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Hello people!

I have made this table to help anyone who does not know the price at which to sell their torches. To make this table, I have taken into account some variables to set a fair price. These prices are not the absolute truth, sometimes you will be able to ask for more, but this is a general guide for those who have no idea how to start selling them.

The torches of Sorceress and Paladin will be priced differently. That is because for these classes, the most important items are more easily and quickly acquired when a new season starts. For these, the cheapest price you can put on a 10/10 that adds up to 20 is a
+ or an
and adding something else to the deal, you can start the bid for the torch in
+ and go up depending on how interested someone is in buying the torch.

The torches in the case of the other classes (Druid, Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian and Necromancer) require a reference of the sum from their attributes and resistances. From 20 to 24, ask for a
to start the bid. When it is 25, 26, or 27, start with a
+ or
. Now if it is 28 but it is 10/18 you can ask for more, people always look for torches with high resistances and those have a higher value, so make sure to take that into account. If the torch reaches 30 you can ask for
+, or
. If it is almost perfect, you can start with a
+ or
and if it is perfect, then
+ or
. Remember, this is only for Necromancer, Assasin, Druid, Amazon, and Barbarian. Some torches can vary in price depending on how late in the season it is and the demand for each class type.

For a perfect or almost perfect Sorceress/Paladin torch, you can ask for runes from level 59 to 69. That is
, and

I hope this guide has been helpful.
Description by BillyMaysed

Can be used to make Runewords:

Hello people!

I have made this table to help anyone who does not know the price at which to sell their torches. To make this table, I have taken into account some variables to set a fair price. These prices are not the absolute truth, sometimes you will be able to ask for more, but this is a general guide for those who have no idea how to start selling them.

The torches of Sorceress and Paladin will be priced differently. That is because for these classes, the most important items are more easily and quickly acquired when a new season starts. For these, the cheapest price you can put on a 10/10 that adds up to 20 is a
+ or an
and adding something else to the deal, you can start the bid for the torch in
+ and go up depending on how interested someone is in buying the torch.

The torches in the case of the other classes (Druid, Amazon, Assassin, Barbarian and Necromancer) require a reference of the sum from their attributes and resistances. From 20 to 24, ask for a
to start the bid. When it is 25, 26, or 27, start with a
+ or
. Now if it is 28 but it is 10/18 you can ask for more, people always look for torches with high resistances and those have a higher value, so make sure to take that into account. If the torch reaches 30 you can ask for
+, or
. If it is almost perfect, you can start with a
+ or
and if it is perfect, then
+ or
. Remember, this is only for Necromancer, Assasin, Druid, Amazon, and Barbarian. Some torches can vary in price depending on how late in the season it is and the demand for each class type.

For a perfect or almost perfect Sorceress/Paladin torch, you can ask for runes from level 59 to 69. That is
, and

I hope this guide has been helpful.
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BillyMaysed 2283Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Amazing! So happy new members are coming in and sharing their knowledge. Like with the recent Rune Pricing Guide

Asking if this can be linked in our Pinned thread at the top of the forums: forums/useful-diablo-2-links-resources-t3232.html


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BillyMaysed 2283Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Lots of confusion on exact price or even general price of torches. This actually helped me a lot. thanks! :D

This is helpful! What would you say UNID torches are worth?
Milestone wrote: 3 years ago
This is helpful! What would you say UNID torches are worth?

Possibly a rune below the
3x3 Keyset
something like
+ or
. When you buy a torch without identifying suppose, it may be very good, it may be normal but it also can be a Sorc or Pali, or it may be Sorc or Pali but very low. There are many possibilities. I would pay at most an
+ or
. In any case, I recommend knowing what you gonna get, in my case I do not buy unidentified torches...
Sober2085 wrote: 3 years ago
Milestone wrote: 3 years ago
This is helpful! What would you say UNID torches are worth?

Possibly a rune below the
3x3 Keyset
something like
+ or
. When you buy a torch without identifying suppose, it may be very good, it may be normal but it also can be a Sorc or Pali, or it may be Sorc or Pali but very low. There are many possibilities. I would pay at most an
+ or
. In any case, I recommend knowing what you gonna get, in my case I do not buy unidentified torches...
But why would it be worth less than 3x3? Even if you are not willing to price in the effort of gathering organs and doing UT, it should be the same as 3x3 as the same uncertainty of what torch it is gonna be applies to the 3x3.
Unid should be worth 3x3 + _something_, right? it's a lot of work for sure
Exactly, it should be 3x3 + something.
Not sure if it's alot of work, some people are very proficient at doing UT. At any rate I dont see why it should be less.

Unless there was some disingenuous way of determining what torch it is without IDing, in which case it'd reduce the unid torches value to that of the least valuable roll. But I haven't heard anything about such a thing.
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y2kid 111

Good guide overall, but I have a few things to add on my own:

1. Adding the attr and res is an ok (at best) heuristic for torches. I get many people going mad over "This is a 30 torch I am not paying more" When in reality it is a 10/20 torch. Whereas the OP as well said resistances are the superior stat. Sure the attr + res adds up to 30 but that does not mean a lot. A 10/20 torch is better than 20/10 torch... So you can use that but beware, do not trust it blindly. I think the OP was also going that route, he was just a bit more vague about it.
2. Good guide, and I think not only people selling torches should read it but also people trying to buy torches. I find it annoying when someone is telling me how to do my business and that my 14/14 barb torch is not worth more than 2
. This is bad enough when there's one of these people but when they are more I start to doubt my own understanding of the game. In any case, people buying the torches, read this please and do not go and offer some ridiculous prices such as a
for any torch regardless of what it is or an
for a sorc torch. Sorceress torches start pretty much at
, maybe 0.7
. So trying to get a torch with anything less than a
+ something else is just offensive. As a person who farms UT, I would much rather toss a torch on the Ground than accept a _really_ bad offer for it. I am fine taking a bit of a loss, but please be respectful...
3. I disagree that pala and sorc torches are the same. Sorc torches are the most expensive ones, pala are 2nd best but not by a long shot before amazon and necro. Sin torches are kind of meh. Barb torches you can find people for them and Dudu are just bad. So vary the prices of the OP a rune up or down depending on how bad your class is. For example, I use a 14/20 druid torch on my UT character, since Dru torches are hard to sell and this one has good stats so is useful to me.
4. Think of the torches as a good charm, not "this is not as good of a torch as it can be". It still gives you +3 all skills and attributes. How many small charms do you think you need to stack to get these? That also contributes to the value - the space efficiency and sometimes when starting it is worth buying a druid or barbarian torch for your character of other class (if you can afford it) since these are cheap and the extra stats help a lot.
5. Unid torches are for sure 3x3 + extra. It took me effort to farm the organs and do
Uber Tristram
, so again respect that and offer me something for the trouble of going through all of this. Now... What that "extra" is depends a lot on when in the season it is etc. It may be 1x3 or 2x3 in its most expansive form. It could be even as high as a
rune when right now a 3x3 can be bough for
. But most of the time
is fine. I have seen people do it for as low as 1
that is not
Key of Terror
. So scout around and see what people are offering for such a service. (I do those too if there are people interested PM me)

On that same topic, sure it does not take me a lot to do the UT now... But think of all the time I spent building that character, babysitting it from a lv1 worthless imp and then trying to find his best gear. Sure, now I need less than 5 minutes from the game creation to obtaining the torch, but I remember my very first run when I was undergeared and not well prepared took me 40 minutes. That is a lot of time which I could have spent farming somewhere else etc...

In any case, I hope this was helpful and no one got offended from my insights. If one did, I am sorry, but think of why you were offended, rather than being mad at me, Peace all.

y2k#2833 on Bnet
y2kid#1811 on Discord
Sober2085 wrote: 3 years ago
Hello people!

I have made this table...
What table? If your post is supposed to include something other than text, I'm not seeing it.
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BillyMaysed 2283Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
tatarjj wrote: 3 years ago
What table? If your post is supposed to include something other than text, I'm not seeing it.
There's no missing table, he just means that the 3 sections below that are his "table" of information.

y2kid wrote: 3 years ago
Good guide overall, but I have a few things to add on my own:

1. Adding the attr and res is an ok (at best) heuristic for torches. I get many people going mad over "This is a 30 torch I am not paying more" When in reality it is a 10/20 torch. Whereas the OP as well said resistances are the superior stat. Sure the attr + res adds up to 30 but that does not mean a lot. A 10/20 torch is better than 20/10 torch... So you can use that but beware, do not trust it blindly. I think the OP was also going that route, he was just a bit more vague about it.
2. Good guide, and I think not only people selling torches should read it but also people trying to buy torches. I find it annoying when someone is telling me how to do my business and that my 14/14 barb torch is not worth more than 2
. This is bad enough when there's one of these people but when they are more I start to doubt my own understanding of the game. In any case, people buying the torches, read this please and do not go and offer some ridiculous prices such as a
for any torch regardless of what it is or an
for a sorc torch. Sorceress torches start pretty much at
, maybe 0.7
. So trying to get a torch with anything less than a
+ something else is just offensive. As a person who farms UT, I would much rather toss a torch on the Ground than accept a _really_ bad offer for it. I am fine taking a bit of a loss, but please be respectful...
3. I disagree that pala and sorc torches are the same. Sorc torches are the most expensive ones, pala are 2nd best but not by a long shot before amazon and necro. Sin torches are kind of meh. Barb torches you can find people for them and Dudu are just bad. So vary the prices of the OP a rune up or down depending on how bad your class is. For example, I use a 14/20 druid torch on my UT character, since Dru torches are hard to sell and this one has good stats so is useful to me.
4. Think of the torches as a good charm, not "this is not as good of a torch as it can be". It still gives you +3 all skills and attributes. How many small charms do you think you need to stack to get these? That also contributes to the value - the space efficiency and sometimes when starting it is worth buying a druid or barbarian torch for your character of other class (if you can afford it) since these are cheap and the extra stats help a lot.
5. Unid torches are for sure 3x3 + extra. It took me effort to farm the organs and do
Uber Tristram
, so again respect that and offer me something for the trouble of going through all of this. Now... What that "extra" is depends a lot on when in the season it is etc. It may be 1x3 or 2x3 in its most expansive form. It could be even as high as a
rune when right now a 3x3 can be bough for
. But most of the time
is fine. I have seen people do it for as low as 1
that is not
Key of Terror
. So scout around and see what people are offering for such a service. (I do those too if there are people interested PM me)

On that same topic, sure it does not take me a lot to do the UT now... But think of all the time I spent building that character, babysitting it from a lv1 worthless imp and then trying to find his best gear. Sure, now I need less than 5 minutes from the game creation to obtaining the torch, but I remember my very first run when I was undergeared and not well prepared took me 40 minutes. That is a lot of time which I could have spent farming somewhere else etc...

In any case, I hope this was helpful and no one got offended from my insights. If one did, I am sorry, but think of why you were offended, rather than being mad at me, Peace all.
Hello y2kid!

Thank you for contributing your knowledge, it seems that we think very similarly. I also find it disrespectful when I have a 10/10 torch and they offer me a
for my 10/10 torch.

On the subject of unidentified torches, it seems to me that the
3x3 Keyset
is more than fair, it is true that you have taken a long time to optimize your "Ubermaker" and that you add to the deal the search for the keys, get the 3 organs and do the uber (uber that thousands of players prefer not to do) But what happens when you identify them to sell and they are really bad? you probably have to lower the price a lot right? In the end, it is each player's problem if he decides to take that risk.

I strongly believe that the price of a 10/10 torch should start with
on characters other than Paladin or Sorceress. For Paladin and Sorceress a 10/10 torch must start with
+ even

I leave a list of torches that I have sold in recent days with their prices, a small example of how I do my deals.

Druid 20/19
Barb 12/19 Sold
Zon 12/10 Sold
Sin 11/20
Sin 17/12 Sold
Sin 11/14
Pali 17/10
Nec 16/17 Sold
Nec 19/12 Sold
Nec 14/16 Sold
Nec 14/12 Sold
Nec 11/11 Sold
Nec 10/10 Sold

Druid 20/19 39
Barb 12/19 31

Zon 12/10 22

Sin 11/20 31
Sin 17/12 29

Sin 11/14 25
Pali 17/10 27
Nec 16/17 33
Nec 19/12 31

Nec 14/16 30

Nec 14/12 26
Nec 11/11 22:

Nec 10/10 20:

Selling an unidentified torch for a
3x3 Keyset
makes no sense. You make zero profit off of it. Should at least get a 3x3 +
, which seems to be equivalent to what most Uber services are charging. 4x3 keyset is also commonly seen though probably less worthwhile now that we're further in and torches are much easier to obtain.

Unidentified were consistently going for
but now seem to be more available in the 2-2.5
range. People are willing to gamble on the chance of getting that high Pally or Sorc roll. It's more reliable to make a profit selling unids to those people than to roll yourself.
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xSD 146

Barbarian Americas PC
I sell my Unid for 3x3 + any additional
. This is because I can undercut the public market of 4x3 for Unid, and help the community get their torches and get more into the ecosystem around here.

The general price for an Unid is usually
or 4x3 in a public game, with few exceptions, but i's harder to get those trades consistently due to the volume (also i think an extra keyset is bonkers to
, ive also seen people
to even do ubers which blows my mind). Like why would people want to give up a 1/3 of another uber roll? That's so much extra work.
I am very happy that the members give their opinion, that we do debate and thus give good feedback to the community and also always with respect.
xSD wrote: 3 years ago
The general price for an Unid is usually
or 4x3 in a public game, with few exceptions, but i's harder to get those trades consistently due to the volume (also i think an extra keyset is bonkers to
, ive also seen people
to even do ubers which blows my mind). Like why would people want to give up a 1/3 of another uber roll? That's so much extra work.
Agreed. I think it made sense up to a few weeks ago when fewer people were equipped for ubers. Now there are many people offering uber services for cheap, or even for free in some cases. Early in game/ladder there are fewer people who can quickly and reliably do them so the low supply justifies the higher price (not to mention that Sorc and Pally torches were selling for insane prices).
farming is so tedious though, it takes way longer than it takes properly equipped characters to do ubers at this point.
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BillyMaysed 2283Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Sekraan wrote: 3 years ago
Agreed. I think it made sense up to a few weeks ago when fewer people were equipped for ubers. Now there are many people offering uber services for cheap, or even for free in some cases. Early in game/ladder there are fewer people who can quickly and reliably do them so the low supply justifies the higher price (not to mention that Sorc and Pally torches were selling for insane prices).
farming is so tedious though, it takes way longer than it takes properly equipped characters to do ubers at this point.
The inflation has already set it! oh nos!

im excited for ladder to start for this exact reason lol. Fresh economy here we goooooo

I had such a hard time selling my 13/20 assasin! Nobody offered anything for 3 days straight. I eventually ended up selling it for only
. Did I just make a very bad deal? 'Cause it's a perfect all res 33 it's supposed to sell more right? I just checked through the price check tool and assasin torches are just all so cheap.

Currently taking a break from doing uber services. My old uber service thread: trade/uber-service-for-cheap-price-t331131.html.
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BillyMaysed 2283Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
FREE_LOOP wrote: 3 years ago
I had such a hard time selling my 13/20 assasin! Nobody offered anything for 3 days straight. I eventually ended up selling it for only
. Did I just make a very bad deal? 'Cause it's a perfect all res 33 it's supposed to sell more right? I just checked through the price check tool and assasin torches are just all so cheap.
Nope that seems in line with how things have been going. Only near perf/perf Sin/druid/barb torches seem to sell at all.



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