Since i dont want to hijack other threads with my testing, i decided to create an own Thread for my search after the ultimate Hammerdin/Smiterdin build.
The purpose is to find a build which can run ubers quick enough with enough quality of life.
I will post my Test runs in this thread with the results.
Paladin Level 91: Blessed Hammer 20 / Vigor 20 / Concentration 20 / Blessed Aim 20 / Holy Shield 10 / Redemption 1 / Salvation 1 / Resist Lightning 2 (only cause i had points left)
Dex Base: 100 / Strenght: 35 / Vit 400 - Cant go Zero Strength with Kingslayer Phaseblade and Exile. Trying today Kingslayer with Hoz and if it works good enough i will respec to zero Strength for mor Vit.
OK, some results:
First Run: 10:34min (from first portal till torch including prebuff time)
Helmet: Guillaume's Face + Um
Armor: Enigma
Shield: Exile +44 Res Sacred Targe
Weapon: Kingslayer
Belt: Thundergod's Vigor
Gloves: Dracul's Grasp
Ring: Raven Frost + Dwarf
Amu: Mara's Kaleidoscope
Boots: Infernostride
CallToArms + Spirit Offhand
Merc: Andariel's Visage (no socket / no Eth) / Insight Tresher (no Eth) / Fortitude Sacred Armor (no Eth) / Holy Freeze Aura
I crafted a Treachery armor, pre buffed for Duriel and Izual. After Izual the buff disappeared, i got back to river of flames and the buff didnt want to kick in again for like 2 minutes in the flames. Since iam inpatient, i got back to town and moved on without the buff..
Lilith was challenging because i didnt caught here alone. Surrounded by her army, she died eventually. Had to use like 5-6 Pots and was 1 one time close to dying. Only because i was lazy not to kill the surrounding incoming damage.
Memphisto died pretty fast. Had Salvation activated for him. Baal and Diablo was no Problem at all. I took them down quickly and the rest of the mobs got hammerd or killed by the merc (which not died once)
Overall, i had Fanat. permanent running, except the short time for Memphisto.
My conclusion: Setup is actually good, but i dont like that i almost got killed by Lillith and their mobs. Tweaking this
Drop: (Druid Torch 15/17)
Second Run: 08:12min (time from first portal till torch)
Helmet: Guillaume's Face + Um
Armor: Enigma
Shield: Exile +44 Res Sacred Targe
Weapon: Kingslayer
Belt: Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Gloves: Dracul's Grasp
Ring: Raven Frost + Dwarf
Amu: Highlord's Wrath
Boots: Goblin Toe
CallToArms + Spirit Offhand
Merc: Andariel's Visage (no socket / no Eth) / Insight Tresher (no Eth) / Fortitude Sacred Armor (no Eth) / Holy Freeze Aura
This time, i didn't even prebuffed with Treachery. Jumped in to Duriel, killed him in basicly no time.. Izual was also no big deal. Got Lilith alone in a corner and finished her off quick.
Memphisto with activated Salvation was also easier this time. Baal and Diablo was the most challenge because i got a few times mana burned and had to pot. Merc died also and i got back to town.
In the second try i separted the mobs a bit, hammered them and finished off Baal / Diablo with Smite again.
My conclusion: That build is better than the previous but still not perfect in my eyes..
Drop: (Sorc Torch 10/16)
Next run tonight (CEST)