All Diablo 2 Runewords and Runes listed in order by level requirement plus Where to find Runes & Bases for them.
More Resources:
Diablo 2 New Player Guide (24 Key Topics)
How To Hit 400 MF Fast & Cheap (MF Guide)
Trade Value Guide (Runes, Torches, Keys, Bases etc)
Creating Early Spirit Sword For Ladder
Updates / Reminders: [2/08]1. Added new section: 8. NEW S3 Ladder-Only Runewords
2. Added new section: 7. Valuable/Useful Bases to Look Out For
3. Original Ladder-Only Runewords & Recipes have been unlocked for Single Player & Non-ladder! ( All Changes in D2R)
1. Basic Rune Info (and where to find them):
Normal: [ El, Eld, Tir, Nef, Eth, Ith, Tal, Ral]
Nightmare: [ Ort, Thul, Amn, Sol, Shael, Dol, Hel, Io] Very-rare [ Lum/ Ko]
Hell: [ Lum, Ko, Fal, Lem, Pul, Um, Mal, Ist] Very-rare [ Gul, Vex, Ohm, Lo]
Hellforge Max Rune lvl: (A4 Quest)
Normal: El to Amn
Nightmare: Sol to Um
Hell: Hel to Gul
The High runes [ Sur, Ber, Jah, Cham, Zod] are best found farming Lower Kurast or Arcane Sanctuary by opening chests and by farming areas like The Ancient Tunnels or Secret Cow Level in Hell difficulty. The drop chances are insanely rare so the more mobs you can kill in a short time the better chances you have of finding one.
Find what Runewords you can make based on runes:
2. All Runewords in order by level requirement:
-*WARNING #2: You cannot socket already socketed items. Also, when using the Horadric Cube it gives a 50% chance at the max sockets.
-*WARNING #3: Always double Check Runeword recipes to make sure you put the runes in the correct order and in the correct item type. (Many people accidentally put
Polearm-runewords inside Spear-class weapons for example.)
Important Tips:
-Choose bases with low strength and dexterity requirements.
- Larzuk quest will always give the maximum number of sockets for that items ilvl.
-You can easily buy a lot of the bases with open sockets from Vendors too. Reset all Vendor items by leaving town through the Main Entrance, Portal or Waypoint.
-Use Hel Rune + TP scroll in the Horadric Cube to Remove all items from sockets, the Runes or Gems will be destroyed in the process.
-Runeword Effects (Arreat): ... inal.shtml
-Runeword Effects (D2io): runewords
Lvl - Name ____ Runes Required ____ Weapon Type Needed
13 - Nadir (Nef + Tir) (2 socket helms)
13 - Steel (Tir + El) (2 socket swords/axes/maces)
15 - Malice (Ith + El + Eth) (3 Socket Melee Weapons)
17 - Stealth (Tal + Eth) (2 socket body armor)
19 - Leaf (Tir + Ral) (2 socket staves only)
21 - (Ral + Ort + Tal) (3 socket shields)
21 - Holy Thunder (Eth + Ral + Ort + Tal) (4 Socket Scepters)
21 - Zephyr (Ort + Eth) (2 Socket Missile Weapons)
23 - Pattern (Tal + Ort + Thul) (3os Claws)
25 - King's Grace (Amn + Ral + Thul) (3 Socket Swords/Scepters)
25 - Edge (Tir + Tal + Amn) (3 socket missle weapons)
25 - Spirit (Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn) (4 socket swords or Paladin Shields) (Regular Shields @ lvl 54)
25 - Myth (Hel + Amn + Nef) (3 socket body armor)
25 - Strength (Amn + Tir) (2 socket weapons) (any kind)
27 - Insight (Ral + Tir + Tal + Sol) (4 socket polearms/staves/missile weapons) (regen)
27 - Honor (Amn + El + Ith + Tir + Sol) (5 socket melee weapons)
27 - Lore (Ort + Sol) (2 socket helms)
27 - Radiance (Nef + Sol + Ith) (3 socket helms)
29 - Peace (Shael + Thul + Amn) (3 socket body armor)
29 - Rhyme (Shael + Eth) (2 socket shields)
35 - Black (Thul + io + Nef) (3 socket clubs/hammers/maces)
35 - White (Dol + Io) (2 socket wand)
37 - Memory (Lum + Io + Sol + Eth) (4 Socket Staves, not orbs)
37 - Smoke (Nef + Lum) (2 socket body armor)
37 - Splendor (Eth + Lum) (2 socket shields)
39 - Harmony (Tir + Ith + Sol + Ko) (4 socket missile weapons)
39 - Melody (Shael + Ko + Nef) (3 Socket Missile Weapons)
41 - Obedience (Hel + Ko + Thul + Eth + Fal) (5 socket polearms)
41 - Lionheart (Hel + Lum + Fal) (3 Socket Body Armor)
41 - Unbending Will (Fal + Io + Ith + Eld + El + Hel) (6os Swords)
43 - Lawbringer (Amn + Lem + Ko) (3 socket Swords/Hammers/Scepters)
43 - Voice of Reason (Lem + Ko + El + Eld) (4 socket Swords/Maces)
43 - Passion (Dol + Ort + Eld + Lem) (4 Socket Weapons)
43 - Wealth (Lem + Ko + Tir) (3 socket body armor)
43 - Treachery (Shael + Thul + Lem) (3 socket body armor)
45 - Wisdom (Pul + Ith + Eld) (3os Helms)
45 - Enlightenment (Pul + Ral + Sol) (3 socket body armor)
47 - Bone (Sol + Um + Um) (3 socket body armor)
47 - Crescent Moon (Shael + Um + Tir) (3 socket Axes/Swords/Polearms)
47 - Duress (Shael + Um + Thul) (3 Socket Body Armor)
47 - Gloom (Fal + Um + Pul) (3 Socket Body Armor)
47 - Stone (Shael + Um + Pul + Lum) (4 Socket Body Armor)
49 - Oath (Shael + Pul + Mal + Lum) (4 socket Swords/Axes/Maces)
49 - Prudence (Mal + Tir) (2 Socket Body Armor)
49 - Rain (Ort + Mal + Ith) (3 socket body armor)
49 - Sanctuary (Ko + Ko + Mal) (3 Socket Shields)
49 - Venom (Tal + Dol + Mal) (3 Socket Weapons)
51 - Delirium (Lem + Ist + Io) (3 Socket Helms)
54 - Spirit (Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn) (4os Monarch Shield) (Paladin Shields work for lvl 25)
53 - Rift (Hel + Ko + Lem + Gul) (4 Socket Polearms/Scepters)
53 - Kingslayer (Mal + Um + Gul + Fal) (4 Socket Swords/Axes)
53 - Principle (Ral + Gul + Eld) (3 socket body armor)
55 - Death (Hel + El + Vex + Ort + Gul) (5 Socket Swords/Axes)
55 - Flickering Flame (Nef + Pul + Vex) (3os Helms)
55 - Heart of the Oak (Ko + Vex + Pul + Thul) (4 Socket Staves/Maces*)
55 - Silence (Dol + Eld + Hel + Ist + Tir + Vex) (6 Socket Weapons)
57 - Call To Arms (Amn + Ral + Mal + Ist + Ohm) (5 Socket Weapons)
57 - Chaos (Fal + Ohm + Um) (3 Socket Claws)
57 - Exile (Vex + Ohm + Ist + Dol) (4 Socket Paladin Shields only)
59 - Fortitude (El + Sol + Dol + Lo) (4 socket Weapons/Body Armor)
59 - Grief (Eth + Tir + Lo + Mal + Ral) (5 socket Swords/Axes)
61 - Dragon (Sur + Lo + Sol) (3 Socket Body Armor/Shields)
61 - Bramble (Ral + Ohm + Sur + Eth) (4 Socket Body Armor)
61 - Wind (Sur + El) (2 Socket Melee Weapons)
63 - Infinity (Ber + Mal + Ber + Ist) (4 Socket Polearms)
63 - Wrath (Pul + Lum + Ber + Mal) (4 Socket Missile Weapons)
63 - Beast (Ber + Tir + Um + Mal + Lum) (5 Socket Axes/Scepters/Hammers)
63 - Chains of Honor (Dol + Um + Ber + Ist) (4 Socket Body Armor)
63 - Eternity (Amn + Ber + Ist + Sol + Sur) (5 Socket Melee Weapons)
65 - Brand (Jah + Lo + Mal + Gul) (4 Socket Missile Weapons)
65 - Destruction (Vex + Lo + Ber + Jah + Ko) (5 Socket Polearms/Swords)
65 - Dream (Io + Jah + Pul) (3 Socket Helms/Shields)
65 - Faith (Ohm + Jah + Lem + Eld) (4 Socket Missile Weapons)
65 - Ice (Amn + Shael + Jah + Lo) (4 Socket Missile Weapons)
65 - Last Wish (Jah + Mal + Jah + Sur + Jah + Ber)(6 Socket Swords/Hammers/Axes)
65 - Phoenix (Vex + Vex + Lo + Jah) (4 Socket Weapons/Shields)
65 - Enigma (Jah + Ith + Ber) (3 Socket Body Armor)
65 - Famine (Fal + Ohm + Ort + Jah) (4 Socket Axes/Hammers)
65 - Fury (Jah + Gul + Eth) (3 Socket Melee Weapons)
67 - Pride (Cham + Sur + Io + Lo) (4 Socket Polearms)
67 - Doom (Hel + Ohm + Um + Lo + Cham) (5 Socket Axes/Polearms/Hammers)
67 - Hand of Justice (Sur + Cham + Amn + Lo) (4 Socket Weapons)
67 - Plague (Cham + Fal + Um) (3os Weapons)
67 - Mist (Cham + Shael + Gul + Thul + ith) (5os Bows)
69 - Obsession (Zod + Ist + Lem + Lum + Io + Nef) (6os Staffs)
69 - Breath of the Dying (Vex + Hel + El + Eld + Zod + Eth) (6 Socket Weapons)
3. All Runes in order by level requirement:
Lvl - Name _ Weapon Effect __ Armor, Helms & Shields Effect
11 - El (+50 To Attack Rating, +1 Light Radius) (+15 Defense, +1 To Light Radius)
11 - Eld (+75% Dmg Undead, +50 AR Undead) (15% Slower Stamina Drain/+7% Block Chance)
13 - Tir (+2 To Mana After Each Kill) (+2 To Mana After Each Kill)
13 - Nef (Knockback) (+30 Defense Vs. Missile)
15 - Eth (-25% To Target Defense) (Regenerate Mana 15%)
15 - Ith (+9 To Maximum Damage) (15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana)
17 - Tal (+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Sec) (Poison Resist 30%/Poison Resist 35%(Shields))
19 - Ral (Adds 5-30 Fire Damage) (Fire Resist 30%/Fire Resist 35%(Shields))
21 - Ort (Adds 1-50 Lightning Dmg ) (Lightning Res 30%/Lightning Res 35%(Shields))
23 - Thul (Adds 3-14 Cold Damage - 3 Sec) (Cold Resist 30%/Cold Resist 35%(Shields))
25 - Amn (7% Life Stolen Per Hit) (Attacker Takes Damage of 14)
27 - Sol (+9 To Minimum Damage) (Damage Reduced By 7)
29 - Shael (20% Increased Attack Speed) (20% Faster Hit Recovery/20% Faster Block)
31 - Dol (Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25%) (Replenish Life +7)
00 - Hel (Requirements -20%) (Requirements -15%)
35 - Io (+10 To Vitality) (+10 To Vitality)
37 - Lum (+10 To Energy) (+10 To Energy)
39 - Ko (+10 To Dexterity) (+10 To Dexterity)
41 - Fal (+10 To Strength) (+10 To Strength)
43 - Lem (+75% Extra Gold) (+50% Extra Gold)
45 - Pul (+75% Dmg Demons, +100 AR Demons) (+30% Enhanced Defense)
47 - Um (25% Chance of Open Wounds) (All Resistances +15(Armor/Helms) +22(Shield))
49 - Mal (Prevent Monster Heal) (Magic Damage Reduced By 7)
51 - Ist (30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items) (25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items)
53 - Gul (20% Bonus To Attack Rating) (5% To Maximum Poison Resist)
55 - Vex (7% Mana Stolen Per Hit) (5% To Maximum Fire Resist)
57 - Ohm (+50% Enhanced Damage) (5% To Maximum Cold Resist)
59 - Lo (20% Deadly Strike) (5% To Maximum Lightning Resist)
61 - Sur (Hit Blinds Target) (Maximum Mana 5%/+50 To Mana (Shields))
63 - Ber (20% Chance of Crushing Blow) (Damage Reduced by 8%)
65 - Jah (Ignore Target's Defense) (Increase Maximum Life 5%/+50 Life (Shields))
67 - Cham (Freeze Target +3) (Cannot Be Frozen)
69 - Zod (Indestructible) (Indestructible)
All Runes: misc/#filter=Rune
4. Upgrade Runes: All Recipes
3 Eld Runes = 1 Tir Rune
3 Tir Runes = 1 Nef Rune
3 Nef Runes = 1 Eth Rune
3 Eth Runes = 1 Ith Rune
3 Ith Runes = 1 Tal Rune
3 Tal Runes = 1 Ral Rune
3 Ral Runes = 1 Ort Rune
3 Ort Runes = 1 Thul Rune
3 Thul Runes + 1 Chipped Topaz = Amn Rune
3 Amn Runes + 1 Chipped Amethyst = Sol Rune
3 Sol Runes + 1 Chipped Sapphire = Shael Rune
3 Shael Runes + 1 Chipped Ruby = Dol Rune
3 Dol Runes + 1 Chipped Emerald = Hel Rune
3 Hel Runes + 1 Chipped Diamond = Io Rune
3 Io Runes + 1 Flawed Topaz = Lum Rune
3 Lum Runes + 1 Flawed Amethyst = Ko Rune
3 Ko Runes + 1 Flawed Sapphire = Fal Rune
3 Fal Runes + 1 Flawed Ruby = Lem Rune
3 Lem Runes + 1 Flawed Emerald = Pul Rune
2 Pul Runes + 1 Flawed Diamond = Um Rune
2 Um Runes + 1 Topaz = Mal Rune
2 Mal Runes + 1 Amethyst = Ist Rune
2 Ist Runes + 1 Sapphire = Gul Rune
2 Gul Runes + 1 Ruby = Vex Rune
2 Vex Runes + 1 Emerald = Ohm Rune
2 Ohm Runes + 1 Diamond = Lo Rune
2 Lo Runes + 1 Flawless Topaz = Sur Rune
2 Sur Runes + 1 Flawless Amethyst = Ber Rune
2 Ber Runes + 1 Flawless Sapphire = Jah Rune
2 Jah Runes + 1 Flawless Ruby = Cham Rune
2 Cham Runes + 1 Flawless Emerald = Zod Rune
5. Socketing Items in the Horadric Cube & Larzuk Quest:
-For creating sockets with the Cube, only use white bases. Superior, Magic, Rare, Set or Unique items do not work.
-You cannot socket already socketed items.
-When using the Horadric Cube it gives a percent chance for the max number of sockets (see below)
-Gloves, Boots, belts, rings, amulets, javelins and other throwing weapons cannot have or gain sockets.
The number of sockets Larzuk puts in your items depends on the rarity and item level.
-Unique, Set, and Rare items = 1 Socket
-Magic items = 1-2 Sockets (random)
-White/Grey items = Maximum amount of sockets based on item level (explanation on item ilvl and creating early Spirit Sword here)
Transmuting Sockets in The Horadric Cube:
WARNING: The chance to get sockets depends on the max that item can have. So if your armor type can have 4 max, then it has a 50% chance to get it.
Shields = 50% at 4 sockets. 67% chance at 3.
Armors = 50% at 4 sockets. 67% at 3.
Weapons = 50% at 4 sockets. 33% at 5. 17% chance at 6.
Helms = 83% at 2 and 67% at 3.
-Socket "normal" Weapon: Ral + Amn + Perfect Amethyst
-Socket "normal" Armor: Tal + Thul + Perfect Topaz
-Socket "normal" Helm: Ral + Thul + Perfect Sapphire
-Socket "normal" Shield: Tal + Amn + Perfect Ruby
-Remove Socketed items: Hel + TP scroll (runes/gems/jewels are destroyed)
6. Farming & Shopping for Socketed Bases
-Must buy from vendors in Normal
-Reset Vendors via main town entrance, waypoint, portal or sewer in A2
-When an item is grey it means it can be Socketed, Superior and/or Ethereal
1. Akara (N) for 2os Staffs & Scepters ( Drognan for 2os x2-3 Fire Ball staff for Leaf)
2. Charsi (N) for 2-3os Bows, Polearms, Axes, & 2os Scimitars and Katars.
3. Fara (N) for 2-3os Shields, Armors, Polearms & 2os Helms.
4. Cow Level (N) for 4os Crystal/Broad swords, 4os Polearms & Bases that can be socket with 4 using the Larzuk Quest for Insight
5. Cow Level (NM) for 4-5os Exceptional Polearms and other Bases
6. Cow Level (H) for 4-5os Elite Polearms, 4os Monarch for Spirit Shield (or one to socket with Larzuk)
7. Valuable/Useful Bases to Look Out For
1. Elite bases can only be found in Hell and the best place to find 99% of them is The Secret Cow Level. ( Berserker Axe - Pit, worldstone,
Mausoleum or maggot lair)
2. A lot of runewords CAN use many bases, but are a complete waste if made in a sub-optimal base in most cases. So for 99% of runewords, they typically only have 1-2 possible bases they should ever be put in.
3. Bases are worth a lot more if they are superior and even more with max rolls
Weapon Bases:
2os Wand - White (with x2-3 Bone Spear)
2os staff - Leaf (with x2-3 fire ball, buy from Drognan A2 N)
3os Phase Blade - Lawbringer, Fury or Crescent Moon
3os Runic Talons - Chaos or Fury
3os Flail - Black
4os Ethereal Berserker Axe, Cryptic Sword or Silver-Edged Axe - Oath
4os Phase Blade - Voice of Reason
4os Crystal Sword or Broad Sword - Spirit
4os Flail - Heart of the Oak
4os War Scepter - Rift
4os Ethereal Thresher, Great Poleaxe or Cryptic Axe - Insight, Infinity or Pride
4os Grand Matron Bow (x2-3 bow skills) - Faith, Brand, Harmony or Ice
4os Blade Bow or Great Bow - Faith, Brand, Harmony or Ice (For A1 Mercenary)
5os Phase Blade - Grief or Death
5os Flail or Crystal Sword - Call To Arms
5os Thresher or Giant Thresher- Obedience (Ethereal for merc)
5os Berserker Axe - Grief, Beast, Doom or Death (Ethereal for death)
6os Phase Blade - Last Wish
6os Ethereal Berserker Axe, Colossus Blade, Hydra Bow or Giant Thresher - Breath of the Dying
Armor Bases:
3os magic/rare Druid helm with x3 Tornado & x2 Druid Skills
3os magic Tiara/ Diadem with +life or +Run Walk - PVP
3os Demonhead or Bone Visage - Dream or Delirium
3os Archon Plate, Mage Plate or Dusk Shroud - Enigma, Duress, Dragon or Treachery (Ethereal for merc)
3os Hyperion, Monarch or Blade Barrier - Dream, Sanctuary or Dragon
4os Monarch - Spirit or Phoenix
4os magic jewlers Monarch of deflecting (JMOD) - PVP
4os Sacred Rondache/ Vortex Shield (with 40+ all res) - Exile or Phoenix
4os Archon Plate, Mage Plate or Dusk Shroud - Bramble, Chains of Honor or Fortitude (any elite ethereal armor for merc)
8. NEW S3 Ladder-Only Runewords
35 - Bulwark ( Shael + Io + Sol) (3os Helms)
35 - Cure ( Shael + Io + Tal) (3os Helms)
35 - Ground ( Shael + Io + Ort) (3os Helms)
35 - Hearth ( Shael + Io + Thul) (3os Helms)
35 - Temper ( Shael + Io + Ral) (3os Helms)
39 - Hustle ( Shael + Ko + Eld) (Any 3os weapon or armor)
53 - Mosaic ( Mal + Gul + Amn) (3os Claws)
67 - Metamorphosis ( Io + Cham + Fal) (3os Helms)
Note: More info on upcoming patch 2.6 here.