Remember this is what determines how these results are connected to each other, filtered etc. Some of these columns already exist (and are best re-used to save on space and performance) so will be 'repurposed' for Skills. Have a look around on similar sites like Arreat or archived Amazon Basin and let me know if you think there are any other types of information we could include for each Skill entry - remember the information must be easy to source and contribute in a standardised format like the rest of the contributions we've seen so far.
- Name of the Skill (self-explanatory)
- Required Level - character level required to use the skill
- Skill Prerequisites - other skills (and level of) required to train this skill for the first time
- Stats - for each level, up to 20 (or beyond due to +skills? what about up to 30? how would this be calculated?), the values of things like mana cost, attack%, walk/run speed, duration etc. etc.
- Synergies - other skills that synergise with this skill, and their values
The 'description' for Skills would be filled in separately by contributors as is the case for items at this time.
Anything else you think would be worthy of a space in the database for Skills? Try to think wide about this - is there any data that would pair up well with other parts of the site, both existing and planned?