Things you'd change about the game (which Blizzard might do)
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Post your ideas of what changes you would make to the game in terms of itemisation, gameplay, meta, etc...
Nothing too drastic and nothing that would change core aspects of what Diablo II is.
Here is my list, in no particular order
Rework level requirements of uniques, most of them are way too high to give them to a new character. It doesn't have to be anything like in classic where there was no level requirement but something reasonable enough to make some the BIS item for characters in normal and nightmare.
Add level requirements to runewords (besides the rune level), this ties in into the above change. It's ok for runewords to outclass uniques but if they do they shouldn't also be of lower level requirement. For instance Spirit should have something like level 45, not 25 and end game runewords should be around 80.
Rework the synergy system. Skills with more than one synergy that just add damage do restrict build diversity. If there have to be several make them do something different than just add damage. This could be the speed of a projectile, the possibility of a skill to gain a second damage type or other bonuses like faster cast rate or attack speed.
Loosen the gear restriction on mercs. Act1 should be able to use crossbows, Act3 should be able to use wands, staves and orbs, Act5 should be able to carry axes and maces.
Change how mercs use their abilities, Act1 should cast Inner Sight when encountering a new pack after a cooldown, Act 5 should use Taunt when mobs are close to the character.
Buff physical damage characters, either by increasing the passive skill bonuses or removing physical damage resistances from mobs.
Post your ideas of what changes you would make to the game in terms of itemisation, gameplay, meta, etc...
Nothing too drastic and nothing that would change core aspects of what Diablo II is.
Here is my list, in no particular order
Rework level requirements of uniques, most of them are way too high to give them to a new character. It doesn't have to be anything like in classic where there was no level requirement but something reasonable enough to make some the BIS item for characters in normal and nightmare.
Add level requirements to runewords (besides the rune level), this ties in into the above change. It's ok for runewords to outclass uniques but if they do they shouldn't also be of lower level requirement. For instance Spirit should have something like level 45, not 25 and end game runewords should be around 80.
Rework the synergy system. Skills with more than one synergy that just add damage do restrict build diversity. If there have to be several make them do something different than just add damage. This could be the speed of a projectile, the possibility of a skill to gain a second damage type or other bonuses like faster cast rate or attack speed.
Loosen the gear restriction on mercs. Act1 should be able to use crossbows, Act3 should be able to use wands, staves and orbs, Act5 should be able to carry axes and maces.
Change how mercs use their abilities, Act1 should cast Inner Sight when encountering a new pack after a cooldown, Act 5 should use Taunt when mobs are close to the character.
Buff physical damage characters, either by increasing the passive skill bonuses or removing physical damage resistances from mobs.
Adding level restrictions to runewords other than the base level of the highest rune will only slow down the progress of your character and doesn't provide anything useful. Lower level characters would have a hard time itemizing their early builds because of the restriction, considering that the runes that Spirit needs are already farmable at Nightmare countess and even on Normal areas.
Bnet tag: Zero#15277
My time zone is GMT+8. Please bear with me when doing trades since our time zones can be different. Thanks in advance
fionnacakezz wrote: 2 years ago
Adding level restrictions to runewords other than the base level of the highest rune will only slow down the progress of your character and doesn't provide anything useful. Lower level characters would have a hard time itemizing their early builds because of the restriction, considering that the runes that Spirit needs are already farmable at Nightmare countess and even on Normal areas.
I admit there's some personal bias in that suggestion. I enjoy leveling my characters manually and I like it when I have to make difficult decisions of how to equip a character in a playthrough.
- Improve set items for all sets that do not have partial sets bonuses. Tons of stuff to rework then as you collect many pieces together for something that is not worth it in 80% of the cases. Tons of ideas on my side for this !
Make them suitable for mercs (Sazabi already works on a5, why not rework Vidala for a1, Hwanin for a2, Heaven's Brethren for a3).
- Make the cube 4x4 and with a smaller interface, and allow to sell / buy / put directly in cube.
Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
Kriss_De_Valnor_ wrote: 2 years ago
1. A recipe for downgrading runes in HCube (for example 1 Jah ----> 2 Ber).
So we could break a Zod into 4 Jahs, or 8 Bers.
Doesn't seem broken at all
If there was a way to downgrade runes, it would need to be 1:1
You can always make alternative offers with Keys.
I don't really trade in pgems.
Can trade on PC and Switch
Some easy low hanging fruits there..
- Make /players work online
- Add /nopickup as a command line argument and not just a chat command that needs to be reentered every time
- Reintroduce -skiptobnet
- Fix all of those damn experience-breaking day1 bugs, first and foremost all of the chat ones that still exist and ruin any otherwise possible social interaction
- Replace the patchwork-BS 5-minute implementation of "quick cast" to an actual, working, true quick-cast game mechanic instead of some fake button switching/macroing that breaks down half the time and doesn't switch back
- Rework how players are placed when joining a game so you as the host don't get locked in every time by everyone else joining your game and spawning in a tight circle around you
- Make all of those load-time workarounds/fixes part of the game and not something one would have to manually unpack all sorts of game files for to make work
- Add a 1 day gap between ladder end and ladder start
- Make dclone global, rather than regional (yes, I'm tired of asia lag)
- Rework the lobby/game filter to something worthwhile or at least add another filter for min/max game duration
- Automatically loot to cube when cube is in inventory and inventory doesn't have enough room to pick up item
- Allow use of consumables (tomes, scrolls, ..) from within cube
- Make the whole game terrorized so you can actually for once finally pick the zone you want to play in without being penalized, rather than randomly being forced into something utterly annoying (and just bad) in the 1-2 hours you happen to have time to play in; or better yet, remove Terror zones as a concept and instead reintroduce them as an actual difficulty setting, adjusting not only the level up but really increasing difficulty (and I mean real, mechanics/performance based difficulty, not "2 more types immune to you!").
Balance wise, just a couple easier bits without going into larger-scale ideas:
- Remove the global lockout from Whirlwind and enable procs for it
- Adjust the sunder effect for magic to drop targets to 50-70%, rather than 95
- Adjust the sunder effect for physical to drop targets to 70-90%, rather than 95
- Remove Mind Blast from Shadow Master or at least do so while the sin herself doesn't have a point in it
- Remove arrow/bolt quantity or at least add magic quivers that replenish over time or at bare minimum, make them replenish when you hit a vendor's repair button
-Add a loot filter
-Stacking Potions,runes, gems, keys ,etc.
-Add a better item storage system to get rid of Mules Characters, or let us make more than 20 chars
1) I would fix lobby and friendlist mechanism. This D2r test fails horribly. I would just copy entire lobby system from SC2 or Hots. Including everything. There is no reason to have 2screens where one is for solo and 2nd is for multiplayer and you are forced to go to solo screen to change hero for multiplayer
2) I would create some sort of party so we didnt have to right click on friends name and "join the game" or manually writing game name - just copy it from sc2/hots, with one tweak: if somebody is afk, game will start and he will either join game automaticly or will stay on main screen with pop up button to "join latest game" - I prefer first option but it would make that 7afk players will create p8 for one guy. Which I think its bad.
3) if I add friend while my game is on. I would see him immediatelly in my friendlist aka current chat/friendlist/lobby system "ctrl + a" and then "delete"
4) joining trade chat will be optional + create some sort of "clan group chat" so you can talk with all friends you playing with at same time (again copy it from SC2).
5) fix game chat (it would work 100% not like 9/10 games)
6) I understand 20char limit so we all wont have millions of mules. But if you managed to get to certain lvl lets say 95 then this character will drop out of this 20limit. I dont see any reason why I cant have all the builds (swap gear if I am poor) so based on my mood I can playwhatever I want. Instead of being forced to play limited amount of characters or use tokens like crazy. And to delete lvl 90 just to start new char on ladder to get Mosaic is really not good PR for D2r. Current D2r truth add: "hey we have made new RW, if you play long enough and have multiple characters you have to delete one of them to get those new RW".
7) loot filter
8) act 6 - and make game more challenging so we wont have to farm same location all over again. Well TZ fix that, but it can be done better.
9) make game more multiplayer even in super end game. When u can solo game as p8 whats the point to play with friends (now I mean to clear same location)? - maybe change system when game evaluate how many players are in - players would need to be in same location to get p2 effect.
10) nerf Teleport, yes it would slow game, but it would be same for everyone and for example Frenzy barb could get faster clear speed than sorc. For example TP would have 5charges which will recharge after few seconds, so when fully charged you can do 5teleports (based on your FCR) and then u have to wait a bit to recharge them.
11) remove bolt / arrow quantity.
12) boost melee characters, nerf dmg on super OP casters
13) to boost melee and range add magic, rare, unique and RW to Arrows/Bolts so they would be modifier too.
14) buff unused bad skills, like paladin defensive auras. You will never pick them well unless u go for remeption as FoHer.
15) to buff melee just change Tearhaunch - Vigor aura when equipped -> this wouldnt change much, but would bring melee closer to casters
16) fix issue when u change ur skills (i think its when u cast spell and swapping weapon at same time)
17) fix bug where u cant swap weapons
check my other trades: member/The%20Flash/
my free items: simple t4t is fine with me what you pay is up to you
free anni to my WTS
LF Ral, Nef, keys, pame, pruby, jewel
Kriss_De_Valnor_ wrote: 2 years ago
1. A recipe for downgrading runes in HCube (for example 1 Jah ----> 2 Ber).
So we could break a Zod into 4 Jahs, or 8 Bers.
Doesn't seem broken at all
It wouldn't be broken if that recipe was quite expensive.
How do you make a recipe ''quite expensive'' in the context of D2? ;what kind of ressources could ever make that recipe not broken
You can always make alternative offers with Keys.
I don't really trade in pgems.
Can trade on PC and Switch
So we could break a Zod into 4 Jahs, or 8 Bers.
Doesn't seem broken at all
It wouldn't be broken if that recipe was quite expensive.
How do you make a recipe ''quite expensive'' in the context of D2? ;what kind of ressources could ever make that recipe not broken
Upgrading is not broken so downgrading will not be too. Let's say you need 3 perfect amethysts to downgrade a rune in 1:1 ratio. It's not a cheap recipe in my book.
There are a lot of things i would be changing but i don't wanna jabber much.
Personally, what i hate the most about this game is MultiPlayer Loot system.
Both the "shared loot" and "boosted MF" sucks IMO.
Blizzard always forces players to play together by boosting MF and other features, hence the fact that a huge part of the gamers wants to be just left alone and chill. Why? I can't imagine a single proper decent answer to that question. This fact makes me end up with no Jah in my inventory after months of playing. I got Ber, Sur, Vex etc but no Jah cause i play this game solo and solo only. If i played with 6-7 people, i would be rushing to pick that Jah from the Ground faster than the other 6 guy. Pretty stupid IMO. Even in D3, game forces you to play with a group. Blizz just never gives it up. I guess it will be like that in D4 too. I hate it.
Besides, why didn't they completely remove that useless "stamina" feature while they were working on the resurrected project, is beyond me. Stamina basically is there just to annoy you, it does not add anything to the game and becomes completely irrelevant in mid game yet a lot of item has some features about it. Completely wasted slots for other useful staff mods.
Lastly, i would buff Azurewrath, Light Sabre etc... or just nerf Grief. Because... guess everyone knows why. Grief makes all other melee weapons look like a joke.
Create an API so we can fetch contents of .d2s files of online characters - this opens up mule management, easier theorycrafting, no need for painful listing creation and much more.
Add a copy contents button to tooltips when holding shift so people can at least copy item stats to their clipboard for pasting in websites.
Stackable runes and gems, more character slots, fix the god damn chat.
Agonyst wrote: 2 years ago
There are a lot of things i would be changing but i don't wanna jabber much.
Personally, what i hate the most about this game is MultiPlayer Loot system.
Both the "shared loot" and "boosted MF" sucks IMO.
Blizzard always forces players to play together by boosting MF and other features, hence the fact that a huge part of the gamers wants to be just left alone and chill. Why? I can't imagine a single proper decent answer to that question. This fact makes me end up with no Jah in my inventory after months of playing. I got Ber, Sur, Vex etc but no Jah cause i play this game solo and solo only. If i played with 6-7 people, i would be rushing to pick that Jah from the Ground faster than the other 6 guy. Pretty stupid IMO. Even in D3, game forces you to play with a group. Blizz just never gives it up. I guess it will be like that in D4 too. I hate it.
Besides, why didn't they completely remove that useless "stamina" feature while they were working on the resurrected project, is beyond me. Stamina basically is there just to annoy you, it does not add anything to the game and becomes completely irrelevant in mid game yet a lot of item has some features about it. Completely wasted slots for other useful staff mods.
Lastly, i would buff Azurewrath, Light Sabre etc... or just nerf Grief. Because... guess everyone knows why. Grief makes all other melee weapons look like a joke.
I share your frustration. This season I play with random friends and we dont care about Wealth at all. For me its good feeling that HR dropped, and my friend has it than "I have it". So when I play with those friends. It doesnt matter at all, because we share loot including HRs.
But in public games... grrr... eghhhh its disgusting. I think if player who delivered final blow or did most dmg to monster (or some mixed formula) should have the privilage to pick up that item. Like item would be visible to everyone, but for certain time 2-3sec it will be available to pick it up only to the guy who delivered final blow/did most dmg etc.
check my other trades: member/The%20Flash/
my free items: simple t4t is fine with me what you pay is up to you
free anni to my WTS
LF Ral, Nef, keys, pame, pruby, jewel
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