so this is my first post here, and I'm not sure how long this thread will become.
I've been doing quite a lot of LK runs with my sorceress recently, and since my findings were quite nice I thought I should share it with you, also since I found out that D2R fans love statistics

I already did a few hundred runs, found my Shako, Oculus, several pieces of Trang's, Tal's and so on, 1 BK ring, loads of nice charms including skillers, and rune-wise I found several Mals, 2 Vex, a Gul, 3 Ists and even a Ber. Yet neither a Lo nor a Sur yet though.
By now, I found out that LK is quite a cool place not only to farm for runes, but cool items as well quite easily, though it's quite tedious (which is not that big of an issue for me, but for most others). I plan to sum up my findings here and the coolest drops I plan to post with a screenshot.
It is important to note that I not only do the super chests, but all poppables in LK in every run (besides killing monsters), and that I found almost all of my HRs from skeletons, logs and normal chests. I find it a very good farming spot since there are so many things to pop in LK, you can just Teleport around and do one after the other. Also you get quite nice socket bases from the racks.
My goal for the runs by now is basically to get 3 Bers for Enigma. Yep, I want to cube 2 Bers into a Jah, and I don't feel very comfortable with it since you can also make Infinity with it and I don't yet have one. I'm not big with rune words yet at all, my best is a Duress by now tbh and I didn't do any Uber runs yet. Also, I do only single player and hence no trades. I love my Summon Necro, and aim to get my Enigma for him and then do Diablo & Mephisto runs like a madman with him. With my current equipment I don't feel very comfortable regarding these runs.
I'm still wondering weather it's the better decision to make Infinity or Enigma first. With Infinity I can do runs with my sorceress way easier, but Enigma makes my Necro far more potent... Hard decision, but first I should get my second Ber and then think about it again haha.
So enough talk, I'll be back to farming now. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment. Later!