Well I've IP hunted back in the olden days, when I was a kid with all the time in the world, and getting my first Annihilus this way felt super rewarding.Flame-Haze wrote: 2 years ago IP hunting is the worst tbh.
I like the way it works now. I mean who cares if Annis aren't worth anything?
Blizzard should consider revamping old Uniques to be better. Nowadays it's just runes runes runes. And like 5 Uniques who everyone wears.
So in a sense I care (but not care care) if Annies are way too common nowadays, but oh well, I guess everyone had to have 100+ to make up for not having a single one pre-2.4. Logic.
Aside from this, I agree with your point regarding the uniques. Itemization-wise, the game is beyond restrictive / boring (unless you don't care that you're playing something sub-optimal).