... alance-ptr
1. New Class Balance Changes: To ensure that the most significant class changes receive an ample amount of attention, we'd love feedback on changes affecting our seven unique classes.
2. New Rune Words: We encourage you to experience the new Rune Words that can be created and inserted into correlating socketed gear. Please share your feedback on these new items.
3. New Horadric Cube Recipes: New Horadric Cube Recipes have been implemented to complement Set items, we encourage you to craft these and share your feedback; especially in tandem with new improvements being made to Set items that are generally underused by players.
4. And much more: Mercenary changes, Set Item Bonus Changes, New Level Area changes, Item Tooltip changes, and other changes to gameplay have been implemented for testing in this PTR. Your impressions and insights on how these changes affect your experience would be very appreciated.