Is that time of year again…
I wanna play a game.
Guess the number I’m thinking, win prizes.
Winners will be announced in the order of the correct replies below.
> one guess per user
> number range is : 1 - 50
> you can change ur guess anytime as long as before I announce the winner(s) if any.
**HINT** this number has appear more than once within this page…
Prize pool:
> Jah rune - Krathkor
> Ohm rune - illusions
>70 cold sunder
>70 fire sunder - caiobritones
>70 poison sunder
>Grief pb 30/380 - illusions
>Grief zerker 30/382
>high ed Eth Oath in 2hander sword
>183%ed hoz - krathkor
> Eth sup 7%ed/2 ar Ghost Spear
>3 pnb 30dex magical ammy
>2 barb 9x life magical ammy
> -14 Flickering Flame in Diadem/ Tiara - caiobritones
> Eth 27x ed Fleshripper
>1x random Plague rw in 1h sword base
> Eth Shael’d 204%ed reapers toll - krathkor
> Eth GP Obedience rw
Winners in priority will get to choose 2, then cycle downward, then repeats again(if applicable to the winners)
-I will pm the winners to ask them which items they want based on winning places, then I will update their names next to the items on the prize pool.
-other winners can refresh the page to view the remaining opened items, then I will msg the next person, repeats the process til all winners got their prizes
Will attempt to reach out to winners for the next 72 hours via d2. Io msging system, If no response back from winner(s) in 72 hrs, considered prizes forfeited.
1st winner - choose 3 prizes - Krathkor
2nd winner - choose 3 prizes - illusions, accepted only 2 items.
3rd winner - choose 2 prizes - Caiobritones
4th winner - choose 2 prizes
5th winner - choose 1 prize
This event will end on on sunday , may 28th, at 9 pm pst:
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