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Well, the first weekend of 2.4 is drawing to a close. As expected, there is the wailing and gnashing of
regarding the changes for some, for others, it has been an experience. I figured now that we have had a few days to play around in the new world, let's share some surprises, reflections, or what all we have been doing with the new stuff. Request to keep the wailing and gnashing to a light level, or use one of the other topics.

For me:
- Obviously the DClone change is a biggie. Sucks for the charm vendors; great for us. I was a little nervous going into the first fight with my bowazon, but it was a good fun fight, and not too hard as long as I paid attention. Other than insta-killing my merc. But that's expected. Just read the boss and
as needed. Pretty good fight for an ancient computer game without all the modern tricks.
- My
bowazon was good before the patch, the changes made her even moreso. I still don't think I will set any clear records, and she is far from min/maxed, but she hunted in WSK before, and now it is even easier. I spec'd out of cold
completely and just have
Magic Arrow
for the physical immunes, and she deals with the PIs even better than with the
Cold Arrow
due to the no mana costs.
- I have been cruising by Arachnid Cave, and see indications that it is up at level 85 but so far nothing too super good for drops.
- Probably the biggest thing I have been doing has been leveling my throwing barb, Chuckie. Low levels were a pain. It took until I had
Throwing Mastery
Double Throw
both about 10 before I could reliably keep the stacks from depleting too low. Maybe I should git gud and aim better, that would help. But, with both maxed, I don't have ammo issues. Another problem is there are not good low level throwing uniques. First one I had was Level 44 Deathbits. Before that, it was using rares that I could find. Another issue is that Chuckie is a whiz at the single targets, but struggles with crowd control, even with the
(and a
. Love those things!). Merc with Frozen Arrow helps with that. But, I have to keep reminding myself that a
barb has the same problem, and I have the benefit of range, so survivability. Leveling up in NM to use one of my annis and my Fortitude
Sacred Armor
for a trip through Hell.
Wraith Flight
and a 206% ED Demon Arch for mains, and dual Gimmshreds to deal with the PIs is the plan.

Overall, it is still the same D2 experience as advertised, but the changes give a few more options, and I think that is good thing. There are obviously some ugly parts, and a lot of changes that could be made (fix lobby...) that I am sure they will consider working. Also, color me surprised with how smooth the weekend went. I expected disaster and issues, but none for me. Some might have had problems, which is unfortunate, but certainly not a return of how heinous it was in Sept for launch. Well done Blizzard. Now don't get cocky!

Can be used to make Runewords:

Well, the first weekend of 2.4 is drawing to a close. As expected, there is the wailing and gnashing of
regarding the changes for some, for others, it has been an experience. I figured now that we have had a few days to play around in the new world, let's share some surprises, reflections, or what all we have been doing with the new stuff. Request to keep the wailing and gnashing to a light level, or use one of the other topics.

For me:
- Obviously the DClone change is a biggie. Sucks for the charm vendors; great for us. I was a little nervous going into the first fight with my bowazon, but it was a good fun fight, and not too hard as long as I paid attention. Other than insta-killing my merc. But that's expected. Just read the boss and
as needed. Pretty good fight for an ancient computer game without all the modern tricks.
- My
bowazon was good before the patch, the changes made her even moreso. I still don't think I will set any clear records, and she is far from min/maxed, but she hunted in WSK before, and now it is even easier. I spec'd out of cold
completely and just have
Magic Arrow
for the physical immunes, and she deals with the PIs even better than with the
Cold Arrow
due to the no mana costs.
- I have been cruising by Arachnid Cave, and see indications that it is up at level 85 but so far nothing too super good for drops.
- Probably the biggest thing I have been doing has been leveling my throwing barb, Chuckie. Low levels were a pain. It took until I had
Throwing Mastery
Double Throw
both about 10 before I could reliably keep the stacks from depleting too low. Maybe I should git gud and aim better, that would help. But, with both maxed, I don't have ammo issues. Another problem is there are not good low level throwing uniques. First one I had was Level 44 Deathbits. Before that, it was using rares that I could find. Another issue is that Chuckie is a whiz at the single targets, but struggles with crowd control, even with the
(and a
. Love those things!). Merc with Frozen Arrow helps with that. But, I have to keep reminding myself that a
barb has the same problem, and I have the benefit of range, so survivability. Leveling up in NM to use one of my annis and my Fortitude
Sacred Armor
for a trip through Hell.
Wraith Flight
and a 206% ED Demon Arch for mains, and dual Gimmshreds to deal with the PIs is the plan.

Overall, it is still the same D2 experience as advertised, but the changes give a few more options, and I think that is good thing. There are obviously some ugly parts, and a lot of changes that could be made (fix lobby...) that I am sure they will consider working. Also, color me surprised with how smooth the weekend went. I expected disaster and issues, but none for me. Some might have had problems, which is unfortunate, but certainly not a return of how heinous it was in Sept for launch. Well done Blizzard. Now don't get cocky!
I hate everything about this patch, enough to quit the game after playing it for 20 years.. So long D2, you were my favorite game and I'll never forget you! :'(
As a barb player, I’m quite enjoying patch 2.4. The changes to
Throwing Mastery
Double Throw
Grim Ward
especially had me excited prior to release and (to me) it delivered.

I had leveled a throwing Barb before 2.4 dropped (to 90) in anticipation and outfitted him with end-game gear so I could properly test him.

My thoughts from those tests:

The rework of
Grim Ward
works insanely well with this build. It acts as the perfect crowd control to keep monsters off your barb while he throws. It also increases damage dealt to monsters which is also great because a throw barb is still sort of lacking in the damage department, even with an Ethereal

Speaking of damage, that’s probably the throw barbs biggest setback, and it has entirely to due with one thing: a lack of good weapons. You could spend hours trying to gamble for perfect throwing weapons at
, making sure they have
Amplify Damage
and roll with the fools mod. But that still won’t change the fact that he just doesn’t deal enough damage at the end of the day. In players 1, he’s completely fine, players 8 however, is a different story.

Perhaps blizzard couple simply introduce more elite unique throwing weapons that better cater to throwing Barbarians? Who knows. It is also not a budget friendly build in my opinion, as it requires pretty specific gear choices to play otherwise it won’t perform very well.

Otherwise yeah, quite enjoying this new update. Can’t wait to play a
Barb for ladder in a week or so!

Tjalde wrote: 2 years ago
I hate everything about this patch, enough to quit the game after playing it for 20 years.. So long D2, you were my favorite game and I'll never forget you! :'(
yo lemme get your stuff ;)

I did start with an Assassin to 85 in single player in anticipation of the patch and I enabled the unlimited respec cheat to try out stuff.

Wake of Fire
boost is all right but nothing really game changing. But I still might do that as a first ladder character because the untwinked playthrough upto hell countess is fast enough and it's fun.

Dragon Tail
Tiger Strike
has real potential now. Just was able to try it with a pair of upped
Sigon's Sabot
and that's not enough to one or twoshot player1 cows.
So in respect to that you might need to wear a pair of
Myrmidon Greaves
which leads to a lot of wasted stat points. Pretty sure that
Shadow Dancer
will become quite expensive once this catches on. I'm still trying to figure out how to equip one with budget gear because this could be both a decent boss killer and cow farmer.
Tiger Strike
seems to apply to both the physical and the fire damage and you don't need
. A Spirit longsword works fine. (or pretty much any weapon)

Holy Bolt
Fist of the Heavens
Pala is boring af but I can confirm that you need to make one because you will be poor if you don't.
Tjalde wrote: 2 years ago
I hate everything about this patch, enough to quit the game after playing it for 20 years.. So long D2, you were my favorite game and I'll never forget you! :'(

I thought the Uber D mechanic was a great addition and am having a blast with it so far! Managed to get 4 annis yesterday using 2 different accounts. And the new lvl 85 areas have already blessed me with a
Griffon's Eye
Arachnid Mesh

Oh and the melee fixes are INCREDIBLE!! No more having to constantly be clicking to attack. Can actually hold the mouse button down and it'll keep going from one enemy to the next! FINALLY!!! Can't imagine not liking 2.4. Feels so much smoother as a melee player.

When I'm not slaying demons, I'm usually out hiking mountains.
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
I thought the Uber D mechanic was a great addition and am having a blast with it so far! Managed to get 4 annis yesterday using 2 different accounts.
Unfortunately I am not really excited about Anni now being worthless a week into ladder, but good for you....
Tjalde wrote: 2 years ago
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
I thought the Uber D mechanic was a great addition and am having a blast with it so far! Managed to get 4 annis yesterday using 2 different accounts.
Unfortunately I am not really excited about Anni now being worthless a week into ladder, but good for you....
So, in your post about the game being dead for you, you asked that no one try and change your mind, then nailed yourself to a cross and had an epic Poor Little Old Me party. The fair thing would be to extend the same courtesy to others. Those that hate the patch can join your party; I am sure there are plenty of nails left. Those that want to discuss the new changes, good bad, and otherwise can here or in some other thread.

To be fair, Annis are still Annis, and super important for every build. So, hardly worthless. They are just now more accessible and no longer sourced from small and organized groups. I am sure the people that used to trade Doombringers, Grandfathers, and Lidless Walls were sad when the uber runewords showed up and made all those uniques essentially worthless for trading.
Leaker416 wrote: 2 years ago
So, in your post about the game being dead for you, you asked that no one try and change your mind, then nailed yourself to a cross and had an epic Poor Little Old Me party. The fair thing would be to extend the same courtesy to others. Those that hate the patch can join your party; I am sure there are plenty of nails left. Those that want to discuss the new changes, good bad, and otherwise can here or in some other thread.
Are you on drugs or is unpleasant just your default setting? You are acting like I just wrote this shit to a random guy that was happy about the patch... He was directly responding to me, what is your problem?
Tjalde wrote: 2 years ago
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
I thought the Uber D mechanic was a great addition and am having a blast with it so far! Managed to get 4 annis yesterday using 2 different accounts.
Unfortunately I am not really excited about Anni now being worthless a week into ladder, but good for you....
I honestly don't even know how to respond to that. Ladder hasn't started yet. How do you know they'll become worthless a week in? Seems like hyperbole to me.

When I'm not slaying demons, I'm usually out hiking mountains.
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
I honestly don't even know how to respond to that. Ladder hasn't started yet. How do you know they'll become worthless a week in? Seems like hyperbole to me.
I mean yeah it's pretty obviously hyperbole, like you said, literally how would I know? :D
Tjalde wrote: 2 years ago
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
I honestly don't even know how to respond to that. Ladder hasn't started yet. How do you know they'll become worthless a week in? Seems like hyperbole to me.
I mean yeah it's pretty obviously hyperbole, like you said, literally how would I know? :D
Crystal ball? Time machine? Maybe you got something the rest of us don't.. Never know.

When I'm not slaying demons, I'm usually out hiking mountains.
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
Crystal ball? Time machine? Maybe you got something the rest of us don't.. Never know.
Nah unfortunately not, truth be told I'm just a doomy gloomy boi atm, with D2 being my only outlet xD
Tjalde wrote: 2 years ago
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
Crystal ball? Time machine? Maybe you got something the rest of us don't.. Never know.
Nah unfortunately not, truth be told I'm just a doomy gloomy boi atm, with D2 being my only outlet xD
TBH I was pretty upset on Friday when I missed the first walk. Almost uninstalled. But then I was able to make the 2nd and 3rd walks next day, which made up for my disappointment + more. Maybe you just need to give it a bit longer until you hit your (next) lucky streak? Only been a few days since patch dropped.. Little more patience might be all you need.

But hey, if it's time for a different game, then so be it. Everyone has to move on eventually. I wish you luck either way.

When I'm not slaying demons, I'm usually out hiking mountains.
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
TBH I was pretty upset on Friday when I missed the first walk. Almost uninstalled. But then I was able to make the 2nd and 3rd walks next day, which made up for my disappointment + more. Maybe you just need to give it a bit longer until you hit your (next) lucky streak? Only been a few days since patch dropped.. Little more patience might be all you need.
Wait I'm super confused now... Do you think I am upset because I didn't get a DClone?? :D I'm upset about there being this dumbo amount of walks, in this short of a span dude :D
Tjalde wrote: 2 years ago
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
TBH I was pretty upset on Friday when I missed the first walk. Almost uninstalled. But then I was able to make the 2nd and 3rd walks next day, which made up for my disappointment + more. Maybe you just need to give it a bit longer until you hit your (next) lucky streak? Only been a few days since patch dropped.. Little more patience might be all you need.
Wait I'm super confused now... Do you think I am upset because I didn't get a DClone?? :D I'm upset about there being this dumbo amount of walks, in this short of a span dude :D
Can you explain why it's a bad thing that more people are getting to experience walks? It's not like you can stack annis.. Still only 1 per char, now they're just easier to get. What's the big deal? Less money for the people hoarding them, more power to the players.

When I'm not slaying demons, I'm usually out hiking mountains.
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
Can you explain why it's a bad thing that more people are getting to experience walks? It's not like you can stack annis.. Still only 1 per char, now they're just easier to get. What's the big deal? Less money for the people hoarding them, more power to the players.
Not a lot of items retain their value throughout the ladder season.. This is just 1 less item to do so.
Tjalde wrote: 2 years ago
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
TBH I was pretty upset on Friday when I missed the first walk. Almost uninstalled. But then I was able to make the 2nd and 3rd walks next day, which made up for my disappointment + more. Maybe you just need to give it a bit longer until you hit your (next) lucky streak? Only been a few days since patch dropped.. Little more patience might be all you need.
Wait I'm super confused now... Do you think I am upset because I didn't get a DClone?? :D I'm upset about there being this dumbo amount of walks, in this short of a span dude :D
Getting upset about something that literally doesn't have to affect you what-so-ever unless you were duping the system by anni hoarding.
Tjalde wrote: 2 years ago
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
Can you explain why it's a bad thing that more people are getting to experience walks? It's not like you can stack annis.. Still only 1 per char, now they're just easier to get. What's the big deal? Less money for the people hoarding them, more power to the players.
Not a lot of items retain their value throughout the ladder season.. This is just 1 less item to do so.
Seems like the pros far outweigh the cons with this one..

When I'm not slaying demons, I'm usually out hiking mountains.
Zero187 wrote: 2 years ago
Seems like the pros far outweigh the cons with this one..
You are probably right tbh..


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