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All Changes in Diablo 2 Resurrected (+More Soon!) [12/16]

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All currently known changes in Diablo 2 Resurrected as well as future changes and improvements

Blizzard wrote:
Update 12/16: Incoming Changes! Patch 2.4 coming early 2022

1. New Ladder-only Runewords (transfers/buildable in non-ladder at end of every season)
2. Class skill Balancing/buffing: (see list below)
3. Buffing A1, A3 & A5 Mercenaries + New skills.
4. Ability to upgrade set items with the
Horadric Cube

5. 4 types of ladders: Classic standard, Classic HC, LoD Standard, LoD HC.
6. A3 rush removed - no longer able to skip smashing compelling orb
7. Enhanced skill tooltips - more values are going to be displayed, like skill/buff duration.
8. Increasing area level of certain places to provide more farming diversity

Summary of Developer meeting about 2.4 changes
List of Class Skill Changes in 2.4
(C: Thunderclaww#1932)


Increase on
Inner Sight

Slow Missiles

Improve the "lockout" of

slows on every hit and doesn't rely on Attack Rating

is faster within the animation

casting delay is reduced

Adjusting scaling (Damage, Mana cost) of Bow and Arrow skills


Martial Arts only consumes one
at a time (vs three)

Updating some tooltips and duration consistency for Shadow Disciplines

Lightning and Fire Traps are getting improvements in damage/syngeries

Skills getting a tuning pass


Warcry improved at higher levels

Find Potion
to incentivize more skill points

Leap Attack
) so it could be better

syngeries are changing

Chance to Throwing skills

synergy with Increase Stamina

isn't getting any changes


Fire skills getting better physical scaling

Artic Blast has better scaling, synergies, and targetting

Shapeshift can cast Elemental Buffs

getting better attack rating scaling

Fire Claws
getting synergy updates

getting damage scaling

Summons don't have hidden randomized health values anymore

Ravens getting changes

Wolves getting more damage (identity: damage dealers)

Spirit summons getting physical resistance

Spirit Wolves getting Cold Damage on their melee

Spirit Barb getting better


Skeletal Mages getting big damage scaling

Blood Golem
Fire Golem
getting damage scaling

Iron Golem

Bone Skills getting scaling improvements

Bone Armor
damage absorb scaling improved

skill getting more damage scaling at higher skill points

No improvements to Summoning at the start of a game


Holy Bolt
pierces, better synergy

Holy Bolt
pierces, less casting delays, improved controls

Better scaling for offensive auras, damage based on range to caster

No planned change to


Cold armors diversified

Frost Nova

Some Fire & Lightning skills improved, better synergies


improved + casting delay removed

improved scaling, thunderstorm synergy,
Static Field

Thunderstorm changes in the works, not teaseable currently


New Runewords made with Mercs in mind

A1 - new ranged skills with aoe damage effectiveness

A2 - auras not difficulty-restricted,

A3 - buffed + new utility skills

A5 - gets
Battle Cry
+ improved hp/def
28 Major Changes on launch:
1. Auto Gold Pick-up
2. Advanced Stats Screen (Shows total FCR, LL, Magic Find ext)
3. Stash size increased to 10x10 + Added 3 more Shared Tabs.
4. Gamble Refresh Button + items no longer disappear when buying multiple of the same type.
5. Cow King Kill Causing Lock-out Removed
6. Ability to link items in the chat window to show other players.
7. Game creation limit currently set at 60-90s. [as of 12/7]
8. New Battlenet System (consoles need lobbies still)
9. No character expiration (20 character limit)
10. Ladder-Only Uniques & Cube Recipes Unlocked for Non-ladder
11. Ladder-Only Runewords Unlocked for Single Player + Non-ladder
12. "Endgame" Events Unlocked for Single Player (1 SOJ to summon Uber Diablo)
13. Playable on Xbox, PS, Switch *with* cross-progression. (cross-play being considered)
14. Global servers (No US East/West forcing you to re-create. Simply switch regions before launch to play with anyone on PC)
15. More Details for Mercenary abilities
16. Hold shift to compare items to equipped (no recommendations, just shows items side by side)
17. Enable loot drop names to be up all the time instead of holding Alt.
18. Ctrl click items into stash instead of drag & drop
19. WSG, Strength, Ebug, NHAM & Assassin Trap bugs Removed
20. Unique Appearances of Items now show accurately on your character when equipped. (Video @ 10:00)
21. Character selection screen has ultra close-up of your character + a detailed back-drop of current Act.
22. Wide-screen Support up to 19:9 (control how far you zoom while holding F + Mouse wheel)
23. More Accessibility Options (controller support, change text size, colorblindness, etc)
24. TCP/IP removed
25. Increased overall map visibility. (Comparison Video)
26. Completely New Graphics Engine with Remastered Cinematics and Sounds (obvsly)
27. Optional toggle for "Miss" text to appear on monsters for better combat feedback.
28. Added In-Game Clock
13 changes in Patch 2.3 on 12/2:
2.3 Highlights:
1. Skill Hotbar added for Keyboard & Mouse quick casting
2. Tomb Vipers psn cloud dmg fixed
3. Broken IAS frames fixed
4. Pathing for Summons improved
5. Summons and Mercenaries
to your location if too far away
6. Glitching A2 Merc fixed due to #5
Fire Wall
dmg no longer stacks
no longer requires line of sight to interact with a target
9. Force Move added as option in controls
10. Right-click Block users in Lobby
11. Shift-click to show item in chat showing previous item fixed
12. New players joining games no longer cancels trades
13. Chat window no longer blocks casting
Even More Possible Changes:
Official Blizzard Survey Questions
Personal Loot Update:
Rod re-iterated on Twitter Personal Loot "is not being done" and also "Even if we did add it, it would be an optional toggle".
Description by BillyMaysed

Can be used to make Runewords:

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BillyMaysed 2282Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC

All currently known changes in Diablo 2 Resurrected as well as future changes and improvements

Blizzard wrote:
Update 12/16: Incoming Changes! Patch 2.4 coming early 2022

1. New Ladder-only Runewords (transfers/buildable in non-ladder at end of every season)
2. Class skill Balancing/buffing: (see list below)
3. Buffing A1, A3 & A5 Mercenaries + New skills.
4. Ability to upgrade set items with the
Horadric Cube

5. 4 types of ladders: Classic standard, Classic HC, LoD Standard, LoD HC.
6. A3 rush removed - no longer able to skip smashing compelling orb
7. Enhanced skill tooltips - more values are going to be displayed, like skill/buff duration.
8. Increasing area level of certain places to provide more farming diversity

Summary of Developer meeting about 2.4 changes
List of Class Skill Changes in 2.4
(C: Thunderclaww#1932)


Increase on
Inner Sight

Slow Missiles

Improve the "lockout" of

slows on every hit and doesn't rely on Attack Rating

is faster within the animation

casting delay is reduced

Adjusting scaling (Damage, Mana cost) of Bow and Arrow skills


Martial Arts only consumes one
at a time (vs three)

Updating some tooltips and duration consistency for Shadow Disciplines

Lightning and Fire Traps are getting improvements in damage/syngeries

Skills getting a tuning pass


Warcry improved at higher levels

Find Potion
to incentivize more skill points

Leap Attack
) so it could be better

syngeries are changing

Chance to Throwing skills

synergy with Increase Stamina

isn't getting any changes


Fire skills getting better physical scaling

Artic Blast has better scaling, synergies, and targetting

Shapeshift can cast Elemental Buffs

getting better attack rating scaling

Fire Claws
getting synergy updates

getting damage scaling

Summons don't have hidden randomized health values anymore

Ravens getting changes

Wolves getting more damage (identity: damage dealers)

Spirit summons getting physical resistance

Spirit Wolves getting Cold Damage on their melee

Spirit Barb getting better


Skeletal Mages getting big damage scaling

Blood Golem
Fire Golem
getting damage scaling

Iron Golem

Bone Skills getting scaling improvements

Bone Armor
damage absorb scaling improved

skill getting more damage scaling at higher skill points

No improvements to Summoning at the start of a game


Holy Bolt
pierces, better synergy

Holy Bolt
pierces, less casting delays, improved controls

Better scaling for offensive auras, damage based on range to caster

No planned change to


Cold armors diversified

Frost Nova

Some Fire & Lightning skills improved, better synergies


improved + casting delay removed

improved scaling, thunderstorm synergy,
Static Field

Thunderstorm changes in the works, not teaseable currently


New Runewords made with Mercs in mind

A1 - new ranged skills with aoe damage effectiveness

A2 - auras not difficulty-restricted,

A3 - buffed + new utility skills

A5 - gets
Battle Cry
+ improved hp/def
28 Major Changes on launch:
1. Auto Gold Pick-up
2. Advanced Stats Screen (Shows total FCR, LL, Magic Find ext)
3. Stash size increased to 10x10 + Added 3 more Shared Tabs.
4. Gamble Refresh Button + items no longer disappear when buying multiple of the same type.
5. Cow King Kill Causing Lock-out Removed
6. Ability to link items in the chat window to show other players.
7. Game creation limit currently set at 60-90s. [as of 12/7]
8. New Battlenet System (consoles need lobbies still)
9. No character expiration (20 character limit)
10. Ladder-Only Uniques & Cube Recipes Unlocked for Non-ladder
11. Ladder-Only Runewords Unlocked for Single Player + Non-ladder
12. "Endgame" Events Unlocked for Single Player (1 SOJ to summon Uber Diablo)
13. Playable on Xbox, PS, Switch *with* cross-progression. (cross-play being considered)
14. Global servers (No US East/West forcing you to re-create. Simply switch regions before launch to play with anyone on PC)
15. More Details for Mercenary abilities
16. Hold shift to compare items to equipped (no recommendations, just shows items side by side)
17. Enable loot drop names to be up all the time instead of holding Alt.
18. Ctrl click items into stash instead of drag & drop
19. WSG, Strength, Ebug, NHAM & Assassin Trap bugs Removed
20. Unique Appearances of Items now show accurately on your character when equipped. (Video @ 10:00)
21. Character selection screen has ultra close-up of your character + a detailed back-drop of current Act.
22. Wide-screen Support up to 19:9 (control how far you zoom while holding F + Mouse wheel)
23. More Accessibility Options (controller support, change text size, colorblindness, etc)
24. TCP/IP removed
25. Increased overall map visibility. (Comparison Video)
26. Completely New Graphics Engine with Remastered Cinematics and Sounds (obvsly)
27. Optional toggle for "Miss" text to appear on monsters for better combat feedback.
28. Added In-Game Clock
13 changes in Patch 2.3 on 12/2:
2.3 Highlights:
1. Skill Hotbar added for Keyboard & Mouse quick casting
2. Tomb Vipers psn cloud dmg fixed
3. Broken IAS frames fixed
4. Pathing for Summons improved
5. Summons and Mercenaries
to your location if too far away
6. Glitching A2 Merc fixed due to #5
Fire Wall
dmg no longer stacks
no longer requires line of sight to interact with a target
9. Force Move added as option in controls
10. Right-click Block users in Lobby
11. Shift-click to show item in chat showing previous item fixed
12. New players joining games no longer cancels trades
13. Chat window no longer blocks casting
Even More Possible Changes:
Official Blizzard Survey Questions
Personal Loot Update:
Rod re-iterated on Twitter Personal Loot "is not being done" and also "Even if we did add it, it would be an optional toggle".

Thanks for listing up this very useful information
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BillyMaysed 2282Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Spree wrote: 3 years ago
Thanks for listing up this very useful information
Thanks :D. I actually made this list entirely for selfish reasons lol.

Here's to hoping they keep adding more great stuff!

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klh 55

Assassin Europe XLinux
@BillyMaysed for 22, is the "hold F and scroll" confirmed somewhere as available at launch?
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BillyMaysed 2282Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
klh wrote: 3 years ago
@BillyMaysed for 22, is the "hold F and scroll" confirmed somewhere as available at launch?
Here's where Rod Fergusson (head of diablo) mentioned the zoom feature on twitter: ... 8602810370
Blizzard wrote:
Another D2R Pro Tip: On PC, you can set your zoom level by holding the "F" key and scrolling the mouse wheel in and out. Once set, when you tap F then you will toggle between the default view and your new zoom setting. #Diablo2Resurrected
Regarding the Black bars compromise its post-launch: ... 3101632517
Blizzard wrote:
Yeah, that's something we're discussing for post launch as a potential solution.

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Tavron 144

Paladin Europe PC
@BillyMaysed I'm sure I've missed it somewhere, but I couldn't find info for number 12 for multiplayer. I.e do we summon
Diablo Clone
the same as in old D2?

"Seven Evils spawned of seven heads. Seven realms birthed from Death."
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BillyMaysed 2282Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Tavron wrote: 3 years ago
@BillyMaysed I'm sure I've missed it somewhere, but I couldn't find info for number 12 for multiplayer. I.e do we summon
Diablo Clone
the same as in old D2?
Yes PezRadar confirmed in a blue post that we still summon Dclone with 70-120 SOJs on Bnet and he has also been unlocked for SP at the price of 1 SOJ. ... /44360/158
Blizzard wrote:
SP is 1 SOJ.

Bnet is the same range as prior which was around ~75~120

EDIT: I should note that these values are not approximate and can change in the future.

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Tavron 144

Paladin Europe PC
@BillyMaysed That's going to be interesting if their advances in protection against bots have actually borne fruit.

"Seven Evils spawned of seven heads. Seven realms birthed from Death."
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BillyMaysed 2282Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Tavron wrote: 3 years ago
@BillyMaysed That's going to be interesting if their advances in protection against bots have actually borne fruit.
@Tavron I'm actually more concerned than interested. If we still have to spawn Dclone with SOJ's.... even with a gigantic playerbase who is going to sell their super rare SOJ to a vendor? and en mass? lol. The entire system was implemented because of rampant dupes.

The drop chance for a SOJ is 1:3813 from NM Andy. So approx 1 every Four Thousand Andy runs. Even with 300 MF its still 1:1616

Almost 4 times as rare as a
Harlequin Crest

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Tavron 144

Paladin Europe PC
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
@Tavron I'm actually more concerned than interested. If we still have to spawn Dclone with SOJ's.... even with a gigantic playerbase who is going to sell their super rare SOJ to a vendor? and en mass? lol. The entire system was implemented because of rampant dupes.

The drop chance for a SOJ is 1:3813 from NM Andy. So approx 1 every Four Thousand Andy runs. Even with 300 MF its still 1:1616

Almost 4 times as rare as a
Harlequin Crest
Well, when I said interested I did mean in a concerned way, because of the exact reasons you listed :) So I do definitely agree with you on that.

"Seven Evils spawned of seven heads. Seven realms birthed from Death."
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
Tavron wrote: 3 years ago
@BillyMaysed That's going to be interesting if their advances in protection against bots have actually borne fruit.
@Tavron I'm actually more concerned than interested. If we still have to spawn Dclone with SOJ's.... even with a gigantic playerbase who is going to sell their super rare SOJ to a vendor? and en mass? lol. The entire system was implemented because of rampant dupes.

The drop chance for a SOJ is 1:3813 from NM Andy. So approx 1 every Four Thousand Andy runs. Even with 300 MF its still 1:1616

Almost 4 times as rare as a
Harlequin Crest
Duping will return. D3 had it and so will this. Give it a month or less.

"And Lesbian."
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BillyMaysed 2282Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
IronLesbian wrote: 3 years ago
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
Tavron wrote: 3 years ago
@BillyMaysed That's going to be interesting if their advances in protection against bots have actually borne fruit.
@Tavron I'm actually more concerned than interested. If we still have to spawn Dclone with SOJ's.... even with a gigantic playerbase who is going to sell their super rare SOJ to a vendor? and en mass? lol. The entire system was implemented because of rampant dupes.

The drop chance for a SOJ is 1:3813 from NM Andy. So approx 1 every Four Thousand Andy runs. Even with 300 MF its still 1:1616

Almost 4 times as rare as a
Harlequin Crest
Duping will return. D3 had it and so will this. Give it a month or less.

Excellent list. Far easier to keep track now.
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
IronLesbian wrote: 3 years ago
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
Tavron wrote: 3 years ago
@BillyMaysed That's going to be interesting if their advances in protection against bots have actually borne fruit.
@Tavron I'm actually more concerned than interested. If we still have to spawn Dclone with SOJ's.... even with a gigantic playerbase who is going to sell their super rare SOJ to a vendor? and en mass? lol. The entire system was implemented because of rampant dupes.

The drop chance for a SOJ is 1:3813 from NM Andy. So approx 1 every Four Thousand Andy runs. Even with 300 MF its still 1:1616

Almost 4 times as rare as a
Harlequin Crest
Duping will return. D3 had it and so will this. Give it a month or less.
We gotta Stick to password online rooms or single player :(

Or maybe Blizzard will surprise us and actually drop the
Blessed Hammer
on the bots and cheaters. Unlikely, but one can hope 😭

"And Lesbian."
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BillyMaysed 2282Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
IronLesbian wrote: 3 years ago
We gotta Stick to password online rooms or single player :(

Or maybe Blizzard will surprise us and actually drop the
Blessed Hammer
on the bots and cheaters. Unlikely, but one can hope 😭
lmao honestly man... id bet money they won't. I have ZERO Faith in blizzard at stopping bots, dupes or hacks. Ive played literally all of their games and all of them have those same problems lol.

Pardon my ignorance but does 10. imply that there will be Ladder-only Uniques which will NOT be available in SP?
In other words: are there Uniques that one can access in Non-Ladder Multi but NOT in SP?

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BillyMaysed 2282Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
ArthurDent wrote: 3 years ago
In other words: are there Uniques that one can access in Non-Ladder Multi but NOT in SP?
I put that because the Anni and Torch are now available in SP. :D

Thank you for your prompt reply.
So to be certain: Anni and Torch are the only used-to-be Ladder Only Uniques then?

Again, apologies for my ignorance. I play mostly D1/Hellfire mod.

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BillyMaysed 2282Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
ArthurDent wrote: 3 years ago
So to be certain: Anni and Torch are the only used-to-be Ladder Only Uniques then?
hey man most people here love to help. So no apologies! Ask as MANY questions as you like. Seriously, I live for this game. lol

But yea anni and torch were the only ladder-only uniques SP didn't have access to.

Runewords are also unlocked though. Im way more excited about the ladder-only runewords in SP than anni and torch lol



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