New Character Tips & Habits
List Created by Fellowship
1- Keep two or three stamina potions early on. Being unable to run can drastically slow your progress.2- Sell Light Mana/Health & most of all, Rejuvenation Potions. This will allow you to bank money much faster and even as Sorc, Mana only starts being a problem when you reach spells such as Fireball & Nova.
3- Keep Wands, Scepters, Orbs & Staff that have no Skill benefits on them (Example: A Scepter with only 50% More Damage Versus Undead). Store them in your stash for later acts and when you need money, put three chipped gems (any) in the cube along with the item to re-roll the stats on it. If lucky, you could turn a 500 gold item into a 30,000$ + Item.
4- Don't forget to use chipped gems early on to really boost your characters capacity. Lightning Resistance in Act 2, Fire Resistance in Act 4 are crucial and a little boost to mana and life with Rubies & Saphires is great as well.
5- Since you obtain very decent runewords quite early on, I would keep the Chipped Topaz for later. Transmute them into Perfect ones when you are ready to Magic Find for really good gear.
6- Do not neglect the efficiency of the Rogue Mercenary in Act 1. Equip her decently with a Rare Bow and she can hit tremendously hard. Choose the one with Cold Arrow and equip her well, you won't regret it.
7- I always try to get a Stealth Runeword in a Studded Leather, Breast Plate or a Light Plate. These three armor types are all Light armors and so they do not slow your character's down. Quilted, Leather and Hard Armors can also do the trick but they net you less defense.
8- Keep a Key on your character at all times unless you are Assassin. It might sound unimportant but some super chests could net you some very nice items.
9- Open every coffins, chests and destroy every barrels in the Mausoleum, the Crypt and The Countess Tower. There are more chances of dropping gems and jewelry in such containers.
10- If you encounter the rare 'Gem' shrines, have a Topaz of the highest quality possible in your inventory and drop the other ones before using the shrine. It will give you a gem of the quality that is above the one you have in your inventory.
12- Keep the highest Javelin quality that you can find as your off-hand. Early-on, Javelin throw deals a great deal of dammge and could save your life if you run out of mana or if you encounter a monster resistant to your magic.
13- Use Fulminating potions and Strangling gas potions against Blood Raven for an easier time. Sell the rest for more money.
14- Look for Wands, Orbs, rings and amulet with Faster Cast Rates for better efficiency.
15- Once you reach act 2 or as soon as you can, buy a Belt with 3 potion stacks.
16- As soon as you reach act 2, look at Fara's for Magic Find Gloves/ Boots, a Three Socketed Shield () and a Two Socketed Full Helm (Lore).
17- If you are a Sorceress, consider purchasing a solid two socketed staff from Drognan (Leaf).
18- Do not waste points in something else other than Vitality early on. You only need the strength requirement for Stealth & . Vitality gives you more Stamina and more Life. That's all you need until later levels.
19- Do not go close to a monster with 'Cursed' or 'Spectral Hit', these monsters can remove the benefits of the latest shrine you activated.
20- Make sure to kill The Countess until you have all the necessary runes for your runewords. Additionally, it is a perfectly good way of leveling up and gathering gems and rings.