This is a comprehensive collection of useful links, guides, builds, resources, tools etc. for Diablo 2 and Diablo 2 Resurrected. It also serves as a summary of the most insightful posts/topics here on the forum that we think are of value to any Diablo 2 player. If you want a link added to the list, please just reply to this topic with your suggestion and it'll get added.
D2R Patch Notes
2.7 update patch notes
2.7 Patch Notes - Minor update before Ladder S4
2.6 Patch Notes - New runewords and Set upgrade recipes
All Changes in Diablo 2 Resurrected - Update 12/16: Patch 2.4 - New Runewords + Skill & Mercenary Balancing!
Original 2.4 Patch Notes in full - (Published 21st January 2022)
Updated 2.4 Patch Notes Changes - (Published 3rd February 2022)
Patch 2.4 Now Live - Patch 2.4 notes (published fourteenth April 2022).
Patch 2.4.3. Coming Soon - Patch 2.4.3. notes (Live June 29)
Top 10 D2io Guides
2. Rules & Tips for Trading on - by Teebling (admin)
3. Diablo 2 New Player Guide (24 Key Topics) - by BillyMaysed
4. 50 Tips & Tricks for New Players - by Fellowship
5. Runewords & Runes Cheat Sheet - by BillyMaysed
6. Tips For Creating Early Spirit Sword For Ladder - by Stratigery
7. Trade Value Guides (all item types) - by Morphin, Sober2085 & Nokk
8. Untwinked HC Fury Druid Guide - by Havelox
9. Pricing Guide for Beginner Torch Sales - by Sober2085
10. Hit 400 Magic Find Fast & Cheap (MF Guide) - by BillyMaysed
Top 10 D2io Topics
2. NEW Patch 2.4 Dev interview summary - by Teebling (admin)
3. Create your own unique items! - by Krythic
4. Project: Free Rush - Sign-up to get or give Free Rushes Normal through Hell!
5. i farmed 2 fucking week for this shit looking enigma - by hugo544264
6. 10 Scams in Diablo 2 Resurrected & how to avoid them - by MrLlamaSC
7. How Many El Runes to Zod Maths - by Banjo
8. Project 500 Cow Runs - by Pasadei
9. Useless Diablo 2 Trivia - by SuperIllu
10. The Perfect Amount of FCR? - by BillyMaysed
Top Diablo 2 External Resources
2. Increased Attack Speed Calculator
3. Silospen's Item Finder
4. Maxroll's D2 Planner
5. Rare Item Calculator (GG or Charsi food?) - by coolshoeshine
6. What boss drops ... - by u/dixiethegiraffe
More D2io Guides by members
Summon Druid Endgame Guide - by BigBangoBananaBob
Theorycrafting with The Barbarian - by LuckyAce
Diablo 2 Endgame Options Guide - by BillyMaysed
Vendor Trashing: Gold Selling Guide to max your gold fast - by halflife
A2 Merc: Bases Guide (IAS) - by waffels
Manic Pixie Dreamgirl (A1 Merc build) - by BahamutPrime
New character tips & habits - by Fellowship
Ultimate Resurrected Guide - by Fellowship
Javazon's Guide to Defensive Cowing - by MarcWizard
Trade Value Guide - Runes, Torches, Bases, Keys, Charms, Jewels, Unique, Set & Magic Items
Rune Worth - Rune price guide by Morphin.
Torch Sales - Beginner guide for torch sales by Sober2085.
Sales Tips for Trading on D2io - by Hoost07
Price Check Lists - Price checking lists.
Top 50 most sold items - A toplist compiled after six months of trading
Top 50 most liquid items - A toplist compiled after six months of trading
Item Info
Paladin Shield automods - Paladin Shield automods reference table by Krythic.
Sorceress Orb automods - Sorceress Orb automods reference table by Krythic.
Crafted Items & Recipes - Table index of all crafted quality items and their recipes, organised by type - by Teebling
Zax's Item Finding Guide
Affixes - List of all item affixes that can spawn in Diablo II.
Affix Database - Huge database of all affixes on items with ability to sort for specific ones.
Treasure Classes - All item types in the game organized into treasure classes.
Sockets - Everything you need to know about socketed items.
A Guide to the Basic Terms of Item Generation - An explanation and definition of how items are 'generated' when they drop by Khegan.
Crafting Handbook - The perfect guide for crafting.
Imbue Guide - A guide to imbuing items.
Item Appearance
Sorceress's Appearance - The Sorceress's new appearance in all armors.
Barbarian's Appearance - The Barbarian's new appearance in all armors.
Amazon's Appearance - The Amazon's new appearance in all armors.
Assassin's Appearance - The Assassin's new appearance in all armors.
Paladin's Appearance - The Paladin's new appearance in all armors.
Necromancer's Appearance - The Necromancer's new appearance in all armors.
Druid's Appearance - The Druid's new appearance in all armors.
Shopping & Gambling
Shopping guide - Complete overview guide to shopping in Diablo 2 by Hastmannen.
Gambling guide - Complete overview guide to gambling in Diablo 2 by Hastmannen.
Character builds
Tier Lists - Build tier lists.
Beginner's Guide - Beginner's guide to character build selection.
Strategy guides - Strategy guides for character builds and game situations.
Build guides - Strategies, builds, and guides.
Build Efficiency 101 - Build efficiency guide.
Paladin Information Compendium & Calculators - A comprehensive spreadsheet for Paladins by Ladeuxiemedimension
The Sheriff Uber Smiter - No Life Tap Uber Smiter build by HungryColquhoun.
The Hot-headed Principal - Holy Fire auto-Holy Bolt Zealot solo self-found build by HungryColquhoun.
Budget Smiter - Paulious91's budget Smiter guide.
Untwinked Hardcore Fury Druid - Untwinked hardcore fury druid guide.
Summon Druid - 2.4 Summon Druid Guide by tmGrunty.
Magic Find Druid - Magic find druid guide by Zax.
Gold Find / Magic Find Barbarian - A guide to gold find / magic find Barbarian by Hastmannen.
MF Concentrate Barbarian - Guide to playing a Magic Find Concentrate Barbarian by LuckyAce.
Throwing With the Elements - Guide to an Elemental Throw Barbarian by LuckyAce.
Whirlwind Barbarian - In depth Whirlwind Barbarian guide.
Frenzy Barbarian - The 100% game-clearing Frenzy barbarian.
Tyson Gold find Barbarian - HK21's gold find Barbarian guide.
The Gavel Demon: Reimagining Goldfind Barbarians - Exokek's gold find Barbarian guide.
Riftsin Guide: A Thousand Points of Fight - Riftsin assassin guide.
Whirlwind Blade Sin - PvM Whirlwind Blade Sin Guide.
Tiger Tail Assassin - Martial Arts Tiger Tail Assassin guide.
Phoenix Sin - Martial Arts Phoenix Sin guide.
Blade Fury - Blade Fury Sin (Blade Sin) guide.
Blizzballer Sorceress - Blizzballer reference sheet by JBL.
Softcore Meteor-Orb Sorceress - Softcore Meteor-Orb sorceress guide.
Hardcore Frozen Orb - Hardcore Frozen Orb blind-teleporting magic find sorceress guide.
Hardcore Magic Find Sorceress - Magic find Sorceress guide suitable for Hardcore.
D2R Modding - Modding resource center with guides, info, releases and more.
The Phrozen Keep - Diablo 2 mod making central.
Nexusmods - Platform for people around the world to share their mods and tools.
Moddb - The world's oldest video game modification community.
Rare item Calculator - by coolshoeshine
Jewelery Price Checker - Calculate the value of rings and amulets.
Affix Calculator - Item Affix Calculator.
Weapon Upgrade Calculator - Calculate weapon upgrade damage.
Armour Upgrade Calculator - Calculate armour upgrade defense.
Shopping Calculator - Calculations for vendor item shopping.
Defense Calculator - Calculate the defense of any ingame armor.
Blocking Calculator - Peterpaulruben's blocking calculator.
Faster Run/Walk - Peterpaulruben's Faster Run/Walk calculator.
Weapon Damage - Peterpaulruben's Weapon Damage calculator.
Attack Rating - Peterpaulruben's attack rating calculator.
Experience Calculator - Calculate the experience you gain in any possible scenario.
MF calculator - Mork's magic find calculator.
Skill Calculator - Wowheads skill calculator.
Skill Calculator - Icy Veins skill calculator.
Skill Calculator - Character Skill, Stat and Gear Planner.
New in 2023 - Super Unique Drop Calculator - by Th3ory and Shadow, allows for proper TC to be determined.
Drop Calculator - Blizzhackers drop calculator.
Drop Calculator - Rainingchain's drop calculator.
Drop Calculator - Silospen's drop calculator.
Drop Calculator - Drop calculator by Tub.
Drop Calculator - Maxroll's drop calculator.
Attack Speed
Trap Laying Speed - Assassin trap laying speed calculator (D2R).
Attack Speed Calculator - TitanSeal's Hacked Version attack speed calculator.
Attack Speed Calculator - Calculate attack speed needed to reach breakpoints.
Attack Speed Calculator - Attack speed calculator by Warren1001.
Attack Speed Calculator - TitanSeal's attack speed calculator.
Wereform IAS Calculator - Calculate Increased Attack Speed for Wereform.
IAS Calculator - D2Anya's attack speed calculator.
Kick Damage Calculator - Assassin's Kick Damage Calculator.
Damage Calculator - Kerygma's comprehensive damage quotient.
Runeword Calculator - Calculate which runewords you can make.
Runeword Calculator - PureDiablo's runeword calculator.
Runeword & Gem Calculator - Jeremy's runeword & gem calculator.
Runeword Calculator & Filter - Runeword calculator/search/filter tool by acien.
Rune Calculator - Calculate how many runes required to upgrade to your target.
Rune Value Calculator - Mork's Rune value calculator.
Hireling & Minions
Necro Pet Calculator - Calculate necromancer skeleton stats.
Hireling Calculator - Calculate hireling stats.
Druid Pet Calculator - Calculate druid pet stats.
Skill planner - D2planner's open-source skill planner.
Portal - BetweenWalls open-source character planner.
D2planner - Maxroll's character planner.
Sorcerer - Infinity Light Sorcerer - Nova ES PvM Build - 200 FCR light Sorcerer - End-Game light Sorcerer - Classic light Sorcerer - Cold Sorcerer
Paladin - Griswold's Set Smiterdin - Last WR Uber Speed Run - Budget Uber Smiterdin - Hi-Benefit/Cost Uber smiterdin - Classic Hammerdin
Amazon - Bow/Javazon - Budget Javazon - Viable Fendzon - Cow Javazon - Budget Bowazon - Classic Lightning Fury
Assassin - Classic Riftsin - Natalya's Set Trapsin - Ultimate Trapsin dmg Build - Hoto Trapsin Best dmg non C/C Build - World record Speed Run Ubersin
Barbarian - GF/EG Horker - PitZerker - MF Zerker - Safe MF Zerker - Budget Early Ladder PindleZerker - Budget Early Ladder TravZerker - MF Singer - Budget Goldfind Leap - Budget Goldfind Zerker
Druid - Cow Farmer - Wind Druid
Necromancer - CE Summoner - Cowmancer
Info Websites
The Amazon Basin - Great place for Diablo II information.
The Arreat Summit - Strategy guide for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.
PureDiablo - Diablo 2 resurrected information and guides.
The Tankazon Resource - Game guide for Diablo II Lords of Destruction.
Maxroll - Diablo guides, tools and resources.
D2Cube - Interactive and inquiry-based resource for item info, recipes and more.
Icy Veins - Builds, guides, and news for Diablo 2 Resurrected.
D2R Runewords - Useful info like uniques, breakpoints and farming areas.
PlanetDiablo - Great German source for D2R info and tools.
Diabloii - Good old Diablo forum from 1997.
Runewords Cheat Sheet - All the Runewords and Runes listed in order by level requirement
Runewords - Diablo 2 Runeword filterable spreadsheet
Runewizard - Quickly find out what runewords you can make with the runes you have found.
D2 Runewizard - a small app to help with finding runewords.
Rune Tracker - another app for tracking which Runewords can be built.
Suggested Base Items - Community suggested base items for runewords.
Rune Finding
Rune calculator - Diablo 2 rune calculator sheet by Luhkoh.
Rune Hunting - Everything you need to know about rune hunting.
High Rune Drop Rates - Comprehensive guide to high rune drop rates.
Obtaining High Runes - A comprehensive guide to obtaining high runes in D2R.
High Rune Farming Guide - This guide compare the seven most efficient methods for finding High Runes.
Path-finding - cover most aspects of orientation in Diablo 2.
How to speed-run - A guide that will teach you how to speedrun Diablo II.
Speed-run guides - Knowledge about the game important to speedrun.
Barbarian Speedrun - Blazer’s Hell Barbarian Speedrun Guide.
Speedrun Plan - Reset day Speedrun spreadsheet.
Speedrun Builds - Speedrun build sheet.
Speedrun- Leaderboards, resources, forums and more, for speedrunning.
Player Versus Player
PvP Guide - Player vs player builds & strategy guides.
Low Level Duelling - Low level duelling builds & item guides.
Mid Level Duelling - Mid level duelling builds & item guides.
FPK Guides - Toeshank's 4v4 team duelling league guides.
Introduction to PvP - Game mechanics, class choice, build strength, resources, and communities.
Crafting Handbook - Low level duelling & mid level duelling recipes.
Progression & Endgame
Endgame Details Breakdown - Quick run-down of all the things that would be considered Diablo 2 "Endgame".
Level up guide - Shows which area/difficulty level produce the maximum experience.
Blokd2 Build guides, leveling guides, ubers guide and more by Blockinlick.
Hardcore Challenge - Single player hardcore leveling guide and builds.
Finding What You Need in Diablo II - Guide to get the items you want in the least amount of time possible.
Pandemonium Event - Full explanation of the Pandemonium Event by Stormlash.
Items to pick up whilst levelling - Items to pick up whilst levelling by Arkkivuohi.
Reliable barb guard - Focus on getting past the mid nightmare difficulty bump for starting ladder.
Gheed's Gambit - Random playthrough tool by Aodhagan.
Game Mechanics
Regular, Special and Sparkly Chests - Super and Sparkly Chest Reference.
Act 2 merc IAS table - Best darn Act 2 merc IAS table period.
Assassin IAS table - Assassin increased attack speed tables.
Experience - Experience chart by Makeshiftmule.
Magic find - Covers every aspect of magic find gameplay.
Basic - Great information on game mechanics.
FAQtoids - This is a very in depth Diablo2 mechanics site in German and English.
Resistances & Immunity - Area & monster resistances & Immunity sheets.
Cheat sheets
Quick Reference Sheet - Reference Sheet for Runewords, Breakpoints, Cubing etc.
D2R Guide - Quick-reference cheat sheet for D2:R with area hints, runewords, most-used cube recipes, breakpoints, and more.
Rune List & Upgrade Cheat Sheet - All Runes, Their Effects & Cube Upgrade Recipes.
Diablo 2 Compendium - Diablo 2 cheat sheet by Flesh-Parade.
DiabloInfo - Diablo Info sheet.
Runeword Explorer - Runeword, runes, uniques cheatsheet.
Mercenaries - Mercenary guide by Krythic.
Non-player character - All Diablo 2 Resurrected NPCs.
Drop Simulator - Boss quest and monster drop simulator.
Drop simulator - Diablo 2 / D2R boss quest drop simulator.
ATMA - Organize and categorize your Diablo II characters, mules and items.
Accessibility Tool - Diablo 2 accessibility tool that modernize your controls.
Magic Find Run Counter - Magic Find run counter for Diablo 2 created by oskros.
Holy Grail Tracker - Holy Grail collectable tracker by Nasicus.
Collection Manager - This tool is a collection manager for all of your single-player items.
Run Counter - Simple Diablo 2 run counter to keep track of drops.
GoMule - Store and transfer items between Single Player characters.
Item Tracker - Item manager tool for Diablo 2 resurrected.
D2 Save Editor - Dschu's save editor tool for Diablo 2.
Abbreviations and Acronyms - List of abbreviations and acronyms related to Diablo I and Diablo II.
Glossary - List of all terms, slang, and acronyms used when discussing or playing Diablo II.
The Hardcore FAQ - Collection of FAQ's mainly aimed at assisting first-time Hardcore players.
Faqtoids D2 - An old school FAQ page for D2 with lots of great info