trade. This suggests the items with the highest counts have the greatest utility as a form of currency. The list is ordered descending by count, data from a sample of 250,000+ price points captured between D2R's launch and today. If you want to see an always up-to-date list, you can view all trade stats here.Ist 46479
Pul 31581
Mal 27166
Um 24763
Lem 21268
Gul 16561
Vex 15326
Fal 13674
Ohm 9867
Ko 9332
Lo 5603
Lum 4564
Perfect Amethyst 4205
Sur 3720
Ber 3424
Key of Terror 3253
Perfect Gems 2713
Perfect Ruby 1963
Perfect Sapphire 1952
Key of Hate 1940
Key of Destruction 1794
Jah 1772
Perfect Emerald 1545
Perfect Diamond 1526
Hel 1484
Io 1451
Perfect Topaz 1398
Ral 1165
Harlequin Crest 1022
Hellfire Torch 904
Cham 759
Stone of Jordan 741
Perfect Skull 568
The Oculus 552
Token of Absolution 547
Tal Rasha's Adjudication 507
Tal Rasha's Guardianship 502
Dol 411
Sol 393
Arachnid Mesh 392
Amn 353
Zod 286
Mara's Kaleidoscope 265
Annihilus 263
Skin of the Vipermagi 254
Shael 250
War Traveler 226
Monarch 222
Shako 216
Festering Essence of Destruction 199