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Description v1.37 has been successfully deployed! :D
This patch is a major site upgrade that has focused on fulfilling feature requests and preparing the market for Resurrected 2.4 + ladder season 1. I am going to keep these notes simple and brief, and hope they explain things enough as is. If you have any questions feel free to ask. If you're looking for other development logs (before and after 1.37) click here. Okay here we go!
Multi-filtering across the marketplace

It is now possible to continuously multi-filter across the trade discovery UI - while browsing, searching, or price checking. This makes item/trade discovery feel a lot faster and easier than before. Being able to combine filters while browsing was one of the top requested features after 1.0 so I'm glad it's finally built. After searching, you can continue to filter, and if you're browsing, your config can be converted into a search if keywords are desired. There is always a 'select defaults' button for when you want to quickly add your usual filters.
Filter trades by online status

You can now apply the 'Online' filter when browsing or searching the marketplace. This allows you to see only trades from online traders at the time, and is handy when you just need to make a quick deal. (Currently rolled back for performance reasons). You will also note that there are online indicators next to usernames throughout the trade UI, so you have a much better overall view of activity now.
New trade filters available

There are 5 new filters you can use for trade creation and discovery: IAS (Increased Attack Speed), ED (Enhanced Damage), Unid (Unidentified), Perfect, and Free. You can now also filter by 0 sockets, non-superior, non-ethereal, non-ladder etc. letting you refine your results further. You will notice that the filter UI has been simplified and cleaned up to make it easier to navigate. It is possible to sort by listing time in searches/browse too. If you can't find the filter you want when searching or browsing, just add a keyword for it instead. 'Leech' being a good example.
Diablo Clone tracker

@Schnorki persuaded me to do it eventually - I built a filterable, sortable progress tracker for Diablo Clone. The aim of the tool is to collaboratively track the progress of
Diablo Clone
(aka Uber Diablo) spawns across all regions and game modes in D2R v2.4. Type /uberdiablo in your in-game chat, and help us keep the tracker updated by submitting a progress update. The tracker also shows relevant Stone of Jordan trade listings from the market for your progress filter selection. ID verify and login

If you are already registered here, you can now link your account to your account via Oauth. This lets you use your credentials to sign into d2io, and proves that you are the verified owner of the bnet tag you advertise on your profile/in your trades. You get a little green lock icon next to it if it matches the Bnet tag you linked. You can now also search members by Bnet ID - handy for finding in-game trading partners on the site and vice versa.
Squelching someone now also hides their listings

The squelch tool now also allows you to hide that person's listings from your marketplace view. This has no effect outside of the trade area. Useful for making junk listings disappear and cleaning up your browsing/searching experience if needed. You can now directly squelch people from inside listings, or directly from their profile, making it easier than ever to take advantage of this self-moderation tool.
Upgraded defense/damage values for Set items in 2.4

Thanks to @Khegan you can now see what a set item's defence or damage stats would be after using one of the new 2.4 set item upgrade recipes eg.
Haemosu's Adamant
. On db entry pages for any upgradable item, you will also find links to the recipes required. I have also added magic level data for base wands, staves, orbs and
Countdown to ladder, site is prepared now

You can see a simple countdown timer to Ladder season 1's launch date on the site's home page. Under the hood, the site has been prepared for Ladder trading. For now, the Ladder option remains disabled - so that if the market bumps when 2.4 is released there won't be confusion over weird ladder-tagged listings on the site, which have by the way all been reset to non-ladder. I just have to uncomment a few lines of code to enable Ladder filtering in creation/discovery flows.
Improved ads experience for guests and members

No-one likes jarring cookie pop-ups, misplaced or layout-breaking adverts etc. so I've tried my very best to improve the experience and reduce the impact of ads on the site. I styled some nice frames for the banners to sit in so they don't jump, made close buttons easier to find and click, gave the cookie notice window a makeover, moved the video player out of the way to the bottom-right corner, and removed the sticky sidebar ads completely.
Smaller changes and fixes
Open panel to see the full list
  • Bumped messages are more distinguishable from actual last posts now. They have a blue indicator in the top-right (instead of red), and their timestamp has 'Bumped' appended to it. In addition, a message shows in the footer of the post indicating the last bump time and who it was bumped by. Hopefully this will reduce confusion about the way bumps/last posts work.
  • Squelch panel has had a copy rewrite to make it clearer what squelching does and doesn't do.
  • When creating a
    Hellfire Torch
    trade, you will now be prompted to select a class filter before you submit. Copy changes to the dialog boxes for charms, rings, amulets and jewels too.
  • Marking an item sold - various small fixes and copy changes to improve the flow, link to search by bnet ID added.
  • With the removal of sidebar ads, I've filled the space with site-related links improving navigation.
  • Fixed bug where default avatars were showing as broken images in the viewonline block on homepage.
  • Fixed issue where comment guidance was showing in the Feedback forum viewtopic template.
  • Fixed bug where 'Items Sold' category of the trade stats page was pulling results from the bug reports forum (lol).
  • Removed older outdated links from the 'popular pages' block on the homepage.
  • Reviewed plain text email messages to make them shorter and easier to scan for pedigree info.
  • Fixed bug with phantom layout-breaking image placeholders in historical prices UI.
  • Removed instances of 'PTR' from various locations to signify shift to 2.4 live data (if any more changes come in after).
  • Moved 2.4 data filters in DB categories to the left of the rows for visibility.
  • Various small UI, UX and layout improvements throughout the site.
  • Fixed various layout and display bugs on Google Chrome, Firefox, iOS Safari etc. the usual :) I spent a lot of time improving the mobile side of things as that had lagged behind a bit.
  • Sidebar image assets now lazyload, oversized icons in mobile sidebar/footer area bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed an annoying bug where the browser would focus the wrong field on same forms.
  • All graphs on the site now lag 5 days behind realtime, but are more accurate and contain complete data now. As a result you no longer see that 'dip' that was at the end of every spline chart.
  • Filter badges on trade listing results are now ordered by Ladder/HC/Platform/Expansion and this order is repeated throughout the trade UI to keep things consistent and readable.
  • Warning about adblocker on registration page now only shows if adblocking is detected.
  • In line with other guest user experience improvements, I made the adblocker dialog much smaller and added
    to it.
  • Some inline icons are now possible, for example: [icon]rings[/icon]. I didn't have time to finish it so there is no front facing UI for you guys to actually access them. If you're determined to use them though, go to the new topic page, then open the topic icons pane. If you right click and 'inspect' an icon with your browser's devtools, you'll see each has an identifying CSS class called zi-something, in this case, zi-rings. You take off the zi- bit leaving just rings and place that into the [icon][/icon] BBcode, and you get an inline icon :)
  • Removed the timer restriction on searches for registered members - it is only in place for guest visitors now.
  • These icons are also usable in the announcement block on the home page which is really nice for me when putting news on there.
  • Option to search by trader in the search engine has been retired - too many bugs and hardly anyone using it. Makes no sense now anyway with stashes, trader history, active/sold trade searches from their profile etc.
  • I touched up the campfire scene artwork on the homepage/meta images so that it is sharper and has better edges/masking.
  • Long inline trade descriptions can now be scrolled horizontally if they don't fit - better than it was before where they were hidden behind an ellipsis...
  • Fixed bug where sometimes logging in from certain areas of the site would result in redirection errors.
  • Added 'Non-Ladder' to the mini tooltip text explaining traditional ladder-only items available in Resurrected single player etc.
  • When searching by description, keywords are highlighted in trade results with the same yellow block style as the database. This makes finding magic attributes inside descriptions a bit easier.
  • Change mail system from PHP to SMTP - might help with speeding up email delivery, we'll see.
  • Fixed bug where avatars inside the notification dropdown would appear blurred in some browsers.
  • This patch involved a lot of different stuff, so there's probably things I've forgotten to write down here. Will update as I go along.

And that's it :) As usual, bug reports can be submitted here. Hope you guys enjoy the update.
Good drops and fair trades!
Description by Teebling

Can be used to make Runewords:

User avatar

Teebling 7220Admin

Europe PC v1.37 has been successfully deployed! :D
This patch is a major site upgrade that has focused on fulfilling feature requests and preparing the market for Resurrected 2.4 + ladder season 1. I am going to keep these notes simple and brief, and hope they explain things enough as is. If you have any questions feel free to ask. If you're looking for other development logs (before and after 1.37) click here. Okay here we go!
Multi-filtering across the marketplace

It is now possible to continuously multi-filter across the trade discovery UI - while browsing, searching, or price checking. This makes item/trade discovery feel a lot faster and easier than before. Being able to combine filters while browsing was one of the top requested features after 1.0 so I'm glad it's finally built. After searching, you can continue to filter, and if you're browsing, your config can be converted into a search if keywords are desired. There is always a 'select defaults' button for when you want to quickly add your usual filters.
Filter trades by online status

You can now apply the 'Online' filter when browsing or searching the marketplace. This allows you to see only trades from online traders at the time, and is handy when you just need to make a quick deal. (Currently rolled back for performance reasons). You will also note that there are online indicators next to usernames throughout the trade UI, so you have a much better overall view of activity now.
New trade filters available

There are 5 new filters you can use for trade creation and discovery: IAS (Increased Attack Speed), ED (Enhanced Damage), Unid (Unidentified), Perfect, and Free. You can now also filter by 0 sockets, non-superior, non-ethereal, non-ladder etc. letting you refine your results further. You will notice that the filter UI has been simplified and cleaned up to make it easier to navigate. It is possible to sort by listing time in searches/browse too. If you can't find the filter you want when searching or browsing, just add a keyword for it instead. 'Leech' being a good example.
Diablo Clone tracker

@Schnorki persuaded me to do it eventually - I built a filterable, sortable progress tracker for Diablo Clone. The aim of the tool is to collaboratively track the progress of
Diablo Clone
(aka Uber Diablo) spawns across all regions and game modes in D2R v2.4. Type /uberdiablo in your in-game chat, and help us keep the tracker updated by submitting a progress update. The tracker also shows relevant Stone of Jordan trade listings from the market for your progress filter selection. ID verify and login

If you are already registered here, you can now link your account to your account via Oauth. This lets you use your credentials to sign into d2io, and proves that you are the verified owner of the bnet tag you advertise on your profile/in your trades. You get a little green lock icon next to it if it matches the Bnet tag you linked. You can now also search members by Bnet ID - handy for finding in-game trading partners on the site and vice versa.
Squelching someone now also hides their listings

The squelch tool now also allows you to hide that person's listings from your marketplace view. This has no effect outside of the trade area. Useful for making junk listings disappear and cleaning up your browsing/searching experience if needed. You can now directly squelch people from inside listings, or directly from their profile, making it easier than ever to take advantage of this self-moderation tool.
Upgraded defense/damage values for Set items in 2.4

Thanks to @Khegan you can now see what a set item's defence or damage stats would be after using one of the new 2.4 set item upgrade recipes eg.
Haemosu's Adamant
. On db entry pages for any upgradable item, you will also find links to the recipes required. I have also added magic level data for base wands, staves, orbs and
Countdown to ladder, site is prepared now

You can see a simple countdown timer to Ladder season 1's launch date on the site's home page. Under the hood, the site has been prepared for Ladder trading. For now, the Ladder option remains disabled - so that if the market bumps when 2.4 is released there won't be confusion over weird ladder-tagged listings on the site, which have by the way all been reset to non-ladder. I just have to uncomment a few lines of code to enable Ladder filtering in creation/discovery flows.
Improved ads experience for guests and members

No-one likes jarring cookie pop-ups, misplaced or layout-breaking adverts etc. so I've tried my very best to improve the experience and reduce the impact of ads on the site. I styled some nice frames for the banners to sit in so they don't jump, made close buttons easier to find and click, gave the cookie notice window a makeover, moved the video player out of the way to the bottom-right corner, and removed the sticky sidebar ads completely.
Smaller changes and fixes
Open panel to see the full list
  • Bumped messages are more distinguishable from actual last posts now. They have a blue indicator in the top-right (instead of red), and their timestamp has 'Bumped' appended to it. In addition, a message shows in the footer of the post indicating the last bump time and who it was bumped by. Hopefully this will reduce confusion about the way bumps/last posts work.
  • Squelch panel has had a copy rewrite to make it clearer what squelching does and doesn't do.
  • When creating a
    Hellfire Torch
    trade, you will now be prompted to select a class filter before you submit. Copy changes to the dialog boxes for charms, rings, amulets and jewels too.
  • Marking an item sold - various small fixes and copy changes to improve the flow, link to search by bnet ID added.
  • With the removal of sidebar ads, I've filled the space with site-related links improving navigation.
  • Fixed bug where default avatars were showing as broken images in the viewonline block on homepage.
  • Fixed issue where comment guidance was showing in the Feedback forum viewtopic template.
  • Fixed bug where 'Items Sold' category of the trade stats page was pulling results from the bug reports forum (lol).
  • Removed older outdated links from the 'popular pages' block on the homepage.
  • Reviewed plain text email messages to make them shorter and easier to scan for pedigree info.
  • Fixed bug with phantom layout-breaking image placeholders in historical prices UI.
  • Removed instances of 'PTR' from various locations to signify shift to 2.4 live data (if any more changes come in after).
  • Moved 2.4 data filters in DB categories to the left of the rows for visibility.
  • Various small UI, UX and layout improvements throughout the site.
  • Fixed various layout and display bugs on Google Chrome, Firefox, iOS Safari etc. the usual :) I spent a lot of time improving the mobile side of things as that had lagged behind a bit.
  • Sidebar image assets now lazyload, oversized icons in mobile sidebar/footer area bug has been fixed.
  • Fixed an annoying bug where the browser would focus the wrong field on same forms.
  • All graphs on the site now lag 5 days behind realtime, but are more accurate and contain complete data now. As a result you no longer see that 'dip' that was at the end of every spline chart.
  • Filter badges on trade listing results are now ordered by Ladder/HC/Platform/Expansion and this order is repeated throughout the trade UI to keep things consistent and readable.
  • Warning about adblocker on registration page now only shows if adblocking is detected.
  • In line with other guest user experience improvements, I made the adblocker dialog much smaller and added
    to it.
  • Some inline icons are now possible, for example: [icon]rings[/icon]. I didn't have time to finish it so there is no front facing UI for you guys to actually access them. If you're determined to use them though, go to the new topic page, then open the topic icons pane. If you right click and 'inspect' an icon with your browser's devtools, you'll see each has an identifying CSS class called zi-something, in this case, zi-rings. You take off the zi- bit leaving just rings and place that into the [icon][/icon] BBcode, and you get an inline icon :)
  • Removed the timer restriction on searches for registered members - it is only in place for guest visitors now.
  • These icons are also usable in the announcement block on the home page which is really nice for me when putting news on there.
  • Option to search by trader in the search engine has been retired - too many bugs and hardly anyone using it. Makes no sense now anyway with stashes, trader history, active/sold trade searches from their profile etc.
  • I touched up the campfire scene artwork on the homepage/meta images so that it is sharper and has better edges/masking.
  • Long inline trade descriptions can now be scrolled horizontally if they don't fit - better than it was before where they were hidden behind an ellipsis...
  • Fixed bug where sometimes logging in from certain areas of the site would result in redirection errors.
  • Added 'Non-Ladder' to the mini tooltip text explaining traditional ladder-only items available in Resurrected single player etc.
  • When searching by description, keywords are highlighted in trade results with the same yellow block style as the database. This makes finding magic attributes inside descriptions a bit easier.
  • Change mail system from PHP to SMTP - might help with speeding up email delivery, we'll see.
  • Fixed bug where avatars inside the notification dropdown would appear blurred in some browsers.
  • This patch involved a lot of different stuff, so there's probably things I've forgotten to write down here. Will update as I go along.

And that's it :) As usual, bug reports can be submitted here. Hope you guys enjoy the update.
Good drops and fair trades!

Thank you!

Sweet Lovely Death
Just waiting for your breath
Come sweet Death
One Last Caress
Thanks a lot for ur great effort!

Stand and fight
Live by your heart
Always one more try
I'm not afraid to die
Stand and fight
Say what you feel
Born with a heart of Steel
you the best
Thanks sounds amazing.
keep up a good work!

Looking for Runes but also accepting Keys & Perfect Amethysts
thats a lot of new stuff ! good job sir

check my other trades: member/The%20Flash/
my free items: simple t4t is fine with me :) what you pay is up to you
free anni to my WTS
, keys, pame, pruby, jewel
I honestly love the effort you put into this site. This is why it is my top pick everytime for trading and such. Thanks so much!

Diablo 2 Resurrected Content Creator & Streamer

~ YouTube ~

~ Twitch ~
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Bisu 384

Thanks for the upgrade!
I'm most intrigued by the chat gem feature =)
Thanks for the hard work Teebs, cheers!
That is massive. So many positive changes. Keep up the AWESOME work!
User avatar

Teebling 7220Admin

Europe PC
Aware of issues with the browse trades page at the moment (won't load), it's looking like a very poorly written query by yours truly :P Trying to sort it out. Okay think I managed to fix it, let's wait and see.

Such a well made and organized site, you deserve more! Thanks again

If we have a trade, just add me to bnet rather than waiting for a delayed forum response please, thank you!
Good, but 2 things usefull miss:

1) there only WTS and WTB , add WTT can be good, for exemple people who want trade a pala torch for soso torch, or a part of set for a other, or red for yellow essence, ect... it's usefull for people who looking spécifique without pass per low runes like
or 5
Perfect Gems
, and can exchange directly stuffs via WTT.

2) in trade option "stats" miss many options, but the more usefull first it's option "life/mana leech" who is important for amu/ring double leech for exemple, or people who looking stuff with many leech.

Put these 2 option can be nice, Have a good day.

If you don't have Rune, Keys, Pgems, Essences, will be ok
WTB Shimmering Small Charm Of Vita : 15 to 20 Life and 4 to 5 All Resists
I can't be active on D2io every 3 days but the weekend, so add me on Bnet if you want trade, have a nice day
User avatar

Teebling 7220Admin

Europe PC
Child Of YHWH wrote: 3 years ago
1) there only WTS and WTB , add WTT can be good, for exemple people who want trade a pala torch for soso torch, or a part of set for a other, or red for yellow essence, ect... it's usefull for people who looking spécifique without pass per low runes like
or 5
Perfect Gems
, and can exchange directly stuffs via WTT.
Thanks for feedback CoY.

You don't have to exchange items for
Perfect Gems
or other. You can trade an item for anything you want. I often see torches being exchanged for other torches, or set swaps. Just put that in your trade's description. The way I see it is that WTB and WTS are both 'WTT' listings, just they can specify whether they are buyers or sellers in the exchange.
Child Of YHWH wrote: 3 years ago
2) in trade option "stats" miss many options, but the more usefull first it's option "life/mana leech" who is important for amu/ring double leech for exemple, or people who looking stuff with many leech.
If you can't find a filter for it, then use the keyword search 'in descriptions'. Keywords are just like filters, but you can put whatever you want to match in them. For example here's how to search for those dual leech rare amulets you mentioned:
Then hit full search
Then hit full search
Results of leech amulets
Results of leech amulets
Link to results.

ok, i don't want make the lazy guy, lol, just ideas for be more fast and easy:

1) what i want mean, when "Creating a new Trade", a icone WTT to side of WTS and WTB make it fast and easy, and to more we know that it's really a WTT specific stuff to stuff, no a trade for rune or gems...

2) and when "Creating a new Trade" "item type" a icone leech life / leech mana can be also more specific when we sell this kind of stuff, people can see it easily.

TY for effort in this nice trade website, have a good day.

If you don't have Rune, Keys, Pgems, Essences, will be ok
WTB Shimmering Small Charm Of Vita : 15 to 20 Life and 4 to 5 All Resists
I can't be active on D2io every 3 days but the weekend, so add me on Bnet if you want trade, have a nice day
User avatar

Th3ory 663

Paladin Americas PC
Hype Mode @Teebling - Looking good so far with this new production push.

So so good Bossman!
Thank you so much for always trying to make our gaming easier!
User avatar

atari 751

Europe XLinux
This is really a great update and improves the site immensely. Thanks a lot for your work.



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If something looks broken please let me know so I can fix it :)
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