I've been a mythic raider and min/maxer in wow for the last 16 years until blizzard managed to break the game completely and I stopped playing it in december 2020. while it provided some of the fondest gaming memories, it also provided some of the worst.
I also played all seasons in diablo3 until season 22 and left that, too. cosmetics are just not enough :shrug:
shit's fucked.
I would like to see some changes:
- a loot filter. it can be basic like one extra color for gems. doesn't have to be 90 extra colors for stuff. make it an extra color for gems like they did for runes. make a toggle in the menu for those ppl who don't want all the "new shit".
- an extra instance for chat. chat depends on server ping and if your ping is 500 you wait half a second until your message appears. unnecessary.
- bug fixes pls. andy mf bug and barb broken weapon bug are still working. also, make the game register input better. sometimes, you need to click like 10 times on a seal in cs or on a chest until you get the right angle. I mean come on...
- more chars. like maybe 50-ish chars. ok, listen, I'm a digital hoarder and even I say a char limit of 100+ is too much.
- a working lobby
- more thoughtful uniques over time, in seasons maybe. I can't believe I'd say this, but having completed a season in d3 and gotten an extra tab for your stash was ... good. personally, I prefer having things tied to your blizzard account and they don't get lost anymore. you had to log in once in three months to keep your stuff in vanilla d2 and of course you forgot so aaaaaaaall of your stuff is gone.
- the game could do with some more endgame stuff. the dclone thing is nice. the way I see it, it would have to be a global event. take all accounts in and everyone can contribute and set the soj limit (or take another item which is really rare) and make it a high number so the anni becomes something really valuable and incredibly rare. the number of annis right now is not a problem because ppl tend to stop playing over time and the annis will disappear because the ppl will disappear. what I'm saying is keep the anni as a community event and let ppl organize themselves to get it but make it really, really hard to get one. a long and tedious process. that gives a good feeling of reward.
(and yes I really don't care about today's three minute gamer who has to have EVERYTHING within the game in an hour. it is totally ok if filthy casuals never get an anni or a torch for that matter. my record in diablo3 is 33 "legendaries" in one Rift. go figure).
- all the information we need to crawl the web for inside the game. all stats, damage numbers, just everything inside the game pls.
- item stacks for potions and gems. make it like in d3. stack everything and remove the tomes. works fine in d3 and doesn't hurt anyone :shrug:
I don't know if anything in this thread even reaches blizzard. I just hope the fbi and a blizzard employee who secretly made an account here read this
