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I could rush you. If you can return the favor for a socket of my own. Doesnt have to be right away
Online mostly between the hours of 7pm to 12am EST ( US)
+1 to everything already said, I run with a plain Phase Blade because it has -30 AS and attack speed is the only thing that matters on the weapon once you have enough Crushing Blow and Life Tap somewhere else
For the armor slot I use Treachery pre-buff + Smoke for overcapping resistances but I think you can skip Smoke if you use Wizardspike
For the shield I can't recommend a 4x Perfect Diamond gemmed Sacred Targe enough: good Smite damage and, again, overcapping resistances (I sound like a broken record, lol)
The only other tip I can give is to make a password protected game and log out and back in any time you die: collecting the body is not always an easy task when naked and there is no reason to risk your equipment in the process
For the armor slot I use Treachery pre-buff + Smoke for overcapping resistances but I think you can skip Smoke if you use Wizardspike
For the shield I can't recommend a 4x Perfect Diamond gemmed Sacred Targe enough: good Smite damage and, again, overcapping resistances (I sound like a broken record, lol)
The only other tip I can give is to make a password protected game and log out and back in any time you die: collecting the body is not always an easy task when naked and there is no reason to risk your equipment in the process
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Available for trading on PC and Switch. Let's deal, my friend.
Socketed Duress, changed String of Ears for verdungo, socketed Wizardspike with Shael, cheched light resistance after Fade proc (337%) and bought lifetap Wand. So im ready, what you think?
The plan is to clear matrons den and furnace with hammerdin and change for Smite gear when see the boss. Is that proper strategy?
Final test will be tomorrow, so will be looking for emergency help from You guis if something goes wrong
(i have sent invites to lovely volunteers
The plan is to clear matrons den and furnace with hammerdin and change for Smite gear when see the boss. Is that proper strategy?
Final test will be tomorrow, so will be looking for emergency help from You guis if something goes wrong

Sounds good.BloodyRaven2210 wrote: 3 years ago Socketed Duress, changed String of Ears for verdungo, socketed Wizardspike with Shael, cheched light resistance after Fade proc (337%) and bought lifetap Wand. So im ready, what you think?
The plan is to clear matrons den and furnace with hammerdin and change for Smite gear when see the boss. Is that proper strategy?
Final test will be tomorrow, so will be looking for emergency help from You guis if something goes wrong(i have sent invites to lovely volunteers
337 is plenty
(300 = 75 Cap against Mephisto, anything above that only adds for increased Cap beyond 75)
Typically, if you have an Enigma (not sure what your standard gear is exactly), you don't have to worry about hammering trash and switching for bosses, you just stick to boss gear/setup, tele to them and take them out. But either should work.
As already noted, I'll be here in case you need a hand tomorrow.

Seems like you're covered every which way
But I'd be happy to help as well if needed, either give you BO and bail, or help with my Grief smiter.

Question, I have 1 pt in Fanaticism but I'm a Hdin so my Conviction is maxed. I feel like I do more damage with Conviction than with Fanaticism. Is this the case or is Fanaticism always better for smiting? My attack speed is 52% without any buffs.
Available for trade after 6pm EST - US
The best advice I can give you (apart from the good advices from the other guys in thread) is to use d2planner and set it up with every single item and stats you are going to use:BloodyRaven2210 wrote: 3 years ago Hi,
im trying to prepare for my first uber run. But i want to do that as an hybrid hammerdin/smiter (1pt Smite, 1pt Fanaticism and rest into Holy Shield) because I don't want to level up another paladin (want one versatile one). I have gathered so far such gear:
Guillaume's Face
Guardian Angel (with Treachery for Fade)
Dracul's Grasp
Goblin Toe
String of Ears ( Thundergod's Vigor for Meph)
Highlord's Wrath
Raven Frost
Dwarf Star
Herald Of Zakarum (with Um)
Black as weapon, cause don't have anything better.
Can I get feedback from experienced uber smiters if that is enough for first ever try of killing ubers. I want to collect my first ever torch, keys collected![]()
I also feel that it would be wise to have someone on "standby" if something go wrongAny volunteers appreciated
You have to be specially careful with your Breakpoints, Resistances, item stats, your attributes distribution and so on... but you will be able to check how ready you are for what you will face in uber.
You can also setup and apply enemy effects you will face on Uber tristam (especially useful for setting up Uber Mephisto to calculate your resist penalties).
The most difficult problems you will face are Lilith and Mephisto. For Lilith make sure you have a good life pool (from a basic and cheap CTA you will boost it), good poison resistances (maybe with Fade with Treachery) and Life Tap.
As for Mephisto Lightning resistance is the Key (small charms, and once again Fade will make the job). All of this with a budget perspective because if you can afford Infinity or Wisp projectors you will face less troubles.
Apart from the RPG side, exists the second part about in-game strategy by isolating enemies. You can find many guides on Youtube explaining this.
Hope you find it helpful.
Matron's Den might be awkward with hammers: it has the same tiles as The Countess' Tower. But if you are good there with hammers you should be good in the Matron's Den as well.BloodyRaven2210 wrote: 3 years ago The plan is to clear matrons den and furnace with hammerdin and change for Smite gear when see the boss. Is that proper strategy?
The other two areas are wide open and you should have no problems whatsoever.
Nice! One more tip: you can try to spawn the mini ubers (not the portals, the actual monsters) in a solo game and then invite the others. This is to ensure monsters will spawn with 1-player-size life pool instead of whatever size the party is. Or just ignore this tip and go hammer/ Smite them togetherBloodyRaven2210 wrote: 3 years ago Final test will be tomorrow, so will be looking for emergency help from You guis if something goes wrong(i have sent invites to lovely volunteers

Best of luck! And don't forget to post pictures of your first torch ever! (Hopefully better than mine Necro 11/20

Available for trading on PC and Switch. Let's deal, my friend.
Available for trading on PC and Switch. Let's deal, my friend.
Unfortunetely im not riche nough to obtain Enigma, so have to clear my way in more traditional way

You have probably seen this in videos, but make sure to carry the cube with you and spawn the portals at different locations in act 5. You do not want them to overlap. Then you can put the cube back in stash.
H as in hammer? Why do you have Conviction for that?Therion56 wrote: 3 years ago Question, I have 1 pt in Fanaticism but I'm a Hdin so my Conviction is maxed. I feel like I do more damage with Conviction than with Fanaticism. Is this the case or is Fanaticism always better for smiting? My attack speed is 52% without any buffs.
As for smiting, Conviction is pointless. Smite damage is physical so the -res does nothing. And because Smite always hits, the -def also does nothing. You'll always get more out of Fanaticism, even if its only lvl 1. Both, due to attack speed (if not capped already) and due to the dmg bonus on it.
Mind you, I'm not only talking about the base damage but all damage. Elemental damage does not work with Smite, regardless of whether it is from gear or auras.
The only damage a smiter realistically does that would gain from Conviction (other than your merc) is if you have a Dream or the like equipped. It won't add the normal hit damage to Smite but you still do get the aoe tick damage at least. Well, that and chance to cast elemental skills.
Other than that, Conviction is only for if you need it to counter uber meph's Conviction.
Not Conviction, Concentration I meant to say. DohSchnorki wrote: 3 years agoH as in hammer? Why do you have Conviction for that?Therion56 wrote: 3 years ago Question, I have 1 pt in Fanaticism but I'm a Hdin so my Conviction is maxed. I feel like I do more damage with Conviction than with Fanaticism. Is this the case or is Fanaticism always better for smiting? My attack speed is 52% without any buffs.
As for smiting, Conviction is pointless. Smite damage is physical so the -res does nothing. And because Smite always hits, the -def also does nothing. You'll always get more out of Fanaticism, even if its only lvl 1. Both, due to attack speed (if not capped already) and due to the dmg bonus on it.
Mind you, I'm not only talking about the base damage but all damage. Elemental damage does not work with Smite, regardless of whether it is from gear or auras.
The only damage a smiter realistically does that would gain from Conviction (other than your merc) is if you have a Dream or the like equipped. It won't add the normal hit damage to Smite but you still do get the aoe tick damage at least. Well, that and chance to cast elemental skills.
Other than that, Conviction is only for if you need it to counter uber meph's Conviction.
Available for trade after 6pm EST - US
You can run that setup easily. Just get your res from Salvation for Meph fight. In addition stack inventory with all kind of hp and res charms
Stay a while and listen
Ok, that makes more sense.Therion56 wrote: 3 years agoNot Conviction, Concentration I meant to say. DohSchnorki wrote: 3 years agoH as in hammer? Why do you have Conviction for that?Therion56 wrote: 3 years ago Question, I have 1 pt in Fanaticism but I'm a Hdin so my Conviction is maxed. I feel like I do more damage with Conviction than with Fanaticism. Is this the case or is Fanaticism always better for smiting? My attack speed is 52% without any buffs.
As for smiting, Conviction is pointless. Smite damage is physical so the -res does nothing. And because Smite always hits, the -def also does nothing. You'll always get more out of Fanaticism, even if its only lvl 1. Both, due to attack speed (if not capped already) and due to the dmg bonus on it.
Mind you, I'm not only talking about the base damage but all damage. Elemental damage does not work with Smite, regardless of whether it is from gear or auras.
The only damage a smiter realistically does that would gain from Conviction (other than your merc) is if you have a Dream or the like equipped. It won't add the normal hit damage to Smite but you still do get the aoe tick damage at least. Well, that and chance to cast elemental skills.
Other than that, Conviction is only for if you need it to counter uber meph's Conviction.
Then yeah, entirely possible. Lvl 20 Concentration does offer 295% more ed than a lvl 1 Fanaticism after all.
The main point of Fanaticism in a hybrid case would be to get another frame (or 2 against Über Duriel) better attack speed. While that extra frame may still not outweigh Concentration in terms of damage, it may very well save your life at least as you start the fight because it gets you a quicker Life Tap proc. Unless you carry a Wand of course, then it doesn't matter as much.
hmm. Duriel is a cakewalk for me compared to Lilith and Uber Mephisto so I may just respec out the extra point in Fanaticism and use it elsewhere.Schnorki wrote: 3 years agoOk, that makes more sense.Therion56 wrote: 3 years agoNot Conviction, Concentration I meant to say. DohSchnorki wrote: 3 years ago
H as in hammer? Why do you have Conviction for that?
As for smiting, Conviction is pointless. Smite damage is physical so the -res does nothing. And because Smite always hits, the -def also does nothing. You'll always get more out of Fanaticism, even if its only lvl 1. Both, due to attack speed (if not capped already) and due to the dmg bonus on it.
Mind you, I'm not only talking about the base damage but all damage. Elemental damage does not work with Smite, regardless of whether it is from gear or auras.
The only damage a smiter realistically does that would gain from Conviction (other than your merc) is if you have a Dream or the like equipped. It won't add the normal hit damage to Smite but you still do get the aoe tick damage at least. Well, that and chance to cast elemental skills.
Other than that, Conviction is only for if you need it to counter uber meph's Conviction.
Then yeah, entirely possible. Lvl 20 Concentration does offer 295% more ed than a lvl 1 Fanaticism after all.
The main point of Fanaticism in a hybrid case would be to get another frame (or 2 against Über Duriel) better attack speed. While that extra frame may still not outweigh Concentration in terms of damage, it may very well save your life at least as you start the fight because it gets you a quicker Life Tap proc. Unless you carry a Wand of course, then it doesn't matter as much.
Available for trade after 6pm EST - US
Damaging and killing the mobs/ubers is easy (you can optimise clear speed later), the difficult part is staying alive so using Life Tap, having enough life and resistances are the number one priority. Your life should be above 1000, preferably closer to 1500 (assuming no damage reduction) to avoid being one-shot by some enemies like Lilith.
I was lazy to constantly switch the armor (Treachery pre-buff) so I used the previously mentioned Diamond-gemmed paladin shields to get a huge boost to resist-all and used Smoke as the armor. Fade gives other protective bonuses too but I could live without those. A gemmed pally shield can have up to 45+19x4=121% (pdiamonds) or 45+22*4=133% ( Um runes) resist all. That alone is capable of canceling-out the -125% resist all that you suffer from Mephisto's Conviction aura - this gives you more freedom than the nice bonuses of a HoZ when you compile the rest of your gear. If you have a 1-point Salvation aura (you should) then you get about 80-100% resist all from that too while fighting Mephisto, against other enemies you can use Fanaticsim or whatever you prefer. I used 1-point Sanctuary Aura only against the physical-immune undead mobs spawned by Mephisto (otherwise they are difficult to kill without specialized equipment).
The double- Shael'd Heaven's Light was my favorite weapon on low budget. +2-3 skills, good IAS, high crushing blow, high enough damage to kill mobs fairly quickly on my way to the bosses. It's inexpensive yet better than a Black. I tried some other options too like Astreon's Ward that was quite rare and expensive at the time but it had disappointing performance. (Who knows, maybe Asteron's is capable of shining in a different setup).
The rest of my low-budget gear was Dracul's, Um'd Gface (+15% resist all), Smoke (a bit later Fortitude), Dwarf Star, Raven Frost, Seraph's Hymn, Thundergod's Vigor, Goblin Toe (later Gore Rider, less crushing blow but nicer bonuses overall), Life Tap Wand on switch.
A good alternative for amulet is magic/blue chromatic ammy with massive boost to resist all (up to 30%) if you happen to have one (gambling a lot?) and can't build up enough resists in other ways. Prismatic ammys (15-20% resist) can be created with the cube, if you are lucky a blue ammy can give extra life too. This might seem like a huge downgrade from +skill amulets but I'd like to repeat again that first you have to stay alive and then do damage. Nice +skills and offensive bonuses are useless if you can't stay alive. It's the same in case of gemmed shield VS HoZ (but to be fair, gemmed shields make it possible to use gear that have bonuses you might need more than the bonuses of HoZ - like the crushing blow of Heaven's Light - and that compensates for not using HoZ).
I was lazy to constantly switch the armor (Treachery pre-buff) so I used the previously mentioned Diamond-gemmed paladin shields to get a huge boost to resist-all and used Smoke as the armor. Fade gives other protective bonuses too but I could live without those. A gemmed pally shield can have up to 45+19x4=121% (pdiamonds) or 45+22*4=133% ( Um runes) resist all. That alone is capable of canceling-out the -125% resist all that you suffer from Mephisto's Conviction aura - this gives you more freedom than the nice bonuses of a HoZ when you compile the rest of your gear. If you have a 1-point Salvation aura (you should) then you get about 80-100% resist all from that too while fighting Mephisto, against other enemies you can use Fanaticsim or whatever you prefer. I used 1-point Sanctuary Aura only against the physical-immune undead mobs spawned by Mephisto (otherwise they are difficult to kill without specialized equipment).
The double- Shael'd Heaven's Light was my favorite weapon on low budget. +2-3 skills, good IAS, high crushing blow, high enough damage to kill mobs fairly quickly on my way to the bosses. It's inexpensive yet better than a Black. I tried some other options too like Astreon's Ward that was quite rare and expensive at the time but it had disappointing performance. (Who knows, maybe Asteron's is capable of shining in a different setup).
The rest of my low-budget gear was Dracul's, Um'd Gface (+15% resist all), Smoke (a bit later Fortitude), Dwarf Star, Raven Frost, Seraph's Hymn, Thundergod's Vigor, Goblin Toe (later Gore Rider, less crushing blow but nicer bonuses overall), Life Tap Wand on switch.
A good alternative for amulet is magic/blue chromatic ammy with massive boost to resist all (up to 30%) if you happen to have one (gambling a lot?) and can't build up enough resists in other ways. Prismatic ammys (15-20% resist) can be created with the cube, if you are lucky a blue ammy can give extra life too. This might seem like a huge downgrade from +skill amulets but I'd like to repeat again that first you have to stay alive and then do damage. Nice +skills and offensive bonuses are useless if you can't stay alive. It's the same in case of gemmed shield VS HoZ (but to be fair, gemmed shields make it possible to use gear that have bonuses you might need more than the bonuses of HoZ - like the crushing blow of Heaven's Light - and that compensates for not using HoZ).
Royal Shield is a very good inexpensive alternative. Sacred Targes are very popular and that pushes up the prices. Buying a shield with only 35-39% resist all is another way to reduce the costs. Royal Shield isn't elite but the block rate/chance are just as good (so max block is easy to reach) and the Smite damage isn't a problem due to the boost from Holy Shield. In practice I didn't see a noticeable difference when I upgraded from Royal Shield to Sacred Targe.Narmer wrote: 3 years ago For the shield I can't recommend a 4x Perfect Diamond gemmed Sacred Targe enough: good Smite damage and, again, overcapping resistances (I sound like a broken record, lol)
I did a 1 point Smite/ Fanaticism respec for my first Uber run. Very similar gear, except I used Smoke after Treachery buff to keep over-res high.
I say just go for it and have fun. Dying is ok, I certainly did a few times with Lilith and an unlucky unique nearby that kept cursing me with amp and also (or another?) had an aura. Still managed to kite and separate out to 1v1 her and win. Meph was cake with ~1700 hp and Fade/over resists and tgods. Keep somebody here on standby if you really mess up, but don’t put it off. Your gear is fine. Be ready to repair your Flail a lot.
I say just go for it and have fun. Dying is ok, I certainly did a few times with Lilith and an unlucky unique nearby that kept cursing me with amp and also (or another?) had an aura. Still managed to kite and separate out to 1v1 her and win. Meph was cake with ~1700 hp and Fade/over resists and tgods. Keep somebody here on standby if you really mess up, but don’t put it off. Your gear is fine. Be ready to repair your Flail a lot.
Guys, that was epic succes. I was so excited and supprised that it was so satisfying. Have died only once to boss pack in Matron's Den ^^
My awaited treasure is...... 10/16 necro! xD (how much is it worth?)
but hey, now able to do it myself, so its time to farm keys
I felt well prepared by YOU ALL guys, thanks a lot
And of course huge thanks to Schnorki for being my (thankfully not needed) Guardian Angel
My awaited treasure is...... 10/16 necro! xD (how much is it worth?)
but hey, now able to do it myself, so its time to farm keys

I felt well prepared by YOU ALL guys, thanks a lot

My (very passive
) pleasure.
Congrats again!
Sounded like you had things well taken care of.
Hope your next run gets you a torch you actually need.

Congrats again!
Sounded like you had things well taken care of.
Hope your next run gets you a torch you actually need.

Only one Death? That’s impressive, GG!
Congrats on your first torch, I’m sure it’s one of many more to come
Congrats on your first torch, I’m sure it’s one of many more to come

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Available for trading on PC and Switch. Let's deal, my friend.
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