Hey friends I’m looking for some feedback from any of you with poison necro experience. I currently have a well gear Bone Spear but I’m pretty bored with him at the moment. I’m looking at respeccing to Poison Nova but I’m not sure about some of the gear choices.
To be more specific, is the 3 piece Trang set bonus worth it? (Gloves, Belt and shield). Or do you go homonuculus or Spirit shield? Arachnid Mesh is the obvious Belt if not for the 3 piece Trang bonus. However, the cannot be frozen on the Trang Belt is pretty nice.
Also, I imagine BIS Helm and amulet would be Circlet with 2/20 + stats and crafted amulet with +skills and FCR?
Lastly, best merc weapon?
To be more specific, is the 3 piece Trang set bonus worth it? (Gloves, Belt and shield). Or do you go homonuculus or Spirit shield? Arachnid Mesh is the obvious Belt if not for the 3 piece Trang bonus. However, the cannot be frozen on the Trang Belt is pretty nice.
Also, I imagine BIS Helm and amulet would be Circlet with 2/20 + stats and crafted amulet with +skills and FCR?
Lastly, best merc weapon?
Can be used to make Runewords:
Hey friends I’m looking for some feedback from any of you with poison necro experience. I currently have a well gear Bone Spear but I’m pretty bored with him at the moment. I’m looking at respeccing to Poison Nova but I’m not sure about some of the gear choices.
To be more specific, is the 3 piece Trang set bonus worth it? (Gloves, Belt and shield). Or do you go homonuculus or Spirit shield? Arachnid Mesh is the obvious Belt if not for the 3 piece Trang bonus. However, the cannot be frozen on the Trang Belt is pretty nice.
Also, I imagine BIS Helm and amulet would be Circlet with 2/20 + stats and crafted amulet with +skills and FCR?
Lastly, best merc weapon?
To be more specific, is the 3 piece Trang set bonus worth it? (Gloves, Belt and shield). Or do you go homonuculus or Spirit shield? Arachnid Mesh is the obvious Belt if not for the 3 piece Trang bonus. However, the cannot be frozen on the Trang Belt is pretty nice.
Also, I imagine BIS Helm and amulet would be Circlet with 2/20 + stats and crafted amulet with +skills and FCR?
Lastly, best merc weapon?
I think Death's Web is pretty much mandatory. You can get away with just a Harlequin Crest if you just want to MF. The point is to hit at least 75% FCR. Other than that, poison necro starts to shine with Enigma, because you just jump from place to place and trigger a Poison Nova. A second later everything is dead and you can come back and collect the loot.
For mercenary if you are rich then Infinity (it does not help poison damage, but it helps Corpse Explosion damage) or just Insight.
For the gear three piece trang set is a good idea if you are not aiming for 125% FCR. If you want 125% FCR then I think you have to use Arachnid Mesh and Spirit (20 from helmet + 20 from amulet + 35 from Spirit + 20 from Arachnid Mesh + 10 from ring + 20 from trang gloves = 125 - I think there is no other way, so I think it would make less sense to use Arach + Homunculus vs Arach + Spirit in that case), so it depends on your playstyle.

For mercenary if you are rich then Infinity (it does not help poison damage, but it helps Corpse Explosion damage) or just Insight.
For the gear three piece trang set is a good idea if you are not aiming for 125% FCR. If you want 125% FCR then I think you have to use Arachnid Mesh and Spirit (20 from helmet + 20 from amulet + 35 from Spirit + 20 from Arachnid Mesh + 10 from ring + 20 from trang gloves = 125 - I think there is no other way, so I think it would make less sense to use Arach + Homunculus vs Arach + Spirit in that case), so it depends on your playstyle.
Same as above. Ideal is Death's Web. If not (or with it) the 3 Trangs is nice (and you'll probably keep Claws anyway, they are BiS for any necro), or even full Trangs for a good start.

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus

So I have a Grief, but no deaths web, it’s rarer than high runes when your ssf offline. I also have a shopped +5 Poison Nova Wand. Which do you think would be better?
When you say +5 Poison Nova do you mean a +3 PN White runeword Wand ? If yes that's probably a good Wand before getting DWeb (ideally you also have +1 to Lower Resist on it to save 6 stat points) + most of Trangs.

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
Imo, for a poison necro, FCR isn't quite as essential for dealing damage as it is for other casters.
The reason for this is that Poison Nova travels quite slowly relative to other projectiles, and its 2 second duration means there's nothing to gain from repeatedly hitting enemies with it. Refreshing the poison to avoid downtime does not require much FCR. FCR does improve Teleport with Enigma, Corpse Explosion, your curses and such, but it does not need to be the center of your gearing perspective. As such, 3 piece Trang-Oul's with the Belt, headshield, and gloves is extremely strong, and I use it over Homunculus and Arachnid Mesh. Homunculus is better for tankiness, with its blocking, high resistances, and such, but I don't have survivability problems at all and prefer the damage potential of 3 Trangs. I would never use Spirit, except as an offhand with Call To Arms.
For merc, mine is rocking an Obedience. It's cheap and awesome, and very importantly has Crushing Blow, which is helpful. Between Poison Nova and Corpse Explosion, you can mop up rooms full of trash super fast. Merc only does work on bosses and niche situations like the Megademon wave in Throne of Destruction, and in those cases having some CB does wonders. Lots of people will tell you that Infinity is best, because it reduces enemy Fire Res and therefore buffs Corpse Explosion. I say it depends how much you're willing to spend on the character. He does fine without it.
Bramble is a very powerful armor, but I prefer Enigma. Teleport is amazing for all the usual reasons for a necro, but also for managing pets and positioning ideal Poison Nova casts. Travincal comes to mind in particular. I Teleport into the temple, curse, drop 1 Poison Nova, Teleport out. When I come back, everyone's dead, no muss, no fuss, no risk to your merc or golem. It may depend on the difficulty you play at though. I play mostly alone, so 1 Poison Nova will kill 99% of everything in the game. Soloing p8 WSK might be a different story.
The reason for this is that Poison Nova travels quite slowly relative to other projectiles, and its 2 second duration means there's nothing to gain from repeatedly hitting enemies with it. Refreshing the poison to avoid downtime does not require much FCR. FCR does improve Teleport with Enigma, Corpse Explosion, your curses and such, but it does not need to be the center of your gearing perspective. As such, 3 piece Trang-Oul's with the Belt, headshield, and gloves is extremely strong, and I use it over Homunculus and Arachnid Mesh. Homunculus is better for tankiness, with its blocking, high resistances, and such, but I don't have survivability problems at all and prefer the damage potential of 3 Trangs. I would never use Spirit, except as an offhand with Call To Arms.
For merc, mine is rocking an Obedience. It's cheap and awesome, and very importantly has Crushing Blow, which is helpful. Between Poison Nova and Corpse Explosion, you can mop up rooms full of trash super fast. Merc only does work on bosses and niche situations like the Megademon wave in Throne of Destruction, and in those cases having some CB does wonders. Lots of people will tell you that Infinity is best, because it reduces enemy Fire Res and therefore buffs Corpse Explosion. I say it depends how much you're willing to spend on the character. He does fine without it.
Bramble is a very powerful armor, but I prefer Enigma. Teleport is amazing for all the usual reasons for a necro, but also for managing pets and positioning ideal Poison Nova casts. Travincal comes to mind in particular. I Teleport into the temple, curse, drop 1 Poison Nova, Teleport out. When I come back, everyone's dead, no muss, no fuss, no risk to your merc or golem. It may depend on the difficulty you play at though. I play mostly alone, so 1 Poison Nova will kill 99% of everything in the game. Soloing p8 WSK might be a different story.

Can login for trades between 7-11pm EST
Thanks for all the tips everyone. I’m currently working on farming for Death’s web. Once I get that I’ll respec and check it out
I shopped a Wand from Natalia that has +2 all necro skills and +3 Poison Nova (which took way longer than I thought it would), I’m still looking for either a +3psn Bone & +3 psn Nova or a +3 psn Nova base for White, but they are pretty rare.Necrarch wrote: 2 years ago When you say +5 Poison Nova do you mean a +3 PN White runeword Wand ? If yes that's probably a good Wand before getting DWeb (ideally you also have +1 to Lower Resist on it to save 6 stat points) + most of Trangs.
Do you already have Trang's Wing ? If not, can give you that head in the meanwhile - Larzuk it and you'll have a decent Rhyme or Splendor Base :
Just add me for that. If you already have Trang's Wing, probably no use
Will tell you if I get a +3 PN White-able Wand.
Just saw that you're on PS, if you're PS only that's not possible, sorry - offer is also valid for the OP, I am a Bonemancer with Poison just for Magic Immunes, not a real poisonmancer myself.
Just add me for that. If you already have Trang's Wing, probably no use

Will tell you if I get a +3 PN White-able Wand.
Just saw that you're on PS, if you're PS only that's not possible, sorry - offer is also valid for the OP, I am a Bonemancer with Poison just for Magic Immunes, not a real poisonmancer myself.

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
Similarly, on PC Non Ladder, I have a +6 Nova (+3 Nova and White) Wand, an extra Trang-Oul's Wing, Trang-Oul's Claws, and Trang-Oul's Scales that I'd be willing to give away.
The Scales chest armor is not very good, but it works to get 3 piece bonus if you don't want to buy the Belt, and it at least has some useful bonuses.
The Scales chest armor is not very good, but it works to get 3 piece bonus if you don't want to buy the Belt, and it at least has some useful bonuses.

Can login for trades between 7-11pm EST
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