Here's my predictions:
- I think that lower-demand uniques and exceptional set items like Guillaume's Face will be a lot easier to sell in general as people level up. This is regardless of specific synergies with new 2.4 mechanics (bows for new Insight or Mist for example), for which prices would be high.
- People will be very confused about pricing and there will be a lot of contention in trade listings until ladder trade data starts being populated and consensus is reached. Many will feel like they're getting ripped off when really its just a case of demand being higher than supply.
- Stone of Jordan will probably be super valuable early on for the early speedrunners wanting to find a perfect Annihilus for 10% XP gained modifier. Annihilus will then slope to pretty low in relation to pre-2.4 given how easy it is these days to camp/farm and then kill Diablo Clone later in the season.
- Hellfire Torch will probably see the greatest volume of trade just like it did in Non-Ladder 2.3 and 2.4, at least once it becomes accessible to most players, closely followed by Tal's armor and true/trusted sellers like Harlequin Crest and Skin of the Vipermagi (see top sellers and other stats here btw.
- I reckon there will be higher than usual activity on the marketplace in general, but it will only really last about 2-3 weeks before people drop off again, or trading turns into the 'GG rares only' swamp that has dominated recently (with no-one needing most items in the game). I don't think that it will surpass trade activity at launch.
- We've polled people for Ladder and Non-Ladder preference a few times in the recent weeks and found that it is an even 50/50 split between how many will be in each camp. This can be quite misleading though considering the hardcore audience here/vocal minority vs silent majority.