has been successfully deployed! 
v1.39 fixes a handful of bugs and prepares the site for 2.5/Ladder Season 2. If you have any questions feel free to ask. If you're looking for other development logs (before and after 1.39) then click here. Okay here we go!
Ladder Season 2
- All active Ladder trades that were listed during Ladder Season 1 (and not marked sold) have been converted to Non-Ladder listings. This is to reflect what is happening in-game, where all S1 items are now non-ladder items; withdraw-able from your season's-end stash.
- Inside each trade listing that has been converted to Non-Ladder, there is an indication banner showing that this is the case.
- All items listed as Ladder in the marketplace from now on are considered to be fresh items on the new Ladder (ie characters playing Ladder Season 2).
- Don't forget to update your profile settings to Ladder or Non-Ladder, so that any newly created trades default to the correct filters.
- Added all 6 new sundered charms as database entries and enabled trading for them; Cold Rupture, Black Cleft, Bone Break, Crack of the Heavens, Flame Rift, Rotting Fissure.
- Added a patch
-only filter and indicator to the Uniques database category
- Fixed bug that was causing non-registered users to only see a tiny portion of trade listings and forum topics. This was a bug with the implementation of the Squelch to hide listings from market feature from the previous patch.
- Fixed bug where item sold times were actually displaying original listing times in many parts of the trade interface. They now show correctly when an item was sold.
- Fixed bug where hitting the 'Select Defaults' button and then conducting a full search would result in unfiltered results not accounting for the user's defaults.
- Fixed bug where non-moderator users were seeing indicators for unapproved, deleted, and reported topic states in the forums and trading UI.
- Fixed bug in database categories where items having a base item of rings, charms, jewels etc. would not display a subheader to that effect.
- Fixed bug where Hellfire Torch and Gheed's Fortune were not showing up in browse/search results with the Large/Grand Charm item type filters active.
- Fixed bug where trade listings having the No sockets filter active would show 7 sockets in the listing's copy-paste-able message.
- Fixed bug where users having the default avatar would show broken image paths on the dclone progress tracker page.
- Removed all instances of Ladder only indicators in the database to avoid any further ambiguity and/or confusion about Resurrected and Legacy item restrictions. Seeing as D2R made the vast majority of ladder only items also available on non-ladder, it made no sense to keep this legacy information in place.
- Clicking on the read/unread indicator block (the grey or red square next to a topic row) of a forum topic or trade listing will now take you to the oldest unread post in the thread (as opposed to the last post) - saves you having to backtrack as much. I haven't tested this fully yet, it may be working in some places but not others.
- On the Dclone Tracker page, I replaced the rarely-used find/create game buttons with buttons linking to the much more helpful Help kill topic, NL tracking topic, and L tracking topic.
- Added a purple Discord button to the dclone tracker linking to the Dclone Hunters server. This is to recognise the importance of their community in organising, forecasting, and assisting walks. A great place for anyone interested in Diablo Clone.
- Added Non-Ladder icons to the forum and trade interfaces. It was requested several times, so want to try it out to see if it makes a difference for people.
- Increased the duration of all item trade volume graphs to 12 months (previously was showing 6, which only spanned half of a typical width graph). Added vertical bars denoting the start of 2.5 and Ladder Season 2 (S2).
