Hello all. Patch 0.3 is here!This topic is now outdated. Please read the patch notes for v1.0.

New Features Added
Contributions open for the rest of the database world
If you intend on contributing please make sure you read first - this is very important. Even if you are a seasoned contributor, some things have changed. For example adding a space before the newMonsters, NPCs, Skills, Areas, and Quests are now all open for contributions. I have also readied the Misc section for contributions of quest/other miscellaneous items. I haven't had time to make example contributions yet, but you'll find guidance in the sticky at the top of the contrib forum + in the contrib tooltips.
<br />
tag when creating line breaks. So please, please make sure you read the tooltips carefully guys before submitting.Contributions open for updating existing items with new data types
In order to see which items have no qlvl/TC/sockets by ilvl/upped or ebugged data yet I've added filters to the category pages, so that you can see which ones need data contributed for them.Quality Level for all existing Uniques and Set items.
Treasure Class (TC) for all existing items.
Max sockets by iLvl for all existing items.
Upped/Ebugged values for Unique Armor and Weapons.
Sorting added to database categories functionality
There's also sorting by things like Defense, Required Level, Monster level, Area level etc. You can if you want perform a 'random shuffle' of all the items currently being displayed.
Disabling of auto-linking/auto-tooltips in posts now possible
. Any text within this tag will not be subject to automatic link/tooltip creation and will appear as normal. This allows you to choose which words you want targeted and which ones you don't.Here it is in action: Silks of the Victor, Silks of the Victor.
And the code for that ^ is:
Silks of the Victor, [nolink]Silks of the Victor[/nolink].
You can now hide the sidebar to see more item tiles
To open or close the sidebar, go to your user drop down in the top right (or right slide-in panel on mobile). This will give you more horizontal space and thus more tiles can be displayed (in 'detailed mode', up to 8 columns on a 2560x1080px display or up to 6 columns on a 1920x1080px display).
Your preference is remembered in your browser's localstorage, so you don't have to keep hiding it. Note that hiding/showing functionality is only visible/usable when your viewport is at least 1366px wide, otherwise the sidebar is hidden by default anyway (as it has been since the start).
Description written by X and Data contributed by X on item pages + edit history
You can now also view post revisions/the edit history of descriptions by clicking the clock icon next to 'Edit Description' (Contributors only). This allows you to see all of the previous 'versions' of the item's description, and see what was changed/added/removed on each edit.
On profiles themselves, users now have a measure of how much they have helped the site so far. Stats covered are: data contributions, descriptions written, comments on DB entries, bugs reported, and feedback given. In the future I will be tying these numbers into rewards of one sort or another.
Lastly, descriptions in contributions now work properly, so if a description is included in a contribution you will automatically receive the credit for writing the description after I import the item.
Pagination added to long pages with too many rows
Nota bene: Pagination will not be coming to category pages as it would break all filtering/search functionality which requires a full DOM to be present before manipulation with JS.
Compact homepage toggle for mobile users
The compact mode solves this - when activated, all of the areas of the site that can have unread indicators are now 'above the fold' - meaning that you won't have to swipe down to get an instant overview of the site. Designed with power users in mind who check the home page regularly.
Lastly, the missing 'Mark all Read' button has been added to the home page on mobile.
Minimum level required for Runeword added
Added 'Indestructible' and '-X to Enemy Y Resistances filters
You'll find 'Indestructible' in the Utility tab and 'Enemy Resistances' in the 'Offensive' tab. See database bugs as well for a big bug fix which means that filters are showing all results now (was a bit patchy before...)
Filter for item entries with no Description yet
This allows you to quickly see which entries still need a description. Just go to the 'Settings' button on any category page and you'll see the button for 'No Description'.
Scroll to bottom button added
This was requested so that getting to the unread posts at the bottom of a thread would be easier.
Colour palette added to editor
Inline code BBcode added to editor
looks like this
and as you can see it doesn't wrap. A nice mini-alternative to using the [code][/code]
BBcode!Code: Select all
[c]This is the phrase[/c] I want to be inlined.
Single Player or Battle.net profile field added
Changes & Improvements
More intuitive one-by-one filtering for certain filters
This also applies to the part of set filters, runeword item groups, skill bonuses filters, and finally the various types of misc items. This is much more intuitive for users. By the way, this really wasn't as easy as it sounds to code

Note that most of the other filters still work in the same way as they did before - you can add them on top of each other to drill down to more specific selections. They work the same even in conjunction with one of these new 'one-by-one' filters.
Superwide layout preference now remembered
Now when you choose to layout the page in 'Superwide' format, your preference is remembered in your browser's localstorage, so you don't have to keep clicking it every time if you prefer the superwide format all the time. Also 'resetting' all filters now longer removes the superwide layout.
Slightly more columns on category and item pages
Felt like the space wasn't being used in the most efficient way - hoping you guys feel the same about it.
Removal of 'used to make Runeword' from tooltips
Instead, this information has a new home on the item's page itself, with its own dedicated section that evens out the page layout. I want people to get used to the flow of using tooltips for pedigree information, and then clicking through to the item itself to get detailed stuff.
Updated 16x16px jewel icon/favicon
I think it looks kind of cool so you might see it re-used around the site. I've also created a retina version that will hopefully show on mobile devices with high pixel density displays.
Attachments in Private messages & Group send
Attachments have also had a slight visual go-over - adding a border, some drop shadow, and a glossy Edge highlight as well as neatening positioning.
Home page unread indicators now individual to forums
I've changed it so that only individual forums show the unread indicator now.
Changed spoiler tag body colour
Instant database/forum/member search improvements

The member search now colours usernames depending on member/contributor/moderator/administrator status and is labelled with a suffix indicating the member's group/rank too.
Lastly, I have added a mini loading indicator in the very far right of the search bar which shows when the search is fetching results (before there was no indication that it was working until the results appeared). Also now when there are no matches to your search, it says 'No matches' (before was just blank).
Small changes to Best Answer functionality
Change in Contributor badge description
Topic icons + tooltips in 'Most Popular'
Improved Resurrected countdown timer
Pre-Resurrected time tag removed, copy post URL added
I've made something more useful in its place - click the little link icon to copy this post's URL (including anchor hash). This allows you to paste the post's URL as you like; anyone clicking that link gets taken directly to the post without having to scroll through the whole topic.
Sidebar randoms/latest lists increased
Bot users makeover

Increased editor height when posting
Policy on signature images
These dimensions have been the standard in bulletin boards for over 20 years and I would like that to continue.
Mark as read buttons update
When on an individual forum/category, this only applies to the big forum lists themselves and the database category tiles, not the sidebar (this is because the sidebar shows topics from multiple forums, which would make instant-updating this area tricky).
Full preview functionality restored for all formatting available
Attachments UI reworked
You can now see how many attachments are already loaded in the post (a bit like filter counts in db categories), and the UI for uploading attachments now looks a lot better on mobile in general. Attachments themselves in posts have had a border and glass outline added.
Discontinuation of the 'Suggest a Relation' button
Speed Performance & SEO Improvements
SQL query cacheing activated for large category pages
The cache lasts for exactly 1 month (in seconds), after which it makes fresh queries that are re-cached. I am also able to manually refresh the cache if there are any changes to data.
Faster filtering and searching - animations disabled on database category pages
By removing transition animations from the jQuery script isotope (responsible for manipulating results after filters are selected), the grid re-arranges itself faster as the browser's memory isn't bottlenecked by animations anymore. As a result the pages 'react' quicker to your filters and commands and feel snappier to use.
The instant category search has also had some performance improvements - with a debounce added to marking of matches and the isotope relayout function itself, it feels quicker and smoother to use.
Lazy autolink fetching on long topics like Udyret's Price Guide
Now on pages like this, the tooltip data will only load if the user scrolls the browser's viewport (using intersectionObserver API) with a spoiler open. This means the page now loads just as fast as any other, and tooltip links are generated 'as you scroll', individually, for each spoiler area.
Changed some page titles to include 'Resurrected'
Meta descriptions updated
Robots.txt updated to block access to certain areas
Database Related Bug Fixes & other small changes
View all DB bug fixes
- Fixed a big bug where some filter buttons wouldn't return all of the results; only some of them, due to whitespace inconsistencies. You will see now that far more results (the true amount this time) are displayed when using the filter buttons!
- Fixed layout issues on Recipes pages + tooltips, and removed the Cube icon for something more semantic - 'Produces:'
- Fixed swapped modifiers between Sword and Shield versions of the runeword Spirit, and added 'Ladder Only'.
- Fixed bug where runeword Treachery would not appear when filtering by + to Assassin Skill Levels filter.
- Fixed the missing 'Swords' runeword item group filter in the /runewords/ category.
- Fixed issue where filtering for the item group Wands in /runewords/ did not display the runeword White.
- Fixed issue where spell names having mandated brackets in them e.g.
Combat skills (Barbarian only)
would not appear when selected as a filter (due to non-escaped special characters). - Fixed issue where runeword Melody would not show up when filtering for Bow and Crossbow Skills.
- Missing autolinks for Cathan's Sigil and Thundergod's Vigor added in.
- Normalised the naming convention of the rainbow facet jewels. Example: Rainbow Facet: Cold Level-up.
- Removed '1.07 patch' info from Immortal King's Stone Crusher and Immortal King's Detail (this was a relic of early testing/development).
- Fixed missing outcome quantity for Recipe: Add Sockets to Normal Body Armor.
- Added mini tooltip to 'Barbarian only' to say that these types of items may also be equipped by Act 5 Mercenaries.
- Fixed missing space on string ' Iron Maiden' on amulet Saracen's Chance.
- Fixed non-ASCII dash on Cold Damage modifier for Thul.
- Fixed issue where Greaves iitemtype had whitespace at the start of ' Boots'.
- Renamed Paladin skill Sanctuary to Sanctuary Aura so as not to interfere with autolinks to Runeword Sanctuary.
- Fixed missing whitespace on Poison Nova modifier on Runeword Breath of the Dying.
- Fixed incorrect magic find modifier on Chance Guards that was preventing it from being filtered correctly.
UI Related Bug Fixes & other small changes
View all UI bug fixes
- Fixed the completely unstyled 'Forgot password' and 'Reset password' flow.
- Fixed issue where read/unread indicators (the 'squares') in the sidebar wouldn't link to the topic as expected.
- Fixed issue where some people couldn't vote on polls on the home page on certain browsers/devices (URL rewriting issue). Also fixed weird default phpBB ajax behaviour after vote submissions on index/viewtopic type pages.
- Fixed issue where (iPhone users on any iOS device/browser) wouldn't be able to load pre-filtered selections in big categories like 'Base' due to memory threshold being reached. Since animations have been removed this should be fixed now.
- Fixed bug where mobile users would see broken tooltips when tapping on any tooltip-like link in the sidebar blocks at the bottom of pages.
- Fixed issue where random item lists on the /database/ page were not wrapping correctly.
- Fixed issue where full set item components in the 'Sets' category weren't displaying inline on Chrome.
- Fixed over-enlarged icon and text at the top of 'best answer' or 'bug fixed' mini-previews.
- Fixed unstyled/out of position buttons when editing a saved draft in the user control panel.
- Fixed issue where drafts would not load from the posting editor or UCP.
- Fixed broken 'Manage Drafts' button on posting editor.
- Fixed issue where text/file attachments in post weren't displaying at all on mobile.
- Fixed issue where tables weren't displaying at 100% viewport width when on mobile.
- Fixed issue where autofocus changed after the user had started typing a new message on some pages.
- Removed duplicate quest avatars in the avatar gallery.
- Fixed issue where spoiler main body sections were forcing the user's cursor to point rather than default.
- Fixed issue on member profiles where the total number of views was totally broken - now shows correct values.
- Fixed issue where on clicking a spoiler, the grid layout would not update.
- Fixed issue where on mobile devices, unique/set variants of base items in tooltips would sometimes wrap to the bottom of the tooltip.
- Fixed Moderators/Contributors still able to see the 'Suggest description' button when they can already see the direct 'Edit' button.
- Fixed issue where new topic etc. button on forum type pages were not fully clickable in some areas.
- Fixed first & last border issues on mobile navigation pane.
- Fixed margin between posts in topic review section.
- Fixed broken layout on viewtopic after a post has been soft-deleted (Mods only)
- Fixed phantom margin under latest discussion list in sidebar on mobile.
- Fixed cut-off icons on the /database/ page when item links in overflow state.
- Fixed issue where topic icon button would jump up on mobile due to CSS selectors stepping on each other.
- Fixed issue where on slightly smaller width desktop resolutions, the subforum triple column layout at the top of the forums would not snap.
- Fixed issue where members list table wasn't responding to responsive mrediaquery breakpoints.
- Fixed issue where embedded Tweets weren't loading properly (disabled auto-embedding of Tweets - problem with their embed code atm).
- Fixed various issues on mobile with out of position buttons, broken layouts etc. in most areas of the user and moderator control panels.
- Fixed issue where uninterrupted strings of text would overflow out of code boxes, quotes, mini-panels etc. due to not word breaking.
- Fixed a few elements that weren't being hidden when browsing categories in compact mode
- Fixed poorly positioned read/unread indicators when in an inline icon within a post.
- Fixed post bookmark element height in the 'Saved' section so that it scrolls longer posts rather than take up more vertical space.
- Fixed several issues with the database import script for contributions - looking forward to your inputs!
I didn't have time to get Trade done, but that will be following in the coming weeks. Hope that you guys enjoy all the changes and new features, let me know if you have any questions. As usual, bug reports and feedback welcome.
PS I might be busy this weekend with RL stuff so I'll respond to any immediate bugs or issues then. Hope to start processing contributions Monday.