According to ... tems.shtml
The chance of a crafted item being created with 4 affixes (max) is based on the item final ilevel:
At ilvls 1-30, there's a 40% chance of 1 affix and a 20% chance each of 2, 3 or 4 affixes.
At ilvls 31-50, there's a 60% chance of 2 affixes and a 20% chance each of 3 or 4 affixes.
At ilvls 51-70, there's an 80% chance of 3 affixes and a 20% chance of 4 affixes.
At ilvls 71+, there's a 100% chance of 4 affixes.
So, to garantte 4 affixes you have to create a item of ilevel 71+.
I saw on other thread people saying that they craft items on lower levels to limit the available affixes.
Do this really worth for crafted itens?
Seem to me that the reduced affixes list on lower levels, do not surpass the guarantee chance of more affixes on higher levels