I'll take the stance that there is no "proper" way to run a stash. Whatever works for you works for you. Let the debate begin!
For me, here is how I do it:
Tab 1: Factory (gems for my main, tokens for my Meph/Andy killer)
Tab 2: Rune factory (El through Fal with the chipped/flawed needed for upgrades)
Tab 3: Left side: Lem and up with needed upgrade gems. Right side: finally storage
Tab 4: Storage
For alts/funnsies toons, Tab 1 turns into storage to keep them always twinkie, all the time when leveling. I also have a mule for the low level stuff that is actually kinda tough to find but great to get a new toon up through A3 Norm, you know, like a Pelta Lunata and Rixot's Keen.
How do I get away with so little storage? Well, even after being gone for almost a year, D2.Io still rocks, @teebling is still the man (woman? Non-binary entity upon a shifting spectrum to include neutral?) and the market is still alive and well. So if I see something that is worth something, I can turn it into a rune real quick. If, down the road, I need something similar, as long as I sold it for a fair price, I can buy something similar for that same price. So, no need to hold on to something just in case the whim strikes me to make a new Druid or something.
With the market the way it is (actually alive), there is no real need to hold on to that 2-socket Sallet just in case I need to make Lore in it. I mean, am I really going to make that bug zapper pally (yes, yes I am), but will I need to hold on to a Helm to get him through NM? No, probably not.
Yea for me:
tab 1 - all the character specifics (75% are dedicated mules for me who plays ssf offline)
Tab 2 - usually the stuff that gets shared, my jewlery, Key rune words, charms, ect
Tab 3 - usually stuff I’ve recently found and needs to be checked to see if it’s worth keeping (90% not!)
Tab 4 - usually stuff i gather for crafting/cubing, also overflow
I think what gets me is that I’ll find something interesting and I need to test it out (like the Fire BoltOrmus’ robes i found the other day). But to test something out i gotta swap a bunch of gear, which just goes wherever, then i want to test a different onfiguration, then when testing i find something else, and the cycle continues until the stash is just a disorganized mess
Not as often as I should. Every now and then I look at what I'm keeping and realise that most of it is worthless and if I really needed it I could just trade a few gems to get it. At that point I ruthlessly ditch everything apart from the valuable bits and runes/gems/keys/essences. Then I hoard for a few months, rinse and repeat.
One of the things that I do is I have a spreadsheet for various games. For the D2:R one, each tab is a toon with the gear I want for the build and the planned build. I also have a tab that lists the shared stuff on each toon. That way I don't have to load up 5 toons looking for the Shako, I just look on the sheet. Also helps for if I am set collecting, I don't need to remember if I already have the IK Boots or go checking various toons. Just check the spreadsheet.
On offline I have a lot of characters with just stuff all unorganized and all that, so I have to run some program like GoMule to see what I have where and it's easier to just swap things around from there. But also kinda started practicing what I do for the Online part where I dedicated mules to be for specific things -- PGems and Runes for selling/crafting (aka valuable runes like Tirs, Nefs, Rals, etc.); a Jewels and Circlets; Unique One Handed Weapons; Unique Spears and Polearms; Unique Class specific; Unique Bows; Unique Armors; Unique Gloves and Boots; Unique Shields, Belts and Helms; Charms and jewelry (and keys); Socketed and 4socketing bases; Stuff to sell; Set items (I have 3 different characters LOW, MID and HIGH [split depending on lvl req], and I'm trying to get all sets collected fully).
My "shared tabs" are dedicated from the start to be available to all characters and so that every character can "contribute" when needed.
Tab 1 shared:
General leveling gear, extra annis and torches and "temp storage" for items I find/get before they get re-sorted to where they belong.
Tab 2 shared:
Gems tab ordered in TASRED, 3 of each type + 1 flawless except for perfects (keeping it topped off always for rune cubing when needed); then a row of Skulls (and extras if needed for room), and at the bottom also in TASRED order I have overflow of flawed+ that are being cubed as soon as I get 3 of the same lvl.
Tab 3 shared:
Runes and wherever is a free space I put "cubed" or founded PGems and Jewels -- temp before moved to specific mule.
Runes are organized as 4 of each except very Low runes and HR which are 2 of each. And also sorted out by their level, so at the top left I have like 2 El, 2 Eld, then next row is 2 Tir, 2 Nef; then next row is 4 Eth, next row is 4 Ith and so on... First 4 columns ends with Sol, second 4 columns end with Um, and then I have 2 of each from Mal to Cham in last 2 columns. All of those are being topped off on regular bases and any extra runes (for example HRs) are storaged on a character(s) that has the most room in their private stashes -- one of them being for example my TeddyIstBer mule (that had mainly Ists and Bers but also later a bit of Jahs, Los and Ohms that were overflowing), then I re-purposed him later for a full Fire Claws build tryout (but still has some overflow of HRs in private stash).
I don't know if it's "clean" but I like it, got sooo much used to it that I don't think I want to change my system. xd
I do have another acc however to which I'm slowly moving "unique X" mules to and where I do off-meta/tryout builds. It's my father's but he's not yet started playing the game since he has no time for it (extra 'free' storage space yeeeeeeeeyyy!!!)
Ma neeeeeeema veeeeeeeze! xd
Someone much smarter than me already said once: "The real value of something doesn't reflect in a number of how much a seller can ask for it, but on how much a buyer is willing to pay."
For non ladder:
Stash 1: items I'm planning on using for the character at hand. Sometimes also used to hold stuff to go to a mule but that gets dicy having to remember to move stuff.
Stash 2 and 3: Items to be moved to mules. This is mostly used up by Ral runes, jewels and Prubies/Pamethysts.
Stash 4: a single of each rune for runeword creation on the go. A single of each gem type for rune creation on the go (as well as rolling for sockets). Also in here is any high runes I find, or the more rare things like keys and essences.
On ladder:
Stash 1: items to be used by the character at hand
Stash 2: items to be used in future, made into runewords, waiting to be compared etc.
Stash 3: all the runes found. Without a dedicated mule for runes I have to keep all the runes I find for cubing or making runewords.
Stash 4: all the gems found. Same idea as runes but for gems.
I am available for trading every other week, limited trading on my off week.
Thanks for understanding.
I have 20 mules and I'm always in trouble when it comes to stash space. I guess I like trading waaaaaaaaaaaay too much.
I will be mostly offline for the next 2 months. I won't keep any trades active during this period. I will hold another giveaway on my return. You can contact me for rune trades if you see me online during this period. Best of luck!
For Singleplayer:
As i only started singleplayer for a selffound holy grail, i have about 20 mules to store every item in the game once. (stopped at 84% for S5 start)
If there are any items i want to keep for twinks or any later use i store them in the personal stash of my mainchars.
One shared stash is for runes, charms to switch between chars and a few chipped/flawed gems..
The other two shared stash tabs are empty to fill them with farmed stuff.
The personal tab on my mainchars is for classspecific items which i may switch, a few rejuv pots, uberkeys (on my smiter), craftingmaterials (on my lvl94) and so on.
One shared tab is for higher runes and runes with trading value, annis and torches.
The other two shared tabs are also empty for freshly farmed stuff. I just dump everything into those two tabs while farming.
At the end of the day (or when the tabs are full) i clean up those tabs and move the farmed items to the respective mule.
I have three mules for trade. Thats enough for me. If they are full there must be items which i couldn't sell in a few weeks, so i throw them away in freegames or Charsi them.
Aside from that i have a mule for gems, two mules for runes, one for socketbases and one for charms/jewelry.
tab 4: mainly for items i find that is somewhat usefull to drop in free games, but often is half full of keys and charms i dont know if i want to keep.
tab 3: 'high' runes +keys / 'good' annis
tab 2: Pamethyst rals (for crafting amu's) high runes keys few jewelry/jewels
tab 1: items/charms for that class + high runes
mules for trading items and many low runes + high runes, sunders and such
! dont like to keep all high runes in same tab, with the bugs there were with stash in start of d2r so i spread them out a little
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