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From 6 weeks ago. Haven't seen such ballz drop in 20 years ^^
Please post offer in item trade before adding me on Bnet, I'm in EST time zone (E Coast U.S)
On a quick glance this looks oddly similar to a much more desirable grand charm. even has a similar name. just enough to get the old ticker going... for a second
If I win add me
Enhanced defense of course.

Deleted User 63530
Post ur offer before adding me. No PM. Only add me if u offer bin/lf. No reply after 3 days=offer rejected
No socketing service. If u get item otherwise, retract ur pending offer. Edit ur post or post "retracted" to do so.
No socketing service. If u get item otherwise, retract ur pending offer. Edit ur post or post "retracted" to do so.
Ondal’s Wisdom seems to only drop with +2 skills for me… just found my 4th one…poo
He could have had the decency to drop a Scroll of Townportal for me to go back home like Duriel likes to do.
Really bad diablo drop...
Now I have the image in my mind of you shuffling back to the entrance with your head hanging low because otherwise you won't get home. xD
Give me an F please.
Had a plain 5 all res sc drop for me yesterday, so feeling similar disappointment in the small charm department.
Dude, I saw this and immediately thought "poor guy posted in the wrong forum - well that's embarrassing". I saw the +7 Life and initially assumed +7% Magic Find. Turns out that charm got me as hard as it got you haahaa
Feel the same way, kinda like a missed opportunity ;0.
Although the shimmering charms are quite rare to find, so I'm happy when they do drop

He gave the ticket money, though.

* I trade both ladder and non-ladder, please check before asking.
* All my trades are for runes, keys (especially KoT and KoH) and essences!
Post ur offer before adding me. No PM. Only add me if u offer bin/lf. No reply after 3 days=offer rejected
No socketing service. If u get item otherwise, retract ur pending offer. Edit ur post or post "retracted" to do so.
No socketing service. If u get item otherwise, retract ur pending offer. Edit ur post or post "retracted" to do so.
after millions of gold..

Deleted User 63530
wts need 10jahs
Post ur offer before adding me. No PM. Only add me if u offer bin/lf. No reply after 3 days=offer rejected
No socketing service. If u get item otherwise, retract ur pending offer. Edit ur post or post "retracted" to do so.
No socketing service. If u get item otherwise, retract ur pending offer. Edit ur post or post "retracted" to do so.
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