TL;DR - discussing ideas on Teleport oskill being otherwise available, i.e. not only Enigma
I have noticed that the Enigma runeword in D2 is a polarizing subject. I think most people like it, some people love it, and others wish it never would have been created.
Most here probably already know why, but to summarize its the +1 to Teleport and the rest of the over-powered nature of the stats that come with the armor. For this post I want to explore ideas that, if implemented, could diffuse some of the angst and perhaps make the game better. Perhaps it is wishful thinking, I'll concede that, but then again this is just a discussion.

From a single player perspective, it take a lot of work to grind for the runes to make it. I believe that a significant portion of the players create at least one sorceress to be efficient in farming end game areas...I certainly did (blizzsorc for p8 AT runs anyone?). When I made Enigma in SP it was a grand achievement for me, and one that I don't think I would attempt via online play as the differences in farming on versus SP farming are significant.
The economies / marketplace of the two versions will always be different I feel, and this thread isn't necessarily trying to make changes there, but I admit that any changes proposed here may have large impacts on those and should be considered.
I've heard some players suggest removing the oskill from the runeword altogether. I think this could be a solution if the oskill was added somewhere else (other than a staff on switch, or a Circlet or amulet). The ability to Teleport is, in my opinion, a valuable quality of life improvement for end game activities and I personally would like to Teleport with non-sorc characters without the gold for charges mechanic.
A suggestion I've heard is adding the oskill to Tyreal's Might. Although I'm not opposed to this solution, that armor is so rare I don't think that is viable to be the only solution. I am in the camp of making the oskill available to all classes (as it is today with Enigma), but not until later in the game and other options to have it before one can craft the runeword.
Proposals on where to add the +1 to Teleport oskill:
(1) Add it to an existing unique charm. My idea here was to add it to Gheed's. Everyone generally goes for one and it has a character level of 62, so you're late NM or early Hell difficulty. Alternately, a +1 to Teleport unique grand charm that can only be found in Terror Zones in Hell, so to get one you'd have to beat Baal in Hell before you could equip it.
(2) NEW Crafted Large Charms. Small and grand charms are what most players use, let's give large charms some love. Something like an Ist Rune, Large Charm, Perfect Skull & a magic jewel in the Horadric Cube transmutes to a new crafted large charm that has +1 to Teleport.
(3) Add it to several highly used uniques, i.e. ones that most everyone goes for in their end game gear. Something like Titan's Revenge, Herald Of Zakarum, Homunculus, Arreat's Face, Jalal's Mane, etc.
Thoughts, comments, criticisms and your ideas are welcomed
