But the game never launches. Same if I try launching the game directly.
I have tried the following instructions given by Blizzard in their blue post about this issue:
- Restarting the Battle.Net client
- Logging in and out of the Battle Net client
- Restarting my PC
- Scanning & Repairing the game
- Trying to launch the game directly from the .exe as admin
- Checked that my PC meets the minimum requirements
- Updated Windows 10 fully
- Updated my graphics drivers to the latest version (NVIDIA 472.12 - GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti)
- Closed all background apps
- Shut down any security/antivirus software, turned off all firewalls
- Ensured my date & time settings were correct
- Made a new Administrator account and tried to run the game from there
- Posted my dxdiag.txt report on the official forum and here
Code: Select all
Windows cannot access the file for one of the following reasons: there is a problem with the network connection, the disk that the file is stored on, or the storage drivers installed on this computer; or the disk is missing. Windows closed the program Diablo II: Resurrected because of this error.
Program: Diablo II: Resurrected
Lastly please find attached my dxdiag.txt file:
Update 1 - Blizzard response on official forums
Blue post on the official forums for this issue suggesting some remedies:Blizzard wrote:Hey there folks,
We can’t handle all of the various issues y’all are having in one thread, but let’s see if we can try to get this handled for some of you. I’m going to move different types of issues out into different threads in a moment. I tested this on my end and it works fine, so let’s see if we can find out why some of you are having issues.
If you’re able to click the play button, the game says “Launching”, then the game fails to launch, please check to make sure that your computer meets the system requirements 10.
If it does meet system requirements, it’s typically going to be related to drivers being out of date, a program fighting for those drivers, or a permission problem. We can try to troubleshoot those in order of most likely to least likely.
First up, update your graphics drivers and operating system 1. Note that with Windows 10, sometimes it will tell you that you are up to date even when you aren’t due to a bug with older builds of Windows 10. To check for this, open Windows Update and manually click the Check for Updates button. You want to install any Windows version or security updates that are available.
If that fails, usually it’s going to be a security program or another program with an overlay or something like that. First try temporarily uninstalling your security 1. If that works, it was probably just a corrupt security definition. You can try reinstalling it, and if it breaks again, please report the issue to your security program’s support team so that they can fix the conflict.
There are some other programs that can cause this too such as those with overlays so try closing other background apps as well. After closing all startup apps, it’s usually a good idea to restart your PC so you get a clean start.
If even that doesn’t work, I’d start looking at admin permission problems. Even if you’re on an admin account, the registry can get corrupted or permissions can break. Try creating a new administrator account and launching the game there. If it works, it just means there’s a problem with the old account. Usually you can just move your files over and delete the old account, but if you want, you can also reach out to Microsoft for help.
If you’re still having trouble after this troubleshooting, please generate a text copy of your DxDiag using these instructions. Once you have that made, open the file. Copy the code below, then copy/paste everything from that DXDiag file between the rows of tilde (~) marks where it says “DXDiag goes here.”
Update 2 - Looks like an issue with AVX instructions on both older and newer CPUs
Looks like it's got something to do with the AVX feature runtime crashing at the moment. Both AMD and Intel CPUs reporting in. Go to the official thread for this bug and follow their instructions to submit a dxdiag report so that they can start working out what the issue is!Some people are saying that if you have an older processor that doesn't support AVX instructions, you won't be able to play the game, despite this not being in the official minimum specs. That said, people with modern processors like i7s that do support AVX are still having the same issue.
Update 3 - Blizz acknowledges issue, but provides no explanation
See blue post here or excerpt below:Blizzard wrote:Hey everybody,
We haven’t forgotten about this issue, and it’s been forwarded to people for some more investigation. Currently there’s another major issue taking priority over this, but thanks to all the info provided in the thread so far it’s on our radar. We’ll let you know once we here back about some of the concerns expressed in the thread.
In the mean time, thanks for the info/patience so far.
Update 4 - They're still looking into it
Another reassurance from Blizz that they're looking into this:Blizzard wrote:The engineers are checking into things now. We don’t have an ETA on a resolution yet but thanks again for all the info in the thread so far.
Update 5 - If the issue is indeed AVX, it will be rectified, and is not part of the intended game
Latest blue post from Blizzard stating that AVX is support is NOT supposed to be required - meaning that this will likely be fixed and we won't have to worry about having a processor that supports AVX instructions:Blizzard wrote:Hey again all,
The reason we haven’t been communicating regarding the suspicion regarding AVX is that we aren’t sure that’s the cause just yet. Keep in mind that we’re just Customer Support - we don’t work on the engine itself so our Insight into the inner workings is limited. However what I can say is that if this is the issue, it is not working as intended - AVX support was not supposed to be a requirement for the game, so if the engine is requiring it, that’s unexpected behavior.
Investigation continues. We’ll let you know when we hear more.
Update 6 - Potential fix for AVX-supporting CPUs
Potential fix for those of us who have CPUs that support AVX ^ still no word about non-AVX CPUs.grayscaleg59 on the official forums wrote:IF you guy’s have a cpu that supports avx and the game launches but crashes with an error try disabling REALTEK under sounds and devices. The game should launch for you now. I was getting sound errors in the error report so this is what fixed my game. Hope it helps some of you at least.
Update 7 - Emergency fix at 1300 PDT
Blizzard wrote:[#D2R] We'll be performing emergency maintenance beginning at 1:00 PM (PDT) and lasting until approximately 1:45 PM (PDT)Could this be the fix? Let's hope!
Update 8 - Fix being worked on 'as we speak'
PezRadar on reddit says this is unintentional behaviour and that a fix will be available 'later in the day':Blizzard wrote:Team is aware of this and working on a fix as we speak. Hoping to have an update later today.
Sorry about this - Not working as intended!
Update 9 - Will require a PC patch, coming later today or latest tomorrow
PezRadar on reddit again with another update on not being able to launch the game:Blizzard wrote:So this one is gonna require a quick PC Patch. Team is working on it now. Hoping for it either today at the latest tomorrow.And Drakuloth on the official forums:
Blizzard wrote:Drakulothfrom https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d2r/t ... s/5579/623
Customer Support
As mentioned by other posters, the team’s identified the problem and is working on a patch for it at the moment. We don’t have an exact ETA on when it’s going to be released but it should resolve itself for most players with a machine that meets the system requirements.
Please note that if you do not meet requirements, the patch for this will NOT fix your crashing error. It is also only to address the crashes which occur before the game client launches at all. If you see the client launch (even with a Black screen), you are having a different issue and would need to troubleshoot that instead.
Notably will that mean that even if our system specs were below the minimum for beta, that they won't work for launch regardless of this patch?
Update 10 - Still no ETA
Blizzard wrote:Keep in mind that while you discuss this problem, you may be able to get help from other players if you post your system specs. There are a bunch of super helpful posters in this thread who have been helping players identify if their CPU is suffering from the issue we identified (lack of AVX support.) This was never intended to be a restriction for the game client, and was mistakenly enabled in the launch build, and we have to fix some things to get it reversed.More of the same, they're working on it as fast as they can I'm sure.
Keep in mind that if you’re still not satisfied by the resolution, you’re welcome to request a refund. I can’t guarantee this as your eligibility will be based on playtime, etc, but it can be done from this link.
Quoting myself for the most recent update on this issue.
Update 11 - Still no ETA, patch being QA'd, more delays
Morning all! This from Adam Fletcher on Twitter earlier:Blizzard wrote:They are working on the fix. Just needing to QA it before pushing it live.Then later on:
Blizzard wrote:Yep. Unfortunately a build produced late this evening didn't get full results so they are gonna crank a new one out in the mornAnd finally in a separate thread on the official forums:
Blizzard wrote:Hey all!
Thank you so much for your patience here.
Sadly can’t mark as solution yet but SwHawk’s post is showing the latest info.
This is an issue we’re tracking and is a top priority to fix right now. Please keep an eye on the threads and the Blizzard CS Twitter for updates.
We’re hoping to get this resolved as soon as possible!
Update 11 - ETA for patch is later today as of 24th September - Friday
Update from Blizzard in the official thread - they've confirmed that this is to do with AVX crashing 'some processors' and it is a high priority fix that will probably get pushed today.Blizzard wrote:Sorry for the delay in updates. I left the office for the night a bit after my last post and we didn’t have anything meaningful to share. Keep in mind that just because we aren’t posting doesn’t mean that there is nobody on the case - it just means that there’s nothing important to share, usually.Also on Twitter:
Back in for the day, so I wanted to follow up on this situation, even though the situation looks mostly the same as my last post. At this time they’re still working on the problem with AVX support causing crashes on certain CPUs. I entirely understand that waiting on a fix for something like this is exceptionally frustrating, so I hope these messages are at least helpful to note that we’ve got our eyes in the right place.
The issue has a high priority and from what Rod Fergusson mentioned we’re shooting for a patch for this today at the latest. Again, we can’t 100% promise this will happen because we never know what roadblocks we will run into until we run into them, but this is one of our top issues at the moment.
Either way, thanks again for all the information, keeping us in the loop on your issues, and your immense patience throughout this process. As before, I’ll get you all updates as they come in.
In the mean time, feel free to post here if you have the issue and you haven’t yet. It helps us gauge how many folks are impacted.
roppsteady wrote:What's the timeline for the PC patch to remove the AVX requirement? Still sometime today?
Blizzard wrote:Yep! Along with a few other items.
Blizzard wrote:FYI - Working on a forum post that will be talking about some of the items the team is investigating and tackling along today. Should be up shortly! Will link!And another update on the official forums in the big patch 9.24 blue post:
Blizzard wrote:On top of this, we’re exploring the AVX issue, preventing players from launching the game. As we progress, we’ll provide an update if we receive a development on this front.
Update 12 - as of 2115 UTC time on the 24th September (Friday)
From the official forums - nothing has been made ready yet - just another post to let us know they're working on it:Blizzard wrote:Hey again everybody.
Work on this issue is still ongoing. Nothing further to share at the moment other than our continued appreciation of your patience and understanding while we investigate the problem.
Update 13 - as of 2300 UTC on the 24th September (Friday)
Unfortunately looks like this won't be fixed until Monday now. Yikes :SBlizzard wrote:Just an update on the AVX items:
QA is going to do passes on it over the weekend so it is sounding like earliest this will be out will be on Monday for this. A few attempts at a fix unfortunately have led to some other issues and did not pass QA checks.
We did have some other items that did pass through QA checks and will be providing additional details on those here later today. This will be a PC patch.
The team is still working through a stack of locked characters this afternoon. Automated processes have alleviated some but the rest will require some manual processes from our end.
We will provide additional updates soon.
Update 14 - as of 1500 UTC on the 25th September (Saturday)
New post from one of the reps (he came in on the weekend for us) - still nothing to report, still looks like Monday.Blizzard wrote:Morning everyone.
In for the day again so I wanted to re share the information we got last night, in case it’s getting lost in the thread. Unfortunately I don’t have anything else to share just yet but I’ll keep my Ear to the Ground for the rest of the weekend on this to see if there’s any further movement.
As previously I can’t really promise anything, but I’m sorry we couldn’t get it out before the weekend here in US since I know a lot of folks were eagerly looking forward to playing.
Update 15 - as of 1515 UTC on the 26th September (Sunday)
Another post from one of the customer reps. No real news at all, other than that they've had some people in over the weekend prepping a fix for the game ASAP. Still looks like Monday as the official word on an ETA.Blizzard wrote:Morning again everybody, work continues on this. Nothing major to share other than answers to some questions and comments that have been popping up recently.
Some people in the thread have asked if people are in office on weekend are working on this. We do have QA trying to prep a fix for this ASAP but because of the amount of work needed and the fact that it needs a new game build, it likely won’t be ready this weekend. I don’t have anything else of importance to share at the moment other than the fact that this is a top priority for us.
Some have been asking about refunds as well. While we are working hard on this, we also understand if you’re unsatisfied based on this bug preventing you from playing. You can request a refund here 3.
There’s also some comments regarding something I mentioned previously, quoting myself. “There’s currently another major issue taking priority over this.” I wanted to take some time to own that mistake in phrasing. Ultimately I didn’t mean to express that your issue wasn’t important to us as much as set appropriate expectations, but I understand that I could have communicated that better. When that was mentioned there were mass server issues that we needed to fix up before most of our developers could focus on other tasks. Even while that was true, we had some engineers free who were gathering information from the thread and looking into things. So, sorry if that made anybody feel that this was being treated as unimportant.
Hopefully this provides a bit more clarification.
Update 16 - Noooooooooo!
Bug will not be fixed until 'a few days from now' - Monday 27th September 2021
Well, they made another post, and its to tell us we're looking at a fix later on in the week; I'm going to guess Friday as this seems like a pretty major bug. However, they acknowledge that pre-AVX CPUs will be supported, even if they don't meet the minimum specs of the game. So if you're one of the people who played on Beta fine, have no fear - it looks like non-AVX CPUs are definitely intended to be supported in the final product.Blizzard wrote:Hello everyone -
We wanted to provide an update on the Advanced Vector Extension (AVX) items from the dev team after some further developments from this past weekend. The team believes they have a potential fix, but this goes beyond just AVX specifically. The fix could potentially affect all users, even those outside of not having AVX support, so we are wanting to make sure we do proper testing.
While CPUs without AVX are below our minimum spec, we want to try to ensure as many people as possible can play. Setups without AVX were working in Beta. In optimizing the game, we inadvertently included the need for AVX for launch. QA is going to spend another few days of testing across all of these scenarios and setups in an effort to ensure we are not impacting existing players.
We will update this thread once we have an update from the testing over the next few days.
We apologize for the added delay and appreciate your patience.
For those that may have already purchased but would prefer to purchase post fix, we do recommend reaching out to Customer Service for a refund.
Update 17 - Still no ETA, just another 'its on our radar' post (Friday 1st October)
New post from Drakuloth in the thread with 5000+ replies - nothing worth mentioning at this point though. They still don't know when this is going to be fixed - despite expectations that it would be done today (Friday 1st October).Blizzard wrote:Just poking my head back in here to clarify something and let you know this is still on our radar, and one of the things QA is prioritizing for a fix. No new updates to share for now, but I figure it’s a good time to address a sentiment being expressed here.
It’s not our intention to blame anybody who purchased the game expecting it to work after it worked fine in the beta, though I can see how the wording of the post could be read that way. Expecting the game to work is a relatively reasonable assumption considering how powerful most of your CPU/GPUs are, and the minimum system requirements. As mentioned in the original post by PezRadar "In optimizing the game, we inadvertently included the need for AVX for launch."
The Key here is it was done “inadvertently”. We know that we caused this, and while many CPUs which are under our system requirements lack AVX support, some (such as most of the ones posted about here) are powerful enough despite not having it. For players with CPUs strong enough to run the game, we figure the right move is to correct this. We want to get this handled for everybody, but we aren’t sure when that fix may occur just yet.
Update 18 - Looks like it won't be fixed until middle of next week (earliest) - Fri 1st October
Testing will continue until early next week according to CM Pez Radar:Blizzard wrote:Update for today 10.1 with AVX. The QA team is still collecting performance data on machines with and without fix. The goal is to A/B testing between both and ensure that this is not impacting an existing setups. The testing will continue today and through early next week. Once we have more details on how those went, we will let everyone know.New summarised explanation of the issue from Drak in the megathread:
Blizzard wrote:For those who are new to the thread, here’s a summary of what’s going on:
Some other players are having different crashes. Not all crashes are due to the AVX issue. If your PC supports AVX, please troubleshoot it 4 and either post your own thread or contact us 1 for more help.
- Processors and motherboards which do not have AVX support are not currently able to launch the game.
- This was enabled accidentally when we were pushing the final builds for the game when it went live (Examples, older i5/i7 processors, Some Xeons, Celerons, Pentiums, Phenoms.)
- If you don’t know if your processor has AVX support you can ask the community at the forums here or look it up online.
- We are working on removing this requirement without impacting other players, but do not currently know when the fix will go live. We’re continuing to post updates at this thread and in the General forums as they become available.
- This issue is at our highest priority level right now, meaning we’ve got people working on it as much as humanly possible. (Note that you can only have so many people work on one thing in the coding world, so other issues are still being worked on as well.)
- If you are having this problem you can request a refund 5 through support and we can look to see if your account is eligible.
Update 19 - Testing will finish by end of today (Monday 4th Oct), no word on when patch actually arrives.
Latest update from Pez Radar today (Monday) on the official forums. Looks like progress is being made, but very vague and ambiguous wording so we still don't really know when the patch is landing.Blizzard wrote:Monday update here:
Testing should wrap up by EOD today. We should have a clearer picture on everything by mid-week. Only thing that would change this is if QA discovers something with performance on machines here by EOD.