My playthrough was pretty typical - early game I went for a Fireball Sorceress with Leaf Stealth and Lore equipped. Fireball was disgustingly fun and efficient up to about level 50 for me, which is when the immunes started appearing a lot.

Bricktop describing the effects of Fireball in Normal and Nightmare modes ^
At this point my progress slowed to a stop. Me and the homeboy Mizan kept on dying over and over again, struggling to Teleport away from packs of fire immunes in Nightmare Act IV.
I was level 50 but my gear hadn't changed much - still with Leaf and the starter runewords. Tragic tbh. Managed to shop some maxroll MF Boots (35%) from Fara, and some 27% MF gloves from Elzix. Other stuff was just MF rings/ammies, nothing good dropped at all for me at the start.
Things were looking pretty bleak for Fireball, a skill I'd really grown to enjoy using, and for my motivation to play tbh. Since I was still 20 levels away from being able to use Flame Rift (70), I knew I'd have to do something else.
I respecced to try the classic Blizzard/ Meteor build with just a few points in synergising skills like Glacial Spike, Cold Mastery, Fireball, Fire Mastery. Even with the new push-hotkeys for spells, I found it hard to time Meteor attacks... so I used my second respec and modified the build to max Fireball damage, whilst still being able to use Meteor.
This was the perfect balance for me as I got used to using mainly Blizzard and Fireball (with Meteor for big slow crowds/when I knew I could land a shot easily) and it felt a lot more fluid and fun to kill again. I beat Nightmare Baal and entered Hell difficulty for the first time since LoD v1.14.
Then... I remembered that I built a trading site for diablo 2 so I started using it to get access to some free listings, and managed to exchange my collection of Perfect Gems for various low level but useful items, including a Duriel's Shell and Insight for my mercenary, as well as a Skin of the Vipermagi and two 29% MF Nagelring. I also spent a while trying to roll a nice Spirit Crystal Sword by using Recipe: Remove All Items from Sockets - highest FCR I got was 31.
One day everything changed in a second. On my very first run of Hell Tower Cellar Level 5 either The Countess or one of her minions dropped a Ber rune which was totally unexpected

With some of the Ists I managed to buy up a number of really good items. The Oculus, 4/5 Tal Rasha's Wrappings, and Chance Guards were mine. I also bought Gheed's Fortune 31 MF, a bunch of MF charms, and some kind soul gave me an Annihilus. I was level 70 at this point and already feeling like a fucking Beast.
Last problem I had to hurdle was the homeboy dying all the time again, over and over and over again, to the point of gold depletion. I had to do something about him and quick, if I was going to continue. This was Act 3-4 Hell sort of time. I met @Queegon for an amulet trade I think and he gave me a free Fortitude for my guy when I started moaning about Mizan dying. Thank you Queegon.
With Mizan back in the game, wading into hordes of demons without a scratch on him, I did eventually become unstoppable and made it all the way to Baal, beating the game at level 80. I could have switched to a cold sunder build earlier at 70 in hindsight, but glad I stuck with the cold/fire thing as it felt more 'D2 Classic' for me personally.
My final loadout was:
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
Tal Rasha's Adjudication
Tal Rasha's Guardianship
Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth
The Oculus + Rhyme in Gothic Shield
Gull + Milabrega's Orb (on swap)
Chance Guards
Light Plated Boots of Luck
2x Nagelring
Gheed's Fortune
Total possible MF with merc last hitting: 580 (!!)
Griswold's Valor with 2 Perfect Topaz
Insight Partizan (wow so much mana, loved it)
Fortitude in Great Hauberk
Skills (base points only) at level 80:
Blizzard 20
Glacial Spike 15
Cold Mastery 9
Fireball 20
Meteor 11
Fire Mastery 4
The rest were just 1 pointers like Teleport or prerequisites.
So yeah, that was my journey. Nothing special and entirely ordinary but enjoyed it immensely all the same. Now the question is what's next? Shall I try and farm for a Griffon's Eye, Lightning Sunder, Infinity etc. and go for full Lightning power onwards to 95?
I guess some people will see this post and think 'lol noob with noob gear', which is true lol, it's just that I hadn't really played the game since starting the site so this felt like an achievement for me. Also, think we need a real-time chat feature for trading on the site (wow the in-game chat is dreadful), and a Purchase History section/line on graph... and a shorcut button to see watched listings on one's own stash. Interesting what you find when you take your own medicine!
