This is a full game guide for Diablo 2: Resurrected, please take your time reading each section. There is a lot of important information in this amazing game.
Updates:12/4: New Section #22. Map Reading Quick Guide (Credit: Rain)
12/6: New Section #24. Gearing Guides for Melee, Casters and Mercenaries
12/16: New Section #23. Ways to Kill Immune Mobs
More Resources:
Runewords & Runes Cheat Sheet (NEW Incoming)
Trade Value Guides (Runes, Torches, Keys, etc)
How to Hit 400 MF Fast & Cheap (MF Guide)
All Changes in D2: Resurrected - 12/16: Patch 2.4 - New Runewords + Skill and Merc balancing!
Diablo 2 Endgame Options
1. You Only Get 1 Skill Respec Per Difficulty (General Info)
Death Warning #1: When you die you leave your "body" behind with all of your equipped gear and must run back to where you died to get it back.
Death Warning #2: Or you can exit and rejoin the game and the body with the highest remaining gold value will appear in town to be picked up, but all other bodies will disappear. This is a common way people permanently lose items. If you die once and can't easily get your 1st body, immediately leave or get help.
Using Skill Points in Diablo 2: (Check #24 for Gearing options for all classes)
1. You can max out each skill with 20 points, although bonuses to skills from gear pushes this beyond 20.
2. Only focus on maxing out 1-2 main attack skills and their synergies or else your skills will become too weak later on.
3. There are quite a few weak and mediocre skills in Diablo 2 so choose very carefully or you may have to re-create your character if you've already used your first Den of Evil Respec.
How Difficulty works in D2R:
1. In Diablo 2 you start out in Act One Normal, you cannot change this until completing each difficulty. You have to defeat the act bosses to progress up to Act 5 Baal. Once you kill him you progress to "Nightmare". Then you can make Normal and Nightmare games.
2. The game will play the same in Nightmare but the loot table opens up to much better item drops/Affixes, every mob has exponentially higher life + damage, you get a -40% debuff to all resistances and some monsters start to be completely immune to certain types like Fire Immune or Lightning Immune.
3. You then Defeat Baal in nightmare to progress to Hell. Hell mode opens up the entire loot table in lvl 85 areas, it gives you a -100% debuff to all resistances and MANY monsters will be immune to certain types of spells and some will even have double immunities. (yikes!)
Note: Type /playersX (x=1 to 8) to artificially boost difficulty and item drops in Single Player only [Check #13]
"Why Am I leveling slow?"
For MAXIMUM experience from monsters:
lvl 1-11: Act One
lvl 12-18: Act Two
lvl 19-23: Act Three
lvl 24-31: Act Four
lvl 32-36: Act Five
lvl 37-43: Act One, Nightmare
lvl 44-48: Act Two, Nightmare
lvl 49-52: Act Three, Nightmare
lvl 53-62: Act Four, Nightmare
lvl 63-73: Act One, Hell
lvl 74-80: Act Two, Hell
lvl 81-83: Act Three, Hell
lvl 83-94: Act Four, Hell
lvl 95-99: Act Five, Hell
2. Put Most Stat points Into Vitality For All Characters
-You can put 15-20 points into Energy in the beginning to help with spells/skills, but not too much. Using mana pots is the way.
-Typically only put enough points into Strength/Dexterity to wear gear.
-Dexterity does increase attack rating for physical attacks, but don't stack it needlessly high and cripple your life. 95% chance to hit is max.
-Vitality also increases stamina which allows you to run longer. (When running your defense automatically becomes zero)
-Buy stamina potions to restore stamina to full and gain unlimited for 30 seconds per potion. (effects stack)
Dexterity for Blocking: at higher levels with better shields you can respec your attribute points to increase dexterity to increase your block chance up to a max of 75%. But only put enough for max block and minimum strength for gear and then the rest in Vitality again.
3. Your Inventory Space is Very Limited
WARNING: when you die you not only drop your equipped gear but you also drop your equipped gold and suffer a percent loss.
Gold & Inventory Tips:
-Put gold in any shared tab so it doesn't suffers a penalty loss on Death
-Pick up things like Throwing Knives and items with +skills to sell
-Use The Shared Stash To Transfer Items & Gold to other characters and store all your GG items. If you run out of space create a random class to store more. Name them something like "UniqueMule" or "GemMule" inline with what you give them to hold.
-Buy The Tome of Town Portal & Tome of Identify and keep them both on you for quick identifying and trips to town. They hold up to 20 scrolls each. (Refill Tomes in one click by holding shift when purchasing)
-Always Pick up Charms, Gems & Jewels to socket them into weapons and armor for early boosts and keep lots in your stash for Crafting & Transmuting (See #7 for Cube Recipes)
-Always pick up runes to socket into gear and create Runewords. (The games most powerful gear, see #9)
4. Get a Belt and Always Keep it Stacked
Belt Tips:
-Refill belt in one-click by holding shift when purchasing.
-Upgrade to a higher tier belt for more potion slots! (max 16 slots: Sash/ Light Belt (8) Belt/Heavy belt (12) Plated belt (16))
-Heal your mercenary or give them Thawing/Antidote potions by holding Shift + 1 2 3 4 to the corresponding potions on your belt. (or drag & drop)
-HC Tip: You can also put Scroll of Town Portal into your belt for quick hot-key escapes!
Potion Tips:
-Pick up and throw Strangling Gas Potions. They always hit and can help a lot with packs of monsters early on.
-Buy Stamina potions to gain unlimited for 30 seconds. Its effects stack so drink a few and carry more as you run out.
-Antidote and Thawing Potions effects remove the debuff and also boost resistances to Poison and Cold. Their duration and resistance stack so drink a bunch at once to max your resistance!
-Use Antidote Potions before fighting Andariel and use Thawing Potions before fighting Duriel
-Transmute 3 Small Rejuv potions in Horadric Cube for 1 Full Rejuv.
5. Get Faster Cast Rate (FCR) on gear
-Also get Faster Hit Recovery (FHR) to reduce the time you get stuck when attacked
-FCR/FHR Breakpoints:
Note: 10% FCR does NOT mean you cast 10% faster, once you hit a breakpoint your character will start casting MUCH faster.
Exception: The Assassin uses Increased Attack Speed (ias) to improve casting speed of Traps (Shadow Tree still uses FCR)
6. Drop Your Shield at lvl 1 On All Classes
Beginner Shield Examples:
6 - Sigon's Guard
21 - (Ral + Ort + Tal)
26 - The Ward
28 - Visceratuant
29 - Rhyme (Shael + Eth)
31 - Moser's Blessed Circle
Faster Block Rate Explained
7. Keep The Horadric Cube on you (Recipes & Socketing items)
Socketing Notes & Tips:
1. Socket Topaz, Ruby, Emerald & Sapphire into weapons for an early damage boost for you and your mercenary! (buy from Charsi, see #11)
2. you cannot socket already socketed items.
3. When socketing with Cube, only use white bases. Superior, Magic, Rare, Set or Unique items do not work.
4. When using the Horadric Cube it gives a 50% percent chance for the max number of sockets.
5. Gloves, Boots, belts, rings, amulets, javelins and other throwing weapons cannot have or gain sockets.
Using Larzuk Quest for Sockets:
-# of sockets Larzuk puts in your items depends on the rarity and item level
-Unique, Set, and Rare items = 1 Socket
-Magic items = 1-2 Sockets (random)
-White/Grey items = Maximum amount of sockets based on item level
Important Cube Recipes:
-Reroll Amulets & Rings: 3 Rings = 1 Amy, 3 Amy = 1 Ring
-Repair & Recharge items: Ort + Chipped Gem
-Open Secret Cow Level: Wirt's Leg ( Tristram) + Tome of Town Portal. [ There Is No Cow Level ]
-Socket "normal" Weapon: Ral + Amn + Perfect Amethyst
-Socket "normal" Armor: Tal + Thul + Perfect Topaz
-Socket "normal" Helm: Ral + Thul + Perfect Sapphire
-Socket "normal" Shield: Tal + Amn + Perfect Ruby
-Remove Socketed items: Hel + TP scroll (runes/gems are destroyed)
-Up Normal Unique Weapon to Exceptional: Ral + Sol + Perfect Emerald
-Up Normal Unique Armor to Exceptional: Tal + Shael + Perfect Diamond
-Up Exceptional Unique Weapon to Elite: Lum + Pul + Perfect Emerald
-Up Exceptional Unique Armor to Elite: Ko + Lem + Perfect Diamond
-Up Normal Rare Weapon to Exceptional: Ort + Amn + Perfect Sapphire
-Up Normal Rare Armor To Exceptional: Ral + Thul + Perfect Amethyst
-Up Exceptional Rare Weapon to Elite: Fal + Um + Perfect Sapphire
-Up Exceptional Rare Armor to Elite: Ko + Pul + Perfect Amethyst
-Full List: (copy-paste into browser, currently de-linked)
8. Farm The Countess in Act 1 (where to find Runes)
-Countess Rune Drops: (Always kill on /players1)
Normal: [ El, Eld, Tir, Nef, Eth, Ith, Tal, Ral]
Nightmare: [ Ort, Thul, Amn, Sol, Shael, Dol, Hel, Io] Very-rare [ Lum, Ko]
Hell: [ Lum, Ko, Fal, Lem, Pul, Um, Mal, Ist, Gul] Very-rare [ Gul, Vex, Ohm, Lo]
-Hellforge Rune Drops: (A4 Quest)
Normal: El to Amn
Nightmare: Sol to Um
Hell: Hel to Gul
High Runes [ Sur, Ber, Jah, Cham, Zod] are best found farming Chests in Lower Kurast & The Arcane Sanctuary and by farming mobs in areas like The Ancient Tunnels or Secret Cow Level in Hell difficulty.
9. Create Stealth Armor and Other Powerful Runewords!
WARNING #1: You cannot create runewords in anything but white and superior bases. Meaning Magic, Rare, Set and Unique items with sockets will NOT work.
WARNING #2: you cannot socket already socketed items. Even with Larzuk A5 Quest, the item must have no sockets to get sockets. Using the cube gives a percent chance for different socket numbers and Larzuk quest will always give the maximum number of sockets for that items ilvl.
WARNING #3: Always double Check Runeword recipes to make sure you put the runes in the correct order and in the correct item type. (Many people accidentally put Polearm-runewords inside Spear-class weapons for example.)
Important Tips:
-Choose bases with low strength and dexterity requirements.
-You can easily buy a lot of the bases with open sockets from Vendors too. (See #11) Reset all Vendor items by leaving town through the Main Entrance, Portal or Waypoint.
-Use Hel Rune + TP scroll in the Horadric Cube to Remove all items from sockets, the Runes or Gems will be destroyed in the process.
Runewords & Runes Cheat Sheet (Full List)
Useful Early-to-Mid Game Runewords: [os = open sockets]
lvl 13 - Steel ( Tir + El) (2os sword/ Axe/ Mace)
lvl 17 - Stealth ( Tal + Eth) (2os Body Armor)
lvl 17 - Malice ( Ith + El + Eth) (3os Any Weapon)
lvl 19 - Leaf (Sorc) ( Tir + Ral) (2os Staff Only) (x3 fire skills works for all classes)
lvl 21 - ( Ral + Ort + Tal) (3os Shield)
lvl 21 - Zephyr ( Ort + Eth) (2os Hunters Bow)
lvl 25 - Edge ( Tir + Tal + Amn) (3os Hunters Bow)
lvl 25 - Spirit ( Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn) (4os Crystal/Broad Swords or Paladin Shields)
lvl 25 - Strength ( Amn + Tir) (2os Any Melee Weapon)
lvl 25 - King's Grace ( Amn + Ral + Thul) (3os Swords/Scepters)
lvl 27 - Insight ( Ral + Tir + Tal + Sol) (4os Polearm)
lvl 27 - Lore ( Ort + Sol) (2os Helm)
lvl 27 - Radiance ( Nef + Sol + Ith) (3os Helm)
lvl 27 - Honor ( Amn + El + Ith + Tir + Sol) (5os Any Melee Weapon)
lvl 29 - Rhyme ( Shael + Eth) (2os Shield)
lvl 29 - Peace (Zon) ( Shael + Thul + Amn) (3 socket Body Armor)
lvl 35 - Black ( Thul + Io + Nef) (3os Flail)
lvl 35 - White (Necro) ( Dol + Io) (2os Wand)
lvl 37 - Smoke ( Nef + Lum) (2os Body Armor)
lvl 39 - Harmony ( Tir + Ith + Sol + Ko) (4os Missile Weapons)
lvl 41 - Obedience ( Hel + Ko + Thul + Eth + Fal) (5os Polearm)
lvl 41 - Lionheart ( Hel + Lum + Fal) (3os Body Armor)
lvl 43 - Wealth ( Lem + Ko + Tir) (3os Body Armor)
lvl 43 - Treachery ( Shael + Thul + Lem) (3os Body Armor)
lvl 43 - Voice of Reason ( Lem + Ko + El + Eld) (4os Sword/ Mace)
lvl 43 - Passion ( Dol + Ort + Eld + Lem) (4os Any Weapon)
lvl 47 - Duress ( Shael + Um + Thul) (3os Body Armor)
lvl 54 - Spirit ( Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn) (4os Monarch Shield) (Paladin Shields work for lvl 25)
10. Get a Mercenary Early On
Mercenary Tips:
-Heal your mercenary or give them Thawing/Antidote potions by holding Shift + 1 2 3 4 to the corresponding potions on your Belt. (or drag & drop)
-Give them Etheral Weapons & Armors. Mercenary equipped items do not suffer durability damage!
-If your merc is leveling too slow, take off their gear and then hire a new merc at a higher level in town.
-WARNING: Their gear will disappear if you replace your merc without removing it first!!
A1 MERC: (Archer)
lvl 1 = Gem 3os bow. (buy from Charsi)
lvl 17 = Stealth ( Tal + Eth)
lvl 21 = Zephyr ( Ort + Eth) 25% ias, +25% Run
lvl 25 = Edge ( Tir + Tal + Amn) lvl 15 Thorns
lvl 39 = Harmony ( Tir + Ith + Sol + Ko) lvl 10 Vigor
lvl 43 = Treachery ( Shael + Thul + Lem) 45% ias
A2 MERC: (Meatshield) Powerful Auras
lvl 15 = Malice ( Ith + El + Eth) Use Scythe or Voulge
lvl 17 = Stealth ( Tal + Eth)
lvl 27 = Insight ( Ral + Tir + Tal + Sol) Use Halberd, War Scythe or Poleaxe (remake in elite polearm)
lvl 37 = Smoke ( Nef + Lum) +50 All Resistances
lvl 41 = Obedience ( Hel + Ko + Thul + Eth + Fal) Crushing Blow
lvl 43 = Treachery ( Shael + Thul + Lem) 45% IAS
A3 MERC: (Spell Caster) benefits from FCR
lvl 17 = Stealth ( Tal + Eth) 25fcr
lvl 20 = Wall of the Eyeless
lvl 25 = Spirit sword ( Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn) 25-35 fcr
lvl 29 = Skin of the Vipermagi
lvl 41 = Lidless Wall
lvl 54 = Spirit Shield ( Tal + Thul + Ort + Amn) 25-35 fcr
11. Shopping at City Vendors for Great lvling Gear and Sockets
(Reset Vendors via main town entrance, waypoint, portal or sewer in A2) (os = Open Sockets)
- Akara A1 (N) for +Skills on Wands for Necro & Orbs/Staves for Sorc. You can get x3 to multiple skills! And Scepters for your Pally and Barb, very strong early game.
- Drognan A2 (N) for +2-3 Fire Ball 2os Staff for Leaf runeword.
- Charsi A1 (N) for 2-3os bows, polearms, axes, and 2os Scimitars and Katars. (socket with gems, jewels & runes)
- Fara A2 (N) for 2-3os shields, armors, polearms and 2os Helms. Also ctc Frost Nova when hit gear for crowd control (tinted blue)
- Elzix A2 (N-NM-H) for early Magic Find, Life or Resistance Boots/helms/belts for All Classes. 20% IAS gloves (NM)
- Ormus A3 (N) buy a staff with +1 to Teleport *Charges*. NOT items with the (sorcerous only) tag. This will allow all other characters to Teleport like the sorc when holding the staff.
^Extremely useful for navigating hard areas like the Maggot Lair & Arcane Sanctuary.
(WARNING: Gold cost to repair charges is very high, restore charges with Ort rune + Chipped Gem in the Cube
- Akara/ Drognan (NM) for a Wand with Lifetap Charges for Melee to do Ubers.
- Anya A5 (NM-H) for x2-3 Skills on Claws for the Assassin.
-Gamble at Gheed A1, Elzix A2, Jamella A4 and Anya A5 for a chance at great items!
- Larzuk A5 for 3os helms starting at lvl 39. (can also socket unsocketed gear with quest reward)
12. Boss Groups or Bnet-Runs for Quick Experience
-They give 500% experience and are 3 lvls higher than area level.
-Champion groups give 300% experience, so don't waste too much time killing many normal mobs.
(unless its just too fun? 'Gotta kill-em-all!' )
Bnet Quick Leveling in Public Games:
lvl 1-14 = Tristram Runs (N)
lvl 14-20 = Tal Rasha's Tomb Runs (N)
lvl 20-24 = Secret Cow level (N)[or 22-30 Chaos Sanctuary (N)]
lvl 25-40 = Baal Runs (N)
lvl 40-65 = Baal Runs (NM)
lvl 65+ = Baal Runs (H)
For Single Player:
-Use /players8 to maximize XP from mobs
-When you get to Act 5 in any difficulty, do the quest to save Anya . You will find her in the Frozen River in the Crystalline Passage. Once Saved she will open a portal to run Pindleskin. Kill him + his minions then Shenk & Eldritch + their minions (Above & Below the Frigid Waypoint), exit game and repeat for very quick experience and item farming.
13. /playersX (x = 1 - 8) in Single Player & Other Commands
-Each level will increase mob HP, Damage & Experience gained
-Number of loot dropped increased every other level: 3, 5 and 7
-Farm Act bosses on "/players3" this caps out the loot drop table and prevents the boss from dropping nothing
In-Game Commands:
/framerate: Displays the same stats as /fps, but also includes some Memory allocation information.
/fps: Shows in-game framerate. 25 is the maximum display rate. (may change in D2R)
/nopickup: Stops your character from picking up any items in that game unless holding the show item Key.
/soundchaosdebug: Plays every sound in the game. Type the command again to turn it off.
/time: Displays your local time and server time.
14. Stack Resistances high!
WARNING: In Nightmare you get a debuff of -40% and in Hell it is -100% to all resistances. If you don't stack high resistances, you're gonna have a bad time. #southpark
-Socket Tal/ Ral/ Ort/ Thul runes in Armor/helms/shields for 30-35% Poison/Fire/Lightning/Cold resistance.
-Socket Topaz/ Emerald gems in shields for lite/psn resistance & Diamond for a boost to all resistances
-Pick up and carry Small, Large & Grand Charms, they can have various boosts to resistances on them.
Note: 75% is the maximum, however, some items & skills can help increase past 75.
15. All Classes Need 'Cannot Be Frozen' & Damage Reduction
1. Being frozen is one of the worst and most common debuffs in D2 and causes a lot of deaths. (HC players beware!)
-items with Cannot Be Frozen: Rhyme ( Shael + Eth) 2os shield, Death's Guard, Hawkmail, Trang-Oul's Girth, Full Arctic Gear Set, Kira's Guardian
-Items with Half Freeze Duration: Cow King's Horns, Angelic Raiment Full set, affix on magic/rare items.
2. Damage Reduction is very important in Hell because monsters hit like trucks even in /players1.
-Items with Damage Reduction: Stormshield, String of Ears, Verdungo's Hearty Cord, Shaftstop, Rockfleece, Rockstopper, Harlequin Crest, Crown of Ages, Enigma.
Note: Max Damage Reduction is 50%, however, you can stack above this number for when you get cursed by Amplify Damage to retain more.
16. Crushing Blow & Static Field help kill bosses very quickly
-Crushing Blow does a percentage of the targets life. 25% VS normal creep, 10% VS hirelings/PVP and 12.5% VS Champions, Uniques & Bosses. (Missle Weapon percentages are halved: 12.5% > 5% > 6.25%)
Items with Crushing Blow: Ribcracker (50), Hone Sundan (45), Obedience (40), Guillaume's Face (35), Crushflange (33), Rattlecage (25), Goblin Toe (25) , Rixot's Keen (25), Knell Striker (25), Gore Rider (15), Venom Grip (5)
- Static Field (Sorceress skill) reduces all mob HP by 25% per cast. This works for nearly the entire health pool in normal, but is capped in Nightmare 25% & Hell at 50%. So you'll have to do the rest of the damage with other skills or your mercenary.
Tip: The runeword Crescent Moon has a chance to cast Static Field on hit for melee and is relatively cheap to make. (put in 3os Phase Blade)
17. Magic Finding: also referred to as "MFing"
Magic Find (MF) dramatically increases the Magic, Rare, Unique & Set items that drop as you slay demons!
Important Magic Find Tips:
1. First 100 MF is worth as much as the next 200. (Every little bit helps a ton at first!)
2. MF starts significant diminishing returns after the first 300 for everything but Magic items. (See MF Curve Here)
3. When stacking MF, first consider if it will reduce killing speed and/or survivability by too much. If you can kill much faster (or spend less time dying), its not always the best thing to just add more Magic Find.
4. Keep extra MF gear in your other weapon slots and swap to them right before you kill a Boss. MF is only calculated on killing blow.
5. If your Mercenary gets the killing blow, their MF is added to yours.
6. MF does NOT help Rune drops.
Farming Uniques & Sets: (NM = Nightmare, H = Hell)
- Andariel (NM-H)
- Mephisto (NM-H)
- Ancient Tunnels (H) / Mausoleum (H) [NO Cold Immunes]
-Pindelskin (H) > Eldritch the Rectifier (H) > Shenk the Overseer (H)
-The Pit (H) (Cave in A1 Tamoe Highland)
Farming Runes, Uber Keys & Bases:
- The Countess (NM-H, Key of Terror)
- Travincal (H, Runes)
-Secret Cow Level (H, Elite Runeword Bases)
- The Summoner (H, Key of Hate) (Open chests at end of each platform for runes. You won't mind 4th-waying as much)
- Lower Kurast (H) (open chests/logs/stashes)
- Nihlathak (H, Key of Destruction)
Refer to the Item Finder for specific loot drops and odds in each area
From: How to Hit 400 MF Fast & Cheap: (MF Guide)
18. You Do Not Need to Kill Every Monster in This Game
-There Are A LOT of "Immune" monsters in diablo 2. They are rare in Normal, somewhat common in Nightmare and very common in Hell, even seeing double immunities. (IE, lightning immune, fire immune, physical immune)
-Don't feel too ashamed to run away or around these mobs (that monster just punked you, you should feel shame)
-Players typically farm certain areas with certain builds to avoid these immunes, such as using cold builds in the Ancient Tunnels & Mausoleum where cold immunes dont naturally spawn.
19. D2 Acronyms/Lingo
1. "N" = Normal "NM" = Nightmare "H" = Hell.
2. SOJ = Stone of Jordan Unique Ring
3. TP = Town Portal
4. SP = Single Player mode
5. MF = Magic Find
6. IAS = Increased Attack Speed
7. os = Open Sockets
8. Eth = Etheral
9. PP = Party Please

10. PK = Player Kill. >:)
11. FCR = Faster Cast Rate
12. FWR = Faster Walk/Run Speed
13. FHR = Faster Hit Recovery
14. FBR = Faster Block Rate
15. BO = Battle Orders. barbarian skill.
16. CTA = Call To Arms gives any class Battle Orders
17. Nigma = Enigma Runeword that gives any class Teleport
18. LR = Lower Resist or Low Rune = [El, Eld, Tir, Nef, Eth, Ith, Tal, Ral, Ort, Thul & Amn]
19. MR = Mid Rune = [Sol, Shael, Dol, Hel, io, Lum, Ko, Fal, Lem, Pul & Um]
20. HR = High Rune = [Mal, Ist, Gul, Vex, Ohm, Lo, Sur, Ber, Jah, Cham & Zod]
21. Trist Runs = Low level group runs through Tristram, located through a portal in the Act 1 Stoney Field.
22. Tomb Runs = Low level group runs through Tal Rasha's Tombs at the end of Act 2.
23. Baal Runs = Mid to end level group runs through end of Act 5 to kill Baal and his minions.
24. R4F or Rush 4 forge = Someone will rush you through the game in exchange for your Hellforge Quest Rune
25. Chaos = Referring to the Chaos Sanctuary Area in Act 4.
26. "SC" = Small Charm "LC" = Large Charm "GC" = Grand Charm
27. Skillers = Grand Charm with + to Class Skills (Only found in NM - A3 Flayer Jungle and beyond)
28. Pcomb = + Combat Skills Grand Charm for Paladins
29. Hdin = Hammerdin = Paladin that uses Blessed Hammer build
30. "1" = Safe, "2" = Not Safe. Refers to if a Town Portal someone opens up is safe to take or not. They may be trying to escape Death.
31. HoTo = Heart of the Oak Runeword
32. BK = Bul-Kathos Ring
33. CB = Crushing Blow (percentage of monster health per hit, powerful against bosses)
34. DS = Deadly Strike (% chance to deal double damage)
35. OW = Open Wounds (causes target to bleed for dmg over time)
36. DR = Damage Reduction %
37. Torch = Unique Large Charm from killing Ubers.
38. Anni = Unique Small Charm from killing Diablo Clone.
39. BIN = Buy It Now
40. FG = Forum Gold (Currency on ``)
41. Script = Description
42. WTS = Want to Sell
43. WTB = Want to Buy
44. WUG = What do you Got?
45. WUW = What do you Want?
46. NN = No Need
47. t4t = Thanks for Trade

48. ISO = In Search Of
49. Pindle = Pindleskin = Unique monster in A5 through Anya's portal after her quest)
50. Andy = Act 1 boss Andariel
51. Meph = Act 3 boss Mephisto
52. Big D = Diablo
53. Occy = The Occulus Unique Orb.
54. Shako = Harlequin Crest Unique Helm.
55. DND = Sets a Do Not Disturb message for your online profile. Type "/DND message" to set it. This was commonly used to scam players into giving up their passwords. (i never fell for it.. of course..)
56. Amy = Amulet
57. CTC = Chance to Cast
58. WP = Way Point
59. Script = Description of the game. Players use this to reference items they want to trade. Such as " Ist 4 script" or "script 4 Ist"
60. LK = Lower Kurast (not Lich King)
61. Mobs = Monsters
20. Helpful exploits list
1. Andariel loot bug: All act bosses have a higher loot drop table for their first Quest kill in each difficulty and then reverts to normal on subsequent kills. But for Andariel, if after killing her you immediately go to Act 2 via talking to Warriv, you keep her Quest loot tables permananently. If you leave or drop from the game before Talking to Warriv the bug will not work and you can't re-do it for that difficulty. (no you don't need to avoid talking to anyone or other activities)
2. A2 Merc bug: Get him stuck behind something like closing a door and then walk away from his location, once he teleports to you he is no longer able to be targeted by enemies until you exit game. (ppl typically use the door above the Inner Cloister Way point)
3. Easy Duriel Kill: You can trap Duriel into running in place and unable to attack you at the right side of his cave. Circle around the tomb so hes following close behind you and then hug the top of the screen and drag him down the right side until he gets stuck walking in place. Do not move, kill him from a distance with ranged attacks/potions/minions.
4. Easy Mephisto Kill: You can easily trap Mephisto on his moat and kill him from a distance on the other side with either ranged attacks or spells.
5. Easy Diablo Kill: You can get Diablo stuck on the side of his pentagram platform so he can't move.
6. Easy Ancients Kill: You can prevent Talic from using Whirlwind if you are near the Edge of the cliff or up against one of the pillars.
7. Skip Baal's Minions: Run down below the entrance to the thrown room before the wave gets summoned and it will skip that wave or lure the minions below the entrance and either run around or Teleport back up to Baal's throne and he will spawn the next wave or end and enter the Worldstone Chamber if you skipped the final wave.
8. Easy Baal Kill: If you can slow Baal enough with Decrepify, slow effects from gear or Clay Golem, Baal will get stuck in a loop attempting to re-cast his attack spells but never fully finishing. Easy pickins.
9. Despawn Baal's Clone: Once Baal spawns his clone, use a town portal and wait 10s, re-enter and his clone will despawn.
21. Chari's Imbue Item Facts
-Item level is calculated by (Char lvl + 4), regardless of its previous ilvl.
-However, due to its high ilvl, any Diadem can be potentially turned into a powerful item even with a level 8 character
-Low Quality, cracked, crude, damaged or superior items will all work.
-An etheral item will remain etheral even after imbued.
-staff affix generation, for eligible items, works differently. Both the number of skills and the bonus to skills will increase with your char level. So you have higher chances at better staff affixes when imbuing.
To Save or Not To Save:
-Most players save up their Imbue's in each difficulty and use later to attempt to get a powerful Diadem for endgame, but most of these will come out worthless.
-I suggest using some of them for leveling-gear. i have imbued many low level weapons in Normal that carried my characters through most of Nightmare.
22. Map Reading Quick Guide
Act I | |
Cold Plains | Not in corner |
Underground Passage | Straight |
Forgotten Tower | Left |
Outer Cloister | Based on WP |
Barracks | Left or Straight |
Jail Lvl 1 & 2 | Straight |
Catacombs Level 2 | Right of WP |
Act II | O ( [] * <<> |> O) |
Act IISewers Lvl 2 | O ( [] * <<> |> O)Straight |
Act IISewers Lvl 3 | O ( [] * <<> |> O)Left |
Act II Rocky Waste | O ( [] * <<> |> O)Corner |
Act II Dry Hills | O ( [] * <<> |> O)Corner |
Act II Far Oasis | O ( [] * <<> |> O)Corner |
Act II Lost City | O ( [] * <<> |> O)Corner |
Act IIHalls of the Dead | O ( [] * <<> |> O)Left |
Act IIMaggot Lair Lvl 1 & 2 | O ( [] * <<> |> O)Right |
Act IIMaggot Lair Lvl 3 | O ( [] * <<> |> O)Straight |
Act II Claw Viper Temple | O ( [] * <<> |> O)Left |
Act II Tal Rasha's Tomb | O ( [] * <<> |> O)Left |
Act III | |
Flayer Dungeon Lvl 1 & 2 | Left |
Durance of Hate Lvl 1 | Left |
Durance of Hate Lvl 2 | WP: Left; Lvl 3: Straight |
Act V | |
Crystalline Passage | Left |
Glacial Trail | Left |
The Ancients' Way | Left |
Worldstone Keep Lvl 2 | Right of WP |
23. Ways To Kill Immune Mobs:
-Get the Holy Freeze type from A2 Nightmare. This will chill/slow even cold immunes.
Gear: (use ethereal)
Vampire Gaze / Crown of Ages / Crown of Thieves
Fortitude / Guardian Angel / Shaftstop
Insight / Tomb Reaver / Obedience
2. Lower Resist Wand from Vendors
1. Buy a Wand with Lower Resist Charges from Akara or Drognan in Nightmare. This will allow any class to cast Lower Resist and break elemental immunities on mobs.
2. To Break Physical Immunes use the unique weapons Spellsteel or The Gavel Of Pain to cast Decrepify or Amplify Damage.
3. Restore Charges with Ort + Chipped gem in Cube
Note: most immunities can be broken but some mobs res is so high it can't like the Fire Res on a Pit Lord. (See all mob Immunity levels here)
3. Hybrid-Builds for all Classes:
Amazon: Charged Strike / Plague Javelin / Valkyrie (Lightning, Poison & Physical)
Assassin: Death Sentry / Lightning Sentry / Fire Blast / Shadow Master (Lightning, Fire & Physical)
Druid: Hurricane / Tornado (Cold & Physical) or Fissure / Molten Boulder (Fire & Physical) (much weaker)
Necromancer: Decrepify / Raise Skeleton / Corpse Explosion / Revive (Physical & Fire + immune breaking)
Sorceress: Static Field / Blizzard or Frozen Orb with Nova, Fire Ball, Meteor or Fire Ball (2 elements)
Barbarian: Frenzy or Whirlwind with Berserk. (Physical & Magic)
Paladin: Blessed Hammer / Concentration. (The Hammerdin needs no hybrid build. Not alot of Magic Immunes)
4. Infinity on A2 Merc (last because of rarity)
-There is a runeword called Infinity (very expensive) that you can give your A2 Mercenary that has a lvl 12 Conviction aura (paladin skill). This gives -85% to enemy resistances in a radius of 13.3y.
-To break mobs with extra higher immunities use Infinity + Lower Res Wand charges. Although there are still a few mob types that still can't be broken even with both.
-Your dmg does not benefit from the additional -res affix on Infinity when used by your merc.
24: Gearing Guides for Melee, Casters and Mercenaries:
Melee Gear Options:
Hone Sundan
The Reaper's Toll
Arioc's Needle
1-Handed Weapons:
Crescent Moon
Baranar's Star
Djinn Slayer
Horizon's Tornado
Hawkmail (cannot be frozen)
Duriel's Shell
Iceblink (freezes target)
String of Ears
Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Goldwrap (for IAS)
Thundergod's Vigor
Death's Guard (cannot be frozen)
Goblin Toe
Gore Rider
War Traveler
Immortal King's Pillar
Sandstorm Trek
Angelic Halo (2 set bonus gives huge AR boost)
Raven Frost (cannot be frozen)
Carrion Wind
Wisp Projector
Angelic Wings (2 set bonus gives huge AR boost)
The Cat's Eye
Highlord's Wrath
Atma's Scarab
Lava Gout
Laying of Hands
Venom Grip
Soul Drainer
Dracul's Grasp
Guillaume's Face
Kira's Guardian (cannot be frozen)
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
Vampire Gaze
Arreat's Face (barbs)
Crown of Thieves
Tiamat's Rebuke
The Ward
Spike Thorn
Medusa's Gaze
Head Hunter's Glory
Caster Gear Options:
Spirit sword
The Oculus
Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye
Skin of the Vipermagi
Tal Rasha's Guardianship
Lidless Wall
Wall of the Eyeless
Chance Guards
Trang-Oul's Claws
Harlequin Crest
Peasant Crown
The Rising Sun (fire)
Seraph's Hymn
Mara's Kaleidoscope
Tal Rasha'a Adjudication
Dwarf Star
Raven Frost (cannot be frozen)
Stone of Jordan
Arachnid Mesh
Tal Rasha's fine spun cloth
War Traveler
Aldur's Advance
Mercenary Gear Options:
17 = Stealth
28 = Rockfleece
37 = Smoke
38 = Shaftstop
43 = Treachery
45 = Griswold's Heart (socket Ral, Ort, Thul and/or Tal)
Helm Choices for All Mercs:
31 = Rockstopper
41 = Vampire Gaze
49 = Crown of Thieves
65 = Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
83 = Andariel's Visage
A1 Merc Weapons:
1 = Gem 3os bow (buy from Charsi)
21 = Zephyr
25 = Edge
39 = Harmony
A2 Merc Weapons:
15 = Malice - Use Scythe or Voulge
27 = Insight - Use Halberd, War Scythe or Poleaxe (remake in elite polearm later)
41 = Obedience - Use Battle Scythe then Thresher or Cryptic Axe
A3 Merc Gear: (benefits from FCR)
FCR Breakpoints: 8 > 15 > 26 > 39 > 58 > 86 > 138
20 = Wall of the Eyeless
25 = Spirit Sword
29 = Skin of the Vipermagi
41 = Lidless Wall
54 = Spirit Shield
A5 Merc Weapons:
43 = Lawbringer
43 = Voice of Reason
47 = Crescent Moon
49 = Oath
Quick Guide To Get Spirit Sword & Shield
-When trying to use Larzuk Socket quest (A5) or Horadric Cube you have to use the correct item level of Crystal Sword / Broad Sword or you'll either get too few sockets or too many. This guide will show you the safe spots to find a sword with 4os or make 4 sockets.
Finding Runes for Spirit:
Tal & Ort: Awarded for A5 Quest 2. (free the barbs)
Thul & Amn: Countess (NM)
Cube Recipes:
3 Ith = Tal
3 Ral = Ort
3 Ort = Thul
3 Thul + Chipped Topaz = Amn
Finding 4 socket Crystal/Broad Sword Bases:
-Pick up any White & Grey (superior) Crystal/Broad Swords you see in these areas to socket them with Larzuk Quest or Cube.
-Use the Horadric Cube on White bases only: ( Ral + Amn + Perfect Amethyst) (WARNING: has a 50% chance at 4os)
Best Place To Find Both Swords:
1. Secret Cow Level (N): Best & Fastest area to farm
2. City of the Damned in A4 (N)
Crystal Sword:
1. ^ & Most Mob drops in A5 (N), BUT make sure monster level is not higher than 40: AmazonBasin Mob Info
Broad Sword:
1. Any mob from A5 Normal except Bloody Foothills & Frigid Highlands
2. Any Mob Nightmare through Hell
Finding 4 socket Monarch Shield for Spirit:
-lvl 54 required, Strength 156
1. Secret Cow Level (H): best area to farm
2. Any mob in Hell but only in Hell.
note: for Paladins you can find 4os paladin-only shields that are usable at lvl 25.
Credit: Stratigery & Zalumon
Note: if you contributed in some way and would like your name added, just let me know
