the devs said they are re-working some synergies and pre-reqs so perhaps removing that is one of them? its a pretty obvious design flaw for that druid skill tree that should've been changed long ago.Asha wrote: 3 years ago I only want they remove that single damn arrow forcin the player to invest 5 more skill pts to open
Armageddon - effectively just wasting it. And yes - fixin that arrow DOESNT mean that fire synergies for a dru "should be nerfed accordingly, blah-blah-blah" The rest is basically ok.
nah, i think that would just make farming certain bosses or areas extremely tedious. i honestly think they should just make a different runeword thats cheaper than Enigma so more classes can be farmers and you don't have to farm for 3 months like a full time job to be able to make a 2nd farmer class lol. something like the cost of Treachery but with +1 Teleport.