The "players N" effect on XP, "monster's life" and "monster's damage" is straight forward:
- XP: +50% / extra player
- monster life: +50% / extra player
- monster damage: + 6.25% / extra player
Ex: at players 5:
- XP: +200% (x3)
- monster life: +200% (x 3)
- monster damage: + 25%
So, disregarding the increase in difficult and time, we can say that a run at "players 5", will give you the same XP of three runs on "players 1".
But for the "increased drop chance" effect that happens at "players 3, 5, 7" the things seems a little obscure...
I found that it decrease the "no drop" chance of each monster. But I didn't found how much the chance is reduced on each "players N" and how exactly we can mesure the gain....
Is there a way to estimate something like "a 'players 3' run will give you drops equivalent to five 'players 1' runs'"?