Hey guys,Edit Feb 2023 - This topic has over time become a place to announce walks on all game modes, both ladder and non-ladder.
You are encouraged to make use of theutctolocal
BBcode when stating the date/time of a walk. It should look like this:[utctolocal]2023-06-10T01:00:00[/utctolocal]
(format being YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. The 'T' is required and just a separator between date and time values).
The resulting timestamp in your post looks like this:2023-06-10T01:00:00
This timestamp has been automatically converted to your local date/time for convenience. The format is DD/MMM/YYYY, HH:MM am/pm. This is based off your browser time. . The UTC datetime is converted automatically for each individual viewer's local time zone, using their browser time. This takes away a lot of the confusion over timezones/differences.
Thanks to FGnewb and Gamgo from the Dclone Hunters Discord, we have a lookahead now for the coming days; there are several planned Diablo Clone walks happening which are being organised by mainly Korean YouTubers and Streamers.
All planned times are in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), but I know that even this will make people's brains turn to sludge, so I have taken the time to add links to countdowns/timezone converters where appropriate so that you guys know when they're happening in your local time. Subject to change of course and best to join the Dclone Hunters Discord to keep up-to-date with the latest adjustments.
Organiser(s) | Mode | Region Reveal | Walk Time |
바니오BANIO | Ladder | Wed 18th May 1000 UTC - My time? | Wed 18th May 1100 UTC - My time? |
正氣 | Ladder | Asia | Wed 18th May 1200 UTC - My time? |
종합게임이디티비 | Ladder | Wed 18th May 1200 UTC - My time? | Wed 18th May 1300 UTC - My time? |
뽀순TV | Ladder | Undisclosed | Thur 19th May 1130 UTC - My time? |
간지맨 | Ladder | Undisclosed | Thur 19th May 1400 UTC - My time? |
소서미스 (Playdia) | Non-Ladder | Fri 20th May 1300 UTC - My time? | Fri 20th May 1330 UTC - My time? |
소서미스 (Playdia) | Ladder | Fri 20th May 1400 UTC - My time? | Fri 20th May 1430 UTC - My time? |
ChaosCube | Ladder | Asia | Sat 21st May 1200 UTC - My time? |
ChaosCube | Ladder | Asia | Sat 21st May 1400 UTC - My time? |
D2R Clone Hunters | Ladder | North America | Sat 21st May 2000 UTC - My time? |
Edit: Updated Wed 18th May with the latest schedule.
Edit: Updated Fri 20th May with the latest schedule.