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Hi, community,

I've seen several posts in the last few weeks with users complaining about not getting the sales/trades that they're expecting when using this site. I've seen posters try to pin the blame on the website or the 1.0 update, the D2 'economy', or even on other players. As a result, I decided to put together a list book of sales tips for using this website and understanding the buying and trading in Diablo 2: Resurrected. To provide some validation on my tips, you can see my site stats below. I'll point out that more than 30% of my total sales have happened in the last 3 days alone.
Tips for Selling
  • Name your stash tabs
    By taking a few minutes to name your stash tabs and sort your items appropriately, you'll help anyone that visits your profile know the types of items that you have for sale. You can adjust these names by clicking on "edit profile."
  • Use the advanced dropdown
    Every time you list an item, click the dropdown for the advanced menu and apply the correct filters. In my opinion, this will really help with the discoverability of your items. It shows the icons/pictures right on the trade search window and makes it a lot easier to users to identify what they are looking for if you have filled this information in. An example would be that several times I've overlooked a listing because I'm searching for a specific number of sockets. The person who made the listing opted to write "4OS" in the title rather that use the advanced tab, so it doesn't appear when I'm using the advanced search.
  • Build your trust
    If I'm looking for an item and I see two listings that are similar prices, I'm probably going to make an offer on the one with higher trust. Typically players marked with high +trust are going to have fast & reliable service. You can build trust by making good trades, being polite, timely, and even by being a good buyer after the new update. I recommend that you start building that trust and you may notice more interest on your listings.
  • List your asking price up front
    Suppose someone visits your listing and it says "make an offer". This requires the buyer to research what the items is worth, figure out what they have, and then post an offer. During this time, they may find another listing that says "looking for
    rune" and just buy that instead because it's less of a hassle. Sure, by leaving it open for people to make offers, you may get someone who doesn't know the market and might way over offer for an item, but do you really want to be fleecing people on this site? Determine what you want for your item and list it up front.
  • Be willing to negotiate
    One of the complaints I see often is that there are "too many listings." This is the nature of buying and trading. So be willing to negotiate offers that you receive. If someone is close to your asking price, you can always see if they are willing to throw in some extra Pgems or something. Personally, I think making a sale for close to my asking price is better than making no sale at all. So be willing to be flexible on your asking prices.
  • Check the price history
    One of the major things that people tend to not understand is how quickly the Diablo 2 economy changes. Items that were in high demand 2 weeks ago might be totally saturated now, dropping the price considerably. Luckily the site shows you the sale price for items over the last 3 days. I recommend using this data to accurately price your items, rather than relying on other sources which may be out of date. You can also view the historical data to better understand how prices are changing over time. Certain items will become less valuable over time while others actually become more valuable over time. Using both the 3 day and historical data will help you understand if you should sell now or wait.
  • Sell items that people want to buy
    If you're trying to sell an item that has 20+ listings and only 2 buyers in the last few days, you may be unlikely to get much interest in your listings. Use the trade statistics data to see what items have high demand. Also, remember to keep Supply and Demand curves in your mind. If there are numerous listings for the exact same item, you're unlikely to get "full price" for it. However; if you have a rare item, go ahead and price it with the premium but remember that it will likely take longer to sell.
  • Drop your asking prices over time
    Again, I want to stress that prices for items in D2 drop over time. If you haven't received any offers on an item, drop the asking price and see what happens. As I said above, a sale at a lower price is better than no sale at all.
  • Bump your trades when you're actually online
    I'm guilty of bumping my trades before bed and waking up to several offers only to find out that the buyer found the item elsewhere. I recommend bumping your trades when you're actually available for a sale/trade. If someone makes an offer and a few hours go by, they will probably get the item elsewhere.
    Also, remember that you can bump all of your trades at once, every 6 hours. Navigate to your profile to use that tool.
  • Post in the appropriate place/fourm
    Are you still listing trades on the forums? Or not listing your services in the correct category? Your post is just going to get removed or moved to the correct category anyway. Save the mods time and trouble by using the correct forum when posting price checks, discussions, trades, player services, etc.
  • Use the player squelch feature
    If you encounter someone that is trying to disrupt your trades by trying to steal a potential buyer, or posting outrageous high offers in an attempt to 'hold' your item, just squelch them. The best part is that a squelched player doesn't even know that they can't be heard. Justice! You can do this by navigating to your account settings. Also, if you're one of the people trying to trade jack, hold items, or scare off buyers with outlandish offers, just stop. You're probably squelched and you don't even know it.
  • Remember that items are more valuable to you than they are to a buyer
    My final tip is just a good life pro tip in general. Stuff that you work hard for to earn, create, or find, has intrinsic value to you. This intrinsic value doesn't mean anything to potential buyers so it will mean less to them. Many times I see people trying to sell items for way too high of an asking price. It's often because the seller finally found that
    they have always wanted or they paid a lot for the item a few weeks ago. A new potential buyer doesn't care what you paid for the item or how much effort went into finding it. So try to keep in mind that you're probably naturally inclined to overestimate what your items are worth.
So there you have it. There are some of my tips to help you make more trades/sales. If you have additional tips to share, feel free to share them. And finally, one more big thanks to @Teebling and the mods. This site is great and I wish it was around 20 years ago when I was playing and couldn't ever sell anything.
Description by Teebling

Can be used to make Runewords:

Hi, community,

I've seen several posts in the last few weeks with users complaining about not getting the sales/trades that they're expecting when using this site. I've seen posters try to pin the blame on the website or the 1.0 update, the D2 'economy', or even on other players. As a result, I decided to put together a list book of sales tips for using this website and understanding the buying and trading in Diablo 2: Resurrected. To provide some validation on my tips, you can see my site stats below. I'll point out that more than 30% of my total sales have happened in the last 3 days alone.
Tips for Selling
  • Name your stash tabs
    By taking a few minutes to name your stash tabs and sort your items appropriately, you'll help anyone that visits your profile know the types of items that you have for sale. You can adjust these names by clicking on "edit profile."
  • Use the advanced dropdown
    Every time you list an item, click the dropdown for the advanced menu and apply the correct filters. In my opinion, this will really help with the discoverability of your items. It shows the icons/pictures right on the trade search window and makes it a lot easier to users to identify what they are looking for if you have filled this information in. An example would be that several times I've overlooked a listing because I'm searching for a specific number of sockets. The person who made the listing opted to write "4OS" in the title rather that use the advanced tab, so it doesn't appear when I'm using the advanced search.
  • Build your trust
    If I'm looking for an item and I see two listings that are similar prices, I'm probably going to make an offer on the one with higher trust. Typically players marked with high +trust are going to have fast & reliable service. You can build trust by making good trades, being polite, timely, and even by being a good buyer after the new update. I recommend that you start building that trust and you may notice more interest on your listings.
  • List your asking price up front
    Suppose someone visits your listing and it says "make an offer". This requires the buyer to research what the items is worth, figure out what they have, and then post an offer. During this time, they may find another listing that says "looking for
    rune" and just buy that instead because it's less of a hassle. Sure, by leaving it open for people to make offers, you may get someone who doesn't know the market and might way over offer for an item, but do you really want to be fleecing people on this site? Determine what you want for your item and list it up front.
  • Be willing to negotiate
    One of the complaints I see often is that there are "too many listings." This is the nature of buying and trading. So be willing to negotiate offers that you receive. If someone is close to your asking price, you can always see if they are willing to throw in some extra Pgems or something. Personally, I think making a sale for close to my asking price is better than making no sale at all. So be willing to be flexible on your asking prices.
  • Check the price history
    One of the major things that people tend to not understand is how quickly the Diablo 2 economy changes. Items that were in high demand 2 weeks ago might be totally saturated now, dropping the price considerably. Luckily the site shows you the sale price for items over the last 3 days. I recommend using this data to accurately price your items, rather than relying on other sources which may be out of date. You can also view the historical data to better understand how prices are changing over time. Certain items will become less valuable over time while others actually become more valuable over time. Using both the 3 day and historical data will help you understand if you should sell now or wait.
  • Sell items that people want to buy
    If you're trying to sell an item that has 20+ listings and only 2 buyers in the last few days, you may be unlikely to get much interest in your listings. Use the trade statistics data to see what items have high demand. Also, remember to keep Supply and Demand curves in your mind. If there are numerous listings for the exact same item, you're unlikely to get "full price" for it. However; if you have a rare item, go ahead and price it with the premium but remember that it will likely take longer to sell.
  • Drop your asking prices over time
    Again, I want to stress that prices for items in D2 drop over time. If you haven't received any offers on an item, drop the asking price and see what happens. As I said above, a sale at a lower price is better than no sale at all.
  • Bump your trades when you're actually online
    I'm guilty of bumping my trades before bed and waking up to several offers only to find out that the buyer found the item elsewhere. I recommend bumping your trades when you're actually available for a sale/trade. If someone makes an offer and a few hours go by, they will probably get the item elsewhere.
    Also, remember that you can bump all of your trades at once, every 6 hours. Navigate to your profile to use that tool.
  • Post in the appropriate place/fourm
    Are you still listing trades on the forums? Or not listing your services in the correct category? Your post is just going to get removed or moved to the correct category anyway. Save the mods time and trouble by using the correct forum when posting price checks, discussions, trades, player services, etc.
  • Use the player squelch feature
    If you encounter someone that is trying to disrupt your trades by trying to steal a potential buyer, or posting outrageous high offers in an attempt to 'hold' your item, just squelch them. The best part is that a squelched player doesn't even know that they can't be heard. Justice! You can do this by navigating to your account settings. Also, if you're one of the people trying to trade jack, hold items, or scare off buyers with outlandish offers, just stop. You're probably squelched and you don't even know it.
  • Remember that items are more valuable to you than they are to a buyer
    My final tip is just a good life pro tip in general. Stuff that you work hard for to earn, create, or find, has intrinsic value to you. This intrinsic value doesn't mean anything to potential buyers so it will mean less to them. Many times I see people trying to sell items for way too high of an asking price. It's often because the seller finally found that
    they have always wanted or they paid a lot for the item a few weeks ago. A new potential buyer doesn't care what you paid for the item or how much effort went into finding it. So try to keep in mind that you're probably naturally inclined to overestimate what your items are worth.
So there you have it. There are some of my tips to help you make more trades/sales. If you have additional tips to share, feel free to share them. And finally, one more big thanks to @Teebling and the mods. This site is great and I wish it was around 20 years ago when I was playing and couldn't ever sell anything.

I offer Uber Service, Rush Service and have many items for sale, Add me on | Hoost07#1211
You - kind sir - better not get any more trust, because right now it's quite "Nice".

Thanks for this thread, this was something we needed desperately! Great work :)

For trades: PrincipalO#2775
For DClone/Ubers: ForrestGrump#2731
User avatar

Banjo 138

Sorceress Americas PC
this is a really good tip guide on trading. some of it i already did myself, but some i didn't and will definitely incorporate in to my trading tool bag. spefically the stash tabs. i dont use the stash tabs when looking for trades so ive never really paid them any mind, but that doesnt mean other people dont use them and there ya go. i guess one other thing i would add is. be patient. sometimes i have an item thats been up for 3 to 4 days with no offers and then get a bite. some items are very niche and only a very small percentage of players are looking for them, so it might take some time to get an offer. Thanks to the OP for posting this, very nice well done guide.
User avatar

Teebling 7219Admin

Europe PC
@Hoost07 what an in insightful write up this is. I love the formatting and screenshots you included too. Must have taken a while to put it together. For those who don't know Hoost is a very experienced trader on the site and well known for his player services offers in particular. This is great advice and straight from the horse's mouth!

Few things to correct: the bump all trades cooldown is 6h, not 4h. Also a reminder to you all that along with (last 3d) price data, there is also the option to view price data all the way back to the start of the game using the green 'Historical Data' button.

We need to get this linked in the Trading Rules sticky, the guides sticky, and a few other places so it can get some exposure.

User avatar

Zelym 124

Paladin Europe PC
Thanks for the great tips, I learned a few things.
Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
@Hoost07 what an in insightful write up this is. I love the formatting and screenshots you included too. Must have taken a while to put it together. For those who don't know Hoost is a very experienced trader on the site and well known for his player services offers in particular. This is great advice and straight from the horse's mouth!

Few things to correct: the bump all trades cooldown is 6h, not 4h. Also a reminder to you all that along with (last 3d) price data, there is also the option to view price data all the way back to the start of the game using the green 'Historical Data' button.

We need to get this linked in the Trading Rules sticky, the guides sticky, and a few other places so it can get some exposure.
Good call-outs. I've updated the post to reflect the additional tip and the bump cooldown correction.

I offer Uber Service, Rush Service and have many items for sale, Add me on | Hoost07#1211
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
I trust this man with my life

leo toast.gif

I offer Uber Service, Rush Service and have many items for sale, Add me on | Hoost07#1211
Hoost07 wrote: 3 years ago
BillyMaysed wrote: 3 years ago
I trust this man with my life

leo toast.gif
Screenshot 2021-12-01 142933.png

Let me know when you're at 420.

For trades: PrincipalO#2775
For DClone/Ubers: ForrestGrump#2731
Wait, I tried arranging into different tabs and I can swear each one is up to 12!

Or am I doing something wrong? ;_;

User avatar

Teebling 7219Admin

Europe PC
waffels wrote: 3 years ago
Wait, I tried arranging into different tabs and I can swear each one is up to 12!

Or am I doing something wrong? ;_;
Limit of 12 for each tab at the moment.

Edit Feb '22: Stash tab limit now removed.

Teebling wrote: 3 years ago
waffels wrote: 3 years ago
Wait, I tried arranging into different tabs and I can swear each one is up to 12!

Or am I doing something wrong? ;_;
Limit of 12 for each tab at the moment.

Edit Feb '22: Stash tab limit now removed.

User avatar

Teebling 7219Admin

Europe PC
Added a link to this guide at the top of the rules page, hopefully that gets it some more exposure.

I am missing how you actually connect with someone to make the trade. They said they added me but I dont understand. I seen something that you dont need to add the person as a friend on PSN to make the trade, how do I connect with this person.
lucas it can be as simply as asking the person when they are available to trade, and making a game for that trade. ie Im making game:123 pass 123 at 3pm. Or are you available now? "adding" people is most effective because you can direct message them and "friend join" from the d2r menu

User avatar

y2kid 111

Nice post. One thing that I'd like to add to the OP's book is - be respectful. That is:
1. Do not try to argue with the buyer/seller respectively. They have given their price, there is no need to tell them why it is the "wrong" one. As OP said, if you have a price in mind, ask for it, do not hope that buyers will magically guess it.
2 a. As a seller - Ask for a price (as OP said) if you have one in mind and do not be unreasonable. Have a look at the recent trades, see what other people are asking for. You can't really expect to sell something worth an
for a
. People will just not look at your ad, do not think buyers are stupid.
2 b. As a buyer - do not try to play the "low ball" game with your sellers. If you think something is worth a
, there's no reason to place a "
" offer for it. Sure, you may get a successful trade every now and then by people who are new and/or do not care but do you really want to be that person? It is much better to be nice to the community (if you expect the community to be nice to you that is). Do not think sellers are stupid.

Of course, there is always a room for negotiation and you might ask the seller to go slightly lower or the buyer to go slightly higher. But as a rule of thumb, just ask/offer what you think is fair straight up, and do not ask someone to go x3 times lower/or higher. Chances are that they are just "trolling" or "testing their luck" with an unreasonable offer. Do not waste your time trying to get some sense into them and of course (look at 1).

y2k#2833 on Bnet
y2kid#1811 on Discord
This post needs to be stickied in the Trade forum ASAP Rocky.

Currently moving on to Path Of Exile 2 - Always looking for ORBS. PM if you wish to trade.

While the snow remains,
veiled in the haze of evening,
a cold leafless branch.
Flowers are only flowers because they fall,
but thankfully the Wind.


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