"Why Am I Leveling Slow In Diablo 2?"
The experience you gain from monsters in Diablo 2 is actually highly dependent upon the area in which you are killing.If you progress through the game too quickly, or too slowly, you will soon find that your experience gained has significantly slowed or even halted entirely.
*Important Notes:
-Focus on Killing Boss Groups. They give 500% experience and are 3 lvls higher than area level. Also Champion groups give 300% experience, so don't waste too much time killing many normal mobs. (unless its just too fun? Ash Getchum: "Gotta kill-em-all!" )
-Type "/playersX" (x = 1 - 8)(Only works in Single Player). Each increase in player count will increase mob HP & Dmg but also increases the experience you receive and number of loot dropped (every other level 3, 5, 7).
-Farm Act bosses on "/players3" this caps out the loot drop table and prevents the boss from dropping nothing.
For MAXIMUM experience from monsters:
lvl 1 - 11 = Act 1
lvl 12 - 18 = Act 2
lvl 19 - 23 = Act 3
lvl 24 - 31 = Act 4
lvl 32 - 36 = Act 5
lvl 37 - 43 = Act 1 (nightmare)
lvl 43 - 48 = Act 2 (nightmare)
lvl 49 - 52 = Act 3 (nightmare)
lvl 53 - 62 = Act 4 (nightmare)
lvl 63 - 73 = Act 1 (Hell)
lvl 74 - 80 = Act 2 (Hell)
lvl 81 - 83 = Act 3 (Hell)
lvl 83 - 94 = Act 4 (Hell)
lvl 95 - 99 = Act 5 (Hell)
Typical Online Quick Leveling:
1-14 = Tristram Runs
14-20 = Tomb Runs
20-24ish = Cow Runs (or 22-30ish Chaos Runs)
25-40 = Baal Runs (N)
40-65 = Baal Runs (NM)
65+ = Baal Runs (H)
Refer to this experience chart for exact percentages: https://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Guide:Di ... uide_v1.10
Example: (No1 = Act 1, Ni1 = Nightmare Act 1) More Resources:
D2: New Players Guide
D2: Endgame Details
Runewords & Runes Cheat Sheet
How to Hit 400 MF Fast & Cheap: (MF Guide)