Gimme damn /players X in online
They spoke like: "we want to encourage you to coop your efforts, have more fun, be more social, bla-bla..." Bullshit.
On practice - it encourages scummy farmers to invade my trade games, fast-farm and quit. Great - SOO social, indeed.
It encourages another scummies to make lobby games like "O Sur N Ohm" and fast-farm usin extra ppl from naive/greedy visitors. Yeah, great boost to social...
All loot is visible to everyone. Teaches us to be social to see who needs that " Diadem" or "Grand Charm" or " Sur" more? A-ha
Come on. Give us the players /ppl 8 command. And THEN - after we got tired of soloing, we may WANT some coop, and do it WILLINGLY - not forced like it is now.
THIS is the proper way to make players more social and cooperative. Dot.