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So I finally beat the game on hell difficulty :cool: Wanted to post about my experience here briefly as I've seen people do before.
You will address me as Matriarch.
You will address me as Matriarch.
My playthrough was pretty typical - early game I went for a
Sorceress with Leaf Stealth and Lore equipped.
was disgustingly fun and efficient up to about level 50 for me, which is when the immunes started appearing a lot.

Bricktop describing the effects of
in Normal and Nightmare modes ^

At this point my progress slowed to a stop. Me and the homeboy Mizan kept on dying over and over again, struggling to
away from packs of fire immunes in Nightmare Act IV.

I was level 50 but my gear hadn't changed much - still with Leaf and the starter runewords. Tragic tbh. Managed to shop some maxroll MF
(35%) from
, and some 27% MF gloves from
. Other stuff was just MF rings/ammies, nothing good dropped at all for me at the start.
The bad old days... Tarnhelm not the height of fashion.
The bad old days... Tarnhelm not the height of fashion.
Things were looking pretty bleak for
, a skill I'd really grown to enjoy using, and for my motivation to play tbh. Since I was still 20 levels away from being able to use
Flame Rift
(70), I knew I'd have to do something else.

I respecced to try the classic Blizzard/
build with just a few points in synergising skills like
Glacial Spike
Cold Mastery
Fire Mastery
. Even with the new push-hotkeys for spells, I found it hard to time
attacks... so I used my second respec and modified the build to max
damage, whilst still being able to use

This was the perfect balance for me as I got used to using mainly Blizzard and
for big slow crowds/when I knew I could land a shot easily) and it felt a lot more fluid and fun to kill again. I beat Nightmare
and entered Hell difficulty for the first time since LoD v1.14.
Wasting a larzuk socket on a too high-iLvl crystal sword, like a scrub.
Wasting a larzuk socket on a too high-iLvl crystal sword, like a scrub.
Then... I remembered that I built a trading site for diablo 2 so I started using it to get access to some free listings, and managed to exchange my collection of
Perfect Gems
for various low level but useful items, including a
Duriel's Shell
and Insight for my mercenary, as well as a
Skin of the Vipermagi
and two 29% MF
. I also spent a while trying to roll a nice Spirit
Crystal Sword
by using
Recipe: Remove All Items from Sockets
- highest FCR I got was 31.

One day everything changed in a second. On my very first run of Hell
Tower Cellar Level 5
The Countess
or one of her minions dropped a
rune which was totally unexpected :shock: (and very welcome! :D) I exchanged it for 15
soon after - I know they are worth a bit more than this - I just needed the Ists for liquidity asap.
From rags to riches!
From rags to riches!
With some of the Ists I managed to buy up a number of really good items.
The Oculus
, 4/5 Tal Rasha's Wrappings, and
Chance Guards
were mine. I also bought
Gheed's Fortune
31 MF, a bunch of MF charms, and some kind soul gave me an
. I was level 70 at this point and already feeling like a fucking Beast.
Steal her look! Gothic Shield base.
Steal her look! Gothic Shield base.
Last problem I had to hurdle was the homeboy dying all the time again, over and over and over again, to the point of gold depletion. I had to do something about him and quick, if I was going to continue. This was Act 3-4 Hell sort of time. I met @Queegon for an amulet trade I think and he gave me a free Fortitude for my guy when I started moaning about Mizan dying. Thank you Queegon.

With Mizan back in the game, wading into hordes of demons without a scratch on him, I did eventually become unstoppable and made it all the way to
, beating the game at level 80. I could have switched to a cold sunder build earlier at 70 in hindsight, but glad I stuck with the cold/fire thing as it felt more 'D2 Classic' for me personally.
My final loadout was:

Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest

Tal Rasha's Adjudication

Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth

The Oculus
+ Rhyme in
Gothic Shield

Milabrega's Orb
(on swap)
Chance Guards

Light Plated Boots
of Luck



Gheed's Fortune

Total possible MF with merc last hitting: 580 (!!)


Griswold's Valor
with 2
Perfect Topaz

(wow so much mana, loved it)
Fortitude in
Great Hauberk

Skills (base points only) at level 80:

Blizzard 20
Glacial Spike
Cold Mastery
Fire Mastery
The rest were just 1 pointers like
or prerequisites.

So yeah, that was my journey. Nothing special and entirely ordinary but enjoyed it immensely all the same. Now the question is what's next? Shall I try and farm for a
Griffon's Eye
, Lightning Sunder, Infinity etc. and go for full Lightning power onwards to 95?

I guess some people will see this post and think 'lol noob with noob gear', which is true lol, it's just that I hadn't really played the game since starting the site so this felt like an achievement for me. Also, think we need a real-time chat feature for trading on the site (wow the in-game chat is dreadful), and a Purchase History section/line on graph... and a shorcut button to see watched listings on one's own stash. Interesting what you find when you take your own medicine! :P
Description by Teebling

Can be used to make Runewords:

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Teebling 7220Admin

Europe PC
So I finally beat the game on hell difficulty :cool: Wanted to post about my experience here briefly as I've seen people do before.
You will address me as Matriarch.
You will address me as Matriarch.
My playthrough was pretty typical - early game I went for a
Sorceress with Leaf Stealth and Lore equipped.
was disgustingly fun and efficient up to about level 50 for me, which is when the immunes started appearing a lot.

Bricktop describing the effects of
in Normal and Nightmare modes ^

At this point my progress slowed to a stop. Me and the homeboy Mizan kept on dying over and over again, struggling to
away from packs of fire immunes in Nightmare Act IV.

I was level 50 but my gear hadn't changed much - still with Leaf and the starter runewords. Tragic tbh. Managed to shop some maxroll MF
(35%) from
, and some 27% MF gloves from
. Other stuff was just MF rings/ammies, nothing good dropped at all for me at the start.
The bad old days... Tarnhelm not the height of fashion.
The bad old days... Tarnhelm not the height of fashion.
Things were looking pretty bleak for
, a skill I'd really grown to enjoy using, and for my motivation to play tbh. Since I was still 20 levels away from being able to use
Flame Rift
(70), I knew I'd have to do something else.

I respecced to try the classic Blizzard/
build with just a few points in synergising skills like
Glacial Spike
Cold Mastery
Fire Mastery
. Even with the new push-hotkeys for spells, I found it hard to time
attacks... so I used my second respec and modified the build to max
damage, whilst still being able to use

This was the perfect balance for me as I got used to using mainly Blizzard and
for big slow crowds/when I knew I could land a shot easily) and it felt a lot more fluid and fun to kill again. I beat Nightmare
and entered Hell difficulty for the first time since LoD v1.14.
Wasting a larzuk socket on a too high-iLvl crystal sword, like a scrub.
Wasting a larzuk socket on a too high-iLvl crystal sword, like a scrub.
Then... I remembered that I built a trading site for diablo 2 so I started using it to get access to some free listings, and managed to exchange my collection of
Perfect Gems
for various low level but useful items, including a
Duriel's Shell
and Insight for my mercenary, as well as a
Skin of the Vipermagi
and two 29% MF
. I also spent a while trying to roll a nice Spirit
Crystal Sword
by using
Recipe: Remove All Items from Sockets
- highest FCR I got was 31.

One day everything changed in a second. On my very first run of Hell
Tower Cellar Level 5
The Countess
or one of her minions dropped a
rune which was totally unexpected :shock: (and very welcome! :D) I exchanged it for 15
soon after - I know they are worth a bit more than this - I just needed the Ists for liquidity asap.
From rags to riches!
From rags to riches!
With some of the Ists I managed to buy up a number of really good items.
The Oculus
, 4/5 Tal Rasha's Wrappings, and
Chance Guards
were mine. I also bought
Gheed's Fortune
31 MF, a bunch of MF charms, and some kind soul gave me an
. I was level 70 at this point and already feeling like a fucking Beast.
Steal her look! Gothic Shield base.
Steal her look! Gothic Shield base.
Last problem I had to hurdle was the homeboy dying all the time again, over and over and over again, to the point of gold depletion. I had to do something about him and quick, if I was going to continue. This was Act 3-4 Hell sort of time. I met @Queegon for an amulet trade I think and he gave me a free Fortitude for my guy when I started moaning about Mizan dying. Thank you Queegon.

With Mizan back in the game, wading into hordes of demons without a scratch on him, I did eventually become unstoppable and made it all the way to
, beating the game at level 80. I could have switched to a cold sunder build earlier at 70 in hindsight, but glad I stuck with the cold/fire thing as it felt more 'D2 Classic' for me personally.
My final loadout was:

Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest

Tal Rasha's Adjudication

Tal Rasha's Guardianship

Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth

The Oculus
+ Rhyme in
Gothic Shield

Milabrega's Orb
(on swap)
Chance Guards

Light Plated Boots
of Luck



Gheed's Fortune

Total possible MF with merc last hitting: 580 (!!)


Griswold's Valor
with 2
Perfect Topaz

(wow so much mana, loved it)
Fortitude in
Great Hauberk

Skills (base points only) at level 80:

Blizzard 20
Glacial Spike
Cold Mastery
Fire Mastery
The rest were just 1 pointers like
or prerequisites.

So yeah, that was my journey. Nothing special and entirely ordinary but enjoyed it immensely all the same. Now the question is what's next? Shall I try and farm for a
Griffon's Eye
, Lightning Sunder, Infinity etc. and go for full Lightning power onwards to 95?

I guess some people will see this post and think 'lol noob with noob gear', which is true lol, it's just that I hadn't really played the game since starting the site so this felt like an achievement for me. Also, think we need a real-time chat feature for trading on the site (wow the in-game chat is dreadful), and a Purchase History section/line on graph... and a shorcut button to see watched listings on one's own stash. Interesting what you find when you take your own medicine! :P

Nice story, I had a similar experience with my hammerdin, what a struggle and then holy cow a
drops in front of you. Small change it and now you are fully geared to be a Beast. Congrats!

Please post a trade offer before sending me a friend request.
I'm in the PST time zone, typically available anywhere from 7am to 10pm
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mhlg 1516

Americas PC
Congratulations, and a great story. We've all been there and when things finally break in your favor it feels pretty darn good.

Please post offer in item trade before adding me on Bnet, I'm in EST time zone (E Coast U.S)
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Teebling 7220Admin

Europe PC
mhlg wrote: 2 years ago
Congratulations, and a great story. We've al been there and when things finally break in your favor it feels pretty darn good.
Thanks dude, and thanks for donating the Annni! Legend

Congrats Teebling, welcome to the pantheon!

Burning Hells and burning out since 2004.
With how amazing the site is and all the work you've done, I don't think any could hold it against you for joining the party a bit late. Congrats on beating hell and looking forward to seeing what new ideas come from your experience!

When I'm not slaying demons, I'm usually out hiking mountains.
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Nate 595

Well written! And congrats! The first time defeating hell ancients with a sorc is a show of someone’s focus and discipline!

Great website btw!
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Bisu 384

Then... I remembered that I built a trading site for diablo 2 so I started using it
Hahaha, I chuckled while reading this =)

Well done, Teeb!!! ^0^
Good job and what a nice read! Loved it.

It is much more rewarding if you manage to do it in your own than to get boosted and rushed through all three playthroughs.

Offtopic: Please, allow me to thank you for your hard work on this website. I visit it multiple times each day and it has greatly enhanced my D2R experience. Thank you!

Can trade on PC and PlayStation.
from countess mobs... man gg on beating the game and all but that drop is where it's at lol. Well done!

You know Teebling. I've been in a position like yours before where you are so close to something (D2 in this instance), but you're not actually participating in it. And you see people using and enjoying what you're using and its really nice to get to actually participate again. But when you said "noob using noob gear", it's true. People expect "oh you live in D2 therefore you must know everything." but all your time is spent on running something, that you never get to participate, so you're a "noob".

Anyways, just glad you had fun!

I am available for trading every other week, limited trading on my off week.
Thanks for understanding.

Bouncing back and forth between D2 and D4
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ShadowHeart 3341Moderator

Paladin Europe PC Playstation
Congrats, very nicely done, Teebs!

My first
in D2R also came from mobs in the Tower, GG :D

Bisu wrote: 2 years ago
Then... I remembered that I built a trading site for diablo 2 so I started using it
Hahaha, I chuckled while reading this =)

Well done, Teeb!!! ^0^
It made me chuckle too :D

Teebling wrote: 2 years ago
wow the in-game chat is dreadful
Yes..... yes, it is :P

I'm in CET (Central European Time), so that's UTC+1 normally and UTC+2 during DST.
My profile says Ladder, but I play both Ladder and Non-Ladder.
My profile says Softcore, but I play both Softcore and Hardcore.
My Holy Grail Tracker is for Offline Hardcore.
Teebling wrote: 2 years ago
wow the in-game chat is dreadful
It is, when it works, which is half of the time for me :D One would think they would have fixed it by now.

Congratulations on your achievement! The story behind it was entertaining as well :D
Congrats on your achievement! I was actually surprised that you got a
on Tower. Best I ever got from that damned tower was an
and it never happened again.

Also, thank you for providing us with a medium to interact with other players outside the game for trading and stuff. I really appreciate that :)

Bnet tag: Zero#15277

My time zone is GMT+8. Please bear with me when doing trades since our time zones can be different. Thanks in advance :)
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Necrarch 2405Moderator

Necromancer Europe PC
Well, without any kind of originality, I'll congratulate you !

Very surprising to see indeed that you have been out of the actual game for so long.

You have found one more
than I ever did ^^

Some ideas for next steps that I would see as priority changes, in order :
- 1- Get a torch ! That's the single biggest up you can get by now. EDIT : check Discord, I think someone has one for you ^^ (not me)

- 2 - Get a better
is really bad and makes sense only when you use the full set, as now you have
The Oculus
no need to keep that. A nice 2/20
can be quite cheap.
=> The
can go on Mizan's Face then.

- 3 - Replace Rhyme by Spirit
. You'll need 156 STR though

- 4 - Replace the
Insight with an
Elite version, still with Insight (later you wanna go Infinity, but that's a wayyyy longer road).

5- Btw, how much is your faster cast rate ? A
goal should be to be at 105.

If you miss 20 (after having put the
and Spirit 35 on !), replace Chance by
. If you miss 10, replace one of the rings.

- 6 - Better
would be nice to. Ideally War Travs, but those are quite expensive.
Aldur's Advance
is cheap.

That's what I'd see as top priority changes for you now.

But overall : whatever works ! Have fun !

Ah, and if you wanna play in a group from time to time, contact your mods, it's Shadowheart who is the admin for the D2io group split mf.


Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap
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Tyran 12

Europe PC
Very well written story
Congratulations !
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Schnorki 3935Moderator

lol noob with noob gear! :P

On a more serious note:
As for your next challenge/goal, especially considering that you already touched upon "felt more fun", I wouldn't just blindly say go for lightning and deck that out. Seeing how you're on a sorc, you're in that comfortable position of having a char that actually offers 3 distinct perfectly viable skill trees (shoutout to sunders for finally making fire a thing!), each of which then still includes multiple perfectly end-game viable, distinctly different builds and playstyles even within that tree. Thanks to that, you can really just go "what's the most fun build/playstyle for me?" (I myself for example have always rather disliked the lightning playstyle) and find a challenge in content, rather than build gearing, using the build that is most fun to you.

For example..go get a torch! But not "go earn enough to trade for a torch"...rather, "go actually kill ubers to earn your own torch". It is entirely possible but in terms of "challenge in PvM content" probably the hardest thing you can ask yourself to achieve on a sorc.
Told you people would go crazy seeing you actually playing and, more importantly, that the guy who created our beloved site is a D2R virgin. :P

If you get a PM offer, post it in the trade. Promote healthy competition instead of settling for less. ;)
Well done! Now some TZ runs for more levels.


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