Since you mentioned it here though I'd like to know a few things from you guys - how would you explain how the likelihood of an item dropping is actually calculated by the game? Is it to with the monsters ilvl compared to yours or something?
@Teebling This is called "Target Farming" and has way too many variables. It all depends on the item level, affixes that can roll on said item and area level. And on top of that, Magic Find and the rarity of the monster.
Here's an example:
Let's say I wanna farm a Stone of Jordan. The "best" location to do this would be in Catacombs Level 4, from Nightmare Andariel (quest bugged for better chances).
Why, you ask? Well, Stone of Jordan has an ilvl of 39, Catacombs Level 4 has a alvl of 43. This means that only 3 possible Unique Rings can drop from her; Nagelring, Manald Heal and Stone of Jordan. The next Unique Ring in line to drop would be a Dwarf Star / Raven Frost with ilvl of 53; these 2 will never drop from NM Andariel. Ever.
Stormlash wrote: 3 years ago
@Teebling This is called "Target Farming" and has way too many variables. It all depends on the item level, affixes that can roll on said item and area level. And on top of that, Magic Find and the rarity of the monster.
Right okay, well it's a shame that we won't be able to calculate it raw ourselves. What I had in plan as a contingency for this would be simple user reporting stuff - when people add things to their grail collection, they'll be asked to choose which monster/act/difficulty it dropped from and I can then create a way to present this information site wide on items themselves.
Well, drop chances are quite complicated. Chances of dropping a base are based on the monster (iirc Ghosts can't drop Scrolls so they have a higher chance) as well as players count, and players in the area count. Then magic find comes in and changes things. In the end, I think it'd require a full on drop calculator.
Perhaps a good compromise would be listing what can drop the item, but even that's complicated.
The ilvl (item level) is equal to the level of the monster that dropped it (mlvl). This determines what affixes can spawn on rare and magic items.
The qlvl (quality level) of an item is used to check if the ilvl is high enough for the item to drop. Bases have a qlvl, and so do set and unique items. This is checked after the game tries to drop a certain base item and rarity from a TC.
The TC (treasure class) of an item is the rarity of an item base. For normal, champion, and unique monsters, their possible TC dropped is based on the mlvl. As a result, a level 87 monster can drop TC 87 items. However, Superuniques such as act bosses and Pindleskin have their own specified max TC that they can drop from. Pindle is level 86, but can drop from TC 87. As a result, he can drop every *base item* in the game because TC 87 is the highest, but can't drop qlvl 87 Unique and Set items which are Azurewrath, Arachnid Mesh, and Tyrael's Might because his mlvl is 86, which means the ilvl of the dropped item will be 86 as well, which is less than the required qlvl of 87 for those three items.
Then you also get to list the area levels (alvl), and account for the differences made by +2 to levels for champions and +3 for unique monsters. Hell Ancient Tunnels is alvl 85 (the highest in the game), which means champions are mlvl 87, unique monsters are mlvl 88, and both can drop any item in the game. However, an alvl 84 area wouldn't let champions drop TC 87 items, or qlvl 87 unique and set items.
Racks are another good way to farm uniques and set items. Assuming you find a rack that consistently drops an item base, it has a 1/400 chance of dropping unique for most items (1/240 to drop unique for class specific), and 1/160 for set items (1/120 for class specific). However, racks aren't supposed to drop non-metal bases. Metal bases can be turned into an Iron Golem. They can still drop non-metal bases, but it's very rare like a Wand with +3 to Poison Dagger. Racks drop items of ilvl = alvl and from TC <= alvl, so they can't drop TC or qlvl over 85 anywhere in the game.
*Then* you get to deal with chests, super chests, and sparkly chests. Like racks, chests drop items of ilvl = alvl. Super Chests can't drop unique or set items, so those are skippable.
Sparkly chests have a unique TC that they can drop from that is specific to the chest in the zone. You can find a list of the Sparkly chest TCs here. Sparkly chests have a 1/50 chance of having a chance to drop 0 to 7 unique items. They also have a 1/20 chance to drop 0 to 7 set items.
Normal chests have a max TC drop of whatever the alvl is that they're in. I don't know much about the item generation for normal chests beyond that.
Anyway, all of that was to say "it's complicated" and that making it work cleanly on would take a hefty amount of work unless Teebling just adds a drop calculator page.
Nice site, love it.
It migjt be an idea on the unique item page to add the place or unique boss / mob that will drop this.
E.g. Shako hell meph
Skayo wrote: 3 years ago
Nice site, love it.
It migjt be an idea on the unique item page to add the place or unique boss / mob that will drop this.
E.g. Shako hell meph
Moving this post to the existing discussion about this.
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