Welcome to Theorycrafting with The Barbarian: A Guide for New Players - by LuckyAce
[1] Introduction
In this guide we'll be exploring ways to theorycraft with our favorite grunting and master of all weaponry killing machine. For those who don't know what theorycrafting means, to put it simply: It's analyzing game mechanics to come up with optimal builds and strategies to play. Great examples of this are ones you may already be familiar with like the Frenzy Barb, Whirlwind Barb, etc. We're going to explore and understand how a Barbarian build is created, the thought process behind it, and it's intentions. With doing so, those who have an interest in playing this class can then use this knowledge for themselves to create something all their own. This guide won't really delve into things like breakpoints, etc. Remember, the focus here is for new players.
Whether a build is viable or not is not entirely the focus here either, but rather, what can be created based on the items available to the player, in conjunction with the Barbarian's skill arsenal. So with that being said, let's dive into understanding the Barbarian himself:
[2] The Barbarian and What Makes Him Tick
Before we can theorycraft with a Barbarian, we must first understand what makes him tick. Meet Rygar, he'll be our helper for this guide. Every Barbarian starts out with a set number of points to Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, and Energy. When a Barbarian levels up, he will always gain 2 Life per level. Adding a single point into Vitality will always give him 4 Life. See, easy right? Let's take a look at his stats a little more closely:
At Lvl. 1 he will always start with: 30 Strength, 20 Dexterity, 25 Vitality, and 10 Energy. Any time you put a point into one of these attributes, it will increase the numbers correlating to them - adding a point into Strength increases his physical attack damage, while adding one into Dexterity increases his attack rating and chance to block (if he's using a shield). Depending on what kind of Barbarian you're trying to build, the number of points put into Strength and Dexterity matters a lot. Speaking of attack damage and attack rating, lets talk a little bit how that works: Attack Damage: In the Barbarian's case, he deals Physical Damage, always. This is only not the case if you equip him with a weapon that deals an elemental damage in addition to its physical damage type. There are 4 types of elemental damage: Fire, Cold, Lightning and Poison. The more strength you give your Barbarian, the more damage he'll do! But raw strength isn't enough, he'll need a good weapon to really land those powerful blows. Attack Rating: Attack rating is what helps your Barbarian hit those pesky monsters he's trying to slay. If his attack rating is too low, he'll simply miss his target, even if it's right in front of his face. Dexterity helps increase his chance to hit monsters, but depending on what kind of Barbarian you're trying to make, you want to be careful how many points you put here. There are a plethora of items a player can choose to increase their characters attack rating, but for the Barbarian, his best choice (early on and even sometimes into early end game) is The Angelic's Amulet and Rings. These will help greatly increase your Barbarian's attack rating, as it scales with his level.
Taunt: Causes Monsters to attack you
Battle Cry: Lowers a Monster’s attack and defense
War Cry: Damages and Stuns all nearby enemies
Shout: Increases your Barbarian's defense, and nearby allies
Battle Orders: Increases Life, Mana, and Stamina or your Barbarian and nearby allies
Battle Command: +1 to all Skill Levels of your Barbarian and nearby allies
Find Potion: Finds potions from monster corpses
Find Item: Finds items from monster corpses
Grim Ward: Slows monsters, increases damage dealt to them, and causes them to flee
Combat Masteries
Axe Mastery: Improves attack rating, damage and Critical Strike chance with Axes (1h & 2h)
Mace Mastery: Improves attack rating, damage and Critical Strike chance with Maces (1h & 2h)
Polearm Mastery: Improves attack rating, damage and Critical Strike chance with Polearms (2h only)
Throwing Mastery: Improves attack rating, damage, Critical Strike chance, chance to Pierce, chance to not consume quantity and replenishes quantity on Critical Strike with Throwing Weapons (1h only)
Spear Mastery: Improves attack rating, damage, and Critical Strike chance with Spears (2h only)
Increased Stamina: Increases your Barbarian's stamina
Increased Speed: Increases your Barbarian's run/walk speed
Iron Skin: Improves your Barbarian's defense rating
Natural Resistance: Improves your Barbarian's resistances
Combat Skills
Leap: Allows the Barbarian to jump and knock back enemies when he lands
Leap Attack: Allows the Barbarian to jump and attack an enemy when he lands
Whirlwind: Spins around in a straight path and deals damage to enemies(your weapon choice matters for this skill. More on this later)
Stun: Stuns enemies for a short period and increases your attack rating
Concentrate: An attack that cannot be interrupted. Improves your Barbarian's attack rating and defense with each swing
Berserk: Deals magic damage to enemies at the cost of losing all your defense temporarily
Double Swing: Swings with 2 weapons and can hit 2 targets if possible, or one target twice
Double Throw: Throws equipped throwing weapons
Frenzy: Swings 2 weapons at once. Each successful attack increases your overall run/walk speed and attack speed
[2.1] Understanding His Skill Synergies
Most of the Barbarian's skills have synergies. This means that they'll increase the damage, or duration etc. of another skill of his if points are added into it. For example, let's look at Battle Orders, and Concentrate. For every hard point (meaning, not getting points to a skill from wearing gear) you put into Battle Orders, it increases the damage Concentrate does by 10% per level. Simple right? Some of the Barbarian's skills have multiple synergies that can power a single skill (like Frenzy). It's up to you, the player, to play around with each skills synergy to see if you can create a build with it. That's part of the fun of D2R after all!
Let's look at some player favorite skills and their synergies to start off:
Looking at this you may think, "Huh, Taunt is kind of an odd synergy for Frenzy isn't it?" some may agree, some may not. Some players will choose to level up Taunt to max out Frenzy's power, but others may choose to forgo that synergy and level up another skill like Shout instead, for example, despite it not being one of Frenzy's synergies.
Lookin' good! Let's get into the next part of this guide, and arguably the biggest one that will determine how you go about making your very own Barbarian build:
[3] Understanding Item Modifiers (for Barbarians)
Every item in the game has something called "modifiers". Players will often shorten this to "mods" when referring to an items properties in game chat. Here's an example of an item and it's modifiers: As you can see, when equipped it will give your Barbarian +20 to Attack Rating and +10 to Strength. So how do you determine what item modifiers are good for Barbarian's? Simple. Barbarian's love Physical Damage, first and foremost. So, when searching for items to potentially make a build around, you want to keep an eye out for things like "Adds 10-25 damage" for example. Other item modifiers like Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, and Deadly Strike are also well loved by Barbarians. Let's briefly go over these 3 item modifiers since they are very important to a Barbarians playstyle and builds:
Crushing Blow
Open Wounds
Deadly Strike
Now that we have the basics of how item modifiers work and what kinds you should be on the lookout for to add to your Barbarian's arsenal, lets look at the different types of weapons he can use and their attack speeds.
[3.1] Melee Weapon Attack Speed
Melee Weapons are a Barbarian's best friend. Each melee weapon has an attack speed ranging from Very Slow to Very Fast. Depending on the Barbarian build you want to make, it's important to think about the skill your using, and how fast you'll be attacking with your weapon of choice(because attacking as slow as molasses is no fun). Let's quickly go over each weapon-type that applies to the Barbarian:
Swords & Daggers
Daggers on the other hand, will always have fast-very fast attack speed.
Polearms & Spears
Throwing Weapons
Finally, we're ready to dive into making our very own Barbarian build! With this newfound knowledge under our belts, we can explore one of the most fun aspects of D2R:
[4] Making a Barbarian Build
So you've made your Barbarian, and you aren't sure what direction you want to take him in just yet, but as you're traveling through The Rocky Wastes, an item drops from a monster. Its a unique Polearm, so you pick it up and identify it: You study its modifiers closely. +55% Deadly Strike stands out to you immediately, as well as the weapons damage, +Attack Rating, +3 to Barbarian Skills and +30% Hit Recovery. After taking a look at your stash and seeing a pair of Gore Rider's, Guillaume's Face, and Highlord's Wrath, you decide you're going to make a Whirlwind Barbarian focused around this weapon and Deadly Strike. Reading into the weapon you found a bit more, you realize that it's not a bad choice to use for Whirlwind, especially upgraded.
For your Whirlwind Barbarian you decided on the following skills: [1] Howl, [1] Taunt, [5] Battle Cry, [10] Shout, [20] Battle Orders, [1] Leap, [1] Leap Attack, [20] Whirlwind, [1] Bash, [1] Stun, [1] Concentrate, [1] Berserk, [20] Polearm Mastery, [1] Increased Stamina, [1] Increased Speed, [1] Iron Skin, and [1] Natural Resistance.
After a bit of leveling and testing, you finally make it to Hell mode. You step into the Blood Moor and take your first Whirlwind at a champion pack and they all die instantly. Success! You've built yourself a Deadly Strike Whirlwind Barbarian using a weapon most would overlook.
Take Pride in your growing knowledge of Barbarian's and how they work. Who knows, maybe someday in the future you could make a Barbarian build that uses Bows and Arrows

[5] Closing Thoughts
The Barbarian is one of the least played classes in Diablo 2 / R, but despite his unpopularity with most players, he still continues to shine in ways one may not expect. He's always full of surprises and if you decide to theorycraft and experiment with him, you'll find that he can do just about anything.
- LuckyAce
[Bonus] Barbarian Lingo Index
Barbarian Lingo
Below is a list of shorthand terms and what they mean when referring to Barb skills, related items etc. by players:
1h & 2h = 1 handed and 2 handed melee weapons
BO = Battle Orders (also refers to Shout and Battle Command)
WW = Whirlwind
Conc = Concentrate
Zerker = Berserk (refers to the skill and build)
BvB = Barb vs Barb (refers to PvP only)
Hork = Find Item (the sound he makes when using it on a corpse of a monster. Hork hork!)
Singer = War Cry (refers to the build itself, and the sound a Barbarian makes when using War Cry)
Nat Res = Natural Resistance
IK = Immortal King's Set