While this site has details on areas like Bloody Foothills gaining monsters like Burning Dead Archer (a Skeleton Archer subtype) in Act 5 Nightmare, these are distinct from those you encounter first in Act 2 Normal. However, this site only has entries for their earlier counterparts. The game actually uses a separate monster for all these "guest monsters" -- Blizzard North just reused their names and looks. Sometimes they use previously unused palettes, or rarely, names like the Siren. If this site is to support monster entries for all these "guests", I think it would maybe be easiest to add new entries named like " Skeleton Archer (Act V)" with Burning Dead and Horror Archer subtypes (I don't think others are encountered as guests)? The Pandemonium Event uses a similar system for its area monsters.
Here's an example of stat differences for illustration (listing Nightmare stats here):
Attribute | Burning Dead Archer Act 2 sk_archer4 |
Burning Dead Archer Act 5 sk_archer6 |
AttributeMonster Level | Burning Dead Archer Act 2 sk_archer443 | Burning Dead Archer Act 5 sk_archer658 |
AttributeExperience | Burning Dead Archer Act 2 sk_archer43,914 | Burning Dead Archer Act 5 sk_archer610,114 |
AttributeHealth | Burning Dead Archer Act 2 sk_archer4649 | Burning Dead Archer Act 5 sk_archer61,084 |
AttributeDamage Phys / Fire | Burning Dead Archer Act 2 sk_archer415 / 14 | Burning Dead Archer Act 5 sk_archer620 / 31 |
AttributeAttack Rating | Burning Dead Archer Act 2 sk_archer4993 | Burning Dead Archer Act 5 sk_archer61,304 |
AttributeDefense | Burning Dead Archer Act 2 sk_archer4612 | Burning Dead Archer Act 5 sk_archer6792 |
AttributeResists (Fire Cold Poison) | Burning Dead Archer Act 2 sk_archer450% 0% 60% | Burning Dead Archer Act 5 sk_archer670% 33% 100% |