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I farmed trav for 2 weeks. I don't see myself getting another. It's just gone. I am really sad over this and have no one to share this with. I wanted to make an Infinity because I remember wanting to be a lightning sorc since as a kid.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Description by BillyMaysed

Can be used to make Runewords:

I farmed trav for 2 weeks. I don't see myself getting another. It's just gone. I am really sad over this and have no one to share this with. I wanted to make an Infinity because I remember wanting to be a lightning sorc since as a kid.
Thank you for reading my blog.
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BillyMaysed 2265Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
Was this on single player or Bnet? There is indeed some bug that is causing players items to poof. I have had this happen myself a couple times with random things and there's been plenty of other reports. Hopefully whatever is going on is fixed soon.

Losing a
rune must be devastating, im so sorry for your loss. :(

Haha it was bnet! Super unlucky for sure.

I'm really hoping it was due to some bug. I can't stand the thought of doing something so dumb lol.
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BillyMaysed 2265Moderator

Sorceress Americas PC
edvincho wrote: 3 years ago
I'm really hoping it was due to some bug. I can't stand the thought of doing something so dumb lol.
What, do you think you randomly dropped it somehow? Whenever i have ANYTHING valuable i treat it like its made of nitroglycerin and know its location at all times, especially HRs. lol

I had an excellent 10fcr ring go missing right as I joined a game to trade it. So it can happen, I might quit the game on the spot if a
just poofed.
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Banjo 138

Sorceress Americas PC
What were the circumstances around the disappearance? We’re you just playing and poof gone bye see ya later? Or did you die a bunch of times? Either way a
rune poofiing is devastating. Sorry my dude. I hope rnjesus finds you blessed enough for a second
to drop. May his divine randomness shine upon you.
I remember reading something about this bug. Is it due to a hard max amount of items in the stash that is not updated to account for the increased stash size? So if you stash a lot of 1x1 items you eventually run into this limit.
I've had it with Waypoints, that I know for sure that I got the waypoint, relogged to get something of a mule, came back and the waypoint was gone.

It sometimes seems that your character doesn't get saved fully to the database

Non the less it sucks man!

~Your PC is so slow, even Jesus complains about the lag~
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Bryght 133

Druid Europe PC
Losing a
like that would be a game-quitting event for me lol
lost an amazon torch and a thundergod
this way... :(
Stop playing online. I played online till i got my Enigma and +1
. after that i was so strong for keep playing on players 1, its just bullshit you can't play on a more challenging level while also the lobbys available are no more then a pile of shit that doesnt work the way YOU want it to work. So i created a copy of all my online characters on diablo 2 hero editor, exported the file for the d2r format, and now im playing my online chars on d2r single player on players 7. And also I dont have to deal with theses roll back bullshit features like losing a
? RIP. I made the switch very recently but im very happy with it and I wont go back. Matter in fact I still use this website daily, because the drops I find there I pretend im buying an item on the website here, then i delete my rune in game, do you understand ? then if I found a good item I pretend I sold it, checking the website and "selling" so then i give myself the average amout of runes for that aprticular item. Yeah just a fuck ton better.
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Mboc 13

Druid Europe PC
I don‘t get what you want to say.
There was maintenance yesterday, if you got the
during said maintenance period sometimes characters can be prone to "rollbacks" if you ever see a maintenance listed. Don't play anywhere near the times listed, i lost
and lightning skiller early on to that too.
This happens to me all the time, all my
runes magically disappear before they drop ... so sad ...
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Bryght 133

Druid Europe PC
Thugz0rz wrote: 3 years ago
I pretend im buying an item on the website here, then i delete my rune in game, do you understand ? then if I found a good item I pretend I sold it, checking the website and "selling" so then i give myself the average amout of runes for that aprticular item. Yeah just a fuck ton better.
Wut, are you making fake trades and selling stuff to yourself on the website?
Holy crap, man if I lost a
I would also stop playing for a while. Online can suck a bit sometimes. Mostly the only annoying thing that has happened to me is disconnections and deaths due to them.

Had a Dream about getting a
, and all I found today was a
Wisp Projector
I know this likely does not help much at this point, but as a general warning, the disappearing items seems to be related to the fact that Bliz gave us the shared stash (lovely), but failed to increase the default size parameters of the save game files (less lovely).

I don't know why it would be difficult to resolve apart from the idea that they are missing critical bits of the source code which, naturally, makes fixing/patching a much more laborious endeavour.

That said, if you use mules and make sure your shared stash tabs have a fair amount of empty spaces you are much less likely to be bit, from what I understand.

Being understandably paranoid, I try to make sure that my stash overall is never more than 80% full and check my save game files for dangerous bloat (past 8012 kb, I think is the limit, but double check me).

Hope this helps until they manage to figure it out.
Mboc wrote: 3 years ago
I don‘t get what you want to say.
just venting 2bqh fampai
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Mboc 13

Druid Europe PC
Its alright i didnt mean ur post 😉
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rikus 141

Assassin Americas PC
Thorgyn wrote: 3 years ago
I remember reading something about this bug. Is it due to a hard max amount of items in the stash that is not updated to account for the increased stash size? So if you stash a lot of 1x1 items you eventually run into this limit.
wait, what?
where did you read this?
my stash is full of small crap I'm saving for my alts

goodluck, and may the RNG god be with you.


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