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Hey everyone,

So browsing the trades, I came across some offerings that I hadn’t really thought of before: selling Quest rewards.

I have multiple Char/Larz quests stacked up from taking my characters through normal, so obviously I have a few questions on how this works exactly.

Does the seller agree to give up a rune or something as a type of bond that they won’t grab the item and disappear?

I assume you also want to do this with folks that you’ve traded with/have high trust, right?

Can be used to make Runewords:

Hey everyone,

So browsing the trades, I came across some offerings that I hadn’t really thought of before: selling Quest rewards.

I have multiple Char/Larz quests stacked up from taking my characters through normal, so obviously I have a few questions on how this works exactly.

Does the seller agree to give up a rune or something as a type of bond that they won’t grab the item and disappear?

I assume you also want to do this with folks that you’ve traded with/have high trust, right?
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Necrarch 2279Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
quest has... little value. It's easy to go to it and brings crap 95% of time.,

quest resell (aka instant socketing) does have more value, and indeed requires trust that the guy does not go aways with your perfect ethereal
Andariel's Visage
, so better check the trusts of the guy before (and more generally socket yourself the most valuable stuff, and keep for public socketing more common things).

But there are also normal
rushes, usually traded as "rush for rush" : they rush a mule of yours, you rush a mule of theirs. Need one strong and quick char. Of course, needs trust too, but does not need to give the object to socket.

If you want to fully socket the completed setup of a char of yours, knowing that there are usually 9 socketable places (weapon / shield / weapon 2 / shield 2 / armor / head / merc weapon / merc head / merc armor), even if some are with runewords or presocketed uniques / sets, you usually have never enough with only your 3, which explains the interest for this.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
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TheDoo 372

Europe PC
There is never enough trust ofc but I personally do tend to believe more that someone who has like 500 or even 200 trust points on this site wouldn't risk a bad reputation strike/public shame by profiting off of single quote on quote "scam". If someone is doing majority of their trades here it's far more profitable for them to keep doing things properly and fairly and honorably than to rob 1 person of something [ultra] valuable, well at least I'm hoping it is like that.

However, if you are suspicious you can always back out of a shady deal if someone spooks you out (which happened to me only once) but you can also find some middle Ground with people here (usually) because it's such a great community! Some compromise would be for the "socketer" (whoever is doing socketing) to give a certain amount of runes as assurance and then you can give that back to them when you actually pay them. This way you prevent situations for both sides to "scam" and each side can at least get something out of it even if things go south. :)

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
TheDoo wrote: 1 year ago
There is never enough trust ofc but I personally do tend to believe more that someone who has like 500 or even 200 trust points on this site wouldn't risk a bad reputation strike/public shame by profiting off of single quote on quote "scam". If someone is doing majority of their trades here it's far more profitable for them to keep doing things properly and fairly and honorably than to rob 1 person of something [ultra] valuable, well at least I'm hoping it is like that.

However, if you are suspicious you can always back out of a shady deal if someone spooks you out (which happened to me only once) but you can also find some middle Ground with people here (usually) because it's such a great community! Some compromise would be for the "socketer" (whoever is doing socketing) to give a certain amount of runes as assurance and then you can give that back to them when you actually pay them. This way you prevent situations for both sides to "scam" and each side can at least get something out of it even if things go south. :)
Great points.

And I’d be nervous as hell on the receiving end too with high value items.

Using Necrarch’s example, if someone were to hand off a perfect
’s Visage to me for socketing, I would be spamming them every 5 seconds with Bchat messages describing every step that I was doing and making sure that they were still online, etc.
I bought a
quest only once.

In the case the user with the quest gave me some runes as a "guarantee" for my item, then I gave them back.

We made two trades:

- "my un-socketed item" X "the guarantee"
- "the guarantee" + "quest cost" X "my socketed item"

For a while: not accepting
; and considering
Perfect Skull
as a regular
Perfect Gems
on my trades.

Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
fredkid wrote: 1 year ago
I bought a
quest only once.

In the case the user with the quest gave me some runes as a "guarantee" for my item, then I gave them back.

We made two trades:

- "my un-socketed item" X "the guarantee"
- "the guarantee" + "quest cost" X "my socketed item"

Just out of curiosity, what was the Quest cost if you remember?
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Schnorki 3917Moderator

I've purchased a fair few sockets here, both full-service and rushed and never had any problems, even on higher value items.

That having been said, I fully understand (and generally support) a healthy level of hesitation. If you're asking someone to socket for you and you see like 40 other people already in their trade, thanking him for successful sockets for them, odds are he won't run off with your random White
or the like. At the same time, if you're looking for a socket in your perfect
andy or the like..there's nothing wrong with "not risking it" and that's where the beauty of socket sales comes in: you don't have to buy full-service. In a case like that, just make a random alt, pay someone to rush you to
(instead of for the full-service direct socket) and socket it yourself. That way, any and all risk is removed at least for the buyer. Seller (i.e. rusher) of course has the risk of the buyer running off without paying after the rush but that's the nature of rushes I suppose (and hopefully quite rare at least here..if ever?..despite being depressingly common in-game).

If you're looking to sell (full-service) sockets yourself, I dare say you're fine just making a wts topic for it (player services), stating your asking price per socket and that's it. Odds are, with lower trust and no feedback in the topic initially, you won't have folks asking you to socket their high-end gear off the bat but I'd expect it won't be too long before folks start asking for low to mid-value sockets (i.e. reduced risk) as those don't typically worry folks as much.

Theoretically, you could of course give them a rune in the interim as "insurance" though personally I've never felt the need to do that (in either direction). Just makes it unnecessarily complicated imo as you'd then need to agree on some "fair rune value" insurance policy and whatnot. :)
Just don't get offended when someone does ask if you can do a "rune insurance". It is a fair request after all.

however is a completely different Beast. First and foremost, it is significantly more complicated to sell as you're not just rushing alts through the quest but you have to get all of them to a sufficiently high level to make it even worth the attempt. So the effort (and hence realistic asking price) are increased quite a bit as compared to something as simple as a socket.

Beyond that, the trust it requires far exceeds that of a random socket for a couple reasons:
More often than not, an imbue ends up either godly or trash. Trash results will impose an obvious risk for the seller as a higher asking price for imbues would possibly tempt some buyers to just run off and not pay, rather than pay for a trash result.

A godly result on the other hand can easily end up in the 2-digit+ Jahs range, imposing significant risk on the buyer. Not only because such a result may well tempt the seller to run off. But even more so because the seller can simply cheat you out of it and you'd never know.

- A gives B a
to imbue
- B imbues
and gets a gg
out of it, worth oh let's just say 30

- B gives A some trash rare
from some other point in time and goes "sorry bro, better luck next time!"
- B (seller) just won 30
+ the imbue fee
- A (buyer) just got ripped off (hard) but doesn't even know

Essentially, the only way to really be sure you got what you paid for when buying imbues is by having the seller live-stream the entire process to you without pause. And even then he still needs to be trustworthy enough to not run off with the gg roll.

Seems far more hassle than it'd be worth.
Schnorki wrote: 1 year ago
I've purchased a fair few sockets here, both full-service and rushed and never had any problems, even on higher value items.

That having been said, I fully understand (and generally support) a healthy level of hesitation. If you're asking someone to socket for you and you see like 40 other people already in their trade, thanking him for successful sockets for them, odds are he won't run off with your random White
or the like. At the same time, if you're looking for a socket in your perfect
andy or the like..there's nothing wrong with "not risking it" and that's where the beauty of socket sales comes in: you don't have to buy full-service. In a case like that, just make a random alt, pay someone to rush you to
(instead of for the full-service direct socket) and socket it yourself. That way, any and all risk is removed at least for the buyer. Seller (i.e. rusher) of course has the risk of the buyer running off without paying after the rush but that's the nature of rushes I suppose (and hopefully quite rare at least here..if ever?..despite being depressingly common in-game).

If you're looking to sell (full-service) sockets yourself, I dare say you're fine just making a wts topic for it (player services), stating your asking price per socket and that's it. Odds are, with lower trust and no feedback in the topic initially, you won't have folks asking you to socket their high-end gear off the bat but I'd expect it won't be too long before folks start asking for low to mid-value sockets (i.e. reduced risk) as those don't typically worry folks as much.

Theoretically, you could of course give them a rune in the interim as "insurance" though personally I've never felt the need to do that (in either direction). Just makes it unnecessarily complicated imo as you'd then need to agree on some "fair rune value" insurance policy and whatnot. :)

however is a completely different Beast. First and foremost, it is significantly more complicated to sell as you're not just rushing alts through the quest but you have to get all of them to a sufficiently high level to make it even worth the attempt. So the effort (and hence realistic asking price) are increased quite a bit as compared to something as simple as a socket.

Beyond that, the trust it requires far exceeds that of a random socket for a couple reasons:
More often than not, an imbue ends up either godly or trash. Trash results will impose an obvious risk for the seller as a higher asking price for imbues would possibly tempt some buyers to just run off and not pay, rather than pay for a trash result.

A godly result on the other hand can easily end up in the 2-digit+ Jahs range, imposing significant risk on the buyer. Not only because such a result may well tempt the seller to run off. But even more so because the seller can simply cheat you out of it and you'd never know.

- A gives B a
to imbue
- B imbues
and gets a gg
out of it, worth oh let's just say 30

- B gives A some trash rare
from some other point in time and goes "sorry bro, better luck next time!"
- B (seller) just won 30
+ the imbue fee
- A (buyer) just got ripped off (hard) but doesn't even know

Essentially, the only way to really be sure you got what you paid for when buying imbues is by having the seller live-stream the entire process to you without pause. And even then he still needs to be trustworthy enough to not run off with the gg roll.

Seems far more hassle than it'd be worth.
Oh wow, I hadn’t even thought about the Stealth
ripoff option. But you’re right—all you’d need is someone having the same item tucked away as an insurance policy and Boom, that’s the ballgame.

Thanks very much for the detailed reply!
About the
quest, probably the better is keep them and use on all normal
you find (because of quality level and magic level of the
, you can get any affix no matter the character level 😉).

For a while: not accepting
; and considering
Perfect Skull
as a regular
Perfect Gems
on my trades.

Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
Thanks everyone for the replies on this. I think I may actually go for it as it seems like a nice way to get my first shot at some really high runes (
, etc.)

One final question—are there any generally accepted “minimum” number of quests that you should have ready to go before posting for the service?

I’ve got 6 ready to go, but I see some of these continuing posts where the sellers seem to be working with much higher numbers and buyers are showing up asking for 3 at a time, etc. I just want to make sure I’m not going to be wasting anyone’s time.
Some people may need only one (that was my case a while ago), so there is no minimum to post.

For a while: not accepting
; and considering
Perfect Skull
as a regular
Perfect Gems
on my trades.

Time Zone: GMT-3
Non-Ladder | Softcore | Expansion
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Schnorki 3917Moderator

fredkid wrote: 1 year ago
Some people may need only one (that was my case a while ago), so there is no minimum to post.

There's always (well..sometimes) gonna be people who want 2, 3, 5 or however many at a time. But there'll be (probably far more) people who only need 1 at that particular point in time. No minimums apply.

Though having multiple ready is obviously not a bad idea regardless, seeing how you are then more flexible in terms of quicker replies to/fulfillment of buyer requests which in turn will make your trade topic feel more "reliable" and positive, then in turn leading to more (repeat) customers.
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TheDoo 372

Europe PC
Also just something I personally wanted to add is about price, mainly for socketing... I started my offers with 1 socketing => 1
; but then some nice 'customers' told me that is waaaay too cheap, especially people who wanted to 'buy' multiple sockets. Then I changed it to 1 socket => 3x Ists and I think that is fair change for everyone.

Didn't have a huge amount of people contact me but I'm pretty satisfied I could help some and also get me some runes to make things I always wanted to make for myself. But I had people ask to sockets some pretty nice stuff and never had any problem.

So yeah, my suggestion will be either start cheap(er) or be persistent -- it will pay off but in a long run (if you are willing to wait). :)

Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd

Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."


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