I get you Schnorki, I didn't mean to say that people who make giveaways would like to "raise their fame" by pushing out their gifts with personalization to "advertise" in some way their good deeds. That would be doing the right thing from the totally wrong and opposite reasons, which is debatable... I was saying that some folks would probably like to have "signed" or want to have a little note that says "I got this item from that specific person as a gift" just as a help to never forget them or as I already stated above not mix it with maybe some other bought/self-made very similar item and then be left sad when they realize they sold/junked/dropped/gave away something that had a specific emotional value to them. I don't know, it's maybe just me. Also didn't want to disrespect any other gw hosts (ShadowHeart just comes to mind first because he does this huge ones that involve enormous amount of people on all ends), you guys are big part of what makes D2 community so awesome (generosity and pure "let's all have fun equally" attitude).Schnorki wrote: 9 months ago At least I for one wouldn't host a giveaway just to have my name "get out there". I'd hate the idea of stuff I give away eternally having my name attached to it.
For streamers part -- yeah. They would totally embrace that idea!