Okay this is weird! I’m at work and I link my battlenet ID to my account on this website and my wife 5 seconds later sends me a text saying hey wtf I just got disconnected from the internet on my work laptop! I say unplug the modem and try resetting it and let me know when your back online. She tells me yup I’m back on, so I try linking my battlenet account again and bam same thing! Wtf is that all about? I’m not linking it again, that’s all I need is to get all my shit stolen from this site hacking me….
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Okay this is weird! I’m at work and I link my battlenet ID to my account on this website and my wife 5 seconds later sends me a text saying hey wtf I just got disconnected from the internet on my work laptop! I say unplug the modem and try resetting it and let me know when your back online. She tells me yup I’m back on, so I try linking my battlenet account again and bam same thing! Wtf is that all about? I’m not linking it again, that’s all I need is to get all my shit stolen from this site hacking me….
So just to get this straight..your assumption is that using a blizz-established auth service while at work, communicating between your workplace, this site and b.net servers somehow reaches out to your wife's work laptop in your home network in order to ddos her so that it can steal your b.net credentials from your now disconnected home network?Northern_Mainiac wrote: 2 years ago that’s all I need is to get all my shit stolen from this site hacking me….
Lol I know it’s weird but It disconnects her every time I try to link it
Let's for a second assume this is a legit issue and you're not just trying to attack this site with a troll account for no reason...
This is happening while you are off at work? I.e. you are not in your home network?
Or are you VPNd into your home network from work to try and link stuff?
I.e. is any computer inside your home network (where your wife is working, far as I understand) actually involved in the process?
If the latter, I guess there may or may not be some sort of possible port conflict between the b.net app (or whatever is used to actually confirm the sync, admittedly I never used it) and something on your wife's work laptop/her work VPN client, causing the two to block and hence d/c each other. In that case, just link the account when your wife is done working and has her laptop/VPN turned off.
If you are not connected to your home network to establish the link then it genuinely makes no sense as nothing should be reaching out to there. Amazing coincidence may be more likely in that case.
This is happening while you are off at work? I.e. you are not in your home network?
Or are you VPNd into your home network from work to try and link stuff?
I.e. is any computer inside your home network (where your wife is working, far as I understand) actually involved in the process?
If the latter, I guess there may or may not be some sort of possible port conflict between the b.net app (or whatever is used to actually confirm the sync, admittedly I never used it) and something on your wife's work laptop/her work VPN client, causing the two to block and hence d/c each other. In that case, just link the account when your wife is done working and has her laptop/VPN turned off.
If you are not connected to your home network to establish the link then it genuinely makes no sense as nothing should be reaching out to there. Amazing coincidence may be more likely in that case.
My wife works from home, I think it has something to do with her works vpn, maybe I need to port forward somethingSchnorki wrote: 2 years ago Let's for a second assume this is a legit issue and you're not just trying to attack this site with a troll account for no reason...
This is happening while you are off at work? I.e. you are not in your home network?
Or are you VPNd into your home network from work to try and link stuff?
I.e. is any computer inside your home network (where your wife is working, far as I understand) actually involved in the process?
If the latter, I guess there may or may not be some sort of possible port conflict between the b.net app (or whatever is used to actually confirm the sync, admittedly I never used it) and something on your wife's work laptop/her work VPN client, causing the two to block and hence d/c each other. In that case, just link the account when your wife is done working and has her laptop/VPN turned off.
If you are not connected to your home network to establish the link then it genuinely makes no sense as nothing should be reaching out to there. Amazing coincidence may be more likely in that case.
My wife works from home, I think it has something to do with her works vpn, maybe I need to port forward somethingSchnorki wrote: 2 years ago Let's for a second assume this is a legit issue and you're not just trying to attack this site with a troll account for no reason...
This is happening while you are off at work? I.e. you are not in your home network?
Or are you VPNd into your home network from work to try and link stuff?
I.e. is any computer inside your home network (where your wife is working, far as I understand) actually involved in the process?
If the latter, I guess there may or may not be some sort of possible port conflict between the b.net app (or whatever is used to actually confirm the sync, admittedly I never used it) and something on your wife's work laptop/her work VPN client, causing the two to block and hence d/c each other. In that case, just link the account when your wife is done working and has her laptop/VPN turned off.
If you are not connected to your home network to establish the link then it genuinely makes no sense as nothing should be reaching out to there. Amazing coincidence may be more likely in that case.
Work laptops can come with all sorts of weird security implications when used from home/VPNing into work.
Hell, I once had a work VPN that died everytime my own PC next to it tried to connect to steam.
Even better, that same work laptop somehow "annexed" my entire home network as a business environment and told Microsoft about it. Literally. To this day, I cannot use Skype or Teams at home because Microsoft refuses to acknowledge my home net as anything other than a business network related to a now expired license from some previous job.
Weird stuff happens when IT departments get involved.
But yeah..just wait until your wife has her laptop turned off so it can't interfere. Not like the auth confirmation would be an ongoing thing.
Or just don't use the b.net auth..after all, you can just enter your account here manually so folks know whom to add for a trade and leave it at that.
Hell, I once had a work VPN that died everytime my own PC next to it tried to connect to steam.
Even better, that same work laptop somehow "annexed" my entire home network as a business environment and told Microsoft about it. Literally. To this day, I cannot use Skype or Teams at home because Microsoft refuses to acknowledge my home net as anything other than a business network related to a now expired license from some previous job.
Weird stuff happens when IT departments get involved.
But yeah..just wait until your wife has her laptop turned off so it can't interfere. Not like the auth confirmation would be an ongoing thing.
Or just don't use the b.net auth..after all, you can just enter your account here manually so folks know whom to add for a trade and leave it at that.
this story truly sounds strange as others stated already. There is no actual possibility that you are influencing your wifes laptop by authenticating on this page. Even when connected with to your home network in any way. This website uses a standard HTTP authorization mechanism like thousands of other websites on the internet.
Just out of curiosity: Is it maybe possible that there is only a misunderstanding? Does your wife have Battle.net Launcher on her working laptop and is logged in with your account? Because if you log in with your credentials you are logged out ("disconnected") on other machines automatically. Thus your wife may see that and assume she got disconnected from the internet. This would at least explain why both events would cohere.
This is not meant to be offensive but I already heard stuff that sounded very strange at first but was actually only because something was assumed incorrectly.
this story truly sounds strange as others stated already. There is no actual possibility that you are influencing your wifes laptop by authenticating on this page. Even when connected with to your home network in any way. This website uses a standard HTTP authorization mechanism like thousands of other websites on the internet.
Just out of curiosity: Is it maybe possible that there is only a misunderstanding? Does your wife have Battle.net Launcher on her working laptop and is logged in with your account? Because if you log in with your credentials you are logged out ("disconnected") on other machines automatically. Thus your wife may see that and assume she got disconnected from the internet. This would at least explain why both events would cohere.
This is not meant to be offensive but I already heard stuff that sounded very strange at first but was actually only because something was assumed incorrectly.

No, she doesn’t use her work laptop for anything other than work
Instead of waiting for your wife to finish work you may consider creating a temporary hotspot thru your phone, thether you PC with it, do the linking thing and then switch back to your home network. Or just do as schnorki said and add your bnet account manually.
Post ur offer before adding me. No PM. Only add me if u offer bin/lf. No reply after 3 days=offer rejected
No socketing service. If u get item otherwise, retract ur pending offer. Edit ur post or post "retracted" to do so.
No socketing service. If u get item otherwise, retract ur pending offer. Edit ur post or post "retracted" to do so.
Is there any other computer in your hosehold that could be running the battle.net launcher during all of this so it could be interfering with your home network? Also the actual question would be if all of your internet dies or only on your wifes laptop. Just asking because depending on your answers it could be different things.
P.S.: No matter what the issue is (that hopefully can be fixed): This website is not "hacking" you. So you don't have to be afraid that anything malicious is happening.
P.S.: No matter what the issue is (that hopefully can be fixed): This website is not "hacking" you. So you don't have to be afraid that anything malicious is happening.

Hey, diablo2.io webmaster here. Like others in the thread I can't really make sense of this. Wanted to take some time to explain how this feature works to maybe reassure you.Northern_Mainiac wrote: 2 years ago Okay this is weird! I’m at work and I link my battlenet ID to my account on this website and my wife 5 seconds later sends me a text saying hey wtf I just got disconnected from the internet on my work laptop! I say unplug the modem and try resetting it and let me know when your back online. She tells me yup I’m back on, so I try linking my battlenet account again and bam same thing! Wtf is that all about? I’m not linking it again, that’s all I need is to get all my shit stolen from this site hacking me….
The way the bnet integration works is like this: diablo2.io sends you to battle.net, you log in on battle.net, if successful, battle.net sends you back here with a token to let diablo2.io know that you just authenticated to that battle.net account. Basically all this site sees is that battle.net have said 'yes, this person did log into this account just now and here's a token to prove it' - nothing more - everything else happens on their servers.
This is a technology called 0auth which battle.net provide their own official API for. This allows websites like this one to register with them on the blizzard developer portal, and then if accepted, make use of the API to build stuff like the 'link account' feature here. I hired a phpBB developer called 3Di to modify an existing extension called 0auth bnet light, to make it possible for diablo2.io to ask for the token and receive the response.
Hope that resolves any worries you have that the site might be trying to hack you, though it's good that you're security conscious enough to know that it can actually happen out there. I reckon this thing with your wife's internet dropping is either a coincidence, or your networks (work and home) are linked in some way and a firewall is seeing a request it doesn't like on your home network.
If you want to share some more details here we can continue looking into it.
And 0auth is pretty much an industry standard.
Most of the time you use an external account to login on another site (Google / Microsoft account typically) that uses this mechanism.
Same for company accounts quite often (works in mine that way, and we are in IT).
Most of the time you use an external account to login on another site (Google / Microsoft account typically) that uses this mechanism.
Same for company accounts quite often (works in mine that way, and we are in IT).

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
Thank you all for the responses, the only computer that runs the battlenet app is my Gaming PC, and when I am at work or out of the house my pc is shut down, I think it’s a weird coincidence but I can’t be for certain until tomorrow morning when I log on.
I am going to have her log onto her work laptop and then com back here and try to link my battlenet account again, if it does boot her off then I guess I just won’t use the site unless she’s done work, and I am not sure Bytenex if she lost total internet or just her connection on her laptop
I am going to have her log onto her work laptop and then com back here and try to link my battlenet account again, if it does boot her off then I guess I just won’t use the site unless she’s done work, and I am not sure Bytenex if she lost total internet or just her connection on her laptop
The one possibility I don't think anyone has mentioned is that your wife's work connection is not over VPN (or tunneled somehow), but there is a local firewall/network software on the laptop that monitors traffic at the router and sees something prohibited by an admin-enforced group policy on the laptop.
But that would be a crazy way for a company to handle their IT assets. Also, not something you should allow in your house if true.
And you might want to work on your home network security no matter what.
But that would be a crazy way for a company to handle their IT assets. Also, not something you should allow in your house if true.
And you might want to work on your home network security no matter what.
All prices negotiable. BIN always wins. Americas (Pacific), but int'l trade times can be arranged.
That's why I'm asking if it's the whole internet or only on her working laptop because I can't actually imagine that the whole router disconnects from the internet just because of some basic HTTP OAuth. Some kind of weird security mechanism that detects "suspicious" connections could be a reason but in your scenario would still be very unlikely.
Btw Northern_Mainiac if you got concerns you can still omit linking your battle.net accout to this page as it's completely optional. Most people just find it easier to contact others but you can also use private messages for that.
Btw Northern_Mainiac if you got concerns you can still omit linking your battle.net accout to this page as it's completely optional. Most people just find it easier to contact others but you can also use private messages for that.

I have my battle net ID listed on my profile, but its just manually typed. I don't see that having it 'verified' adds anything useful. it's still very easy to organise trades.Bytenex wrote: 2 years ago
Btw Northern_Mainiac if you got concerns you can still omit linking your battle.net accout to this page as it's completely optional. Most people just find it easier to contact others but you can also use private messages for that.
... and you can also just put it in your signature also.

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
i'm going to assume its just random disconnects, my wife told me this morning that the internet was off, but all the lights on our modem were all on.
right now i am having her log on to see if it shuts her work laptop internet conection off.
UPDATE: My wife says she does not connect through her works VPN, becauise its so slow..., and i just linked my Bnet account on this page while she was on her work and no disconnect; so i am going to say its on FidiumFibers end, now i just need to find oput why we are getting random Disconnects.
Thank-you .
right now i am having her log on to see if it shuts her work laptop internet conection off.
UPDATE: My wife says she does not connect through her works VPN, becauise its so slow..., and i just linked my Bnet account on this page while she was on her work and no disconnect; so i am going to say its on FidiumFibers end, now i just need to find oput why we are getting random Disconnects.
Thank-you .
Good that this is settled !
As a general rule, a website cannot do things on your computer's side except if you download / execute very specific things and your browser should warn you in that case.
Good luck !
As a general rule, a website cannot do things on your computer's side except if you download / execute very specific things and your browser should warn you in that case.
Good luck !

Main: Necromancer / Second: Assassin / Third: Amazon / Check my stash, my crafts and my many cheap Annihilus
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