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Please find below relevant guidance on how to trade, the rules set out for trading on the site, and lastly a few handy tips for uploading screenshots and using the site in general.

Guides to Trading on

Continuous Development Log - Stay on top of the latest changes and trading features for the site.
Hoost's Guide to Trading on D2io - The bible for making sales efficiently and effectively
Price Check tool - Fresh, organic, and always up to date sales data for any D2 item
How to price check Magic items on d2io - A .GIF guide that shows you how to check the price of magic items.
How to use to price check Rare items - How to use the site and understanding how Sigma scores are calculated
Advanced keyword expressions - How to use the deep search to its fullest potential, including examples.
10 Scams in D2R and how to avoid them - A must-read summary by BillyMaysed
Posting ads for player services - A quick guide by Hoost
Trade values guide - Not maintained since Feb '22. Use the price check tool instead!
Pricing guide for beginner torch sales - A guide by Sober2085
How much is X rune worth? - A guide to Rune trading by Morphin
D2 Charsi Food - Great price appraisal tool for rare items

Rules & Tips for trading on

  • The use of real money trading (RMT), d2jsp Forum Gold aka FG, or any other RL currency is prohibited. I've got nothing against d2jsp, a truly great site; I just want to keep trades here limited to in-game item bartering. Let's keep it fun guys.
  • When dealing with Magic or Rare Charms, Jewels, Rings, Amulets, or other randomised items that have no database entry, always use the full in-game name of the item and apply filters. For example, Sparking Grand Charm of Vita. This standard applies when listing, searching, or price checking.
  • Trades expire if they have had no comments for 3 days running - this helps keep the database healthy and the market fresh. Trades marked as sold also remain visible for 3 days after the last post was made. Just before they expire, sold trades are converted into historical price data which can be accessed using the price checker tool, and the original listing is deleted.
  • When uploading a screenshot, make sure it's cropped to exactly the dimensions of the item's tooltip in-game - no need to see anything else outside of this. You can paste directly from the clipboard when making a new trade, or drag the image into the editor, or upload it manually. See the next post by Udyret for instructions if you need them.
  • Make your comment on your trade ad as descriptive as possible. The use of abbreviations and acronyms to describe stats in your descriptions is good for discoverability. The more descriptive your comment is, the more keywords the search engine can pick up on, meaning your trades will get more visits and sell faster. Use advanced filters too!
  • If you are having trouble with someone commenting in your trades, you can use the squelch feature (Top right dropdown > Account Prefs > Squelch a Trader). Squelching someone hides all their comments in any of your trades. Please don't send reports in to the mods until you've tried this out, it solves 99% of trade disputes pretty effectively without us having to get involved.
  • Do not 'poach', 'ride', or 'jack' other people's trade listings - If you have an item for trade, create your own trade thread. Do not post it in other people's trade threads to compete with the original poster of the thread. This is highly frowned upon and people will report you for it, if they get to see your posts before you are squelched that is :P
  • The market is moderated by real people and any reports submitted will be read and actioned on by someone eventually. Please be nice to them, they have a lot of reports to go through every day. When you make a report, make it detailed and important enough to justify the attention of the moderators. Things like 'this guy said he had
    but he only had
    ' are to be avoided - we do not take action on things that happened outside of the site.
  • Any kind of abuse or attitude towards the volunteer mods is strictly not tolerated. I will personally ensure that any reports of harassment towards the mods here are followed up on. Treat these guys with respect and they will return the courtesy.
  • Sellers who create a trade thread for their item should expect other sellers to be watching their thread. It is an open market and nothing can be done about other sellers sending direct messages to people who make offers for items. Sellers are encouraged to get into a game with a player offering an item as soon as they can in order to close their deals. Along the same line, buyers are also encouraged to get into a game with the seller as soon as possible so they can close the deal before somebody else gets to it.
  • Traders are expected to get as much as they can for their items as soon as they can. Trades are not completed until items have been exchanged and no binding commitments are made in either direction until a trade actually takes place in-game.
  • If you're confused about what a button in the trade UI does, hover over it to see helpful tooltips with guidance on usage/best practises. For detailed guidance on the site's mechanics and how to maximise your trading potential, please read the development log here.
  • There is also a Useful Site Tips & Tricks list here which has a lot of general good-to-know things about using
  • Last of all, be kind :)
Happy trading everyone.
Description by Teebling

Can be used to make Runewords:

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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
Please find below relevant guidance on how to trade, the rules set out for trading on the site, and lastly a few handy tips for uploading screenshots and using the site in general.

Guides to Trading on

Continuous Development Log - Stay on top of the latest changes and trading features for the site.
Hoost's Guide to Trading on D2io - The bible for making sales efficiently and effectively
Price Check tool - Fresh, organic, and always up to date sales data for any D2 item
How to price check Magic items on d2io - A .GIF guide that shows you how to check the price of magic items.
How to use to price check Rare items - How to use the site and understanding how Sigma scores are calculated
Advanced keyword expressions - How to use the deep search to its fullest potential, including examples.
10 Scams in D2R and how to avoid them - A must-read summary by BillyMaysed
Posting ads for player services - A quick guide by Hoost
Trade values guide - Not maintained since Feb '22. Use the price check tool instead!
Pricing guide for beginner torch sales - A guide by Sober2085
How much is X rune worth? - A guide to Rune trading by Morphin
D2 Charsi Food - Great price appraisal tool for rare items

Rules & Tips for trading on

  • The use of real money trading (RMT), d2jsp Forum Gold aka FG, or any other RL currency is prohibited. I've got nothing against d2jsp, a truly great site; I just want to keep trades here limited to in-game item bartering. Let's keep it fun guys.
  • When dealing with Magic or Rare Charms, Jewels, Rings, Amulets, or other randomised items that have no database entry, always use the full in-game name of the item and apply filters. For example, Sparking Grand Charm of Vita. This standard applies when listing, searching, or price checking.
  • Trades expire if they have had no comments for 3 days running - this helps keep the database healthy and the market fresh. Trades marked as sold also remain visible for 3 days after the last post was made. Just before they expire, sold trades are converted into historical price data which can be accessed using the price checker tool, and the original listing is deleted.
  • When uploading a screenshot, make sure it's cropped to exactly the dimensions of the item's tooltip in-game - no need to see anything else outside of this. You can paste directly from the clipboard when making a new trade, or drag the image into the editor, or upload it manually. See the next post by Udyret for instructions if you need them.
  • Make your comment on your trade ad as descriptive as possible. The use of abbreviations and acronyms to describe stats in your descriptions is good for discoverability. The more descriptive your comment is, the more keywords the search engine can pick up on, meaning your trades will get more visits and sell faster. Use advanced filters too!
  • If you are having trouble with someone commenting in your trades, you can use the squelch feature (Top right dropdown > Account Prefs > Squelch a Trader). Squelching someone hides all their comments in any of your trades. Please don't send reports in to the mods until you've tried this out, it solves 99% of trade disputes pretty effectively without us having to get involved.
  • Do not 'poach', 'ride', or 'jack' other people's trade listings - If you have an item for trade, create your own trade thread. Do not post it in other people's trade threads to compete with the original poster of the thread. This is highly frowned upon and people will report you for it, if they get to see your posts before you are squelched that is :P
  • The market is moderated by real people and any reports submitted will be read and actioned on by someone eventually. Please be nice to them, they have a lot of reports to go through every day. When you make a report, make it detailed and important enough to justify the attention of the moderators. Things like 'this guy said he had
    but he only had
    ' are to be avoided - we do not take action on things that happened outside of the site.
  • Any kind of abuse or attitude towards the volunteer mods is strictly not tolerated. I will personally ensure that any reports of harassment towards the mods here are followed up on. Treat these guys with respect and they will return the courtesy.
  • Sellers who create a trade thread for their item should expect other sellers to be watching their thread. It is an open market and nothing can be done about other sellers sending direct messages to people who make offers for items. Sellers are encouraged to get into a game with a player offering an item as soon as they can in order to close their deals. Along the same line, buyers are also encouraged to get into a game with the seller as soon as possible so they can close the deal before somebody else gets to it.
  • Traders are expected to get as much as they can for their items as soon as they can. Trades are not completed until items have been exchanged and no binding commitments are made in either direction until a trade actually takes place in-game.
  • If you're confused about what a button in the trade UI does, hover over it to see helpful tooltips with guidance on usage/best practises. For detailed guidance on the site's mechanics and how to maximise your trading potential, please read the development log here.
  • There is also a Useful Site Tips & Tricks list here which has a lot of general good-to-know things about using
  • Last of all, be kind :)
Happy trading everyone.


 Deleted User 632 0

Capturing screen contents


The best way to take screenshots on windows is to use Win-Shift-S. This captures a user selectable area of the screen to the clipboard. Or the PrntScrn key. This inappropriately named key captures the current screen or window to the clipboard.

Xbox Series X|S

Press the Xbox button to open the guide, then press the Y button.
The screenshot is made when you press the Xbox button. Pressing the Y button saves it.

Nintendo Switch

To capture a screenshot, press the Capture Button.
On the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch ā€“ OLED Model consoles, this is located on the left Joy-Con.
On Nintendo Switch Lite, this is located below the +Control Pad.

PlayStation 5

Press the create button on your DualSenseā„¢ wireless controller to open the create menu. Select "Take Screenshot" to capture screenshot.
This takes a screenshot of your current game screen.

PlayStation 4

You can save a screenshot of your gameplay in one of the following ways.
  • Press and hold the SHARE button on your controller.
  • Press the SHARE button, and then press the triangle button.
  • Press the SHARE button, and then select Save Screenshot.
Something that I don't see mentioned is crossposting. No doubt there will be other websites used for trading, so is there any rule against crossposting items?
As long as the item is removed from this site after it has been traded on another site, is posting it on other sites still allowed?
I'd imagine for some high value items that people would to get as many eyes on them as possible.

In terms of item listings expiring, I think that is a good idea. Having a listing expire 48 hours after posting seems like a good spot. Anything more than that the item could just be relisted.
That being said, instead of limiting items once per day, if they just have a hard limit of one bump per listing period. That solves both issues. Item listings would only last for 48 hours, and let you bump them once.
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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
There's a lot of programming complexity to what you're suggesting re: bump once per expiry etc.

Bottom line is this - for now I want to keep trades indefinitely just so I can see how the site works with a bit of price history etc. but when the game releases, I'll reset and purge everything, and the trades will have a 1 week expiry subject to change depending on activity. Bumps remain once per day, unless it gets busy in which case I can reduce that to 6 hours.

Of course people can do whatever they like with their items as far as posting goes. No way are we going to impose some rule on people and enforce it like that, athough of course it would be ideal, the reality will be different :) Hoping the expiry and some goodwill will be enough to keep people from leaving expired trades up. Even if they do, its their loss as they'd continue to be solicited for the item they'd already sold, which is an incentive in itself.

Price history would remain indefinitely of course for that historical check people will want.

What about remove the trade topic and recreate same topic to "bump"?
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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
Polarducky wrote: 3 years ago
What about remove the trade topic and recreate same topic to "bump"?
That's fine, but I don't see why anyone would do that when there is alredy a 'Bump' option for Trades.

Edit: Wait did I remove that button by accident in patch 0,5? šŸ˜‚

Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
Polarducky wrote: 3 years ago
What about remove the trade topic and recreate same topic to "bump"?
That's fine, but I don't see why anyone would do that when there is alredy a 'Bump' option for Trades.

Edit: Wait did I remove that button by accident in patch 0,5? šŸ˜‚
Lol that actually made me laugh
I was looking at the create trade functionality and have a few questions.

Do your profile details determine how a new trade you create gets categorized?

If I purchase the game on Switch and PC, will I need separate accounts for each?

Additionally, if I switch my profile details from Non-Ladder to Ladder, what will happen to my existing trades that are posted?

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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
Grizzlywise wrote: 3 years ago
Do your profile details determine how a new trade you create gets categorized?
Grizzlywise wrote: 3 years ago
If I purchase the game on Switch and PC, will I need separate accounts for each?
Yes, but you can link these two accounts together, allowing you to switch between them without logging in/out. Check out the 'account info' section of your control panel.
Grizzlywise wrote: 3 years ago
Additionally, if I switch my profile details from Non-Ladder to Ladder, what will happen to my existing trades that are posted?
As soon as you switch to Ladder, all your trades will also be listed as a ladder character.

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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
Added a trade search to the main marketplace so you can look for any item traded within the last 24 hours (both active and sold). This will help those who instantly want to find a trade for a specific item.

Trades will now expire after a week give-or-take and be deleted forever. Trades marked as sold however remain as an archive of price history that can be accessed with the price checker tool.

Some small optimisations that seem to have had a good effect on server stability, dedicated server is still due tomorrow (Monday), after which I can remove the CloudFlare CAPTCHA and the site should be much faster.

I selected my platform (playstation) in my profile, but the trades i add to the site are not classified as playstation.

Anything I'm doing wrong?
Does the character name in-game have to match the account name on this website?
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Beardozer 10 Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
nyRo wrote: 3 years ago
Does the character name in-game have to match the account name on this website?
I don't see why it would need to be. I don't use this name for any of my in-game characters yet. Just use the site to set up the trade, then talk to your trade partner to meet up in game. janitor | Odunga Brotherhood
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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
Schlafsack wrote: 3 years ago
I selected my platform (playstation) in my profile, but the trades i add to the site are not classified as playstation.

Anything I'm doing wrong?
Seems to be working fine?
nyRo wrote: 3 years ago
Does the character name in-game have to match the account name on this website?
No it doesn't, but I suppose it helps. If you have a different character name, you can set it in your profile settings, and it shows on your profile.

Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
Schlafsack wrote: 3 years ago
I selected my platform (playstation) in my profile, but the trades i add to the site are not classified as playstation.

Anything I'm doing wrong?
Seems to be working fine?

Screen Shot 2021-10-04 at 05.26.41.png

Screen Shot 2021-10-04 at 05.26.36.png
nyRo wrote: 3 years ago
Does the character name in-game have to match the account name on this website?
No it doesn't, but I suppose it helps. If you have a different character name, you can set it in your profile settings, and it shows on your profile.

Yeah, itā€™s working now. Just took a day or so for classification to show up.
How can we bump? Either I am blind or there is no button? Do we just reply to our own thread?

Edit: Is there a 24h timer until I see the button?
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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
cp7spaulding wrote: 3 years ago
How can we bump? Either I am blind or there is no button? Do we just reply to our own thread?

Edit: Is there a 24h timer until I see the button?
The bump button is working - if you don't see it, it means that it's on a cooldown - should be 6 hours.

Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
cp7spaulding wrote: 3 years ago
How can we bump? Either I am blind or there is no button? Do we just reply to our own thread?

Edit: Is there a 24h timer until I see the button?
The bump button is working - if you don't see it, it means that it's on a cooldown - should be 6 hours.
i suppose it is 24h: i don't see it on 17h old trade but another one has it

also, what does bumping actually do? I've bumped a trade 10 mins ago but don't see it in active trades, they are still sorted by created_at field, i guess
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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
Ah yes you're right - it's 24h. The bump button raises it to the top of the marketplace - the one place it doesn't 'rise' is in your profile on active trades - but that will be fixed next patch.

Is this site only used for PC cuz I have a Xbox series x and don't know how to take a screenshot


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