"20 years ago I found a Ber in the River of Flame and I was so excited! I traded it for a Shako and it was a fair trade and I was happy with it"
Then I read the same thing in another topic discussing the same thing.. 20 years ago I found a Ber and traded for Shako.. (it is a different username)
I've since questioned how you can claim to have a full build and only require a Shako (fairly common drop) and also not understand the inherent (not subjective) value a Ber rune has compared to Shako in the game.. Just a made up story to prove their point..
If I need X for y and we both think it's a fair trade then done deal, right?
The new players, or players with a lack of knowledge about the game or even human beings with real life learning disabilities, social ineptitudes or developmental issues of which many people live with undiagnosed, still want to play, trade and be involved.
There are people out there that you expect to do research and reading.. some people didn't even make it through high school and for real reasons don't want to spend time reading a wiki to learn, but are not opposed to learning. Maybe they would be happy to speak with someone about it, but nobody has the time for anyone anymore...
People are so quick to think that all responsibility is on the individual but that's not how we got here in society... The general people, us, every person, we have to care about each other. That's how we got through many atrocities and events in history that I won't mention

Even in the world today I think this should resonate with what's been going on...
If someone offers way below a reasonable price I don't think there's a problem saying that's not how it works and asking for more.
Likewise if someone offers much more I don't think there should be a problem taking less and not taking advantage of the(m) reason for lack of knowledge
If you understand the values of runes and items in trading, then hey, good job. You must have enjoyed this game and put a lot of time into it in order to understand it.
Not everyone is at the same point in their journey, your knowledge about this game is valuable to those who don't have it..