapsin - Ultimate Trapsin dmg Build - Hoto Trapsin Best dmg non C/C Build - World record Speed Run Ubersin

Info Websites
Diablowiki - A great resource for everyone.
The Amazon Basin - Great place for Diablo II information.
The Arreat Summit - Strategy guide for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.
PureDiablo - Diablo 2 resurrected information and guides.
The Tankazon Resource - Game guide for Diablo II Lords of Destruction.
Maxroll - Diablo guides, tools and resources.
D2Cube - Interactive and inquiry-based resource for item info, recipes and more.
Icy Veins - Builds, guides, and news for Diablo 2 Resurrected.
D2R Runewords - Useful info like uniques, breakpoints and farming areas.
PlanetDiablo - Great German source for D2R info and tools.
Diabloii - Good old Diablo forum from 1997.
All Runewords - Filter and search all Diablo 2 Resurrected Runewords
Runewords Cheat Sheet - All the Runewords and Runes listed in order by level requirement
Runewords - Diablo 2 Runeword filterable spreadsheet
Runewizard - Quickly find out what runewords you can make with the runes you have found.
D2 Runewizard - a small app to help with finding runewords.
Rune Tracker - another app for tracking which Runewords can be built.
Suggested Base Items - Community suggested base items for runewords.
Rune Finding
Gripphon's rune finding guide - Areas for rune finding, expectations, tests and build choices.
Rune calculator - Diablo 2 rune calculator sheet by Luhkoh.
Rune Hunting - Everything you need to know about rune hunting.
High Rune Drop Rates - Comprehensive guide to high rune drop rates.
Obtaining High Runes - A comprehensive guide to obtaining high runes in D2R.
High Rune Farming Guide - This guide compare the seven most efficient methods for finding High Runes.
Map Reading - How to path through maps the fastest way, by Rain.
Path-finding - cover most aspects of orientation in Diablo 2.
How to speed-run - A guide that will teach you how to speedrun Diablo II.
Speed-run guides - Knowledge about the game important to speedrun.
Barbarian Speedrun - Blazer’s Hell Barbarian Speedrun Guide.
Speedrun Plan - Reset day Speedrun spreadsheet.
Speedrun Builds - Speedrun build sheet.
Speedrun- Leaderboards, resources, forums and more, for speedrunning.
Player Versus Player

PvP Guide - Player vs player builds & strategy guides.
Low Level Duelling - Low level duelling builds & item guides.
Mid Level Duelling - Mid level duelling builds & item guides.
FPK Guides - Toeshank's 4v4 team duelling league guides.
Introduction to PvP - Game mechanics, class choice, build strength, resources, and communities.
Crafting Handbook - Low level duelling & mid level duelling recipes.


LLD 101 - Low level dueling community discord.
D2 Arena - High level PvP community discord.


Pvp Videos - Good manner PvP rules & PvP videos.
Progression & Endgame
Guide to Rushing - Korialstraz's guide to fast and efficient rushing.
Endgame Details Breakdown - Quick run-down of all the things that would be considered Diablo 2 "Endgame".
Level up guide - Shows which area/difficulty level produce the maximum experience.
Blokd2 Build guides, leveling guides, ubers guide and more by Blockinlick.
Hardcore Challenge - Single player hardcore leveling guide and builds.
Finding What You Need in Diablo II - Guide to get the items you want in the least amount of time possible.
Pandemonium Event - Full explanation of the Pandemonium Event by Stormlash.
Items to pick up whilst levelling - Items to pick up whilst levelling by Arkkivuohi.
Reliable barb guard - Focus on getting past the mid nightmare difficulty bump for starting ladder.
Gheed's Gambit - Random playthrough tool by Aodhagan.
Game Mechanics
Breakpoints 101 - A guide to breakpoints by Stormlash.
Regular, Special and Sparkly Chests - Super and Sparkly Chest Reference.
Act 2 merc IAS table - Best darn Act 2 merc IAS table period.
Assassin IAS table - Assassin increased attack speed tables.
Experience - Experience chart by Makeshiftmule.
Magic find - Covers every aspect of magic find gameplay.
Basic - Great information on game mechanics.
FAQtoids - This is a very in depth Diablo2 mechanics site in German and English.
Resistances & Immunity - Area & monster resistances & Immunity sheets.
Cheat sheets
Diablo 2 Cheat Sheet - Amazing cheat sheet by Michaelangel007.
Quick Reference Sheet - Reference Sheet for Runewords, Breakpoints, Cubing etc.
D2R Guide - Quick-reference cheat sheet for D2:R with area hints, runewords, most-used cube recipes, breakpoints, and more.
Rune List & Upgrade Cheat Sheet - All Runes, Their Effects & Cube Upgrade Recipes.
Diablo 2 Compendium - Diablo 2 cheat sheet by Flesh-Parade.
DiabloInfo - Diablo Info sheet.
Runeword Explorer - Runeword, runes, uniques cheatsheet.
Character info - Character info summary.
Mercenaries - Mercenary guide by Krythic.
Non-player character - All Diablo 2 Resurrected NPCs.
Melee Simulator - Melee battle simulator & wereform weapon damage.
Drop Simulator - Boss quest and monster drop simulator.
Tome of D2 - Everything you need to know about Diablo 2.
Drop simulator - Diablo 2 / D2R boss quest drop simulator.
ATMA - Organize and categorize your Diablo II characters, mules and items.
Accessibility Tool - Diablo 2 accessibility tool that modernize your controls.
Magic Find Run Counter - Magic Find run counter for Diablo 2 created by oskros.
Holy Grail Tracker - Holy Grail collectable tracker by Nasicus.
Collection Manager - This tool is a collection manager for all of your single-player items.
Run Counter - Simple Diablo 2 run counter to keep track of drops.
GoMule - Store and transfer items between Single Player characters.
Item Tracker - Item manager tool for Diablo 2 resurrected.
D2 Save Editor - Dschu's save editor tool for Diablo 2.
NPC Dialogues index - assembled by Fellowship. All gossip and dialogue transcribed.
Abbreviations and Acronyms - List of abbreviations and acronyms related to Diablo I and Diablo II.
Glossary - List of all terms, slang, and acronyms used when discussing or playing Diablo II.
Resurrected FAQ - Everything we know so far about Diablo 2 Resurrected.
The Hardcore FAQ - Collection of FAQ's mainly aimed at assisting first-time Hardcore players.
Faqtoids D2 - An old school FAQ page for D2 with lots of great info
Description by Teebling

Can be used to make Runewords:

User avatar

BillyMaysed 2275Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
This is a comprehensive collection of useful links, guides, builds, resources, tools etc. for Diablo 2 and Diablo 2 Resurrected. It also serves as a summary of the most insightful posts/topics here on the forum that we think are of value to any Diablo 2 player. If you want a link added to the list, please just reply to this topic with your suggestion and it'll get added.
D2R Patch Notes
2.7 update patch notes

2.7 Patch Notes - Minor update before Ladder S4
2.6 Patch Notes - New runewords and Set upgrade recipes
All Changes in Diablo 2 Resurrected - Update 12/16: Patch 2.4 - New Runewords + Skill & Mercenary Balancing!
Original 2.4 Patch Notes in full - (Published 21st January 2022)
Updated 2.4 Patch Notes Changes - (Published 3rd February 2022)
Patch 2.4 Now Live - Patch 2.4 notes (published fourteenth April 2022).
Patch 2.4.3. Coming Soon - Patch 2.4.3. notes (Live June 29)
Top 10 D2io Guides
Top 10 D2io Topics
1. Dropped My Grief, Stolen. My farewell to online Bnet - by Bryght
2. NEW Patch 2.4 Dev interview summary - by Teebling (admin)
3. Create your own unique items! - by Krythic
4. Project: Free Rush - Sign-up to get or give Free Rushes Normal through Hell!
5. i farmed 2 fucking week for this shit looking enigma - by hugo544264
6. 10 Scams in Diablo 2 Resurrected & how to avoid them - by MrLlamaSC
7. How Many El Runes to Zod Maths - by Banjo
8. Project 500 Cow Runs - by Pasadei
9. Useless Diablo 2 Trivia - by SuperIllu
10. The Perfect Amount of FCR? - by BillyMaysed
Top Diablo 2 External Resources
More D2io Guides by members

Trade Value Guide - Runes, Torches, Bases, Keys, Charms, Jewels, Unique, Set & Magic Items
Rune Worth - Rune price guide by Morphin.
Torch Sales - Beginner guide for torch sales by Sober2085.
Sales Tips for Trading on D2io - by Hoost07


Price Check Lists - Price checking lists.
Top 50 most sold items - A toplist compiled after six months of trading
Top 50 most liquid items - A toplist compiled after six months of trading


DiabloDex - Trading website / app for Diablo 2 Resurrected.
Item Info
Rare Rings Guide for Ladder - by Warth3ory
Paladin Shield automods - Paladin Shield automods reference table by Krythic.
Sorceress Orb automods - Sorceress Orb automods reference table by Krythic.
Crafted Items & Recipes - Table index of all crafted quality items and their recipes, organised by type - by Teebling
Zax's Item Finding Guide
Affixes - List of all item affixes that can spawn in Diablo II.
Affix Database - Huge database of all affixes on items with ability to sort for specific ones.
Treasure Classes - All item types in the game organized into treasure classes.
Sockets - Everything you need to know about socketed items.
A Guide to the Basic Terms of Item Generation - An explanation and definition of how items are 'generated' when they drop by Khegan.
Crafting Handbook - The perfect guide for crafting.
Imbue Guide - A guide to imbuing items.
Item Appearance
Armor Appearance - Diablo 2 Resurrected armor appearance guide. (Old Version Here)
Sorceress's Appearance - The Sorceress's new appearance in all armors.
Barbarian's Appearance - The Barbarian's new appearance in all armors.
Amazon's Appearance - The Amazon's new appearance in all armors.
Assassin's Appearance - The Assassin's new appearance in all armors.
Paladin's Appearance - The Paladin's new appearance in all armors.
Necromancer's Appearance - The Necromancer's new appearance in all armors.
Druid's Appearance - The Druid's new appearance in all armors.
Shopping & Gambling
Claw shopping guide - Guide to efficiently shop vendor claws in Diablo 2 by BMAY.
Shopping guide - Complete overview guide to shopping in Diablo 2 by Hastmannen.
Gambling guide - Complete overview guide to gambling in Diablo 2 by Hastmannen.
Character builds

Tier Lists - Build tier lists.
Beginner's Guide - Beginner's guide to character build selection.
Strategy guides - Strategy guides for character builds and game situations.
Build guides - Strategies, builds, and guides.
Build Efficiency 101 - Build efficiency guide.


Paladin Information Compendium & Calculators - A comprehensive spreadsheet for Paladins by Ladeuxiemedimension
The Sheriff Uber Smiter - No Life Tap Uber Smiter build by HungryColquhoun.
The Hot-headed Principal - Holy Fire auto-Holy Bolt Zealot solo self-found build by HungryColquhoun.
Budget Smiter - Paulious91's budget Smiter guide.


Untwinked Hardcore Fury Druid - Untwinked hardcore fury druid guide.
Summon Druid - 2.4 Summon Druid Guide by tmGrunty.
Magic Find Druid - Magic find druid guide by Zax.


Gold Find / Magic Find Barbarian - A guide to gold find / magic find Barbarian by Hastmannen.
MF Concentrate Barbarian - Guide to playing a Magic Find Concentrate Barbarian by LuckyAce.
Throwing With the Elements - Guide to an Elemental Throw Barbarian by LuckyAce.
Whirlwind Barbarian - In depth Whirlwind Barbarian guide.
Frenzy Barbarian - The 100% game-clearing Frenzy barbarian.
Tyson Gold find Barbarian - HK21's gold find Barbarian guide.
The Gavel Demon: Reimagining Goldfind Barbarians - Exokek's gold find Barbarian guide.


Riftsin Guide: A Thousand Points of Fight - Riftsin assassin guide.
Whirlwind Blade Sin - PvM Whirlwind Blade Sin Guide.
Tiger Tail Assassin - Martial Arts Tiger Tail Assassin guide.
Phoenix Sin - Martial Arts Phoenix Sin guide.
Blade Fury - Blade Fury Sin (Blade Sin) guide.


Guide to defensive Javazon cowing - A counter-leech strategy for bnet cow games


Blizzballer Sorceress - Blizzballer reference sheet by JBL.
Softcore Meteor-Orb Sorceress - Softcore Meteor-Orb sorceress guide.
Hardcore Frozen Orb - Hardcore Frozen Orb blind-teleporting magic find sorceress guide.
Hardcore Magic Find Sorceress - Magic find Sorceress guide suitable for Hardcore.

D2R Modding Tutorial - By Darbon


D2R Modding - Modding resource center with guides, info, releases and more.
The Phrozen Keep - Diablo 2 mod making central.
Nexusmods - Platform for people around the world to share their mods and tools.
Moddb - The world's oldest video game modification community.



Rare item Calculator - by coolshoeshine
Jewelery Price Checker - Calculate the value of rings and amulets.
Affix Calculator - Item Affix Calculator.
Weapon Upgrade Calculator - Calculate weapon upgrade damage.
Armour Upgrade Calculator - Calculate armour upgrade defense.
Shopping Calculator - Calculations for vendor item shopping.


Defense Calculator - Calculate the defense of any ingame armor.
Blocking Calculator - Peterpaulruben's blocking calculator.
Faster Run/Walk - Peterpaulruben's Faster Run/Walk calculator.
Weapon Damage - Peterpaulruben's Weapon Damage calculator.
Attack Rating - Peterpaulruben's attack rating calculator.
Experience Calculator - Calculate the experience you gain in any possible scenario.
MF calculator - Mork's magic find calculator.


Skill Calculator - Wowheads skill calculator.
Skill Calculator - Icy Veins skill calculator.
Skill Calculator - Character Skill, Stat and Gear Planner.


New in 2023 - Super Unique Drop Calculator - by Th3ory and Shadow, allows for proper TC to be determined.
Drop Calculator - Blizzhackers drop calculator.
Drop Calculator - Rainingchain's drop calculator.
Drop Calculator - Silospen's drop calculator.
Drop Calculator - Drop calculator by Tub.
Drop Calculator - Maxroll's drop calculator.

Attack Speed

Trap Laying Speed - Assassin trap laying speed calculator (D2R).
Attack Speed Calculator - TitanSeal's Hacked Version attack speed calculator.
Attack Speed Calculator - Calculate attack speed needed to reach breakpoints.
Attack Speed Calculator - Attack speed calculator by Warren1001.
Attack Speed Calculator - TitanSeal's attack speed calculator.
Wereform IAS Calculator - Calculate Increased Attack Speed for Wereform.
IAS Calculator - D2Anya's attack speed calculator.


Kick Damage Calculator - Assassin's Kick Damage Calculator.
Damage Calculator - Kerygma's comprehensive damage quotient.


Runeword Calculator - Calculate which runewords you can make.
Runeword Calculator - PureDiablo's runeword calculator.
Runeword & Gem Calculator - Jeremy's runeword & gem calculator.
Runeword Calculator & Filter - Runeword calculator/search/filter tool by acien.


Rune Calculator - Calculate how many runes required to upgrade to your target.
Rune Value Calculator - Mork's Rune value calculator.

Hireling & Minions

Necro Pet Calculator - Calculate necromancer skeleton stats.
Hireling Calculator - Calculate hireling stats.
Druid Pet Calculator - Calculate druid pet stats.


Diablo 2 Calculators - Planetdiablo's Diablo 2 calculators.

Skill planner - D2planner's open-source skill planner.
Portal - BetweenWalls open-source character planner.
D2planner - Maxroll's character planner.

Paladin - Griswold's Set Smiterdin - Last WR Uber Speed Run - Budget Uber Smiterdin - Hi-Benefit/Cost Uber smiterdin - Classic Hammerdin

Assassin - Classic Riftsin - Natalya's Set Trapsin - Ultimate Trapsin dmg Build - Hoto Trapsin Best dmg non C/C Build - World record Speed Run Ubersin

Info Websites
Diablowiki - A great resource for everyone.
The Amazon Basin - Great place for Diablo II information.
The Arreat Summit - Strategy guide for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.
PureDiablo - Diablo 2 resurrected information and guides.
The Tankazon Resource - Game guide for Diablo II Lords of Destruction.
Maxroll - Diablo guides, tools and resources.
D2Cube - Interactive and inquiry-based resource for item info, recipes and more.
Icy Veins - Builds, guides, and news for Diablo 2 Resurrected.
D2R Runewords - Useful info like uniques, breakpoints and farming areas.
PlanetDiablo - Great German source for D2R info and tools.
Diabloii - Good old Diablo forum from 1997.
All Runewords - Filter and search all Diablo 2 Resurrected Runewords
Runewords Cheat Sheet - All the Runewords and Runes listed in order by level requirement
Runewords - Diablo 2 Runeword filterable spreadsheet
Runewizard - Quickly find out what runewords you can make with the runes you have found.
D2 Runewizard - a small app to help with finding runewords.
Rune Tracker - another app for tracking which Runewords can be built.
Suggested Base Items - Community suggested base items for runewords.
Rune Finding
Gripphon's rune finding guide - Areas for rune finding, expectations, tests and build choices.
Rune calculator - Diablo 2 rune calculator sheet by Luhkoh.
Rune Hunting - Everything you need to know about rune hunting.
High Rune Drop Rates - Comprehensive guide to high rune drop rates.
Obtaining High Runes - A comprehensive guide to obtaining high runes in D2R.
High Rune Farming Guide - This guide compare the seven most efficient methods for finding High Runes.
Map Reading - How to path through maps the fastest way, by Rain.
Path-finding - cover most aspects of orientation in Diablo 2.
How to speed-run - A guide that will teach you how to speedrun Diablo II.
Speed-run guides - Knowledge about the game important to speedrun.
Barbarian Speedrun - Blazer’s Hell Barbarian Speedrun Guide.
Speedrun Plan - Reset day Speedrun spreadsheet.
Speedrun Builds - Speedrun build sheet.
Speedrun- Leaderboards, resources, forums and more, for speedrunning.
Player Versus Player

PvP Guide - Player vs player builds & strategy guides.
Low Level Duelling - Low level duelling builds & item guides.
Mid Level Duelling - Mid level duelling builds & item guides.
FPK Guides - Toeshank's 4v4 team duelling league guides.
Introduction to PvP - Game mechanics, class choice, build strength, resources, and communities.
Crafting Handbook - Low level duelling & mid level duelling recipes.


LLD 101 - Low level dueling community discord.
D2 Arena - High level PvP community discord.


Pvp Videos - Good manner PvP rules & PvP videos.
Progression & Endgame
Guide to Rushing - Korialstraz's guide to fast and efficient rushing.
Endgame Details Breakdown - Quick run-down of all the things that would be considered Diablo 2 "Endgame".
Level up guide - Shows which area/difficulty level produce the maximum experience.
Blokd2 Build guides, leveling guides, ubers guide and more by Blockinlick.
Hardcore Challenge - Single player hardcore leveling guide and builds.
Finding What You Need in Diablo II - Guide to get the items you want in the least amount of time possible.
Pandemonium Event - Full explanation of the Pandemonium Event by Stormlash.
Items to pick up whilst levelling - Items to pick up whilst levelling by Arkkivuohi.
Reliable barb guard - Focus on getting past the mid nightmare difficulty bump for starting ladder.
Gheed's Gambit - Random playthrough tool by Aodhagan.
Game Mechanics
Breakpoints 101 - A guide to breakpoints by Stormlash.
Regular, Special and Sparkly Chests - Super and Sparkly Chest Reference.
Act 2 merc IAS table - Best darn Act 2 merc IAS table period.
Assassin IAS table - Assassin increased attack speed tables.
Experience - Experience chart by Makeshiftmule.
Magic find - Covers every aspect of magic find gameplay.
Basic - Great information on game mechanics.
FAQtoids - This is a very in depth Diablo2 mechanics site in German and English.
Resistances & Immunity - Area & monster resistances & Immunity sheets.
Cheat sheets
Diablo 2 Cheat Sheet - Amazing cheat sheet by Michaelangel007.
Quick Reference Sheet - Reference Sheet for Runewords, Breakpoints, Cubing etc.
D2R Guide - Quick-reference cheat sheet for D2:R with area hints, runewords, most-used cube recipes, breakpoints, and more.
Rune List & Upgrade Cheat Sheet - All Runes, Their Effects & Cube Upgrade Recipes.
Diablo 2 Compendium - Diablo 2 cheat sheet by Flesh-Parade.
DiabloInfo - Diablo Info sheet.
Runeword Explorer - Runeword, runes, uniques cheatsheet.
Character info - Character info summary.
Mercenaries - Mercenary guide by Krythic.
Non-player character - All Diablo 2 Resurrected NPCs.
Melee Simulator - Melee battle simulator & wereform weapon damage.
Drop Simulator - Boss quest and monster drop simulator.
Tome of D2 - Everything you need to know about Diablo 2.
Drop simulator - Diablo 2 / D2R boss quest drop simulator.
ATMA - Organize and categorize your Diablo II characters, mules and items.
Accessibility Tool - Diablo 2 accessibility tool that modernize your controls.
Magic Find Run Counter - Magic Find run counter for Diablo 2 created by oskros.
Holy Grail Tracker - Holy Grail collectable tracker by Nasicus.
Collection Manager - This tool is a collection manager for all of your single-player items.
Run Counter - Simple Diablo 2 run counter to keep track of drops.
GoMule - Store and transfer items between Single Player characters.
Item Tracker - Item manager tool for Diablo 2 resurrected.
D2 Save Editor - Dschu's save editor tool for Diablo 2.
NPC Dialogues index - assembled by Fellowship. All gossip and dialogue transcribed.
Abbreviations and Acronyms - List of abbreviations and acronyms related to Diablo I and Diablo II.
Glossary - List of all terms, slang, and acronyms used when discussing or playing Diablo II.
Resurrected FAQ - Everything we know so far about Diablo 2 Resurrected.
The Hardcore FAQ - Collection of FAQ's mainly aimed at assisting first-time Hardcore players.
Faqtoids D2 - An old school FAQ page for D2 with lots of great info

That’s an excellent resource(s) page. We should keep on expanding it over the course of time !
It might be worthwhile to add a section with noob guides - I suppose many people who never played the original might be looking for some starting tips / things to take into account while playing, what to ignore, what to focus on.

The Soulstone burns with hellfire as an eerie red glow blurs your vision. Fresh blood flows into your eyes and you begin to hear the tormented whispers of the damned.
You have done what you knew must be done. The essence of Diablo is contained, for now.

 Deleted User 632 0

The Amazon Basin is never working for me. but wayback machine can still read the website most of the time. so i made a link to it. if you find some pages that are missing from wayback machine please try to upload them for later use.
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Teebling 7047Admin

Europe PC
This is such a great list @Udyret. I'll be stickying it now :P

Does anyone else have anything to add to this btw?

Actually would be cool if someone went through the whole forums and rounded up the most insightful individual posts and topics made so far, so that we can keep this list updated with them.

There have been plenty of really good explanations, lists, calculations, links etc. which I think definitely deserve a spot here for all to see.

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Teebling 7047Admin

Europe PC
Hey guys, I updated this today reformatting it and adding in a bunch of stuff I've had bookmarked on the site since it began. Useful posts/insightful topics etc. that could be lost otherwise. @Udyret feel free to re-categorise things if you'd like!

Big thanks for the work!
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Qpd 6

Paladin Europe PC
Is there a Discord server for I cant find it. Could be good if there was one in the usefull links.
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BillyMaysed 2275Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Teebling wrote: 3 years ago

Does anyone else have anything to add to this btw?

There have been plenty of really good explanations, lists, calculations, links etc. which I think definitely deserve a spot here for all to see.
Would my "27 official changes in D2R" thread be worth putting in here or stickied? I made it for myself because i couldn't find a list anywhere of all the exact changes, then thought i should post it everywhere for others to see too. :)

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Teebling 7047Admin

Europe PC
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
Teebling wrote: 3 years ago

Does anyone else have anything to add to this btw?

There have been plenty of really good explanations, lists, calculations, links etc. which I think definitely deserve a spot here for all to see.
Would my "27 official changes in D2R" thread be worth putting in here or stickied? I made it for myself because i couldn't find a list anywhere of all the exact changes, then thought i should post it everywhere for others to see too. :)
Yeah deffo mate - @Udyret

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BillyMaysed 2275Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
Yeah deffo mate - @Udyret
Just added 2 more threads of info that might make the list:

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BillyMaysed 2275Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Got another amazing resource some guy posted to reddit 16hr ago:

Diablo 2 mega cheat sheet: ... index.html


 Deleted User 632 0

yea. it's awesome. @BillyMaysed i added it earlier together with this other great cheat sheet.
Quick reference sheet

 Deleted User 632 0

yet another runeword calculator.

and a new search tool for recipes and items.
Impressive list, nice job putting this one up!
This is a useful collection of fine delicacies 👌

Home is where you can find a decent graveyard and strangers can disappear without awkward questions.
Lots of good info here. 🤙🏻


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