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Description by Teebling

Can be used to make Runewords:

New member here but already participating in the trading community.

Is there any trade etiquette that could be further detailed other than what is briefly highlighted in the trading FAQ?

For instance, there are sellers who listed their items for OBO, confirmed an accepted offer, but later flaked because somebody else made an even higher offer several hours later?

I think it's a matter of Principle that sellers should stick with their agreed trades unless the original offerer decides to let the one/s after to overwrite their original offer. Conversely, buyers that agree to the trade but later flaked because they found a better deal elsewhere should be penalized because the seller kept those items for them and missed out selling their items to other potential buyers.

Would like the admins/moderators take on this.

Currently moving on to Path Of Exile 2 - Always looking for ORBS. PM if you wish to trade.

While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.
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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
Skaijuice wrote: 3 years ago
I think it's a matter of Principle that sellers should stick with their agreed trades unless the original offerer decides to let the one/s after to overwrite their original offer. Conversely, buyers that agree to the trade but later flaked because they found a better deal elsewhere should be penalized because the seller kept those items for them and missed out selling their items to other potential buyers.

Would like the admins/moderators take on this.
As per the rules in this topic: Traders are expected to get as much as they can for their items as soon as they can. Trades are not completed until items have been exchanged. This is not an auction site and no commitments are made in either direction until a trade actually takes place in-game. Buyers are encouraged to get into a game with the player offering the item as soon as they can in order to close their deals.

Until the deal is actually closed, it's open for anyone else to make an offer. It doesn't matter what offers have been made, when they were made etc. - until the seller of the item actually exchanges the item, they are free to choose who they want - even if they have verbally 'agreed' to an offer, or 'added' someone. That is why they are called 'offers' - because that is all they are - it is not a commitment that both people have to enter into. This is a site that connects people, it doesn't regulate the way in which they trade.

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ek6u 201

Europe PC
Is there a limit for the trade offers per stash? I can do only 12 offers per stash and if I make a new one on top of these 12 then the oldest one gets deleted automatically.

I'm not fixed to runes only, I also accept
Perfect Gems
; Keys for Uber;
Token of Absolution
(s) or Essences.
Feel free to post your offer or contact me directly without any concerns.
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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
ek6u wrote: 3 years ago
Is there a limit for the trade offers per stash? I can do only 12 offers per stash and if I make a new one on top of these 12 then the oldest one gets deleted automatically.
They're not deleted, just not visible - you can see all your trades from the 'all trades' button on your profile, and move them into a new stash tab when you start overflowing.

Edit Feb '22: The stash tab limit has been removed.

Is there a trade etiquette in regards to going into a trade thread and making comments about hypothetically bidding and setting a minimum price for the OP?

We are bidding on an item. And Player X comes in and says "IF I were to bid, I would bid at least X X X" as that item would never go below XXX."
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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
Anonemous wrote: 3 years ago
Is there a trade etiquette in regards to going into a trade thread and making comments about hypothetically bidding and setting a minimum price for the OP?

We are bidding on an item. And Player X comes in and says "IF I were to bid, I would bid at least X X X" as that item would never go below XXX."
Yeah that's frowned upon. They'd probably get squelched by the lister pretty quickly.

Updated the rules & tips today, mainly added in some good-to-knows and answers to common questions.

got a question and it may have been answered. How does say someone is trading a rune for X pgems but it takes numerous trades to trade said gems. how does the trust system or a negative response work if say I trade 40 of the 80 required gems and the "seller" of the rune bounces and steals my gems?
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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
Grade247 wrote: 2 years ago
got a question and it may have been answered. How does say someone is trading a rune for X pgems but it takes numerous trades to trade said gems. how does the trust system or a negative response work if say I trade 40 of the 80 required gems and the "seller" of the rune bounces and steals my gems?
You'd organise the specifics of the trade is actually executed in-game, maybe leave instructions in your trade listings's description to this effect?

If they buck with your stuff you can report them. There is no negative trust.

Best thing to do really is find a mediator if you're really concerned about escrow. You can ask for this in the forums.

What does "BIN" stand for in Trades?
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Teebling 17 Admin

Europe PC
shrodo wrote: 2 years ago
What does "BIN" stand for in Trades?
'Buy it now'

Is there a way to manage trades in bulk? Say from importing from a text file? I discovered app for managing lists of trade items, this can export as a text file. Importing this into trades would be really useful.
can you trade across platforms? For example, can someone on PC trade with someone on PlayStation?
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Necrarch 1160 Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Normally, no, it's a Bnet limitation.
However, some people have both a PS + PC / Switch + PC account and accept to serve as middlemen, either for free or for a reasonable tip.
But that's based on good will and trust.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
I'm sorry if this isn't the best place to ask this, but I'm looking everywhere and i can't find this matter, so i'm asking here if its that ok.

Is there a way to list "bundles"? I mean, selling amethysts +
runes + jewels for crafting, for example. Or
for Spirit shields? Or should i list them separately?
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Necrarch 1160 Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Not really, there have been some pseudo items created for Keysets and
Perfect Gems

Besides, Spirit / Insight packs have been suggested but not implemented yet.
As for crafting packs, I think it's a lesser good idea, as :
- most crafters either look for PAms or Rals or jewels, but not all of them at a given moment ;
- if you do that for Caster Amu, shouldn't you do the same for
Blood Ring
Blood Gloves
- i'ts only 3 items to list / look for, just do them separately :)


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
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TheDoo 177

Europe PC
If someone is using dupped rune for example and they trade with you in-game having previously arranged the trade via offer here, and you don't know if that runes is legit or not... Can you get your account actually banned is what's my concern?

For example, I'm a normal guy wanting to trade an item on ladder. I post an offer... Someone comes and offers something that is ridiculously over-paying for what I'm looking for. If, for example, that person is new to the site and can be a shady buyer who has illegal stuff and they trade those illegal stuff with me by completing a trade via this site can I get banned by Blizzard even tho I didn't know those in-game goods are illegal? I know it's a weird question but I have to ask. And can I somehow prove via this site that I was scammed/phished (or whatever is the right term)?

Also sorry for spamming here but I kinda didn't know where to put this question tbch.

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
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Necrarch 1160 Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Never happened in d2r that I know.

Too high offers : remind them gently what it's worth.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
I just found this site, hope it's legit because I would love to get back into the trading scene of d2r, it's always been one of the best aspects of the game, gonna read the detailed info about trading.....oooo excited tee hee
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Necrarch 1160 Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Welcome around, hope you'll have fun.

People are normally reliable here, but do keep the safety rules:
- always use the trading window when trading, except if you really blindly trust the other trader;
- always double check the window before validating
Scammers do exist.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
Stupid question (new to this): can EU and NA players trade together?


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