1. CascView - This is a tool to open and extract Diablo 2 Resurrected data file
DL link: http://www.zezula.net/download/cascview_en.zip
2. MPQ Editor - This tool is used to create mpq mod from modified game files
3. Noesis 4.456 with texture converter script - This tool will view models and textures and also export them to png file, after editing you can export dds textures back into D2R .texture file with texture converter script
https://www.mediafire.com/file/ubn011rr ... 6.zip/file
4. DDS texture tools - I use Intel® Texture Works Plugin for Photoshop, Gimp is free and also handles dds files
5. DC6 tools - UI menu related graphics
Using Noesis:
After extracting model files we can view them in noesis .model files for 3D renders and .texture for textures
The best way to edit textures is to exporting them into png file or dds
then after file is edited we need to export it to dds file. In my photoshop it looks like this
Make sure that you have Kaiser filter selected and transparency (if there is some transparency in your texture)
After edited dds is made you need to convert it backto .texture format. The converter is in Noesis folder, place dds file in texture converter folder and run the script Texture_Converter.ps1.
The best order is .texture -> png -> edit -> dds -> .texture
And that's it .texture file is completed, now you have to make right folders for it (just like in original game files you extracted with cascview), in your mods main folder you need to create text file - modinfo.json with your mods name in it
"name": "askin",
"savepath": "askin/"
Now the easiest way is to name your mod folder as modname.mpq , this way you can fuse multiple mods together like skin mods + loot filter mod etc.
Then write the mod argument in Battle.net or in D2R.exe shortcut
You can also do it the old way with MPQ editor- open MPQ editor and click new mpq enter your name of the archiwe, click next, Create an empty MPQ archive with Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction compatibility, max number of files should be higher then you actually have in your mod. Now after your mpq is created drag over your mod files Your mod file is done place it in your diablo 2 resurrected mods folder