I had all my stats listed here before but I felt like it was petty and starting a dick waving competition I didn't want to start. Needless to say I'm around 7k max damage for Strafe and guided and around 5k damage for multi shot. Well enough damage for leech to fill both health and mana quite rapidly.mhlg wrote: 2 years ago Perhaps it depends on your bow and stuff? I have a perfect Faith GM bow and a Windforce. My Windforce has a higher Dps in my stats but Faith beats it in reality. In my experience there are no other Zon skills that can match the survivability of Strafe because leech keeps both health and mana topped. Multi and Guided are both Strafe synergies so you will max them out as well. I can choose any of them but multishot is a mana hog and not that good at leech. I find leech requires both speed and damage. I also have an Andy's socketed with 15 IAS 36 ED jewel, Nostferatu coil Belt, and Laying of Hands mitts.
The reason Strafe will always be slower than multi shot is it hits one at a time, 10 Arrows per volley. With multi I can aim 24 Arrows to be very close beside each other and hit an entire crowd in one shot, then keep doing that at 3.5 volleys per second. That's up to 84 Arrows per second of leech. You do have to work to aim multi shot though, you can't just blind right click it. The closer in to your character you shoot the wider your spread. click at the far Edge of the screen and you shoot with the Arrows bunched up. Also I don't have Strafe lock. I can shoot once move back, shoot some more, move again etc, Strafe has gotten me into some bad spots a few times.
We should play sometimes maybe theres something I'm missing about Strafe that you can show me.