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New D2R patch 2.4 info summarised from the official developer update stream today

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Just finished watching the official Developer Update Stream on MrLlamaSC's twitch (and here is the link to the VOD in case you guys want to watch the full thing - I'd recommend it). I have summarised the most salient points here in scrappy text form (to be formatted) for those of you that missed it and just want the details. I have excluded stuff that was in the official announcement yesterday, and focused on recording here only the new information we have now on patch 2.4.

Developer Panel

  • New runewords will occasionally be added through the lifetime of the game, across several ladder seasons, there'll basically be something new for each ladder season. This will keep the meta fresh and keep the gameplay varied and competitive each season.
    Slide from the new ladder-only Runewords section, Plague and Pattern have been revealed as two of the Runewords coming in patch 2.4
    Slide from the new ladder-only Runewords section, Plague and Pattern have been revealed as two of the Runewords coming in patch 2.4
  • On PTR there may be a NPC that can give you any item + template lvl 99 characters available for testers + resets etc. - basically a full testing suite could be possible for us to trial builds and actually play them on PTR... :D This would be very useful for updating database item data here on the site and of course for trying all the new changes out. Emphasis from devs was on PTR > Feedback cycle for testing and iterating on these 2.4 changes.
  • Development timeline we can expect as is: Bug fixes/stability to prepare for ladder > PTR > 2.4 PTR > First ladder launches with 2.4 changes.
  • Balance changes - emphasis has been on scaling into the late game. They recognise the skills that are strong early on, and what needs buffing later on in Hell. Also a lot of emphasis on being able to make things VIABLE as a 'fantasy', not necessarily OPTIMAL, so that people have a wider range of play styles. I'd watch the vid itself if you want the nitty gritty for each class - they covered all of the
    points made in yesterday's blue posts but expanded a lot on each class and even down to individual abilities with figures and all.
  • Changes to skill tooltips to make them much more informative - more values are going to be displayed, like
    duration for barb etc.
  • All six Act 2 aura types will be hireable when in Nightmare or Hell difficulty. Buffs to all other act mercs with increased damage and new spells. Act V mercs will get
    Battle Cry
    for example.
  • Some of the new runewords seem like they're there to compliment the changes to skills balancing and merc changes. Emphasis on using under used Runes.
    Plague and Pattern will be among the new Runewords for the upcoming ladder. Used to exist in the game files but never made it into live. Slightly tweaked from what the game files say.
  • They are increasing the area level of monsters in some areas of the game so that people can farm in other areas and provide more diversity. This will provide some nice change of scenery to
    Ancient Tunnels
    Pit Level 2
    etc. Durance of Hate will require you to smash the compelling orb, meaning that you will now have to complete all the Act 3 quests for you to access the Durance of Hate. They don't want people to skip over what they consider a 'big story moment' in Act 3.
List of Class Skill Changes
(C: Thunderclaww#1932)


Increase on
Inner Sight

Slow Missiles

Improve the "lockout" of

slows on every hit and doesn't rely on Attack Rating

is faster within the animation

casting delay is reduced

Adjusting scaling (Damage, Mana cost) of Bow and Arrow skills


Martial Arts only consumes one
at a time (vs three)

Updating some tooltips and duration consistency for Shadow Disciplines

Lightning and Fire Traps are getting improvements in damage/syngeries

Skills getting a tuning pass


Warcry improved at higher levels

Find Potion
to incentivize more skill points

Leap Attack
) so it could be better

syngeries are changing

Chance to Throwing skills

synergy with Increase Stamina

isn't getting any changes


Fire skills getting better physical scaling

Artic Blast has better scaling, synergies, and targetting

Shapeshift can cast Elemental Buffs

getting better attack rating scaling

Fire Claws
getting synergy updates

getting damage scaling

Summons don't have hidden randomized health values anymore

Ravens getting changes

Wolves getting more damage (identity: damage dealers)

Spirit summons getting physical resistance

Spirit Wolves getting Cold Damage on their melee

Spirit Barb getting better


Skeletal Mages getting big damage scaling

Blood Golem
Fire Golem
getting damage scaling

Iron Golem

Bone Skills getting scaling improvements

Bone Armor
damage absorb scaling improved

skill getting more damage scaling at higher skill points

No improvements to Summoning at the start of a game


Holy Bolt
pierces, better synergy

Holy Bolt
pierces, less casting delays, improved controls

Better scaling for offensive auras, damage based on range to caster

No planned change to

Paladin in a pretty good place


Cold armors diversified

Frost Nova

Some Fire & Lightning skills improved, better synergies


improved + Casting delay removed

improved scaling, thunderstorm synergy,
Static Field

Thunderstorm changes in the works, not teaseable currently


New Runewords made with Mercs in mind

A1 - new ranged skills with aoe damage effectiveness

A2 - auras not difficulty-restricted,

A3 - buffed + new utility skills

A5 - gets
Battle Cry
+ improved hp/def

Question and Answer Panel

Please note that this is my own shorthand and not accurate transcriptions of what they actually said on the stream - so take it all with a pinch of salt please, this is what I was able to type whilst simultaneously watching it. These are not real blue posts!

Diablo Clone
Blizzard wrote:
A: We know it's like a secret society/lots of loops to jump through just to even see Dclone, and recognise its hard to experience as it is right now. They want to make it easier to see Dclone for everyone.
I guess they're also aware of the issues around multiple clients to one IP issue etc. but they did not mention it.

Q2: More character slots?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Not in current plans. It's difficult to do database-wise. It's 20 now, will be investigated further.
Q3: Patch for 2.4 before ladder?
Blizzard wrote:
A: No. Game hasn't changed since 1.13c, over a decade ago. They want to get it right in this stage before PTR, then PTR, then 2.4 PTR, then ladder launch. That is the current timeline.
Q4: New bosses or engame content?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Not at this time but that would be cool.
Q5: Heavy armours 2h weapons staves buff?
Blizzard wrote:
A: It's going to come down to feedback. We know they don't provide the same benefits as 1h but more can be done in the future. If there's specifics, that would be cool to know. Blizz want specifics.
Q6: More stash tabs?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Stash tabs are different to inventory space. We'll always have these discussions every patch. But no, not today. You'll get 3 temporary withdrawal-only stash tabs at the end of ladder (lasts until next ladder starts, so you have time to withdraw items you want to keep forever). They like the idea of unlocking a new stash tab every season, or at least have thought about it. They did discuss having a currency stash tab for holding gems, runes, keys etc. but unclear on likelihood of implementation.
Q7: Ignore list that can be shareable, so we can share a bot ignore list?
Blizzard wrote:
A: That was a thing back in the day with legacy D2 We are putting effort into spam bots and spam in general, not specifically bots. Not a list that can be shared, but know we're working on it greatly.
Q8: Will changes affect classic?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Some of them, yes. All sorceress in D2R, including Classic (pre-LoD) Resurrected Sorcs.
Q9: New unique items or edits to them?
Blizzard wrote:
A: No, not happening.
Q10: Changes to crafting?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Nothing planned right now, but it's a possibility. There will be new
Horadric Cube
recipes in the game though. We're allowing you to update base items of set items.
Q11: Stacking of runes or gems?
Blizzard wrote:
A: No, we probably won't ever allow that. They also said they would never allow your personal inventory to stack them but they'd consider adding a separate stash tab with stackable runes/gems whatever and that would be discussed together with adding stash tabs in general. One or the other, probably not both.
Q12: Loot filters?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Talked about for a long time. Thing is, if we do loot filters, like don't show me anything below this level, seen at high end play theres times you want to see low end stuff. Rarity filters are the best solution they think so far, but it's a big undertaking at the moment though and not coming soon.
Q13: PvP balance?
Blizzard wrote:
A: There's going to be differences to the PvP scene because of the changes we're making. It's going to come down to PTR testing.

Q14: Bugs you are REALLY looking at fixing atm? Gameplay in particular.
Blizzard wrote:
A: We've had frequent patches to tackle some of the big things like traps following you around and stuff. The patch cadence will start to slow down as we start to tackle some of the smaller things that have come up, we can now focus on the bigger changes, so more spaced out patches but more significant features and changes.
Q15: Load screens?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Loading is being worked on all the time they say. Gold standard if no player ever saw any load screen, but we are accounting for many pieces of hardware, there are lot of variables that come into play. Hope you continue to see less of it in the future they say.
Follow up to Q15: Can't move can't die in the load screen issue, how about that?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Blizz remember it from Alpha. One of the devs killed
in a loading screen :lol:. We want to avoid any gameplay during loading screens, so something we're trying to avoid at all costs. It's a tricky problem to fix though because it's live. We can't pause the game ever to work on things etc.
Q16: Players 8 for battlenet?
Blizzard wrote:
No, and we're not planning on that. We don't want to add more incentives to not play with other people, its a multiplayer game.
Q17: Console updates?
Blizzard wrote:
We don't have any updates for you right now, but we hear you and when we having something to share we will.
They say more Q+As like this will happen in the future, presentations etc. like this - with other content creators. That was a very cool dev update, hope you guys enjoyed this summary. Thanks Llama for hosting.
Description by BillyMaysed

Can be used to make Runewords:

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Teebling 7220Admin

Europe PC
Just finished watching the official Developer Update Stream on MrLlamaSC's twitch (and here is the link to the VOD in case you guys want to watch the full thing - I'd recommend it). I have summarised the most salient points here in scrappy text form (to be formatted) for those of you that missed it and just want the details. I have excluded stuff that was in the official announcement yesterday, and focused on recording here only the new information we have now on patch 2.4.

Developer Panel

  • New runewords will occasionally be added through the lifetime of the game, across several ladder seasons, there'll basically be something new for each ladder season. This will keep the meta fresh and keep the gameplay varied and competitive each season.
    Slide from the new ladder-only Runewords section, Plague and Pattern have been revealed as two of the Runewords coming in patch 2.4
    Slide from the new ladder-only Runewords section, Plague and Pattern have been revealed as two of the Runewords coming in patch 2.4
  • On PTR there may be a NPC that can give you any item + template lvl 99 characters available for testers + resets etc. - basically a full testing suite could be possible for us to trial builds and actually play them on PTR... :D This would be very useful for updating database item data here on the site and of course for trying all the new changes out. Emphasis from devs was on PTR > Feedback cycle for testing and iterating on these 2.4 changes.
  • Development timeline we can expect as is: Bug fixes/stability to prepare for ladder > PTR > 2.4 PTR > First ladder launches with 2.4 changes.
  • Balance changes - emphasis has been on scaling into the late game. They recognise the skills that are strong early on, and what needs buffing later on in Hell. Also a lot of emphasis on being able to make things VIABLE as a 'fantasy', not necessarily OPTIMAL, so that people have a wider range of play styles. I'd watch the vid itself if you want the nitty gritty for each class - they covered all of the
    points made in yesterday's blue posts but expanded a lot on each class and even down to individual abilities with figures and all.
  • Changes to skill tooltips to make them much more informative - more values are going to be displayed, like
    duration for barb etc.
  • All six Act 2 aura types will be hireable when in Nightmare or Hell difficulty. Buffs to all other act mercs with increased damage and new spells. Act V mercs will get
    Battle Cry
    for example.
  • Some of the new runewords seem like they're there to compliment the changes to skills balancing and merc changes. Emphasis on using under used Runes.
    Plague and Pattern will be among the new Runewords for the upcoming ladder. Used to exist in the game files but never made it into live. Slightly tweaked from what the game files say.
  • They are increasing the area level of monsters in some areas of the game so that people can farm in other areas and provide more diversity. This will provide some nice change of scenery to
    Ancient Tunnels
    Pit Level 2
    etc. Durance of Hate will require you to smash the compelling orb, meaning that you will now have to complete all the Act 3 quests for you to access the Durance of Hate. They don't want people to skip over what they consider a 'big story moment' in Act 3.
List of Class Skill Changes
(C: Thunderclaww#1932)


Increase on
Inner Sight

Slow Missiles

Improve the "lockout" of

slows on every hit and doesn't rely on Attack Rating

is faster within the animation

casting delay is reduced

Adjusting scaling (Damage, Mana cost) of Bow and Arrow skills


Martial Arts only consumes one
at a time (vs three)

Updating some tooltips and duration consistency for Shadow Disciplines

Lightning and Fire Traps are getting improvements in damage/syngeries

Skills getting a tuning pass


Warcry improved at higher levels

Find Potion
to incentivize more skill points

Leap Attack
) so it could be better

syngeries are changing

Chance to Throwing skills

synergy with Increase Stamina

isn't getting any changes


Fire skills getting better physical scaling

Artic Blast has better scaling, synergies, and targetting

Shapeshift can cast Elemental Buffs

getting better attack rating scaling

Fire Claws
getting synergy updates

getting damage scaling

Summons don't have hidden randomized health values anymore

Ravens getting changes

Wolves getting more damage (identity: damage dealers)

Spirit summons getting physical resistance

Spirit Wolves getting Cold Damage on their melee

Spirit Barb getting better


Skeletal Mages getting big damage scaling

Blood Golem
Fire Golem
getting damage scaling

Iron Golem

Bone Skills getting scaling improvements

Bone Armor
damage absorb scaling improved

skill getting more damage scaling at higher skill points

No improvements to Summoning at the start of a game


Holy Bolt
pierces, better synergy

Holy Bolt
pierces, less casting delays, improved controls

Better scaling for offensive auras, damage based on range to caster

No planned change to

Paladin in a pretty good place


Cold armors diversified

Frost Nova

Some Fire & Lightning skills improved, better synergies


improved + Casting delay removed

improved scaling, thunderstorm synergy,
Static Field

Thunderstorm changes in the works, not teaseable currently


New Runewords made with Mercs in mind

A1 - new ranged skills with aoe damage effectiveness

A2 - auras not difficulty-restricted,

A3 - buffed + new utility skills

A5 - gets
Battle Cry
+ improved hp/def

Question and Answer Panel

Please note that this is my own shorthand and not accurate transcriptions of what they actually said on the stream - so take it all with a pinch of salt please, this is what I was able to type whilst simultaneously watching it. These are not real blue posts!

Diablo Clone
Blizzard wrote:
A: We know it's like a secret society/lots of loops to jump through just to even see Dclone, and recognise its hard to experience as it is right now. They want to make it easier to see Dclone for everyone.
I guess they're also aware of the issues around multiple clients to one IP issue etc. but they did not mention it.

Q2: More character slots?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Not in current plans. It's difficult to do database-wise. It's 20 now, will be investigated further.
Q3: Patch for 2.4 before ladder?
Blizzard wrote:
A: No. Game hasn't changed since 1.13c, over a decade ago. They want to get it right in this stage before PTR, then PTR, then 2.4 PTR, then ladder launch. That is the current timeline.
Q4: New bosses or engame content?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Not at this time but that would be cool.
Q5: Heavy armours 2h weapons staves buff?
Blizzard wrote:
A: It's going to come down to feedback. We know they don't provide the same benefits as 1h but more can be done in the future. If there's specifics, that would be cool to know. Blizz want specifics.
Q6: More stash tabs?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Stash tabs are different to inventory space. We'll always have these discussions every patch. But no, not today. You'll get 3 temporary withdrawal-only stash tabs at the end of ladder (lasts until next ladder starts, so you have time to withdraw items you want to keep forever). They like the idea of unlocking a new stash tab every season, or at least have thought about it. They did discuss having a currency stash tab for holding gems, runes, keys etc. but unclear on likelihood of implementation.
Q7: Ignore list that can be shareable, so we can share a bot ignore list?
Blizzard wrote:
A: That was a thing back in the day with legacy D2 We are putting effort into spam bots and spam in general, not specifically bots. Not a list that can be shared, but know we're working on it greatly.
Q8: Will changes affect classic?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Some of them, yes. All sorceress in D2R, including Classic (pre-LoD) Resurrected Sorcs.
Q9: New unique items or edits to them?
Blizzard wrote:
A: No, not happening.
Q10: Changes to crafting?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Nothing planned right now, but it's a possibility. There will be new
Horadric Cube
recipes in the game though. We're allowing you to update base items of set items.
Q11: Stacking of runes or gems?
Blizzard wrote:
A: No, we probably won't ever allow that. They also said they would never allow your personal inventory to stack them but they'd consider adding a separate stash tab with stackable runes/gems whatever and that would be discussed together with adding stash tabs in general. One or the other, probably not both.
Q12: Loot filters?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Talked about for a long time. Thing is, if we do loot filters, like don't show me anything below this level, seen at high end play theres times you want to see low end stuff. Rarity filters are the best solution they think so far, but it's a big undertaking at the moment though and not coming soon.
Q13: PvP balance?
Blizzard wrote:
A: There's going to be differences to the PvP scene because of the changes we're making. It's going to come down to PTR testing.

Q14: Bugs you are REALLY looking at fixing atm? Gameplay in particular.
Blizzard wrote:
A: We've had frequent patches to tackle some of the big things like traps following you around and stuff. The patch cadence will start to slow down as we start to tackle some of the smaller things that have come up, we can now focus on the bigger changes, so more spaced out patches but more significant features and changes.
Q15: Load screens?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Loading is being worked on all the time they say. Gold standard if no player ever saw any load screen, but we are accounting for many pieces of hardware, there are lot of variables that come into play. Hope you continue to see less of it in the future they say.
Follow up to Q15: Can't move can't die in the load screen issue, how about that?
Blizzard wrote:
A: Blizz remember it from Alpha. One of the devs killed
in a loading screen :lol:. We want to avoid any gameplay during loading screens, so something we're trying to avoid at all costs. It's a tricky problem to fix though because it's live. We can't pause the game ever to work on things etc.
Q16: Players 8 for battlenet?
Blizzard wrote:
No, and we're not planning on that. We don't want to add more incentives to not play with other people, its a multiplayer game.
Q17: Console updates?
Blizzard wrote:
We don't have any updates for you right now, but we hear you and when we having something to share we will.
They say more Q+As like this will happen in the future, presentations etc. like this - with other content creators. That was a very cool dev update, hope you guys enjoyed this summary. Thanks Llama for hosting.

Q8: Will changes affect classic?
A: Some of them, yes. All sorceress in D2R, including Classic, wow.
Seems like a crutch for the game; not going to lie. It means they would need to mirror the edits to both, and that means new features and mechanics can't easily be added.
Q14: Bugs you are REALLY looking at fixing atm? Gameplay in particular.
A: We've had frequent patches to tackle some of the big things like traps following you around and stuff. The patch cadence will start to slow down as we start to tackle some of the smaller things that have come up, we can now focus on the bigger changes, so more spaced out patches but more significant features and changes.
They're taking credit for fixing a bug they created, lmao. WHAT?!
Q4: New bosses or engame content?
A: Not at this time but that would be cool.
Can't complain. Would love to see new content.
Q6: More stash tabs?
A: Stash tabs are different to inventory space. We'll always have these discussions every patch. But no, not today. You'll get 3 temporary stash tabs at the end of ladder (lasts until next ladder starts). They like the idea of unlocking a new stash tab every season, or at least have thought about it. They did discuss potentially having a currency stash tab for holding gems, runes, keys etc.
Generally, a few more tabs would be desirable, especially because they said they aren't going to make runes and gems stackable.
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BillyMaysed 2283Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
New runewords will occasionally be added through the lifetime of the game, across several ladder seasons, there'll basically be something new for each ladder season. This will keep the meta fresh and keep the gameplay varied and competitive each season.
Hooray! fun for the rest of our lives!
Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
Changes to skill tooltips to make them much more informative - more values are going to be displayed, like
duration for barb etc.
Does this mean we're finally getting skill timers?
Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
A: Do we have space for additional slots? Not in current plans. It's difficult to do database-wise. It's 20 now, will be investigated further.
this makes me mad. 20 is NOT enough and it should at least be doubled. ESPECIALLY if we aren't getting more stash tabs. wtf
Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
Q11: Stacking of runes or gems?
A: No, we probably won't ever allow that.
another HUGE mistake. Max 20 chars, no extra stash tabs AND no stacking? I realize they said a currency tab is "possibly on the table", but that doesn't mean anything from blizzard. They are making a lot of good changes but one of these things desperately needs to change ASAP.
Krythic wrote: 3 years ago
They're taking credit for fixing a bug they created, lmao. WHAT?!
a bug they created and that was more so actually useful and shouldn't have been fixed. blizzard always doing the opposite of what they should do.

Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
Diablo Clone
A: Secret society/loops to jump through just to even see Dclone lol, they recognise its hard to get it. They want to make it easier to see Dclone. I guess they're also aware of the issues around multiple clients to one IP issue etc. but they did not mention it.
Nice they're considering that, although I wish it was higher pri.
Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
Q16: Players 8 for battlenet?
No, and we're not planning on that. We don't want to add more incentives to not play with other people, its a multiplayer game.
Ah, yes. Fighting over Chaos, cows, and arcane and being in full games while everyone solo MFs is such a wholesome time with the great D2 community.

At least they're making the runewords available in NL eventually, hopefully that will prevent shaking the economy too much.
Q11: Stacking of runes or gems?

Blizzard wrote:
A: No, we probably won't ever allow that.

This is false, they said they would never allow your personal inventory to stack them but they'd consider adding a separate stash tab with stackable runes/gems whatever and that would be discussed together with adding stash tabs in general. One or the other, probably not both.

If you get a PM offer, post it in the trade. Promote healthy competition instead of settling for less. ;)
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Teebling 7220Admin

Europe PC
Queegon wrote: 3 years ago
This is false, they said they would never allow your personal inventory to stack them but they'd consider adding a separate stash tab with stackable runes/gems whatever and that would be discussed together with adding stash tabs in general. One or the other, probably not both.
Cheers, fixed.

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BillyMaysed 2283Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Bounder wrote: 3 years ago
Ah, yes. Fighting over Chaos, cows, and arcane and being in full games while everyone solo MFs is such a wholesome time with the great D2 community.
I think they should leave the perk of /playersX in single player. Not sure why people seem so upset about this. It makes sense to have it in SP, it definitely makes no sense to have it online in a multiplayer game. Pub games with strangers are always the same in any video game, a mess. But it definitely incentivizes forming friendships and groups online VS just always playing alone. if you want to always play alone, play single player... lol

I hate that they seem to be so against stacking runes/gems.
What's the big deal?
It would make the game so much better....

My active ladder trades:
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
Bounder wrote: 3 years ago
Ah, yes. Fighting over Chaos, cows, and arcane and being in full games while everyone solo MFs is such a wholesome time with the great D2 community.
I think they should leave the perk of /playersX in single player. Not sure why people seem so upset about this. It makes sense to have it in SP, it definitely makes no sense to have it online in a multiplayer game. Pub games with strangers are always the same in any video game, a mess. But it definitely incentivizes forming friendships and groups online VS just always playing alone. if you want to always play alone, play single player... lol
I personally don't mind as much, so I wouldn't say I'm super upset. But I do get regular complaining from when I go MF in others' games, or people mad that I tele away to kill cows at a distance that they won't get my drops. Ideally I'd get 7 friends and actually just play with them but that's pretty tough to get 7 (well, 6) people you could trust. I usually only play with one person that I know IRL, tops 2. The only benefit for me would be to be able to farm in a more relaxed fashion vs having to constantly run from others. I'll still manage to get my p7 drops for my own most of the time, albeit at the expense of others to a degree.

Playing solo is not equivalent since I can build a lot of Wealth from trading.
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BillyMaysed 2283Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Bounder wrote: 3 years ago
I personally don't mind as much, so I wouldn't say I'm super upset. But I do get regular complaining from when I go MF in other's games, or people mad that I tele away to kill cows at a distance that they won't get my drops. Ideally I'd get 7 friends and actually just play with them but that's pretty tough to get 7 people you could trust. I usually only play with one person that I know IRL, tops 2. The only benefit for me would be to be able to farm in a more relaxed fashion vs having to constantly run from others. I'll still manage to get my p7 drops for my own most of the time, albeit at the expense of others to a degree.
I used to be strongly against it, but they could offer personal loot as a game creation option to solve that issue.

BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
Bounder wrote: 3 years ago
I personally don't mind as much, so I wouldn't say I'm super upset. But I do get regular complaining from when I go MF in other's games, or people mad that I tele away to kill cows at a distance that they won't get my drops. Ideally I'd get 7 friends and actually just play with them but that's pretty tough to get 7 people you could trust. I usually only play with one person that I know IRL, tops 2. The only benefit for me would be to be able to farm in a more relaxed fashion vs having to constantly run from others. I'll still manage to get my p7 drops for my own most of the time, albeit at the expense of others to a degree.
I used to be strongly against it, but they could offer personal loot as a game creation option to solve that issue.
Now that would encourage team play, but I'm not sure if I want it for D2 either. It would change the economy quite a bit if now everyone farms optimally, which is not the case right now.
They should enable players 8 or fix console matchmaking.... bc it's pretty much a solo game on 5 out of 6 platforms u can play the game on..
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BillyMaysed 2283Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
duanebs wrote: 3 years ago
They should enable players 8 or fix console matchmaking.... bc it's pretty much a solo game on 5 out of 6 platforms u can play the game on..
agreed because consoles have a fraction of the playerbase and the matchmaking system is a complete joke.

Blizzard wrote:
Durance of Hate will require you to smash the compelling orb, meaning that you will now have to complete all the Act 3 quests for you to access the Durance of Hate. They don't want people to skip over what they consider a 'big story moment' in Act 3.
Hell, finally!
I hope
quest bug will be fixed as well.
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
A: Do we have space for additional slots? Not in current plans. It's difficult to do database-wise. It's 20 now, will be investigated further.
this makes me mad. 20 is NOT enough and it should at least be doubled. ESPECIALLY if we aren't getting more stash tabs. wtf
20 chars is not enough?! For what, playing chars or mules? IMO with unlimited respec it is more than enough (especially when combined with short ladders 😡).
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
Bounder wrote: 3 years ago
Ah, yes. Fighting over Chaos, cows, and arcane and being in full games while everyone solo MFs is such a wholesome time with the great D2 community.
I think they should leave the perk of /playersX in single player. Not sure why people seem so upset about this. It makes sense to have it in SP, it definitely makes no sense to have it online in a multiplayer game. Pub games with strangers are always the same in any video game, a mess. But it definitely incentivizes forming friendships and groups online VS just always playing alone. if you want to always play alone, play single player... lol
Another solution: make /players 8 default and permanent in multiplayer AND buff the monsters (especially bosses) so we have to team up to beat them.
For obvious reasons, leave SP as is.
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BillyMaysed 2283Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Trang Oul wrote: 3 years ago
IMO with unlimited respec it is more than enough
If respecing was easier i would agree, but i mostly dont like respecing because i like creating new characters for each build and playing the game and gearing them like that. And also mules. So if they want to semi-solve the 20 char limit, they need to give us way more stash space or item stacking. But they'd still need to give us more character slots because NL and each future ladder will be combined under that 20 limit.
Trang Oul wrote: 3 years ago
Another solution: make /players 8 default and permanent in multiplayer AND buff the monsters (especially bosses) so we have to team up to beat them.
Well the problem with that is a few classes/builds can actually solo just fine on /players8 all the way through but a lot cant. So it wouldn't force everyone into teaming up. Probably more so force everyone to just play those few soloable classes lol

BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
Trang Oul wrote: 3 years ago
Another solution: make /players 8 default and permanent in multiplayer AND buff the monsters (especially bosses) so we have to team up to beat them.
Well the problem with that is a few classes/builds can actually solo just fine on /players8 all the way through but a lot cant. So it wouldn't force everyone into teaming up. Probably more so force everyone to just play those few soloable classes lol
That's the problem with class (and build) balance. I hope it will get improved in the future, ideally NOT with buffing the weaker ones so they are as OP as the meta.
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
duanebs wrote: 3 years ago
They should enable players 8 or fix console matchmaking.... bc it's pretty much a solo game on 5 out of 6 platforms u can play the game on..
agreed because consoles have a fraction of the playerbase and the matchmaking system is a complete joke.
Enable crossplay (instead of just cross-progression). Problem solved.
In regards to 'No, and we're not planning on that. We don't want to add more incentives to not play with other people, its a multiplayer game.'

I really hope they fix the lobby system and allow us to make channels like in old bnet so we can actually play with other people without punching our monitors.
Trang Oul wrote: 3 years ago
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
Trang Oul wrote: 3 years ago
Another solution: make /players 8 default and permanent in multiplayer AND buff the monsters (especially bosses) so we have to team up to beat them.
Well the problem with that is a few classes/builds can actually solo just fine on /players8 all the way through but a lot cant. So it wouldn't force everyone into teaming up. Probably more so force everyone to just play those few soloable classes lol
That's the problem with class (and build) balance. I hope it will get improved in the future, ideally NOT with buffing the weaker ones so they are as OP as the meta.
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
duanebs wrote: 3 years ago
They should enable players 8 or fix console matchmaking.... bc it's pretty much a solo game on 5 out of 6 platforms u can play the game on..
agreed because consoles have a fraction of the playerbase and the matchmaking system is a complete joke.
Enable crossplay (instead of just cross-progression). Problem solved.
Unfortunately, just enabling cross-platform play does not solve the problems on consoles. There is no lobby for console players, so they don't even get the option of seeing what games are out there. They get to pick which quest they are on, or previous quests they've completed, and then auto "search" for a game. It rarely finds one and you are dumped into a single player game. Then the problems only expand. If you complete quests and move on, the game is still made for say
Den of Evil
. So you get a few lucky players jumping into your game later, only to realize you've already completed the quest they are on, and are no where near their level. The same old experience modifiers are still in place, so they can't just jump forward to where you are and level up quickly. Finally, if you leave game and go to search for a new one, it pretty much always throws u back into ur old game. Console multi-player is purely broken. It has been since alpha, and they haven't done anything to make it better.

Adding in a lobby like on PC would make it 10x better. Though, as anyone playing on PC knows, there are simple improvements that could be made there as well.
I feel like the developers dont even play the game so many stupid things ive heard from them jesus, they need to add /players 8 online, fix lobbys and the act 3 skip ... speechless i feel like they only played on normal difficulty and thats all
In my opinion the solution to a lot of issues would be a fourth difficulty level, but a very hard one. Let's say you need to be 85+ and very well geared to finish it. With slightly improved drop rates for runes, a few new uniques (interesting ones).
Also, i totally disagree with the "New uniques ? Lol who cares" thing. I think i am not the only one who likes to find uniques and sets, even low ones. Problem is that nowadays we have a lot of place to trade uniques so they lose value (there are more oculus than sorceresses in the marketplace). Here are a few ideas :
- make an item sink (like disenchant in wow) tu turn them in some kind of currency with rng. IE: i cube a
with something and i have a little chance to get a good rune, or nothing at all.
- more rng stats on uniques (so we can hope for the perfect and drop the shitty rolls)
- bind on équip/identify

And ffs, fix the whole lobby/chat thing.


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