Introduction - What is this, why is it being done etc.
We agreed that crowdfunding wouldn't work, but then discussed the idea of crowdsourcing the main issues instead, to compile a report of sorts to send to Blizzard. I've tried doing this before, for example when @Schnorki compiled the issues with chat; this was sent to Blizzard but I received no response or acknowledgement. That doesn't mean that others haven't had success though - for example MrLlama's community and r/Diablo were both able to successfully get their demands across in a document, which was eventually received by the dev team.Udyret wrote:if we made a community effort to crowdfund development of the missing things and things the community agree would be good additions to the game. like for example currency tab, fixing lobby, fixing chat, improve underused zones etc. do you think blizz would do it?
So we can make a start on that guys if we want to. We're here because we love talking about D2R, and there are definitely pain points that we all feel need to be addressed as a matter of priority. doesn't have a large number of people, but I still think we can pull together on this one and produce something. What we'd like to see is this topic evolving into a well-formatted, detail-rich and concise series of memos to Blizzard about the things we think are broken in D2R and need fixing urgently. I can then attempt to contact Blizzard again with the completed topic, so that they have everything available to them in one place.
This would make the task of beginning to fix these issues easier for the dev team. Perhaps they don't have the resources, perhaps they're triaging and blocked by more pressing things, maybe they cannot make sense of reports due to lack of detail/information/reproduction steps. If however they have proper reports with steps to reproduce, details, logs, this cuts the time required to get fixing significantly, they can make dev tickets and get stuck into the problems easier.
If you're interested in this idea and want to help, leave your comments below. In the meantime, I'll start getting a 'report template' together so that we can standardise people's memos to Blizzard and the info required for it to be accepted. Idea would be to take replies from this topic and then merge them into the original post to form the complete 'document'. If Blizzard ignore it again, we can at least say that we tried our best.
For now, some guidelines:
- No ridiculous shit like asking for bigger amazon buttocks, totally new features like ranked arena, et cetera. Keep it to urgent fixes and improvements to the game as it is now. No grand new feature ideas basically, we're wanting to improve on the already amazing work they've done - not to change it radically.
Commonly cited as being critical issues with the current game, not including new features:
- Proliferation of farming bots that break ToS which are available publicly (cracked) or behind a paywall
- Alleged but unsubstantiated reports of item duplication exploit(s) in the wild and a destabilised economy
- Spam bots in lobby, spam bots whispering you, spam bots creating and entering games
- Difficulty finding any real (non-trade or spam) games using the lobby, particularly bad on consoles
- Maximum number of characters slots available to players isn't enough for most
- Chat system is broken in several ways and has well-documented issues
Commonly asked for new features, iterations, additions, and other small 'QoL' requests:
- Stackable runes, gems, and consumables, combined with access to a 'currency' tab in the stash to house them
command available in online bnet play- Configurable loot filter for players (beyond the scope of modding)
- Disable direct
vendoring and/or dropping of items that are currently equipped, or the option to disable - More granular filtering in the lobby to let players specify/tag their game type, leading to better discoverability
- Another end-game challenge comparable in difficulty to ubers or dclone
Other common themes/concerns:
- No real interactions with the community outside of streamers/youtubers and PR partners
- Fewer than expected announcements, blue posts, updates, communication in general from Blizz